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sackie Virus??? (long, sorry)

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Hello -I am new here, although I have been lurking for a while. My

four year old son began showing symptoms of autism at 10 months of

age, immediatley after recovering from sackie Virus. I belive it

was a " wild strain " of some kind. I caught it, my mother caught it,

another baby he was playing with caught it - she had it for a full

two weeks. It was just brutal! He had a high fever and screamed way

more than he should have, if it were a normal version of the virus.

Our pediatrician basically said, " hang in there, give him tylenol or

motrin for the fever, Mylanta for the sores. " That was it. The ped

never believed that the sackie Virus had anything to do with my

son's autism. And neither did three subsequent Developmental

Pediatricians, two of whom were DAN docs.

FINALLY, I have found a Developmental Pediatrician who tested for

sackie. Anyway, the doctor ran the McCandless Autism Panel, and

added on a test for the sackie Virus. Yesterday, he presented me

with the report and sure enough, there it is. Here's what it says:

sackie A & B IgM Test

result 42 (Ref Range 0-36)

Anyone know what this might mean? Does that mean that there is still

an active sackie infection? What is IgM as opposed to IgG. I

should have asked the doctor all these questions yesterday, but my

two year old was present and she is just not helpful in these


My doctor has prescribed an anti-viral, which I am having compounded

as we speak.

Any ideas, explanations, stories of similar experiences, are greatly


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