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OT: learn about immunizations

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It is about time that this article was written!

Before you bang the mercury drum, LEARN about immunizations.

SEE what other nasty things are included with mercury

(aluminum for one - how many of you know the connection

between breast cancer and aluminum in deodorant?)

READ what they do to your immune system.

THINK about what might happen if you have a compromised

immune system (genes, sickness, allergies) and you get innoculated ...

NOTE the amount of vaccines given compared to when some of

us were kids (in the 60s)

WHY are they innoculating kids so early with so much?



How Vaccines Compromise the Immune System

Questions persist regarding vaccine efficacy and safety.

By Louise Valentine, Epoch Times New York Staff


The presupposition is that vaccines are protecting us from deadly

diseases. A common observation is the occurrence of a flu-like illness in

those who have received the flu vaccine. According to the CDC (Centers for

Disease Control) the efficacy of the flu vaccine in the elderly is 30 to 40

percent. In many cases, the subject does not need immunizing, such as

newborns from healthy mothers who receive the hepatitis B vaccine. Mumps,

rubella and chickenpox tend not to be deadly diseases. People whose children

have become autistic, hyperactive, allergic or autoimmune have blamed the

vaccines. How can vaccines cause diseases when they are supposed to protect

us from them?

Our immune systems most effectively attack invading organisms that are

inhaled, ingested or touched. The first line of defense against viruses and

bacteria is immunoglobulin A (IgA), which is found in the mucosal linings of

our noses and intestines and in our saliva. A deficiency of IgA causes

allergies and frequent colds.

Injecting a disease bypasses this first line of defense. When bypassed

the IgA transmutes to immunoglobulin E (IgE), the harbinger for recurrent

infections. As the B cells, that make antibodies to antigens, increase,

activated by the antigens in the vaccine, the T cells, which are responsible

for cell-based immunity and cell memory, decrease. Cell memory makes those

of us who have actually experienced the disease completely immune

thereafter, whereas those who get vaccines sometimes get what they were

vaccinated for: whooping cough, measles or chickenpox. Since 1979, with the

rare exception of someone coming into this country with polio, the live oral

polio vaccine has caused all other cases of polio in the U.S.

The virus in any vaccine is cultured on tissue from monkeys, chicks or

aborted fetuses, which have produced antigens that cannot be filtered out.

These antigens can affect the human body. For example, the antibody to the

myelin (the protective sheath around nerves) protein from chick cell culture

can cross react with human tissue, causing myelin destruction of the vaccine

receiver, which can cause ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder),

mental retardation, Lou Gehrig's disease, multiple sclerosis, seizures and

other autoimmune disorders.

Another cause of these autoimmune conditions is molecular mimicry. The

measles virus has proteins very similar to those in myelin, so the

antibodies setting out to destroy the virus end up destroying the myelin of

those vaccinated, causing postvaccinal encephalomyelitis, which has been

renamed autism.

The hyperactivity of the B cells make autoantibodies that attack

different tissues, causing allergies, Crohn's disease, colitis, juvenile

diabetes and other autoimmune problems, depending on the targeted tissue.

Most of these problems appear in children who undergo heavy vaccination

programs. Many of our veterans, also heavily vaccinated, have neurological


The ingredients of vaccines do not include eye of newt, which would at

least contain vitamin A, but they do contain an impressive array of toxic

substances in addition to the actual viruses. There are antibiotics that can

cause reactions in those who are allergic, aluminum that has been implicated

in the promotion of Alzheimer's disease, MSG and egg proteins, both of which

are allergens for some people, another allergen, thimerosal, a neurotoxin,

formaldehyde, a carcinogen and aborted fetal tissue, which compromises the

beliefs of those against abortion.

This article barely scratches the surface of the true nature of

vaccines. We take them and give them to our kids out of fear and because

schools and programs have excluded those who refuse vaccinations. One out of

six children is labeled learning disabled, one out of 166 children is

autistic, most of whom are boys. The numbers have risen in proportion to the

number of vaccines given.

SOURCES: www.drcarley.com , thinktwice.com ,

accessexcellence.org/AE/AEC/CC/polio.html and www.cdc.gov

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