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Subject: Natural Heavy Metal Detox

Hi everyone, there’s a great new detoxification product on the market that I

wanted to let you know about which I’m excited to report is a US patented

product (see below for patent info) called Natural Cellular Defense, or NCD

for short. It’s scientifically proven to quickly, safely and easily remove

heavy metals like mercury from our systems which is determined through hair,

blood and urine analysis. It is easy to take and completely non-invasive - a

great alternative to needles, tests and all the things our children are

subjected to.

This is really important for all of us, as it is an important breakthrough

in detoxifying the body of heavy metals and other chemical and environmental


As someone who has a child with autism, I know there are many options

available to consider, however, I feel that it is definitely worth while to

explore every viable option and learn about this inexpensive and effective


It also captures *viral particles and thus prevents a virus from

replicating. It's patented as an anticancer

agent and, according to the patent, " has a 100% kill rate within 72 hours


Epithelial cell cancers. " 85% of all cancers are epithelial.

Epithelial cells are skin tissues that cover and line the body. They cover

all the body's organs

(Throat, lung, heart, breast, prostate, kidneys, liver, ovaries and colon)

and line the body's cavities

(including the inside of the chest and abdominal cavity).

In a recent 14-month case study with 65 stage four cancer patients that just


a few months ago, 51 (78%) were in remission after taking NCD.

This Thursday evening, at 8:00 pm Mountain time, there is a conference call

that you can listen in on,

with the head of the company's scientific advisory board, Rik Dietsch.

, founder of Autism Today will be on the call asking several

questions of Rik. I also pasted a product review by Dr. Cousens


THURSDAY, January 12, 8:00 pm MOUNTAIN

CALL: 435-871-6050

CODE: 222444#

Or you can learn more by visiting:


Sincerely, Leigh


Natural Cellular Defense


United States Patent 6,288,045 Kaufman

September 11, 2001 Epithelial cell cancer drug

Downloaded from the US Government Patent website

www.uspto.gov/ do a patent number search for 6,288,045

www.zeopatent.com/ direct link to the patent


A method of treating epithelial cell cancer comprising administering to a

mammalian patient diagnosed as having an epithelial cell cancer a

therapeutically effective amount of 4,5 di-cyclo, disilico, dimagnesium,

dialumino, oxyo, trihydrate, or its acetate, sulfate, hydrochlorate, or

brominate salts.

The composition is synthesized from a naturally occurring non-toxic

zeolites, and has a 100% kill rate within 72 hours against buccal mucosa

and ling squamous epithelial cell cancers. It is not cytoxic to healthy

human cells.

Inventors: Kaufman; Harvey (Hudson, OH)

Assignee: Lifelink Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Stow, OH)

Appl. No.: 591701

Filed: June 9, 2000

Current U.S. Class: 514/63; 556/173

Intern'l Class: C07F 007/02; A61K 031/695

Field of Search: 514/63 556/173

References Cited [Referenced By]

U.S. Patent Documents 4017599

Apr., 1977 Rubino 424/47.

Foreign Patent Documents

19755921 Jun., 1999 DE., WO 99/30580 Jun., 1999 WO.

Primary Examiner: O'Sullivan;

Attorney, Agent or Firm: Moxon, II; W., McDowell; Brouse

Natural Cellular Defense

Product Review by Cousens, M.D.

It is amazing that every year 10.9 million people across the globe are

diagnosed with cancer and 6.7 million people die because of cancer. This is

about 12% of all global deaths. The U.S. ranks in the top three countries

with the highest rate of cancer in both men and women. This is not an

accident. 70,000 chemicals, according to the E.P.A., are used commercially.

65,000 of those 70,000 are potentially hazardous to our health. According to

the Environmental Defense Council, more than 4 billion pounds of toxic

chemicals are released into the environment each year, of which 72 million

pounds are known carcinogens.

