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Re: infant with possible hypothyroidism

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There was this interesting speech at the recent Autism One Conference about

thyroid and autism. The presenter said that there is a huge amount of cases

of hypothyroidism in children with autism that are asymptomatic or even

paradoxically symptomatic (thin and hyperactive kids). He also said that

most cases are completely unnoticed by the TSH tests. He advocated a new

form of testing, through TRH stimulation, and mentioned some impressive






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NjQ2NgRzZWMDZG1zZwRzbGsDdm1zZwRzdGltZQMxMzA3NDQxMjIy> infant with possible


Posted by: " melindafaith2005 " <mailto:iadebners@...?Subject=

Re%3A%20infant%20with%20possible%20hypothyroidism> iadebners@...

<http://profiles.yahoo.com/melindafaith2005> melindafaith2005

Mon Jun 6, 2011 9:43 pm (PDT)

I have a friend who has an infant with a thyroid level of 10.2, based on a

TSH screen. They have an appt with a pediatric endocronologist on Thursday.

Anyone else have this happen or know someone who has? She could use some

info and what I'm reading online is that she has hypothyroidism

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WMDZG1zZwRzbGsDcnBseQRzdGltZQMxMzA3NDQxMjIy?act=reply & messageNum=36466>

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Yes, with a TSH that high, hypothyroidism is very likely. That baby needs to be

treated ASAP. If not, it could have permanent effects on the baby's mental

development. I would tell her that if the doc wants to take a wait and see

approach, to find a new doc immediately. This can be very serious in an infant.


> I have a friend who has an infant with a thyroid level of 10.2, based on a TSH

screen. They have an appt with a pediatric endocronologist on Thursday. Anyone

else have this happen or know someone who has? She could use some info and what

I'm reading online is that she has hypothyroidism


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Very helpful! I will pass this info. along.


> There was this interesting speech at the recent Autism One Conference about

> thyroid and autism. The presenter said that there is a huge amount of cases

> of hypothyroidism in children with autism that are asymptomatic or even

> paradoxically symptomatic (thin and hyperactive kids). He also said that

> most cases are completely unnoticed by the TSH tests. He advocated a new

> form of testing, through TRH stimulation, and mentioned some impressive

> numbers.


> http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/15022753




> <http://groups.yahoo.com/group/csb-autism-rx/message/36455;_ylc=X3oDMTM4b2Jy



> Messages in this topic (2)


> 5.






> <http://groups.yahoo.com/group/csb-autism-rx/message/36466;_ylc=X3oDMTJzOXA1


> NjQ2NgRzZWMDZG1zZwRzbGsDdm1zZwRzdGltZQMxMzA3NDQxMjIy> infant with possible

> hypothyroidism



> Posted by: " melindafaith2005 " <mailto:iadebners@...?Subject=

> Re%3A%20infant%20with%20possible%20hypothyroidism> iadebners@...

> <http://profiles.yahoo.com/melindafaith2005> melindafaith2005



> Mon Jun 6, 2011 9:43 pm (PDT)




> I have a friend who has an infant with a thyroid level of 10.2, based on a

> TSH screen. They have an appt with a pediatric endocronologist on Thursday.

> Anyone else have this happen or know someone who has? She could use some

> info and what I'm reading online is that she has hypothyroidism



> <outbind://70-000000007E6CF49126D6DA42B5B76EE3D83BC731C4167E00/#toc> Back

> to top


> <mailto:iadebners@...?Subject=Re%3A%20infant%20with%20possible%20hypothy

> roidism> Reply to sender | <mailto:csb-autism-rx ?Subject=

> Re%3A%20infant%20with%20possible%20hypothyroidism> Reply to group |

> <http://groups.yahoo.com/group/csb-autism-rx/post;_ylc=X3oDMTJzc2dpZnQzBF9TA


> WMDZG1zZwRzbGsDcnBseQRzdGltZQMxMzA3NDQxMjIy?act=reply & messageNum=36466>

> Reply via web post






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The endocronologist said that the thyroid is functioning normal, its her thyroid

stimulating hormone that is slightly elevated. They ordered more lab work, but

the dr said she looks great and isn't showing any of the typical signs that

accompany hypothyroid. It was good news. Report from the family. Thanks,


> >

> > I have a friend who has an infant with a thyroid level of 10.2, based on a

TSH screen. They have an appt with a pediatric endocronologist on Thursday.

Anyone else have this happen or know someone who has? She could use some info

and what I'm reading online is that she has hypothyroidism

> >


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My understanding is that infants with hypothyroidism often may not show any

symptoms for awhile, and I don't understand how TSH would be elevated if there

were no thyroid disorder causing the body to put out stimulating hormone to get

the gland to put out more hormone. I think the test should be repeated, as

some cases of infantile hypothyroidism are temporary. Otherwise, it is

important for it to be treated. Dr. JM


To: csb-autism-rx

Sent: Thu, June 9, 2011 8:09:32 PM

Subject: Re: infant with possible hypothyroidism

The endocronologist said that the thyroid is functioning normal, its her thyroid

stimulating hormone that is slightly elevated. They ordered more lab work, but

the dr said she looks great and isn't showing any of the typical signs that

accompany hypothyroid. It was good news. Report from the family. Thanks,


> >

> > I have a friend who has an infant with a thyroid level of 10.2, based on a

>TSH screen. They have an appt with a pediatric endocronologist on Thursday.

>Anyone else have this happen or know someone who has? She could use some info

>and what I'm reading online is that she has hypothyroidism

> >


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