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I think I would benefit from yoga, but I suffer from high anxiety, and it is hard for me to settle to do that, which is exactly why it would benefit me. LOL> I used to go to the gym, but as you said, I have to get all cleaned up, do my hair, put som

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I think I would benefit from yoga, but I suffer from high anxiety, and it is hard for me to settle to do that, which is exactly why it would benefit me. LOL> I used to go to the gym, but as you said, I have to get all cleaned up, do my hair, put some makeup on, and all of those little things that you can just skip if you are just going outside and walking, and when you cannot breathe, by the time I do all those little extras I am too tired to go walking. So it is better for me to get up take a quick shower, and get out there. Don't know what to tell you about your partner, I think, sometimes people are just not really as understanding as they appear to be. If you don't suffer from this, you really don't know how hard it is. Cannot really blame them. I like to get out there and get it

done, and that is maybe what is going on. Maybe you can find someone else that is going at your pace. I found a woman in this building that has Fibromyalgia, and it was a pleasure to walk with her, as she felt miserable exactly like I did, and we had a lot more fun, because we were both trying to build each other up, it was rather funny.To: asthma ; "asthma " <asthma >Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2011 10:49 AMSubject: Re:


That's great; so long as you aren't short of breath then continue the path you're on and as you said - slowly building up. I'm embarrassed to admit this but is good, good, good until it comes to little things I would ask him to do such as when I'm having a bad day and want to use my treadmill I would ask him to sit and read the paper(s) for 1/2 hr. while I'm on it but he hasn't done it yet. Then we are or at least were very fast walkers and I still am except for when I need to catch my breath and lately because we haven't gone walking outdoors, I find that I am always needing to tell him to slow down and he does for that moment but then continues on and I am always telling him to wait for me. He would not like walking with me because I am not walking/slow running. My pace would be a normal walk - but not bordering

running and his is. It's hard to believe how difficult a person he is when I need him the most. I'm positive if I went walking daily that my lungs would strengthen. Speaking of improving, ever since I started doing hatha yoga again every day my lungs have been good. I've been enjoying these last few weeks but once our weather turns for the worse and then my building starts to send up intolerable amounts of heat that's when all of my lung problems will begin again. Even when I had this last flu shot I didn't come down with a viral infection and that was a first. I don't want to go to the gym -- well, it's really because by the time I blow my hair & get dressed to go to the gym I would run out of energy. Also I would pick up any & every germ all around me

so am hoping to continue moderately exercising at home during these months but the most important thing would be outdoor walking and by the time he decides he'll go walking with me there will be ice on the ground -- ugh ....From:"willothewispl@..." Subject:Re: Ann/MadelineDate:November 12, 2011 6:14:33 PM ESTTo:"asthma " <asthma >What I was doing was, walking and then running for a little bit, and going back to walking, it was great, wasn't like before, but, hey, it' was better than nothing.LOL.To: asthma ; "asthma " <asthma >Sent: Saturday, November 12, 2011 4:47 PMSubject: Re: Ann/Madeline You're right ... I am pretty sure it is because of the salt air. Ever since 1998 when all of my problems began I was told that I can only walk. If I attempted to run I would run out of oxygen - or steam so it's best for me to do a fast walk. On the treadmill I was told not to go any faster than 3.0 and not longer for 40min. For me the very cold/windy weather may not have enough oxygen in the air but if it's cold without any wind I can walk. If

you are able to walk with one of those white masks and cover your nose with a scarf then by all means do your best to go walking outdoors. From:"willothewispl@..." Subject:Re: Ann/MadelineDate:November 12, 2011 1:11:03 PM ESTTo:"asthma " <asthma >He was probably correct, I wonder if it is something to do with the salt

air? That's what I need to do, more walking. Used to jog everywhere, sadly today all I can do is walk, so need to get up and get that rear _ _ _ moving. LOL> I am ok as long as I cover my mouth and nose with a scarf or one of those little white masks, as long as I keep from breathing the cold air right in I am ok.To: asthma ; "asthma " <asthma >Sent: Saturday, November 12, 2011 12:59 PMSubject: Re: Ann/Madeline Hi Madeline,I realize we all react differently to different temperatures. I was told not to go walking when it's windy or very cold out because there wouldn't be enough oxygen for me to breath in. Same thing goes with the hot weather. But I wanted to say that my father didn't have lung problems and lived to almost 100 years old and he made sure to walk every single day. When he was younger he

