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Wow! Glad you're ok! Smoke makes me so ill. Today at school, I was getting ready to take a test in class, and some girl's perfume lit me up. It took 3 puffs of my inhaler and stepping out of the room for a minute to get my breath. I couldn't talk muc

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Wow! Glad you're ok! Smoke makes me so ill. Today at school, I was getting ready to take a test in class, and some girl's perfume lit me up. It took 3 puffs of my inhaler and stepping out of the room for a minute to get my breath. I couldn't talk much above a whisper for a good 1/2 hour. After a couple of the classroom windows were opened, the smell eased up and I could breathe better. I was loud enough letting our instructor know I was in difficulty that I hope the offender got the hint. Probably not, but we'll see. To: asthma Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2012 6:18 PM Subject: Re: I have a stupid question

I was having my worse ever asthma attack, well I take that back the worse was long over but I was very very scared of it coming back especially where we were in the middle of nowhere. My kids were honest with me (they are grown) and offered me some. They almost never smoke it but decided to that one time. Well I know they smoked it before but it is not a habit with either of them. If I had not been so scared of what could happen I might have tried it. But I suspect it would have made me worse too. Tobacco smoke sure does.

None of us were driving anywhere. We were camping. My one and only trip with them to the nowhere camp lol. I was scared to death I was going to die it was so bad when I got there. My inhaler was not doing squat but I kept using it and finally it eased off about an hour later. I think it was a combo of ragweed from the long drive and wood smoke in the cabin. Not totally roughing it but still no electricity no phone, no cell phone signals even and it was 45 minutes back to civilization!! Even the start of it.

Re: I have a stupid question

I have smoked it as a young, stupid kid and it didn't do well for my asthma, even though I also smoked cigarettes at the time. I can't tolerate cigarette smoke or pot smoke. Either would make me sick. Some people believe that lie that pot won't hurt a person. It's dangerous to drive while high and it's smoke is an irritant just like cigarette smoke.

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