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Re: Need some help please

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My daughter sees a Pediatric Neurologist and he doesn't know much about

Apraxia. I have posted here before about who to see for an Apraxia

diagnosis and Dr. Laveman recommended that I look for a Developmental or

Behavioral Pediatrician. I was also wondering myself if the ST could make a

diagnosis. Why can't the Pediatrician make the diagnosis? My daughter does

not see a pediatrician we go to my family doctor, who is an older gentleman,

but I do like him. My problem is that I cannot seem to locate one in my

area. So, if anyone knows where to go to search for one in my area, let me

know. Hope this helps.

Thank you,




>ive posted once or twice about my daughter sara (19 months with coloboma,

>vsd, pfo, a broad range of developmental delays, severe ankle pronation,

>choroid plexus cyst and so on )


>she is involved in the early intervention and has a terrific team of


>that do everything they can for her.

>our problem is this::


>sara is only getting speech therapy once a week through early intervention

>(she receives pt and ot once a week as well) but her doctors feel that she

>should be receiving speech therapy 3 times a week.

>there is no way we can afford to pay for private therapy, we have 4 other

>children, and sara's medical bills are overwhelming us as it is. our

>insurance wont cover speech therapy because " speech delay " is not a medical

>condition they say. there is another program which could be of some help


>us (it was called crippled childrens, cant remember what its called now)

>but to qualify sara has to meet certain diagnostic criteria, which she does


>so i think the thing we need is to have a diagnosis. there have been a few

>possible diagnosises (sp?) such as apraxia, dyspraxia and a couple others,

>but so far there has been nothing " official " .

>now let me say first that i am not looking to label my child for any


>other than receiving the care she needs.

>so, how would i go about getting an official diagnosis? her ped and her


>are both at a loss for what to do.

>would it be something to see a developmental ped for? or neurology?

>or something else??

>please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>thanks in advance



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Hi Tami!

I know some of the professionals like Dr. Agin will answer your

question for you, but until they do, here is some archived info we

have found helpful for insurance. I know your child doesn't have

a label yet (poss. dyspraxia /apraxia) you can pull from below. Also, if you

let us know what state you live in Carnell

can help you with support sources for your area. I can't tell you

how highly I recommend seeing a neurodevelopmental doctor. For many

or most of us that did see a good one it changed our children's life

in helping immediately to secure appropriate therapies through school

and insurance, as well as helped better learn how to help our

children. We are there for you, and again you will be receiving

answers from professionals both onlist and in private! -

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Is there a reason that she can not get more days through EI? My

daughter gets all her therapies 3x a week, 1 hour each session. You

can have your doctor write a prescription for the increase in

therapy and they should be able to. If they don't you can protest it

and have the doctor write a more formal letter concerning your

daughter's needs. If there is some reason that is valid as to why

it can not be increased, you could try Easter Seals. Also, The

Knights of Colombus are very cheritable.


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  • 2 years later...

Tonya wrote:

> How do I make the following EO's?


> Eucalyptus

> Wintergreen

> Spearmint

> Peppermint

> Evening primose

> Sesame

> Jojoba

> Sweet almond

> Aloe Vera


> Has anyone ever tried using baby oil in their EO receipes? If so, what

> was the result? Is it ok to use baby oil?


> How do i make a salve?


> What is frangapini?


> Thank you


Hi Tonya,

Eucalyptus, wintergreen, spearmint, peppermint, and evening primrose are

all steam distilled. Sesame, jojoba, sweet almond and all cold pressed.

I wouldn't use baby oil as it contains mineral oil and synthetic

fragrances. Mineral oil is a petroleum product and is not something that

is good for your skin or body. You would be best using a quality cold

pressed nut or seed oil.

Frangipani (Plumeria rubra) is a tropical tree of the south seas and

India. It has a wonderful smelling flower that they extract as an

absolute. Veerrrrryyyyy expensive. Not quite as expensive as Jasmine but

still very pricey stuff. Really wonderful smelling too.

You can find out how to make a salve in the files I do believe.


Peace, love and light,

Don Quai

" Spirit sleeps in the mineral, breathes in the vegetable, dreams in the animal

and wakes in man. "

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RDAugustine wrote:

> Hey Don, Do you have a water distiller? Just out of curiosity could a

> person use one to distill EO like these? I can't afford a distiller

> but found one on ebay for fairly reasonable.


> diane in nw mt


Hi Diane,

Your assignment for the week is to give it a try. :-) However, don't

expect to use your distiller for drinking water anytime soon. No I don't

have a water distiller yet. I am still looking for a good European

supplier of a decent one. So I am still relying on the store bought

distilled water for now. Personally, I don't think that a water

distiller will do a very good job for extracting essential oils. Just

kind of the wrong design. Normally, to distill essential oils out of

herbs, the herb material is usually suspended over the water and the

steam passes through the herb material taking the essential oils with it

out the top of the vessel through a condenser and into a collecting

vessel where the oil and water can be separated. Not an easy thing to do

with a home water distillation unit. Now if you wish to take your nice

stainless steel pressure canner, drill a new hole in the lid and add

some copper tubing (condenser) run it through a wash tub filled with ice

or very cold water and let it drain into a glass jar then you might be

able to make it work. You will need a rack to place the herbs onto to

keep them above the water so that the steam will pass through them.

Basically a moonshine still. Hehehe

Peace be with you Diane.


Peace, love and light,

Don Quai

" Spirit sleeps in the mineral, breathes in the vegetable, dreams in the animal

and wakes in man. "

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