These cancer-causing agents end up in our air, our water, and our food. In

other words, we, like everybody else in the world, are surrounded by

carcinogens, and we have to use what we as human beings have used all along

for survival: a certain amount of cleverness and thoughtfulness in our lives

to counteract the lack of consciousness that the corporations and ourselves

are living with. Different tests on the blood and urine of adult Americans

have found a total of 167 compounds, with an average of 91 compounds in each

person. Of these 167 compounds, 76 are known to cause cancer, and 94 are

toxic to the nervous system. 82 effect the lungs, 86 effect hormones, and 79

cause birth defects. In unborn babies, the Red Cross has found a total of

287 chemicals in the baby's blood; 180 are known to cause cancer, 217 are

toxic to the brain and nervous system, and 208 cause birth defects in

animals. Our future generations are explicitly at risk. and his

associate, Kevala, are working to develop a detoxification system for

pre-pregnant mothers. Wouldn’t it be nice to find a simple, natural remedy

that can act as a practical antidote for this situation so we can bring

non-toxic babies into the world?

Our problems don’t just stop with carcinogens. Some estimates show as much

25% of Americans suffer from some degree of heavy metal poisoning, the

biggest ones being mercury, lead, cadmium and arsenic. We are exposed to

radioactivity as well in a major way. The Chernobyl disaster is just one

example of this. Immune systems are compromised by lifestyle and toxic

exposure. Zeolites were used to neutralize radioactive cesium and

strontium-90 by the Russians.

People are exposed to increasing viral attacks; free-radical buildup from

radiation and other toxic chemicals has been seen as one of the causes or

contributors to increased aging and cancer. People are living in an acid

environment, having acid thoughts, acid foods, and an acid lifestyle; people

are becoming, obviously, more acid. Acidity creates the pre-conditions for

cancer, viral, bacterial, and fungal infections, as well as downgrading

brain function.

In ’s search for a simple approach to this, he has come across a

natural compound called zeolite. Zeolite, in general, has been used for 800

years as a traditional remedy throughout Asia to promote overall health and

well-being, 30 years in the U.S. with animals, and 13 years of

pharmaceutical research in the U.S. with humans. Zeolite is naturally

created as an alchemical gift from God, combining the four elements – air,

earth, water, and fire – as the lava, the earth and fire energy of

volcanoes, erupted and the lava and ash poured into the sea. The combination

of the ash and the salt from the sea, as well as the lava, caused a chemical

reaction, and over thousands of years certain precious minerals like

zeolites began to be formed.

A biochemist from a small pharmaceutical company in Ohio was intrigued by

the power of zeolites. He researched it and purified it, and found some

amazingly powerful effects from it. He was given a patent # 6,288,045 by the

U.S. government. has read the scientific research, the patent

papers, and the research monographed by Rik J. Deitsch, a nutritional and

research biochemist, who is president of NDA Consulting, Inc., a

biotechnology research group. He is also Chairman of the Waiora Scientific

Advisory Board, and he is in charge of all the research concerning this

natural healing substance. After talking with him and reading the

literature, it is clear that they may have discovered what seems to be one

of the most potent natural preventatives, and perhaps even treatments, for

cancer. In a recently completed preliminary 14-month open label study by

Life Link Pharmaceuticals with 65 Level Four, terminal-stage cancer

patients, sent home to die, 51 of the patients (or 78%) experienced complete

remissions (which means complete disappearance of the cancer). It appears to

be effective for all forms of cancer, leukemia, and lymphoma.

The mechanism of action is quite interesting for cancer. Theoretically, the

zeolites in Natural Cellular Defense, which are in a certain structure that

is negatively charged, take in a tremendous amount of positively charged

heavy metals, pesticides, and herbicides. Therefore, these zeolites

indirectly neutralize their effect in causing cancer. Then, because of this

interaction, the zeolites become slightly positively charged and are

attracted to the negatively charged membrane of the cancer cell, and are

pulled right into the cancer cells. When the zeolite moves inside the cell,

the P21 gene is activated. P21 acts as a tumor suppressor through its

ability to control cell cycle progression. The activation of P21 appears to

halt the growth of tumors by directly suppressing growth signals.