golfed so he got his walking in that way. He never used one of the golf caddys because he always wanted to walk the course. Then when he wouldn't be golfing he would walk in a park that we have nearby. When my mother was alive they used to drive out to Long Beach which is on Long Island and would walk the boardwalk and he always fought with me because I wouldn't to with them. He always said that breathing in the fresh air at the beach is the healthiest way to keep your lungs strong and I know he was right. My problem is that I don't have enough energy in me to first blow my hair & get dressed and then sit in a car for about 45 min. and then go walking. My energy level has gone down to zero .. I do walk indoors though ....SharonFrom:"Madeline Ingram" Subject:Re: AnnDate:November 8, 2011 8:12:56 PM ESTTo:"asthma " <asthma >Hi Ann,I am one of those weirdos that does well in the cold. I don't have to cover my mouth until temps are well below

freezing or there is a strong wind. However, even I understand. This is definitely a place where you will find complete understanding. Feel free to post and ask questions. We are here for each other.MadelineTo: asthma Sent: Tuesday, November 8, 2011 10:51 AMSubject: Re: Digest Number 4659 Trying to understand how to post something. I live on Long Island, New York.As it has gotten cold, I am getting more short of breath from the cold.Today I could take the scarf off from covering my nose/mouth.It was milder.I even react to mild cold.As I read what everyone says, it is consoling that others understand. Thanks. ---

On Tue, 11/8/11, asthma <asthma > wrote:From: asthma <asthma >Subject: Digest Number 4659To: asthma Date: Tuesday, November 8, 2011, 6:14 AMThis list will be for asthmatics, and anyone whose life is affected by it. Discussions include causes, problems, and treatmentMessages In This Digest (17 Messages)1a.Re: post nasal drip From: slats2220001b.Re: post nasal drip From: piaybyear1c.Re: post nasal drip From: slats2220001d.Re: post nasal drip From: McBride1e.Re: post nasal drip From: piaybyear1f.Re: post nasal drip From: ANN2a.Asmanex users From: DD SSS2b.Re: Asmanex users From: Kay2c.Re: Asmanex users From: DD SSS2d.Re: Asmanex users From: Kay2e.Re: Asmanex users From: DD SSS2f.Re: Asmanex users From: Kay2g.Re: Asmanex what? From: CHIP CHAPMAN3a.Re: Bloating From: piaybyear3b.Re: Bloating From: willothewispl@...4a.Re: Increase inhaled steroids during flare-ups? From: ANN5.Rhinitus From: CHIP CHAPMANView All Topics | Create New TopicMessages1a.Re: post nasal dripPosted by: "slats222000" alamogal@... slats222000Mon Nov 7, 2011 5:08 am (PST)Candida (yeast) is a type of fungus. This website has a lot of info, including about diagnosis and treatment. http://www.fungusfo cus.com/html/ fungus_general_

info.htm SlatsFrom: "willothewispl@ yahoo.com" <willothewispl@ yahoo.com> >Subject: Re: Bloating >Date: November 6, 2011 5:51:34 PM EST >To: "asthmayahoogroups (DOT) com" <asthmayahoogroups (DOT) com> >This e-mail has been sitting on another page here on my e-mail, I just read it. I have been wondering myself if the Prilosec I take is making my stomach worse. So reading this below here, is amazing, all of the problems I have been having. And It just seems to get worse and worse with time. I have been thinking it is the water pill I take occasionally, I have a lot of problems taking meds, that is the new one, and I have to be very

careful when I take it, I have to eat so much, and take it, and then eat some more, because otherwise I get really sick, and my gastritis acts up, I have been swelling up, and that is why they gave it to me, maybe I can take something else. But, again more pills, I have been doing everything I can to avoid more pills, and it is interesting to read that you are eating the same way I am. I have finally given up meat. It always makes me sick. It has been coming on for a year or so now, I have been eatingless and less. I eat fish, nuts, beans, all greens, veggies, fruits, good grain breads, cut out a lot of dairy, I have a dairy allergy so was already doing that, am drinking almond milk. Cut out using all of the margarine, and fats, still eat some cheese, and use egg substitute due to high cholesterol, use only canola oil, tried olive, but it made me really sick. I have been making a morning green

