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[Fwd: [slaw Alert, Call to Action] IDEA Rights Endangered by Proposed Rules for Multi-Year IEPs and Paperwork Waivers (03/02/06)]

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slaw Alert

Call to Action: IDEA Rights in Danger


Home <http://www.wrightslaw.com>

Date: March 2, 2006

ISSN: 1538-3202

slaw Alert

Multi-Year IEPs & Paperwork Reduction Put IDEA Rights in Danger <#1>

Background <#2>

Concerns <#3>

Call to Action <#4>

Learn More

<#5>Subscribe & Contact Info <#6>


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IDEA Rights In Danger:

Feds Propose Requirements for Multi-Year IEPs and Paperwork Reduction

Download the full text of this Alert

<http://www.wrightslaw.com/news/06/idea.pilots.dangers.htm> at



Your help is urgently needed.

On December 19, the U.S. Department of Education published the proposed

requirements and selection criteria for two pilot projects, the

Multi-Year IEP and Paperwork Waiver programs.

These are the rules that States must follow in implementing these pilot

programs and the criteria that the Department will use to decide which

States will participate in each pilot program.

The proposed requirements and selection criteria for these pilot

programs expand the scope of these pilots beyond what Congress intended

and do not adequately protect the educational rights of children with


The public has until March 6th to comment on these proposed requirements

and criteria. After that date, the Department will publish the final

requirements and criteria.

The National Down Syndrome Congress (NDSC) and the National Down

Syndrome Society (NDSS) submitted joint comments and recommendations on

the Multi-Year IEP and Paperwork Waiver programs. They need your help

and support now.

What? Please send an email to the U. S. Department of Education and

Congress. Urge the Department of Education not to erode IDEA civil

rights and the IEP.

How? Visit http://capwiz.com/ndss/issues/alert/?alertid=8519506 and type

your zip code in the box at the top of the page to send a prepared email

along with your comments to the Department of Education and Congress.

When? The deadline to submit comments is March 6, 2006.


IDEA 2004 permits two demonstration programs, also known as " pilots. "

The Multi-Year IEP pilot allows up to 15 states to seek approval for

proposals to offer parents the option of a multi-year IEP. IDEA states

that this pilot was developed to offer the opportunity for long-term


The Paperwork Waiver Pilot allows up to 15 states to seek waivers of

certain IDEA statutory and regulatory requirements for a period that is

not to exceed 4 years.

IDEA states that the purpose of this pilot is to reduce excessive

paperwork and non-instructional time burdens that do not assist in

improving educational and functional results for students with

disabilities. The statute also mandates that procedural safeguards,

civil rights requirements, and the right to a free appropriate public

education (FAPE) may not be waived or affected.

The U. S. Department of Education appears to have exceeded its authority

by expanding the scope of these pilots beyond the requirements of the



Here is a very brief summary of concerns. For more information about

these issues, please read the full text of this Alert.

FAPE, IEPs, IEP Process

The proposed requirements for the pilot programs threaten FAPE and could

change the IEP and the IEP process forever.

The proposed requirements for BOTH pilots would allow up to 30 States to

create IEPs that differ in their content, development, review and

revision from the annual IEPs you have been using.

Inadequate Parental Input

Parental input is critically important to ensure that long-term planning

and paperwork reduction are not achieved at the expense of student

outcomes and the informed involvement of parents in their child's education.

IEP Requirements, Parental Consent May Be Waived

According to the proposed requirements for the Paperwork Waiver Pilot,

IEP requirements AND other statutory, regulatory and State requirements

may be waived.

Vague Standards

The standards for selecting these waivers are dangerously vague.

Parental consent, which is required for a multi-year IEP, is not

required for these other waivers.

Call to Action

Parents, friends, family members of children with disabilities, and

organizations that represent their interests need to send emails to the

U.S. Department of Education and Congress by March 6, 2006.

It is essential to show that there is extensive grassroots support for

recommendations to improve the proposed requirements and selection

criteria for the Multi-Year IEP and Paperwork Waiver pilot programs.

NDSS and NCSC prepared an email that will take only a few minutes for

you to complete and send.

Pete and Pam ask you to take one more step. Your email will be

far more effective and powerful if you personalize it by including a

story about your child and why the annual IEP and the IEP process is

important to your child's education and educational outcomes.

Visit http://capwiz.com/ndss/issues/alert/?alertid=8519506 and type your

zip code in the box at the top of the page to send the prepared email to

the Department of Education and Congress. Don't forget to add a personal

comment or story to your email.

The deadline to submit your comments is March 6, 2006.

Note from Pete & Pam : Although this alert came from the NDSS and

NDSC, these issues affect all children with disabilities.

For more information about these issues, read Protect Educational Rights

Under IDEA: Multi-Year IEP and Paperwork Waiver Programs Pose Dangers

<http://www.wrightslaw.com/news/06/idea.pilots.dangers.htm> - the

article includes links to the proposed requirements and comments and how

to express your thoughts by email as described in the Call to Action -

thank you!http://www.wrightslaw.com/news/06/idea.pilots.dangers.htm

Learn More

IDEA 2004

Protect Educational Rights Under IDEA: Multi-Year IEP and Paperwork

Waiver Programs Pose Dangers

<http://www.wrightslaw.com/news/06/idea.pilots.dangers.htm> includes

more information about the issues and links to the proposed requirements

and comments at: http://www.wrightslaw.com/news/06/idea.pilots.dangers.htm

IDEA at slaw <http://www.wrightslaw.com/idea/index.htm> - The

authorization of any new law brings differing interpretations and

questions. The purpose of IDEA 2004 at slaw

<http://www.wrightslaw.com/idea/index.htm> is to help you find answers

to your questions and learn do your own legal research.

Full Text of NDSS/NDSC Comments on the Pilot programs

Paperwork Reduction: http://capwiz.com/ndss/issues/alert/?alertid=8519366

Multi-Year IEP: http://capwiz.com/ndss/issues/alert/?alertid=8519391


Subscription & Contact Info

The Special Ed Advocate <http://www.wrightslaw.com/subscribe.htm> is a

free online newsletter about special education legal and advocacy

issues, cases, and tactics and strategies. Newsletter subscribers also

receive " alerts " about new cases, events, and special offers on

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Contact Info

Pete and Pam

slaw & The Special Ed Advocate

P. O. Box 1008

Deltaville, VA 23043

Website: http://www.wrightslaw.com

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