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Fw: What's New @ www.nas.edu

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>WHAT'S NEW at www.nas.edu -- your weekly guide to what's new

>on the Web from the National Academy of Sciences, National

>Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine, and National

>Research Council.







>Policy-makers and health officials need better information

>on environmental threats to human health to ensure that no

>particular community is unduly burdened by the negative

>effects of pollution, says a new Institute of Medicine report.



>Israel, Jordan, and the Palestinian Authority should work

>together to preserve regional aquatic ecosystems,

>ensuring that an adequate supply of fresh, high-quality

>water is available for future generations, says a new

>report from the National Research Council.






>The winter edition of " Issues in Science & Technology " is

>now available online. This issue includes perspectives on

>U.S. economic competitiveness, anti-trust policy, and

>worker productivity, as well as articles on environmental

>risks to children and family violence.



>New & Improved: The National Academy of

>Sciences home page now provides easy access to

>information requested frequently by members and

>the public.



>Public laws and congressional hearing testimony pertaining

>to Academy-complex studies are now available online from

>the Office of Congressional and Government Affairs. The

>office is the principal liaison between the Academy-complex

>and Capitol Hill.








>On March 24, eminent biologist Lucy Shapiro will speak

>on the threats posed by infectious disease and antibiotic

>resistance. Part of the Distinguished Leaders in the Life

>Sciences Series, this lecture is free and open to the public.






>Space may have been called the final frontier, but there are

>new frontiers to discover every day, and engineers are the

>ones exploring them. NAE's most recent " Frontiers of

>Engineering " symposium summary describes new and

>emerging technologies and explains how they were

>developed and the benefits they'll bring.




>Nominations for the National Academy of Engineering's

>Founders and Arthur M. Bueche Awards are now being

>accepted. Criteria and nomination materials are available

>online. Submissions are due by Monday, March 15.






>Atmospheric Effects of Aviation: A Review of NASA's

>Subsonic Assessment Project



>Next Steps for TIMSS: Directions for Secondary Analysis



>A Report on the Sponsors of Cancer Treatment Clinical

>Trials and Their Approval and Monitoring Mechanism



>Toward Environmental Justice: Research, Education, and

>Health Policy Needs



>Trends and Challenges in Aerospace Offsets: Proceedings

>and Papers



>A Vision for the National Weather Service: Road Map for

>the Future



>Water for the Future: The West Bank and Gaza Strip,

>Israel, and Jordan




>If you ever want to stop receiving this digest, either use the

>form on the Academy-complex home page at


> http://www.nas.edu/unmail.html


>or send the following command in an email message to

> " Majordomo@... " :


> unsubscribe whatsnew <your_email_address>


>Comments about the digest may be sent to " wwwfdbk@... "

>Be sure to include the words " What's New " in the subject line of

>your message.




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Guest guest

>WHAT'S NEW at www.nas.edu -- your weekly guide to what's new

>on the Web from the National Academy of Sciences, National

>Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine, and National

>Research Council.







>The National Academies announce plans to build a

>state-of-the-art office complex in downtown Washington,

>D.C., by late 2001. Groundbreaking for the new building

>is slated for this summer.



>Policy-makers and health officials need better information

>on environmental threats to human health to ensure that

>no particular community is unduly burdened by the

>negative effects of pollution, says a new Institute of

>Medicine report.






>The winter edition of " Issues in Science & Technology " is

>now available online. This issue includes perspectives on

>U.S. economic competitiveness, anti-trust policy, and

>worker productivity, as well as articles on environmental

>risks to children and family violence.



>New & Improved: The National Academy of

>Sciences home page now provides easy access to

>information requested frequently by members and

>the public.



>Public laws and congressional hearing testimony pertaining

>to Academy-complex studies are now available online from

>the Office of Congressional and Government Affairs. The

>office is the principal liaison between the Academy-complex

>and Capitol Hill.








>On March 24, eminent biologist Lucy Shapiro will speak

>on the threats posed by infectious disease and antibiotic

>resistance. Part of the " Distinguished Leaders in the Life

>Sciences " series, this lecture is free and open to the public.






