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Willo,I would definite follow up with an allergist for testing, but I would also follow up with a GI. It really seems that you are developing sensitivities very quickly to a wide range of foods (especially as nuts and peanuts are not the same. Pean

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Willo,I would definite follow up with an allergist for testing, but I would also follow up with a GI. It really seems that you are developing sensitivities very quickly to a wide range of foods (especially as nuts and peanuts are not the same. Peanuts are actually a bean.) Many GI disorders could cause this.Madeline To: "asthma " <asthma > Sent: Friday, January 20, 2012 5:36 PM Subject: Re: Reflux, asthma or both?

Hi all, I have a question to ask? I gave up cashews about 8 months ago, started making me sick, about a month ago gave up all kinds of nuts,peanut butter, anything nutty, seem to be allergic to them all of a sudden. Ok so now I seem to be allergic to the corn shells that you use to make tacos? Also corn bread? I have eaten these things all of my life, I am not sure exactly what is happening with my body. I have been eating very, very healthy. Cut most meat out, just eat fish, fruits veggies, healthy breads, do eat cheese and rice milk, and egg replacer, but I have been cheating lately, LOL, anytime I eat any junk foods I used to eat, homemade cookies, things like that, all I taste is the baking powder, not a good taste, most of the processed foods I

have been eating, that I haven't

eaten in a long time is just awful, doesn't taste good, and all of a sudden I am allergic to lots of things, always have had allergies to dairy, acidic things, just wonder what is happening here, does anyone have any ideas? Need to go see my allergist, haven't been able to get there, so just not eating lots of things, afraid to, get sick, throwing out lots of different scary foods, mostly feel like I have a hard time swallowing, asthmatic like effects, a lot of sinus clogging, really afraid to eat these things anymore.

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