In in-vitro studies, all cancer cells tested were destroyed in 72 hours,

which is a claim no other substance has been able to make. The beauty of it,

of course, is that there are no side effects because it specifically targets

cancer cells. ’s primary interest is in cancer prevention and

preparing mothers for a healthy pregnancy. We want to note the significance

of the preliminary study that shows approximately 78% of the people

diagnosed with terminal cancer are now in remission. Even so, Natural

Cellular Defense is still in preliminary research phase as a cancer

treatment and it is too soon to claim that this is a cure for cancer.

In terms of the heavy metals, which are a major, major problem, as well as

pesticides and herbicides, furans and dioxins, etc., we can say that Natural

Cellular Defense acts in a chelation-like effect to remove heavy metals,

pesticides, herbicides, and other positively charged toxins from the system.

It seems to do this in a hierarchical manner. It first acts strongly to

remove lead, mercury, cadmium, and arsenic. Once it has removed those from

the system, which may take at least one to four weeks, it then acts in the

second level priority. This is a chelation-like effect that removes the

pesticides, herbicides, plastics, and so forth. Natural Cellular Defense

seems to increase the rate of glucuronization in the liver. This appears to

be the main reason why there seem to be more pesticides, herbicides, and

xeno-estrogens being released through the urine when we take it, as it

activates phase II of the glucuronidase function in the liver, which removes

pesticides, herbicides, and xeno-estrogen from the body. It also directly

protects people against aflatoxin poisoning by neutralizing the aflotoxin


The third priority in zeolite’s mechanism is to act as a natural trap of

pre-virus components, preventing the replication of viruses, and therefore

their ability to make us sick. The way it takes out the heavy metals as well

as the pesticides and herbicides in a chelation-like effect is that within

the structure of the zeolite, there are certain ”cages,” inside of which are

positive ions. The positive ions switch places with the heavy metals and

positively charged pesticides and herbicides, and tightly bind them. One of

the qualities of this way of binding of toxins is that the toxins are 100%

excreted. The heavy metals leave the system through excretion; they do not

get deposited in other places. 40% of it binds the heavy metals in the

gastrointestinal tract, and 60% of it binds toxins in the bloodstream and at

the cellular level. An additional part of zeolite’s binding power was also

proven at the Chernobyl disaster, where tons of it were used to remove

radioactive cesium and strontium-90 before it reached their water systems,

acting primarily as a chelator. It allowed those radioactive minerals to be

trapped in the crystalline cage structure of the zeolite.

Zeolite also acts as a unique antioxidant in that it does not work like the

traditional antioxidants, which, in essence, act as a way to take up the

excess free radicals. What Natural Cellular Defense does is simply traps the

free radicals in its complex structure. It inactivates the free radicals

and, again, eliminates them from the system. In this way it acts

complimentarily to the traditional antioxidants that absorb the free

radicals into their system because they have an unpaired electron.

In addition, zeolite acts as what we would call a local buffer. Wherever it

is, it buffers the system towards slightly alkaline (pH 7.35 to 7.45), which

is a perfect buffer for the optimum pH for the human body that we want.

Research has also shown that, in a way that is not entirely clear, zeolite

acts to regulate the immune system, either up-regulating it or

down-regulating it according to the situation. This is very important in a

world in which most people¹s immune systems are seriously and continually

being compromised. An acid pH of the blood, 7.34 or lower, not only creates

the preconditions for cancer, but acid brain cells or neurons malfunction

and have been shown to lead to depression, anxiety, stupor, paranoia,

delusions, hallucinations, and even psychosis.

