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If you are dissatisfied with your doctor who did not take an x-ray, you might want to find an urgent care center or walk-in clinic instead of going to an emergency room. The urgent care center near us had done a thorough work-up when my husband has h

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If you are dissatisfied with your doctor who did not take an x-ray, you might want to find an urgent care center or walk-in clinic instead of going to an emergency room. The urgent care center near us had done a thorough work-up when my husband has has asthma flare-ups. They have x-ray equipment and heavy-duty nebulizers in house. Emergency rooms are required to give first attention to traumatic injuries and heart attacks.

Judy K


hey all like i said other day i went to the doctors on wednesday and all i got was antibiotics and i been taking them since wednesday night never missed a dose at all and i have taken 8 doses so far cause it is a 2 a day antibiotic. well i am still sore, and yesterday i coughed so bad that it felt i was not even on the antibiotics. a friend told me to take all the antibiotics, but i would think if they are not helping yet then they prob won't help. i say it it bronchitis, my doctor never told me what it was, but a good friend and others say it is pneumonia, so idk what to think. symptoms:

coughing so bad when i lay down that it hurts and at times i can;t stop coughing

sometimes i hurt even when i am not coughing

extra tired/woreout

it seems like the moment i laydown i start coughing real bad

it is my left side, when i lay on my left side i cough more and it is my left side that hurts. since my doctor did not even give me a chest x-ray or nothing that my next step is to go to the ER, i do not want to do that so i am hoping i get better soon and plus i have no way to get to the ER. so what should i do? should i keep taking the antibiotic? should i call my doctor back or should i just go to the ER? i am gettign worried cause of being asthmatic, and idk what to do. and what also gets to me is the fact that i cough so bad and so much that it hurts me and yet when i tell my mom i am sore she is like well i never hear u cough at all. so all help is needed, sorry to be a bother but idk what to do and i am about to go nuts. thanks for the help.

> > >

> > > Before I knew I had bronchial asthma triggered by my environmental allergies, I used to cough up my lungs every time the seasonal pollen was especially high. I was being treated by an allergist, and my Dad was a doctor, but no one seemed to connect the coughing " jags " (my grandmother's term) with asthma. I never wheezed like the kid at school with asthma. Always was athletic and ran track in high school (with difficulty but one of the fastest in spite of it.) It wasn't until my toddler was identified with allergy-induced asthma when I was 31 that I realized it was what had been plaguing me most of my life.

> > >

> > > Several years ago, I had a neighbor who developed coughing fits in the morning. Several of us suggested that she might have asthma, and finally she went to her doctor first thing in the morning so he could hear her coughing up her lungs in his waiting room. They got her back to an exam room even without an appointment, and she ended up being treated for allergies and asthma. My sister-in-law had a similar problem, although her MD husband kept ignoring her. After five months of coughing up her lungs, I urged her to please see a real doctor who diagnosed her with allergy-induced bronchial asthma. They both keep the coughing under control by managing their seasonal allergies(Spring and Fall are the worse for all of us,) and pre-emptive use of inhalers to calm bronchial spasms and maintain the airway.

> > >

> > > I'm no expert, but I do know that this is certainly a possible diagnosis for someone with recurring " colds " or coughing fits. If you can't get an appointment, you might want to hang out in the doctor's office so his whole staff can hear how bad this coughing has been for themselves.

> > >

> > > I've lived with asthma more more than 50 years, and just finally had my first pulmonary function test this past Spring. Seeing a pulmonologist has opened my eyes to how much better I could have been functioning if I had seen one a long time ago.

> > >

> > > Good luck!

> > >

> > > JoAnn in SoCal

> > >

> >


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