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Re: Potty training- any ideas?

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My 3 1/2 year old son has been pooping & smearing it

EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!! mostly at nap time or at night.

He also likes to sit in the toilet, and gets himself

soaking wet. Did any of your kids do this & if so,

what helped? I am hoping maybe these are signs that

he's getting closer to potty training. It's a little

exhausting & we're getting ready to tear up his carpet

& put down flooring that will be easier to clean.


--- Cheryl Lowrance <c.lowrance@...> wrote:

> Thanks for all the advice. I've already been

> thinking about the

> plastic cover so now I know I'll definitely give

> those a try.


> Cheryl


> On Dec 15, 2006, at 1:56 PM, catherine quinn wrote:


> > I potty trained my son who was 3yr at the

> time....pre nids, he was

> > on no meds at all...so you can imagine how hyper

> and inattentive he

> > was.

> >

> > It took about 2 weeks total. I don't know if you

> can find them any

> > more, but I put him in old fashioned plastic pants

> over regular

> > underwear. I took him to the bathroom every hour

> and put him on the

> > toilet.

> >

> > He had lots of accidents, but being wet was the

> important thing I

> > couldn't get across in the huggies pull ups. After

> awhile he hated

> > being wet or soiled and learned to get to the

> bathroom before he

> > wet his pants.

> >

> > This is definitely old school but it really works,

> especially with

> > my child who even today can't stand it if a few

> drops of water gets

> > on his clothes, he insists on changing.

> >

> >

> > good luck

> >

> > cat

> >

> > Cheryl Lowrance <c.lowrance@...> wrote:

> > I'm slowly working on potty training with my 3

> year old and I'm

> > wondering if I should stop worrying too much about

> it until after the

> > die off of valtrex and diflucan. Any thoughts on

> this? I'm not in a

> > hurry and he is slowly getting it. I've kind of

> stopped already

> > since he's been sick and we won't start the

> valtrex until after he's

> > feeling better and we won't start the diflucan

> until about 3 weeks

> > after that. So I'm kind of thinking about just

> letting it go for

> > now. He does understand that potty and will use it

> when naked but

> > when he's in diapers or underwear he doesn't get

> that he can still go

> > to the potty. He's getting there slowly and I

> really don't want to

> > push too hard if it's something that I should just

> wait on to make it

> > easier for him.

> >

> > cheryl

> >

> > __________________________________________________

> >

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One thing to do is to make him help clean it up, hand over hand if

need be. Another thing I've heard from other parents is that it's

sometimes a yeast issue. Don't know how true that is as I've not

been there or done. I've also had a few mom's say going gfcf stopped

it (and she had other disgusting issues to deal with). It can be a

behavioral issue or a sensory issue, too. He may like the way it

feels to smear it, he may not like the way it feels on his hand and

butt and is just trying to clean it off his hands, it may be to get

attention, the list goes on. I'll get more info on the poop smearing

on another list I'm on to see what biomed approaches have worked for

others since so many have said yeast in the past if you'd like. Let

me know.

Generally, it isn't really sign of being ready for potty training



On Dec 17, 2006, at 3:18 PM, Curtis and Hackler wrote:

> Hello-


> My 3 1/2 year old son has been pooping & smearing it

> EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!! mostly at nap time or at night.

> He also likes to sit in the toilet, and gets himself

> soaking wet. Did any of your kids do this & if so,

> what helped? I am hoping maybe these are signs that

> he's getting closer to potty training. It's a little

> exhausting & we're getting ready to tear up his carpet

> & put down flooring that will be easier to clean.


> Thanks-

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I've heard of the trick of cutting the feet off of a sleeper that zips up

and then putting it on backward (so it zips it up the back instead of the

front) so the child can't take it off to get at his/her diaper. That's the

only idea I have. Best of luck... that has got to be incredibly



> From: Curtis and Hackler <thehacks@...>

> Reply-< >

> Date: Sun, 17 Dec 2006 15:18:11 -0800 (PST)

> < >

> Subject: Re: Potty training- any ideas?


> Hello-


> My 3 1/2 year old son has been pooping & smearing it

> EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!! mostly at nap time or at night.

> He also likes to sit in the toilet, and gets himself

> soaking wet. Did any of your kids do this & if so,

> what helped? I am hoping maybe these are signs that

> he's getting closer to potty training. It's a little

> exhausting & we're getting ready to tear up his carpet

> & put down flooring that will be easier to clean.

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