The final role that zeolite plays is as a broad-spectrum anti-viral. What it

does in this function is block virus production by a general mechanism of

absorbing viral parts before the virus can replicate. This supports why it

seems to be effective in many viral infections, such as flus and colds. 40

reported cured cases of herpes zoster, and anectodal cases of helping with

multiple sclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis have been reported. It does

this because viruses produce everything in parts in a production line, and

at the end they put it all together. What zeolite does is literally absorb

the viral parts into the “pores” – not the cages (the chelating like parts)

– but literally into the pores of the mirconized zeolite aggregates. It

seems to be effective for herpes virus 1, coxsachie virus B-5, ecco-virus 7,

and also adeno virus 5. wants to be clear that its effect as an

anti-viral is not necessarily immediate, but only seems to happen after you

have been on it for about four to six weeks, and the heavy metals,

pesticides, and herbicides have been mostly pulled out. Natural Cellular

Defense’s anti-viral role behavior is part of zeolite’s the third level down

in its hierarchy of priorities. Again, this is a preventative measure that

builds up over time. Yet, over 40 cases of herpes zoster have gone pain-free

in 1-3 days. Anecdotal testimonies have shown it to be effective in stopping

flus, colds, hepatitis C, and virally or heavy-metal caused multiple


Because Natural Cellular Defense has such as a powerful effect on removing

all levels of toxins from the body, it naturally increases energy and

well-being. It has even been shown to improve clarity, wellness, and a sense

of peace and happiness, and have an anti-depression effect. These are what

we may call all the positive secondary effects. For example, by clearing out

the heavy metals, it allows the magnesium in the body to work with the ATP.

ATP, or adenosine triphosphate, is the biological source of energy in the

body. When that is working better, you are going to have more energy and

more well-being. It also, however, which is perhaps more fascinating, there

has been one study that showed Natural Cellular Defense seemed to help

increase serotonin levels in the system. Therefore we can theorize this is

one reason people feel better, because increasing serotonin is one of the

things that helps depression. One study has even suggested it is helpful for

treating depression.

One unique thing about zeolite is that it is considered by the FDA as

“completely safe.” It is listed on the GRAS list (generally recognized as

safe). According to its use over the last 800 years in feed for all sorts of

animals, and in humans and pregnant mothers on an anecdotal basis, Natural

Cellular Defense seems to be safe to take for mothers who are pregnant and

who are breastfeeding. There do not seem to be any side effects. However,

there is a contraindication of which to be aware. Because of its natural

action to absorb water, it can cause dehydration. Whenever you are taking

Natural Cellular Defense, it is important to drink a lot of water. It is

also important to drink plenty of water before you start taking it to

hydrate yourself for several days. Zeolite is also contraindicated when

taking any medications with heavy metals, such as lithium, or with the use

of medications containing platinum.


The general treatment for everyone is 10 drops of Natural Cellular Defense

three times a day, with or without meals. As support as part of cancer

prevention, or as an addition to a cancer program, 15 drops 3-4 times per

day is recommended. Zeolite remains active in the body for a period of six

hours, and then needs to be replenished. Children can use 2 drops, 3 times a

day, as a general dose.

Once you have taken 10 drops three times per day for three to six weeks,

then you can drop down to 3-5 drops three times a day on an ongoing basis,

and increase the dosage when there is a viral attack, chemical exposure,

chemtrail exposure, or other exposure. Zeolite is a gift from God to

antidote our very difficult environmental conditions, which keep us from

being our fullest, healthiest, clearest, joyful, God-merged beings that we

are meant to be.

- 15 drops, 3 times a day equals about 3 bottles a month. (acute conditions)

- 10 drops, 3 times a day, is about 1-2 bottles a month. (normal initial

start for 3-6 weeks)

- 3 drops, 3 times a day is about 1 bottle per 4-5 weeks. (ongoing


and Shanti are taking Natural Cellular Defense; feels that

it is obvious that everyone who is living in the industrial world should be

taking it on a regular basis. What believes we have here is a most

unique, natural substance that is formed alchemically by nature, as a gift

from God to help us face our present-day health challenges due to with

ecological ignorance. In Ayurveda, we call it prajna prathara: crimes

against nature.

