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Next Chapter in the Vaccine/Autism Story

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The Next Chapter in the Vaccine Autism Story Begins TomorrowTOMORROW: Tuesday,

May 10 at 12:00pm ET, directors of the Brit Center for Autism Law and

Advocacy, parents and vaccine-injured children will hold a press conference on

the steps of the U.S. Court of Federal Claims to unveil an investigation linking

vaccine injury to autism. Tune in HERE. Hi everyone,We just received this very

interesting and important information and wanted to share it with you


In 2008 s Hopkins Neurologist Jon Poling went public with the news that his

daughter Hannah, who regressed into autism following her 18 month vaccines, was

paid by the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.

CDC, in a public statement, claimed that the Hannah Poling case was " rare " and

should not be generalized to " normal " children.  Days after the Poling's

announcement, the Hiatt family also went public with their VICP ruling that

their autistic daughter Madison was also a vaccine injury victim. Then the Banks

family went public.  Finally, CBS News reported finding 7 more vaccine/autism

cases that dated back to 1991, the very beginning of the autism epidemic.

So the autism community wanted to know... just how many cases of autism have

been paid by the program that was established in 1986, how " rare " is this, and

what did the government know about vaccine injury and autism causation that they

were not telling the public and the medical community.  After being questioned

by a journalist, the department of HHS that oversees the VICP issued the

following statement on whether this was an admission that the government was now

paying children for vaccine induced autism.  The " official response " from HRSA:

" From: Bowman, (HRSA)

Sent: Friday, February 20, 2009 5:22 PM

To: 'dkirby@...'

Subject: HRSA Statement


In response to your most recent inquiry, HRSA has the following


The government has never compensated, nor has it ever been ordered to

compensate, any case based on a determination that autism was actually

caused by vaccines. We have compensated cases in which children

exhibited an encephalopathy, or general brain disease. Encephalopathy

may be accompanied by a medical progression of an array of symptoms

including autistic behavior, autism, or seizures.

Some children who have been compensated for vaccine injuries may have

shown signs of autism before the decision to compensate, or may

ultimately end up with autism or autistic symptoms, but we do not track

cases on this basis.



Office of Communications

Health Resources and Services Administration


This admission of a link to autism, and the disturbing revelation that the

government was not even planning on counting how many autism cases it had paid

from the vaccine injury fund, made it clear that HHS's claims of concern for the

rise in autism rates and concern for vaccine safety were less than sincere, and

that it was time for an investigation into the VICP to find out how many of the

cases of vaccine induced encephalopathy (brain damage) resulted in " autistic

behavior, autistic symptoms or autism " as Bowman had referenced.

Tomorrow the results of this two year investigation will be revealed and we will

get a better look into what the government knows about vaccine/autism causation

and how long they have known it.

Please tune in to the press conference tomorrow (streaming live on the internet

at USTREAM), Tuesday, May 10 at Noon Eastern to the announcement take place on

the steps of the US Supreme Court, that ruled only two months ago that vaccine

injury cases would never be heard in a court of law, but must go through the

corrupt Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.

The EBCALA Press Release:






Investigators and Families of Vaccine-Injured Children to Unveil Report

Detailing Clear Vaccine-Autism Link Based on Government's Own Data

Report Demands Immediate Congressional Action

Directors of the Birt Center for Autism Law and Advocacy (EBCALA),

parents and vaccine-injured children will hold a press conference on the steps

of the U.S. Court of Federal Claims (717 Madison Place, NW in Washington, DC) on

Tuesday, May 10 at 12:00 PM to unveil an investigation linking vaccine injury to

autism.  For over 20 years, the federal government has publicly denied a

vaccine-autism link, while at the same time its Vaccine Injury Compensation

Program (VICP) has been awarding damages for vaccine injury to children

with brain damage, seizures and autism.  This investigation, based on public,

verifiable government data, breaks new ground in the controversial

vaccine-autism debate.

The investigation found that a substantial number of children compensated for

vaccine injury also have autism.  The government has asserted that it " does not

track " autism among the vaccine-injured.  Based on this preliminary

investigation, the evidence suggests that autism is at least three times more

prevalent among vaccine-injured children than among children in the general


The federal government has called autism a " national health emergency, "

conservatively affecting 1 in 110 children and costing the country billions of

dollars each year.

Because almost all children in the United States are required by law to receive

between 30-45 vaccines in order to attend public school, it is crucial that the

VICP decide cases with justice and transparency.

EBCALA and the families of the vaccine-injured call on Congress to investigate

the VICP, the only forum in which parents may bring claims of vaccine injury on

behalf of their children.

WHERE: United States Court of Claims

717 Madison Place, NW

Washington, DC

WHEN: Tuesday, May 10

12:00 PM noon


Thank you,

EBCALA Host Committee

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