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re: NI research

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There are a number of things Dr G will look for to determine if

you child is a good candidate for . True, not every child shows

clear evidence of immune dysfunction. But who knows, it might be there.

Medical science has limitations on what it can detect.

takes time to clean up the body. It's not an overnight success

story. Yes some kids do respond faster than others. My son was initially

a quick responder, then as the body got better and we started to focus more

on the brain, the response rate dropped. But the neuroSPECTS are guiding Dr G

on how healthy the brain is.

Why is there so much venom in posts relating to 'other protocols'?

because for many of us, we've been there/done that.

We've feed our kids megadoses of vits/supplements; we've held

them for B12 injections. We've also done our research and watched

the trends. We watch to see where the research is taking us.

Caregivers who continue to jump on the mercury train see the connection

but do they really understand the connection? It's so easy to blame

something we don't understand. Sure mercury isn't good for us but

is it the ONLY thing in those shots to blame? what about the simian

(DNA?RNA?) in the polio shot? human (DNA?RNA?) in the rubella shot?

what about the number of shots they give and the age of the child?

I've seen no meaningful discussions on 'hey you know, 25+ shots before they

enter kindergarten sounds awfully high to me ....'

Diet: there is so much info out there on the benefits of GFCF diet for our

kids. For medical practioners to dismiss the diet almost borders

on medical incompetence. Do you dismiss what you don't understand?

or do you do research on it to further your knowledge?

Even JHU/KKI recognize the benefits of the diet (we're working

on them re: immune dysregulation)

This is a support group.

We are all familiar with the DOs/DONTs. If you read the information

on the website and NEUROIMMUNEDR, you see some of the documentation

as why makes sense. Buy the DVD from Mississippi. $45 is a cheap

price for such valuable information.

If you want to discuss chelation, supplements, etc

go to ABMD or one of the other listservs where these

topics are the main course.



Message: 3

Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2006 10:29:50 -0800 (PST)

From: JOHN WRIGHT <butterflycw@...>

Subject: RE: Re: neuroimmune research

Just because helps your child, it doesn't mean that it will be beneficial

to all. The one thing we have learned in the past three years is that each

child is very much an individual. Our child has no immune problems, no myelein

basic protein problems, etc., etc. She is very chemically and metals

sensitive. We have had to work through these issues by first eliminating what

we knew she didn't have. Don't be so quick to deny that there are other

protocols that are beneficial to others. I was really surprised to see such

venom spoken on this website. I guess it is not something I will visit again.


" K. Fischer " <elfischer@...> wrote:

What about the diet? All of the mainstream docs/neuros/GIs I have

talked to pretty much consider diets for ASD to be " alternative " unless

of course a normal GI workup shows real allergies that need to be

treated. In fact, from what I gather, mainstream medicine considers

crazy diets to be one of the hallmarks of the ASD alternative medicine

protocols. I am not saying that I agree at all, BUT, I am curious how

this aspect is reconciled in the protocol as not being

" alternative " .

Re: Re: neuroimmune research


I am glad your son is doing well under Dr Goldberg's care. Dr G is

definitely against adding in alternative medicine into the medication

routine for a child under his care.

If you are adding in alternative medicines you should make him aware

of this. But I will tell you he will tell you how strongly he feels that

there is no place for alternative meds in the form of megavitamins,

megaaminos, chelation, hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

In fact, you will note some of the flaming posts from the

moderator indicates promoting alternative meds on this board is not


I understand you feel very strongly about supporting Dr Bruce (Phd)

and alternative medicines, and I respect you as a person trying to help

your child, that really is wonderful.

I wish only the best to you and your child. Good Luck and God Bless

jinyang061629 <yanglou@...> wrote:

I went to a Dan doctor for about two year before I finally went to

Dr. Goldberg, because there is no main stream MD will take on his

approach, and many parents I spoke to did not think Dr. Goldberg's

protocol is a viable alternative. Dr. Globerg's protocol like it or

not, is also considered to be an alternative method to main stream

medicine which basically does nothing to help.

In you first post, because there were some terms in Dr. Bruce's

profile you do not like, you were basically tell people Dr. Bruce

must be some kind of Con doctor.

I think you are doing a dis-service to group members who can not fly

to see Dr. Goldberg, but may be able to get help from Dr. Bruce.

