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For those in Texas: The 2007 Autism Awareness Calendar for Texas

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*** Christmas Gift Ideas ***

For parents, relatives, teachers, professionals, and Legislators!

The 2007 Autism Awareness Calendar for Texas

(Go to to see the cover)

This 9.5x12 full-color wall calendar features 12 “Faces of Hope†and a

" Message of Hope " for parents, relatives, friends, educators, physicians, and

professionals; as well as Texas Autism Resources and National Autism Websites.

The bottom of each month features an Autism fact or statistic – which makes

this calendar a great gift to educate your Legislator in Texas about Autism!

To be e-mailed an order form, please contact: MGuppy@..., and

put " Texas Autism Calendar " in the subject line.

For those who live in Northwest Houston, you can also purchase the calendar in

person from the Northwest Houston Chapter of the ASA at their monthly meetings

on the 1st Thursday evening of each month, 7-9pm, at Graceview Baptist Church in

Tomball, TX. You can also call the NHC-ASA at

281-686-0103, for more information.

This calendar is a project of M. Guppy/Texas Autism Advocacy.

This calendar will be a yearly Autism Awareness Calendar for Texas; if you

would like to help sponsor the 2008 calendar – please contact


M. Guppy

Contact me to order your copy of " The 2007 Autism Awareness Calendar for Texas "

Don't tell God how big your storm is ~ tell the storm how big your God is!

Listowner & Facilitator of: Officer of NHC-ASA:

NorthwestHoustonChapterASA@... - 281-686-0103

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