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Re: spelt and B shots

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The B12 thing has always peaked my curiousity. When we first started my

son's bloodwork came back with a sky high reading for B12. I guess his

system has trouble excreting it or something. If that's the case for him, I

wonder if it is the case for others. If so, do they test these kids' B12

levels before giving the shots? With my son, I can't see how pumping him

with even more B12 would be of benefit (but who knows, I haven't done the

research on this).

As for myself, I have low B12 because of a genetic condition. I was fine as

a child, but developed an inability to absorb B12 properly from food by the

time I hit my early 30s. One of my three sisters has the same thing. It

comes from my father's side. I was getting monthly shots but developed a

sensitivity to them (tingling/numbness that spreads down my arm after the

injection, then a feeling of lightheadedness -- both go away within a half

hour but I don't like it).

Doris, maybe your cat has the same thing I have :)


spelt and B shots

> 1. spelt - my research shows that spelt has alot more gluten in it that

> wheat.

> So theoretically, if you're sensitive to gluten you should be sensitive

> to wheat right?

> hmmm my son tolerates spelt (to a point) but becomes a little behaviorally

> challenged with wheat. Odd.... there might be something at a

> molecular level.

> ? is this your cup of tea? :-) I think you told me once you had

> some experience with 'grains' ....


> 2. B vit shots - before giving these to your child, ask yourself why?

> What will these shots help? if B vits are showing up in the negative on

> tests,

> why? is the body metabolizing these too quickly? Is there an immune

> connection?

> We tried these with before we found Dr G - they did nothing for him.

> But my father in law and my 16 yr old cats need them. Both needed the

> injections

> as they got older. The cats have illnesses (IBS and renal failure).

> Could there be an immune connection since the immune system does become

> more sensitive as you get older?

> If your body is lacking a mineral or vitamin, why? what is going on

> in the body to allow for this to happen?


> Doris

> -land









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Dr. Rapp use to recommend spelt instead of wheat because she said the

protein was different enough from wheat so that it was tolerable to some who


wheat gluten intolerant. Kathy PS I'm going to ask my dietician daughter for

her input!

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there is a very good list group (_mb12 valtrex@groups_

(mailto:mb12 valtrex@groups) ). from what i have read, it appears that a

lot of parents

get the children tested.

dr neubrander also has done good studies on the use of mb12. there is also

an mb12 spray. a lot of children are doing very well on this.


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I'd be very interested in what she finds out. Maybe

I'll start making bread in my bread machine with

spelt. Barb

--- JOSKAT95@... wrote:

> Doris,

> Dr. Rapp use to recommend spelt instead of wheat

> because she said the

> protein was different enough from wheat so that it

> was tolerable to some who were

> wheat gluten intolerant. Kathy PS I'm going to ask

> my dietician daughter for

> her input!



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]



Barb Katsaros



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It's an older form of wheat flour and is supposed to

be more easily broken down.

You can also soak wheat flours in water w/2 T of an

acidic solution like vinegar or lemon juice before

cooking (recipes have to be adjusted but I could look

it up for you) to neutralize the enzyme in most grains

that block the sprouting process, which can also block

enzymes during digestion.

--- Barb Katsaros <barbkatsaros@...> wrote:

> I'd be very interested in what she finds out. Maybe

> I'll start making bread in my bread machine with

> spelt. Barb


> --- JOSKAT95@... wrote:


> > Doris,

> > Dr. Rapp use to recommend spelt instead of wheat

> > because she said the

> > protein was different enough from wheat so that it

> > was tolerable to some who were

> > wheat gluten intolerant. Kathy PS I'm going to ask

> > my dietician daughter for

> > her input!

> >

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > removed]

> >

> >



> Barb Katsaros

> barbkatsaros@...


> __________________________________________________


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