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1996 documents emerge proving Dr Wakefield innocent

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*/Documents emerge proving Dr Wakefield innocent; BMJ and

Deer caught misrepresenting the facts/*



excerpt: Newly-revealed documents show that on December 20th, 1996, a

meeting of /The Inflammatory Bowel Disease Study Group/ based at the

/Royal Free Hospital Medical School/ featured a presentation by

Professor - on seven of the children who would later become

part of the group of patients Dr Wakefield wrote about in his 1998 /The

Lancet/ paper (which was later retracted by The Lancet).

Remember, Dr Wakefield has been accused of completely fabricating his

findings about these same children in his 1998 paper, but these

documents reveal that *fourteen months before Dr Wakefield's paper was

published, two other researchers -- Professor - and Dr Amar

Dhillon -- independently documented the same problems in these children,

including symptoms of autism.


*/Dr Wakefield demands retraction from BMJ after documents prove

innocence from allegations of vaccine autism data fraud/*


excerpt: In light of new evidence that has emerged clearing Dr Wakefield

of the allegations that he fabricated study data involving MMR vaccines

and symptoms of autism, Dr Wakefield is now publicly demanding a

retraction from the British Medical Journal and author Deer.

Documents just made public reveal that another medical research team

which included a senior pathologist *independently documented evidence

of a possible MMR vaccine - autism link 14 months before Dr Wakefield's

paper first appears in The Lancet* -- based on several of the same

children appearing in Dr Wakefield's study.

ps: This post may be forwarded hither and yon.

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