drink, and what a difference it has made in me. I don't usually want all of the processed box food, and meat like I used to eat. But I do allow myself some dark, good, chocolate occasionally. Eat lots of nuts, and fruits for dessert, bananas. Learning lots of new eating ideas, mostly vegetarian, and I tried eating some things I used to eat, and they tasted awful, and I was also addicted to sweets, now they are too sweet, and I cannot eat them anymore, never thought I would be able to kick that habit, still fall now and then, but, training mytaste buds to eat differently, and it has worked. I never use salt, haven't for many years, but I ate some saltine crackers the other day, and couldn't finish them, way too salty, to think I always ate them, my goodness, what a difference in taste now.>>>>>___________ _________ _________ ___>From: Lynne Rosser <jlrosseryahoo (DOT) com>>To: "asthmayahoogroups (DOT) com" <asthmayahoogroups (DOT) com>>Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2011 9:51 AM>Subject: Re: Bloating>>> >I have stopped all oral meds and vitamins and my stomach is almost feeling back to normal, am mostly only eating plain no fat meats, veeggies and fruit, cereal, breads and pasta (watching sauces). I have been on midrin & fiorinal #3 (for migraines) for years. I am thinking of asking dr if there is a skin

patch for pain with migraines. I think the Omeprazole had the same ingredient that upset my stomach as the other pills. I take pepsid complete and tums as needed.>Before I had constant bloating, early feelings of fullness, belching, huge hicups, regurgitation sp? My scope showed gastrits due to medications. They seem to want to keep giving more and more meds for all of the symptoms. They tried to give me dexilant to get rid of stomach problems, but I thought why not try to get rid of the things irritating in the first place.>I think you are supposed to eat a piece of bread with pills so you don't get as sick.>Now I just take pulmicort, spiriva, combivent and pantanase (as needed)>I am feeling pretty good. I guess you need to figure out how you feel my keeping track of how it makes you feel if you take it and how you feel when you don't.>Lynne>>From: CHIP CHAPMAN <chip.fx550@btintern et.com>>To: Aspergillus Support Group <AspergillusSupport@ yahoogroups. co.uk>; Asthma Group <asthmayahoogroups (DOT) com>>Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2011 4:56 AM>Subject: Bloating>> >Hi all, can anyone suggest a treatment for bloating that is NOT a severe headache inducing presription medicine please?>I am tired of blinding headaches caused by Omeprazole and it's assorted fellow treatments but need to sort out

the bloating as well.> >Cheers, Mike (Chip) Chapman>Cornwall. UK >> >>Back to topReply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (5)4a.Re: Increase inhaled steroids during flare-ups?Posted by: "ANN" FFTaz71@... wigimoosmommyMon Nov 7, 2011 5:12 pm (PST)Also, if you are taking an inhaled combination drug that has both a long acting agent and a steroid in it increasing your dosage can increase your risk of adverse reactions as well as death. It can cause liver damage, lung damage and can cause cardiac arrhythmias if too

large of an overdose occurs. Albuterol is definitely the safest med to increase during a flare up unless your doctor tells you otherwise...AnnBack to topReply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (12)5.RhinitusPosted by: "CHIP CHAPMAN" chip.fx550@... chip.fx550@...Tue Nov 8, 2011 2:18 am (PST)Hi all, following the discussions on nasal drips, has anyone been tested or examined for Rhinitis?In 2010 the World Health Organisation suggested that in the majority of asthmatics and those with COPD, Rhinitis should always be considered as a contributing factor.

I believe their instructions to doctors is that all those with respiratory difficulties are `assumed' to have Rhinitis until tests prove otherwise. Rhinitis is often over looked as a `trigger' for asthma, but new research has indicated it is a common form of trigger and should always be considered, tested and treated in all patients & sufferers of asthma & COPD. I myself didn't discover that the reason my nose could `run' a marathon and attempted to do so for all of my young life, teenage years and well into my twenties!Finally, and just by chance, a doctor picked up (sorry, no pun intended . .) on my shiny wet, runny nose and prescribed a steroid nasal inhaler. After a few weeks my nose was clear and dry for the first time in my life! I have little problem with rhinitis these days, but if it does flare up, or run down, which ever way you wish

to look at it, I simply use the nasal thingy for a few days and it's cleared again. After mentioning the WHO recommendations to my GP, she also put my grandson on a nasal inhaler and his nose is now clear as well. It saved an awful lot of washing, especially the sleeves of shirts and jumpers . . . .! I don't know if rhinitis could be connected with a nasal drip, but to be honest it won't hurt to explore the possibility, even if just to eradicate it from the list of possibilities.Cheers, Mike (Chip) ChapmanCornwall. UK Back to topReply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (1)RECENT ACTIVITY 1New

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