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Re: Refusing to eat

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This may sound strange but you need to have him evaluated for reflux as soon as

you can. He sounds like a little girl I knew from Liam's early intervention

class. She was a great eater -- meat and potatoes -- at 2. One day she stopped

eating everything. Turns out she had developed reflux. Once treated she was

back eating her favorite hamburgers. Children don't need to vomit, to experience

reflux. When Liam was a baby he would make chewing motions with his mouth

(before he started solids). Another friend of mine has a son with reflux that

went undiagnosed. Mikey' s epiglotis was damaged due to the length of time he

suffered. It lead to frequent bouts of pneumonia, Many kids grow out of it.

Kathy, Liam's mom (11, ds, diabetes, asthma)

refusing to eat

Hi everyone,

I have been pretty quiet lately, but we are having some problems I wanted to

share and see if any of you might have had similar issues or ideas for me.

is 15 months old now and just this past week has started refusing to eat. He and

I have both had a cold for the past 3-4 weeks, so I think it is most likely

related to that. But the past two days have been really bad. He won't eat

anything at all, not baby food or yogurt or cheerios - nothing. I can get him to

drink about 4-5 ounces of Pediasure mixed with whole milk a couple of times a

day, but that is all. I have tried Gatorade mixed with water, juice, water and

all of his favorite foods. If he takes any bites at all, it is just one and then

he signs " All Done " and puts his hands in front of his mouth or turns his head


I am sure that his throat is hurting and we actually went to the doctor today

for his 15 month check up. They did a strep test but it came back negative. They

will send it off for a culture but the only other possibility our Pediatrician

gave us was just a raw throat from the drainage. I think that is the most likely

explanation but it worries me that he won't eat at all and he isn't even

drinking much. He isn't dehydrated yet, but probably will be soon if this goes

on for another day or two.

He has a lot less energy than normal too. I'm sure that is because he isn't

eating, but he has gone back to taking two naps a day and he only plays for 30

minutes at a time (at the most) before he has to lay his head down and rest. If

things haven't gotten better in a couple of days, we are supposed to call our

Pediatrician back. I just wanted to see if you all might have any ideas or have

been through anything like this before.

Oh - other than the runny nose and occasional cough, he has no other symptoms.

No fever, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. He does have reflux which he takes Prevacid

twice a day for and he has Reactive Airway Disease, but his lungs are still

clear and he's not wheezing.

Thanks for your thoughts!


Mom to - 5 and - 15 months (DS)

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Perhaps his throat is sore and it hurts to swallow. Just a thought.


On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 4:47 PM, KristiD <kristiduda@...> wrote:



> Hi everyone,

> I have been pretty quiet lately, but we are having some problems I wanted

> to share and see if any of you might have had similar issues or ideas for

> me. is 15 months old now and just this past week has started refusing

> to eat. He and I have both had a cold for the past 3-4 weeks, so I think it

> is most likely related to that. But the past two days have been really bad.

> He won't eat anything at all, not baby food or yogurt or cheerios - nothing.

> I can get him to drink about 4-5 ounces of Pediasure mixed with whole milk a

> couple of times a day, but that is all. I have tried Gatorade mixed with

> water, juice, water and all of his favorite foods. If he takes any bites at

> all, it is just one and then he signs " All Done " and puts his hands in front

> of his mouth or turns his head away.

> I am sure that his throat is hurting and we actually went to the doctor

> today for his 15 month check up. They did a strep test but it came back

> negative. They will send it off for a culture but the only other possibility

> our Pediatrician gave us was just a raw throat from the drainage. I think

> that is the most likely explanation but it worries me that he won't eat at

> all and he isn't even drinking much. He isn't dehydrated yet, but probably

> will be soon if this goes on for another day or two.

> He has a lot less energy than normal too. I'm sure that is because he isn't

> eating, but he has gone back to taking two naps a day and he only plays for

> 30 minutes at a time (at the most) before he has to lay his head down and

> rest. If things haven't gotten better in a couple of days, we are supposed

> to call our Pediatrician back. I just wanted to see if you all might have

> any ideas or have been through anything like this before.


> Oh - other than the runny nose and occasional cough, he has no other

> symptoms. No fever, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. He does have reflux which he

> takes Prevacid twice a day for and he has Reactive Airway Disease, but his

> lungs are still clear and he's not wheezing.


> Thanks for your thoughts!

> Kristi


> Mom to - 5 and - 15 months (DS)





Not for ourselves but for the whole world we were born

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