Re: Nexavir - Is this safe? What trials?

Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 12:20:16 -0800 (PST)

, I really appreciate your support and ability to see the bigger

picture. Unfortunately the problems with false information permeates more

than just our government. At least when it comes to government we can see

that there are people from both sides of the political spectrum who care

about the accuracy of information we receive.

Porter (R-Ill.)

Senator Durbin (D-Ill.)

The Union of Concerned Scientists today applauded Congress for outlawing the

deliberate dissemination of false or misleading scientific information at

the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The law, which was tucked

away in the HHS appropriations bill the president signed on Friday, also

prohibits questioning scientific advisory panel nominees about their

political affiliation, voting history and positions on topics unrelated to

the capacity in which they are to serve.

" If your doctor gives you misleading scientific information, it's called

malpractice, " said Dr. Francesca Grifo, senior scientist and director of the

Scientific Integrity Program at the Union of Concerned Scientists. " It

should already have been illegal for political appointees in government

posts to knowingly provide false information, so this ban at HHS represents

a modest but important first step in ensuring scientific integrity in

federal policy-making and better health care for us all. " Health and Human

Services comprises a dozen important health-related government agencies such

as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, The National Institutes

of Health, and the Food and Drug Administration.

In recent years, scientists who have been nominated to serve on committees

advising the HHS Department on issues such as drug abuse and stem cell

research have been evaluated based on their political affiliations, campaign

contributions or ideological beliefs rather than scientific qualifications.

Moreover, information vital to Americans' safety has been suppressed or

distorted, such as the data about dangers associated with widely used

medications such as Vioxx.

Introduced by Senator Durbin (D-Ill.), the legislation was an

amendment attached to the Labor, Health, Human Services and Related Agencies

Appropriations bill in response to concerns raised by leading U.S.

scientists during the past two years. More than 8,400 U.S. scientists,

including 49 Nobel laureates, 63 National Medal of Science recipients, and

169 members of the National Academies have signed a statement calling for an

end to the political interference with science. In addition, a National

Academy of Sciences (NAS) panel, chaired by former Congressman Porter

(R-Ill.), released a report in November 2004 that found political litmus

tests were being applied in the selection of scientific advisory committees.

The NAS report stated that " t is no more appropriate to ask experts to

provide non-relevant information—such as voting record, political party

affiliation, or position on particular policies—than to ask them other

personal and immaterial information, such as hair color or height. "

" Americans should be able to trust that our leaders are making decisions

about our health and safety with input from the nation's best scientists, "

said Grifo. " Policy makers must rely on impartial and objective scientific

information, not information or experts that best fit an ideology. "

Responsibility for the content of this message lies strictly with the

original author(s), and is not necessarily endorsed by or the opinion of the

Research Institute and/or the Parent Coalition.

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> Subject: Natural Heavy Metal Detox

So this stuff chelates Hg, lead, cadmium and arsenic, AND kills cancer

cells, AND is antiviral? Color me skeptical. Do you have any

information not part of the marketing materials?


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> So this stuff chelates Hg, lead, cadmium and arsenic, AND kills cancer

> cells, AND is antiviral? Color me skeptical. Do you have any

> information not part of the marketing materials?

Nell, I'm with you there.

While I would take a bath in this stuff, I don't think I would want to give it

internally to my kid. I understand that outside the body might act as a

sponge, but why would I want it internally? A zeolite is an alumino- or

silicate-oxigen structure, if I understand this correctly. Maybe my

understanding is simplistic, but do I want to put aluminum in my body? Ok, I

get it, the structure remains intact, but does it? And if it attracts so many

things, how do I know that it won't attract things I don't want taken out of

my body?

I guess if I had cancer I would be more than willing to try this stuff, but

until there is more research done to find out exactly what it does and how it

does it internally... I don't think I want to give it for autism, no matter

how good of a sponge this stuff is.