>Space may have been called the final frontier, but there are

>new frontiers to discover every day, and engineers are the

>ones exploring them. NAE's most recent " Frontiers of

>Engineering " symposium summary describes new and

>emerging technologies and explains how they were

>developed and the benefits they'll bring.




>Nominations for the National Academy of Engineering's

>Founders and Arthur M. Bueche Awards are now being

>accepted. Criteria and nomination materials are available

>online. Submissions are due by Monday, March 15.






>New Partnerships for a Changing Environment: Why Drug

>and Alcohol Treatment Providers and Researchers Need

>to Collaborate



>Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders: Report,

>Workshop Summary, and Workshop Papers




>If you ever want to stop receiving this digest, either use the

>form on the Academy-complex home page at


> http://www.nas.edu/unmail.html


>or send the following command in an email message to

> " Majordomo@... " :


> unsubscribe whatsnew <your_email_address>


>Comments about the digest may be sent to " wwwfdbk@... "

>Be sure to include the words " What's New " in the subject line of

>your message.




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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

at the rate things are going, pretty soon we won't even need a jury, the

trial judge will take its place.

>WHAT'S NEW at www.nas.edu -- your weekly guide to what's new

>on the Web from the National Academy of Sciences, National

>Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine, and National

>Research Council.







>All U.S. undergraduate students should be required to

>take courses in science, math, engineering, or technology

>to be better prepared for an increasingly technological

>society, says a new National Research Council report.



>The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency should

>develop a stricter standard for allowable levels of

>arsenic in the nation's drinking water supplies as soon

>as possible, says a new National Research Council




>Trial judges should ensure that engineering testimony

>is not only relevant, but reliable, according to the

>U.S. Supreme Court. The decision was made in a

>case for which the National Academy of Engineering

>filed a " friend of the court " brief last September.



>The U.S. Department of Defense is falling behind in a

>race to protect computer information systems that are

>increasingly critical to military operations, says a new

>National Research Council report.






>The Transportation Research Board home page features

>links to resources on topics such as Y2K in transportation,

>highway materials, and the transportation workforce of the




>New & Improved: The National Academy of

>Sciences home page now provides easy access to

>information requested frequently by members and

>the public.



>Public laws and congressional hearing testimony pertaining

>to Academy-complex studies are now available online from

>the Office of Congressional and Government Affairs. The

>office is the principal liaison between the Academy-complex

>and Capitol Hill.









>Is human nature the product of genetics or culture? Find

>out what Harvard professor E. O. has to say in a

>recent article in the National Academy Op-Ed Service.





>The Committee on Women in Science and Engineering

>will host a symposium on women in science careers,

>focusing on science education, the state of computer

>science, and the recruitment and advancement of

>women scientists. The April 25 symposium is free and

>open to the public. Register now to attend.






>Space may have been called the final frontier, but there are

>new frontiers to discover every day, and engineers are the

>ones exploring them. NAE's most recent " Frontiers of

>Engineering " symposium summary describes new and

>emerging technologies and explains how they were

>developed and the benefits they'll bring.






>Applying Advanced Information Systems to Ports and

>Waterways Management



>Arsenic in Drinking Water



>New Directions in Water Resources Planning for the U.S.

>Army Corps of Engineers



>Realizing the Potential of C4I: Fundamental Challenges



>Review of the Need for a Large-scale Test Facility for

>Research on the Effects of Extreme Winds on Structures



>Toward a New National Weather Service: Review of the

>Draft Plan for the Modernization and Associated Restructuring




>Transforming Undergraduate Education in Science,

>Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology




>If you ever want to stop receiving this digest, either use the

>form on the Academy-complex home page at


> http://www.nas.edu/unmail.html


>or send the following command in an email message to

> " Majordomo@... " :


> unsubscribe whatsnew <your_email_address>


>Comments about the digest may be sent to " wwwfdbk@... "

>Be sure to include the words " What's New " in the subject line of

>your message.




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