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Theresa, immune activation

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Wow,I have never heard of this,My 12 y/o dd with HFA has had genetic

testing,but no one else has.I do not recall that being mentioned.My son with

aspergers became delusional with medication for adhd/and anxiety.He saw

things,got very aggressive.

My oldest daughter who is 25 has strong indications of being manic as

well.Since she became pregnant she is almost intolerable.Do I just google

this to find out more?

Thanks so much


Re: immune activation during preg. schizophrenia



>> She was the best and worst influence of my life,but I wish I knew

>> then,what

>> I know now,she would still be here

>> One of my sisters is dyslexic,I have a bipolar cousin,and 2 asd spectrum

>> kids.I have been dx'd with ADD.I think there is a genetic component

>> involved,but I know that enviromental assault causes the more severe

>> reactions


> Thresa, are you aware of the genetic disorder accute porphyria? It may

> explain

> your Mother's bouts of insanity as well as her extreme sensitivity to

> medications and chemicals. I have porphyria and our family also has

> aspergers,

> ADHD, ADD. Many people with porphyria have been mistaked as being insane

> when

> in fact they are reacting to chemicals, medications, hormones and stress.

> Cheri






> Responsibility for the content of this message lies strictly with

> the original author(s), and is not necessarily endorsed by or the

> opinion of the Research Institute and/or the Parent Coalition.



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It is hardly ever tested for, doctors in the US do not know much about it and

there are only a couple of labs who know how to test correctly. Here's a

couple of good info sites to start with:



Also there is a support group that is very good and you can read the

past posts and files. Subscribe here: porphyria-subscribe

This might be what is going on, I am hypersensitive to almost all Rx meds and

many other chemicals, food additives and my own hormones! And yes, for me the

neuro symptoms

range from vertigo, nausea, seizures, intense nerve pain and limb numbness,

irregular heart rhythm, and severe distress, anxity and hallucinations.

Abdominal pain and dark red brown urine are also common.

Many others at the porphyria group also have children and siblings with

aspergers, ADHD, autism and dsylexia. We do not know if there is a connection.

Hope this isn't what it is, but if so then KNOWLEDGE IS POWER, right? Hugs,


From: <puresleep1@...>

> Subject: Re: Theresa, immune activation


> Cheri,

> Wow,I have never heard of this,My 12 y/o dd with HFA has had genetic

> testing,but no one else has.I do not recall that being mentioned.My son with


> aspergers became delusional with medication for adhd/and anxiety.He saw

> things,got very aggressive.

> My oldest daughter who is 25 has strong indications of being manic as

> well.Since she became pregnant she is almost intolerable.Do I just google

> this to find out more?

> Thanks so much

> Theresa

> Re: immune activation during preg. schizophrenia

> >>

> >

> >> She was the best and worst influence of my life,but I wish I knew

> >> then,what

> >> I know now,she would still be here

> >> One of my sisters is dyslexic,I have a bipolar cousin,and 2 asd spectrum

> >> kids.I have been dx'd with ADD.I think there is a genetic component

> >> involved,but I know that enviromental assault causes the more severe

> >> reactions

> >

> > Thresa, are you aware of the genetic disorder accute porphyria? It may

> > explain

> > your Mother's bouts of insanity as well as her extreme sensitivity to

> > medications and chemicals. I have porphyria and our family also has

> > aspergers,

> > ADHD, ADD. Many people with porphyria have been mistaked as being insane

> > when

> > in fact they are reacting to chemicals, medications, hormones and stress.

> > Cheri

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Thank you so much,I found a few sites on my own but it seemed very

difficult to determine if someone did have it or not.It does seem to sound

exactly like what was going on with my mom though

thank you


Re: immune activation during preg. schizophrenia

>> >>

>> >

>> >> She was the best and worst influence of my life,but I wish I knew

>> >> then,what

>> >> I know now,she would still be here

>> >> One of my sisters is dyslexic,I have a bipolar cousin,and 2 asd

>> >> spectrum

>> >> kids.I have been dx'd with ADD.I think there is a genetic component

>> >> involved,but I know that enviromental assault causes the more severe

>> >> reactions

>> >

>> > Thresa, are you aware of the genetic disorder accute porphyria? It may

>> > explain

>> > your Mother's bouts of insanity as well as her extreme sensitivity to

>> > medications and chemicals. I have porphyria and our family also has

>> > aspergers,

>> > ADHD, ADD. Many people with porphyria have been mistaked as being

>> > insane

>> > when

>> > in fact they are reacting to chemicals, medications, hormones and

>> > stress.

>> > Cheri






> Responsibility for the content of this message lies strictly with

> the original author(s), and is not necessarily endorsed by or the

> opinion of the Research Institute and/or the Parent Coalition.



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