The name sounds kind of familiar. Was this stuff discussed on the list before?


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Great let me know


Importance: High

I ordered this and just received it in the mail today. I will let you know

if it works for my son.


RE: [ ] (scam) Free Groceries!

Thanks, I wasn't interested because even if " legit " I was sure it didn't

cover food we would eat and wanted to point out to others that saving


doesn't make sense if one ends up buying junk instead of real food. I

should have just reported it as spam.


> <BR> <BR> <BR> I bring my kids to this local playgroup to meet with

> other moms and<BR>


> kids in the area. Three weeks ago the leader decided that we would<BR>


> have a contest to see who could make the biggest savings at the<BR>


> supermarket (percentage savings) The rules were pretty simple you

> had<BR>


> to purchase at least $50 worth of groceries prior to the coupon<BR>


> savings. Whoever had the greatest percentage savings in the three<BR>


> week period would win a motorized jeep (donated by a local toy

> store)<BR>


> for their child(ren). I always thought of myself as a savings guru<BR>


> and figured I had a great chance at winning this. In fact when I<BR>


> saved 63% on one of my shopping trips, I was sure that the jeep

> was<BR>


> ours! Last Friday we met and turned in our grocery receipts. I<BR>


> couldn't believe when turned in her receipts showing a

> savings<BR>


> of 82% I had to look at the receipt 5 times. She actually got<BR>


> $143.87 worth of groceries for only $15.89! She also had a pocket<BR>


> full of other receipts where she saved: 82%, 79%, 71% and 69%. I<BR>


> asked her the natural question how did you do this? She told me

> that<BR>


> she signed on to a program at: > href= " <a

> href= " http://www.savingsexplosion.com " >http://www.savingsexplosion.com

> </a> " ><a

> href= " http://www.savingsexplosion.com " >http://www.savingsexplosion.com

> </a> <BR> She<BR>


> had saw a television show for this and thought it was worth trying<BR>


> out. Well like the other moms at the playgroup I couldn't wait to<BR>


> sign up! It took about 6 days to get my sampler package in the

> mail<BR>


> and sure enough I began experiencing the same savings that she

> gets.<BR>


> We all really need all the help we can get with the soaring prices<BR>


> of everything that is why I am taking the time to share this

> story.<BR>


> <BR>


> <BR>


> <BR>


> <BR>


> <BR>

> <BR>

> <BR>

> <BR>

> <BR>

> <BR>



> <BR>

> =======================================================<BR>



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Yep, sounds like a snake-oil pitch to me as well!

-------------- Original message --------------

From: " " <hilarydowning@...>

Here's a writeup on it from NewsTarget:


> So this stuff chelates Hg, lead, cadmium and arsenic, AND kills


> cells, AND is antiviral? Color me skeptical. Do you have any

> information not part of the marketing materials?


> Nell



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sorry but when someone starts off saying something like this and i

quote: " My level of interest in this product is due solely to its

apparent potential for ending suffering, not from any financial

reward on my part -- because, again, I have absolutely no financial

ties to this product or its manufacturer " ....

my rip off sensors kick into action. There are guys and gals who

would rival dick turpin in the autism business, and you have to be

so careful.


> Yep, sounds like a snake-oil pitch to me as well!



> -------------- Original message --------------

> From: " " <hilarydowning@y...>

> Here's a writeup on it from NewsTarget:

> http://www.newstarget.com/015232.html



> > So this stuff chelates Hg, lead, cadmium and arsenic, AND kills

> cancer

> > cells, AND is antiviral? Color me skeptical. Do you have any

> > information not part of the marketing materials?

> >

> > Nell

> >







> =======================================================


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I know, I know...but this is Mike ...I usually find him to be

pretty accurate.

Mike wrote:

Vaccines found to contain mercury; are vaccinations safe?


