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Re: Autism and antibiotics study**have faith!!**

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Have faith, the PANDAS treatment with ERY does really work. My

oldest started with of a ASO titer of 900, and with Enrythemyecin

treatments 333mg 3x daily for 2 yrs (maybe a little less) he is now

normal on his ASO titers. He really did bounce back great, he is

doing great academically and is really matured nicely. He was

definitely, but at the begining you would have said he was ADD, now

I have removed that label everywhere on his records.

Now, my other guy has had a really rough time, his ASO titer when we

started was like 1166, its now around 400 plus and its been 3 yrs,

but its getting better. The ERY does not cause too much problems

with yeast, but what does cause problems is when they get sick and

are on Amoxil....that is a big problem, because the Amoxil creates

tons of yeast, and I am doing the antifungals plus acidopholous. 2

plus tablets of acidopholous a day to bring in the friendly bacteria.

So for some kids it works good, but for the sicker kids it will take

a long time to kill off the strep bacteria.


> > Hi Becky. I had Clostridium once and almost died.

> > I was very, very

> > sick, as a result of not finishing antibiotics prior

> > to some

> > surgery. I wonder if most of us carry some of that

> > bacteria in our

> > GI track and would therefore test positive,

> > naturally. I can't

> > imagine having an all out attack, worthy of

> > Vancomycin, and not be

> > aware of it. This is a very strong antibiotic...At

> > the time, the

> > strongest one available and the one used to treat

> > the awful flesh

> > eating bacterias. If Vancomycin doesn't work, one

> > would be in very

> > serious trouble. This is where you could become

> > very concerned about

> > becoming resistant to antibiotics and therefore

> > really in trouble if

> > plagued by any other serious bacteria. Might be

> > worth some research.

> >

> > Lori

> >


> __________________________________________________


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Hi -

You just explained why my son went ballistic on

amoxicillin after doing pretty well for so long... and

he was even on Diflucan at the time, but that doesn't

necessarily mean anything.

One of two additions: they say that Group A strep

that is resistant to erythromycin or penicillin is

almost unheard of... however, a culture and

sensitivity proved that my strep IS resistant, and

explains why when I was given Ery-Ped early on, it

didn't help. It could also explain why some cases of

PANDAS doesn't really respond to pcn therapy. Another

thing that could have skewed the trials to try to

prove a good reason to use long-term antibiotics is:

what about parents giving their kids yogurt to

counteract the antibiotics? Lacto-bacillus in yogurt

can also trigger PANDAS. And remember... antibiotics

(I've been told, correct me if I'm wrong) don't

actually KILL the strep, they paralize it until the

immune system can step up and do the job. So if

someone's cellular immunity is not kicking in and

finishing it off, the strep is going to keep

festering, and antibodies are going to keep being

made. And candida can affect cellular immunity I

think, as well as viruses.

In my own experience, I'm getting close to the 3-yr

mark with PANDAS, and the OCD has just about gone over

the last two months. My ASO has averaged over the

last 3 years between 738 and 800, with one high of

1100 (definitely the peak of my symptoms after 4

months of no treatment), and once, after 6 weeks of

Doxycycline, went as low as 500. Right now, it's

still hanging around over 750, and yet the OCD is

still diminishing.... and I KNOW that it's because I'm

on the Diflucan. Levaquin for 5 days definitely

helped too ('course the kids can't take that), but I

can't really understand why the Diflucan is helping,

except maybe two reasons: the course of the attack may

only go about 3 years for me (seems like 3-5 years in

the past but I didn't know about PANDAS back then so I

can't say for sure), or perhaps it's because yeast

blocks IL-12 - a cytokine that I'm under the

impression is involved in fighting bacteria. So

perhaps since I'm on Diflucan, it's allowing a part of

my immune system to start targeting the strep when it

hasn't been able to before (I'm definitely very

shifted to viral on CBCs and immune panels). My iron

is also finally starting to come up, and I'm not

taking any, whereas I took over 100 mg of iron for 2

years with NO results - it just kept going down, as

well as B12. Now that they're finally

(under-)treating yeast, it's getting better.

So don't rule out the importance of antifungals in

trying to treat PANDAS. And if you cannot obtain

them, be very aggressive about making sure those

little acidophilus' are given (2 hours apart from the


My boys both just had strep again, and I 'missed' it

coming on... there were no OCD symptoms like there

always have been in the past. (They don't have

PANDAS, but you could see strep in them plain as day 3

days before they got the sore throat.)

It does feel like PANDAS is just about over for me...

I'm hoping. Still holding my breath, but it looks

good... So soon enough you guys can stop hearing

(reading) me whine about it! :)

--- atlantickayaker <atlantickayaker@...> wrote:

> Have faith, the PANDAS treatment with ERY does

> really work. My

> oldest started with of a ASO titer of 900, and with

> Enrythemyecin

> treatments 333mg 3x daily for 2 yrs (maybe a little

> less) he is now

> normal on his ASO titers. He really did bounce back

> great, he is

> doing great academically and is really matured

> nicely. He was

> definitely, but at the begining you would have said

> he was ADD, now

> I have removed that label everywhere on his records.



> Now, my other guy has had a really rough time, his

> ASO titer when we

> started was like 1166, its now around 400 plus and

> its been 3 yrs,

> but its getting better. The ERY does not cause too

> much problems

> with yeast, but what does cause problems is when

> they get sick and

> are on Amoxil....that is a big problem, because the

> Amoxil creates

> tons of yeast, and I am doing the antifungals plus

> acidopholous. 2

> plus tablets of acidopholous a day to bring in the

> friendly bacteria.


> So for some kids it works good, but for the sicker

> kids it will take

> a long time to kill off the strep bacteria.




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