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/was:Re: neuroimmune research

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Is okay, I feel safe here. Even though many may disagree with me, I have always

been treated with consideration and given respect for my views. I can say, that

all the parents I have met on this board do carefully consider ways to safely

help their children, and I can tell you that is not always true on other boards.

Like most here, I think we agree that ASD kids have a dysfunctional immune

system. The disagreement comes maybe, in how to treat that. Even dan! drs will

say that they have never seen a child with a fully functioning immune system

develop ASD.

As I said the difference is how to treat. IMO, after researching for more than a

year, I think the immune irregularites cause the ASD kid to accumulate heavy

metals. And once the heavy metals get embedded in brain and other vital organs,

you can regulate the immune system, but that will not relieve the burden of

heavy metals. They will not just fall out by themselves. I am against putting

all of one's eggs in any ONE basket, metaphorically speaking, that is.

So, I believe the way to treat most effectively is to tackle both the immune

system and the heavy metal burden at the same time. I am not anti RX and

would/have used antiviral medications to treat the underlying viral issues that

I believe most of our kids have, and have we have seen great improvements with

them. I am not anti supplement, as we got great improvements with just

supplements. Like has said, maybe she was a little healthier than other

ASD kids, I do not know. I am not anti chelation, as I have seen many, many

children benefit from chelation. And there are risky ways to chelate and less

risky ways to chelate, just like there are risky ways to give the psychotropic

meds to small children and less risky ways.

I am a psychologist by occupation, so you think it might be logical I would be

more comfortable with psychotropic and RX medications, but I am not. As with

supplements and chelation drugs, I have seen the damage that psychotropic drugs

can do to young children, both their minds and their bodies. I am not saying Dr.

G does that, just that is had been my experience. There are plenty of side

effects of the drugs, and new advisories come out every day concerning them.

Doesn't mean they are true, but you have to consider the side effects when you

talk about the research as the warnings are a result of research also, as are

the warnings about the supplements and chelation.

There is risk in ANYTHING you do to correct the underlying immune problems our

kids have. If people say there is not a risk, they are not being balanced, and I

frankly, don't have time for that. I have no horse in this race, save for my

daughter. As I said, don't care who is right and really believe there is a

little bit of right in all of the camps. Each child arrived at the ASD dx in a

slightly different way, and each child's answer or recovery will require a

slightly different approach. That is what makes it so hard.

Each parent on this list has to weigh all the options, taking into account the

benefits and the risks inherent in each approach and choose carefully. It is a

daunting task. Unless a parent is not thorough, does not do their own research

or uses something without careful consideration and a good background of that

agent's use, I do not criticize. I am comfortable with people arriving at their

own conclusion, even different than mine in doing what they need to do for their


Like most things in life, recovery for an ASD child is not black and white.

There are no good guys or bad guys. There are just lots of professionals with

lots of protocols, some harmful, some useful and some ineffective. Our job as

parents is to carefully weigh all the options, pray that we go down the right

path. I am comfortable with my decisions and the proof is my daughter who is

now, totally indistinguishable from other children her age. Doesn't mean I know

how to decide what anyone else's child needs or even that I am right (I don't

even think like that) but does show we did know what she needed or were lucky.

I don't care, I'll take it either way.

Re: neuroimmune research


I am glad to hear how well your daughter has done. I also

appreciate your explanation of the treatment debate.

If you do not mind my asking, what was your conclusion? Feel free

to respond of-list.

> > > > > just fyi - there is a new group for discussion


> > > > neuroimmune

> > > > > issues called 'neuroendocrineimmune'. It is an


> list

> > > for

> > > > > people interested in the discussion of all " aspects of

> > > > > NeuroEndocrineImmune issues and CNDS (Chronic

> > > > > NeuroendocrineimmuDysfunction Syndrome) -- whether

> specific to

> > > ASD

> > > > or

> > > > > not... " (from the homepage.) My understanding is that


> focus

> > > > will

> > > > > be on current research.

> > > > >

> > > > > fwiw,

> > > > > timary

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Responsibility for the content of this message lies

> strictly

> > with

> > > > > the original author(s), and is not necessarily

endorsed by

> or

> > the

> > > > > opinion of the Research Institute and/or the

> Parent

> > > > Coalition.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

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I can only speak for myself but I would like to see the answers to s

questions on-list. I am not offended by information. Many times others ask

questions that I need answers to also. Thanks for sharing this healthy

discussion. Anything that might help our kids and it is related. N.

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- I would also be interested in hearing more

about what you did to help your daughter. Just post

it & if people don't wanna read it, they don't have

to. But please don't let a few keep you from sharing

what might be some very important information with the

rest of us!!! Thanks!!

--- <richard@...> wrote:

> ,


> Thanks for the very detailed and helpful response.

> You indicated

> how well your dauter is doing! I don't know if you

> saw Dr. G or any

> other docs. You said you you would not see 90%

> of the DAN

> docs. I know you would not presume to prescribe for

> anyone else's

> child, however, I know that I would like to know

> more about the

> process you went through in getteing your daughter

> well. What type

> of doctor did you consult with? What types of

> interventions proved

> successful for her?





> > >

> > > Well, probably the first thing is that the

> dan! individuals

> blame

> > the pharmaceutical companies and the vaccines

> for a lot of the

> > damage done to their children, and I'm sure that

> they didn't

> help

> > them.

> > >


=== message truncated ===


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Your post " so, i am currently focusing on the

> viruses and metals (valtrex, transf factor #8 and chelation "

have you ever heard of magnetic clay for chelation? A dr Jang, MD is

using it.

just curious.

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