How to get mercury fillings removed without exposing yourself to

toxic mercury vapor


The mass poisoning of humanity: an exploration of human stupidity


I think this is a product to watch. I'm keeping my ears and eyes

open for more news on it. I agree it pays to be careful, and not

jump on anything too quickly.


ps My level of interest in this product is due solely to its

apparent potential for ending suffering, not from any financial

reward on my part -- because I have absolutely no financial

ties to this product or its manufacturer....LOL

pps I hate MLMS


> sorry but when someone starts off saying something like this and i

> quote: " My level of interest in this product is due solely to its

> apparent potential for ending suffering, not from any financial

> reward on my part -- because, again, I have absolutely no


> ties to this product or its manufacturer " ....


> my rip off sensors kick into action. There are guys and gals who

> would rival dick turpin in the autism business, and you have to be

> so careful.



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I'm trying it on recomendations of a Doctor I admire..only for the fact it " may "

adjust the PH level

something I was never able to do.. wish us luck

In addition, zeolite acts as what we would call a local buffer. Wherever it

is, it buffers the system towards slightly alkaline (pH 7.35 to 7.45), which

is a perfect buffer for the optimum pH for the human body that we want.

Research has also shown that, in a way that is not entirely clear, zeolite

acts to regulate the immune system, either up-regulating it or

down-regulating it according to the situation. This is very important in a

world in which most people¹s immune systems are seriously and continually

being compromised. An acid pH of the blood, 7.34 or lower, not only creates

the preconditions for cancer, but acid brain cells or neurons malfunction

and have been shown to lead to depression, anxiety, stupor, paranoia,

delusions, hallucinations, and even psychosis.

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  • 3 weeks later...



Importance: High

I ordered this and just received it in the mail today. I will let you know

if it works for my son.


RE: [ ] (scam) Free Groceries!

Thanks, I wasn't interested because even if " legit " I was sure it didn't

cover food we would eat and wanted to point out to others that saving


doesn't make sense if one ends up buying junk instead of real food. I

should have just reported it as spam.


> <BR> <BR> <BR> I bring my kids to this local playgroup to meet with

> other moms and<BR>


> kids in the area. Three weeks ago the leader decided that we would<BR>


> have a contest to see who could make the biggest savings at the<BR>


> supermarket (percentage savings) The rules were pretty simple you

> had<BR>


> to purchase at least $50 worth of groceries prior to the coupon<BR>


> savings. Whoever had the greatest percentage savings in the three<BR>


> week period would win a motorized jeep (donated by a local toy

> store)<BR>


> for their child(ren). I always thought of myself as a savings guru<BR>


> and figured I had a great chance at winning this. In fact when I<BR>


> saved 63% on one of my shopping trips, I was sure that the jeep

> was<BR>


> ours! Last Friday we met and turned in our grocery receipts. I<BR>


> couldn't believe when turned in her receipts showing a

> savings<BR>


> of 82% I had to look at the receipt 5 times. She actually got<BR>


> $143.87 worth of groceries for only $15.89! She also had a pocket<BR>


> full of other receipts where she saved: 82%, 79%, 71% and 69%. I<BR>


> asked her the natural question how did you do this? She told me

> that<BR>


> she signed on to a program at: > href= " <a

> href= " http://www.savingsexplosion.com " >http://www.savingsexplosion.com

> </a> " ><a

> href= " http://www.savingsexplosion.com " >http://www.savingsexplosion.com

> </a> <BR> She<BR>


> had saw a television show for this and thought it was worth trying<BR>


> out. Well like the other moms at the playgroup I couldn't wait to<BR>


> sign up! It took about 6 days to get my sampler package in the

> mail<BR>


> and sure enough I began experiencing the same savings that she

> gets.<BR>


> We all really need all the help we can get with the soaring prices<BR>


> of everything that is why I am taking the time to share this

> story.<BR>


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> =======================================================<BR>



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  • 4 weeks later...

So for he has had more sponteneous language.


>From: JLJMCB@...

>Date: Tue Feb 28 09:31:03 CST 2006







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