I also think that you are unfair to Dr. Bruce. Dr. Bruce is based in

Texas, and was working at NY Clinic. His son was a Dr Goldberg's

patient. There are parents in this group have been seeing him, or

planning to see him. Especially those live at north east and south

east corner of the country. I have not heard any complaint, but from

time to time, I have read that he helped some family greatly.

My suggestion for you is call him up, like you did with Dr. Goldberg,

do some more in depth research, before you form your opinions. You

can find his number from NY clinic:


Just give you some background. My son is doing quite well under Dr.

Goldberg's care, he is a six grader, has more then one best friends,

on 98/99% nationally on math and reading, and had just took SAT for

gifted children, and just got Brown belts for TKD.

By the way, I went to a Dan Doctor for two years before we start see

Dr. Goldberg. Althrough I do not agree with Dan doctor's approach,

but I am not going to stand here and telling people that Dan doctors

are con doctors. There are kids helped greatly by Dan doctors.


>>> > just fyi - there is a new group for discussion of



>> neuroimmune



>>> > issues called 'neuroendocrineimmune'. It is an informal list




>>> > people interested in the discussion of all " aspects of

>>> > NeuroEndocrineImmune issues and CNDS (Chronic

>>> > NeuroendocrineimmuDysfunction Syndrome) -- whether specific to




>> or



>>> > not... " (from the homepage.) My understanding is that the focus



>> will



>>> > be on current research.

>>> >

>>> > fwiw,


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Doris, I loved reading your post, it was exactly what I was feeling. After a

15 year journey (the last 3 with Dr. G.), we are seeing the light at the end

of the tunnel. I am just so thankful that we are patients of Dr. G's.


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Thank you and well said!

Elyse Goldberg-

-- In , Doris and Steve <sjsmith@...> wrote:


> There are a number of things Dr G will look for to determine if

> you child is a good candidate for . True, not every child shows

> clear evidence of immune dysfunction. But who knows, it might be


> Medical science has limitations on what it can detect.


> takes time to clean up the body. It's not an overnight success

> story. Yes some kids do respond faster than others. My son was


> a quick responder, then as the body got better and we started to

focus more

> on the brain, the response rate dropped. But the neuroSPECTS are

guiding Dr G

> on how healthy the brain is.


> Why is there so much venom in posts relating to 'other protocols'?

> because for many of us, we've been there/done that.

> We've feed our kids megadoses of vits/supplements; we've held

> them for B12 injections. We've also done our research and watched

> the trends. We watch to see where the research is taking us.

> Caregivers who continue to jump on the mercury train see the


> but do they really understand the connection? It's so easy to blame

> something we don't understand. Sure mercury isn't good for us but

> is it the ONLY thing in those shots to blame? what about the simian

> (DNA?RNA?) in the polio shot? human (DNA?RNA?) in the rubella shot?

> what about the number of shots they give and the age of the child?

> I've seen no meaningful discussions on 'hey you know, 25+ shots

before they

> enter kindergarten sounds awfully high to me ....'


> Diet: there is so much info out there on the benefits of GFCF diet

for our

> kids. For medical practioners to dismiss the diet almost borders

> on medical incompetence. Do you dismiss what you don't understand?

> or do you do research on it to further your knowledge?

> Even JHU/KKI recognize the benefits of the diet (we're working

> on them re: immune dysregulation)


> This is a support group.

> We are all familiar with the DOs/DONTs. If you read the information

> on the website and NEUROIMMUNEDR, you see some of the


> as why makes sense. Buy the DVD from Mississippi. $45 is a


> price for such valuable information.


> If you want to discuss chelation, supplements, etc

> go to ABMD or one of the other listservs where these

> topics are the main course.


> Doris

> -land





> Message: 3

> Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2006 10:29:50 -0800 (PST)

> From: JOHN WRIGHT <butterflycw@...>

> Subject: RE: Re: neuroimmune research


> Just because helps your child, it doesn't mean that it will be

beneficial to all. The one thing we have learned in the past three

years is that each child is very much an individual. Our child has

no immune problems, no myelein basic protein problems, etc., etc.

She is very chemically and metals sensitive. We have had to work

through these issues by first eliminating what we knew she didn't

have. Don't be so quick to deny that there are other protocols that

are beneficial to others. I was really surprised to see such venom

spoken on this website. I guess it is not something I will visit


> CW


> " K. Fischer " <elfischer@...> wrote:

> What about the diet? All of the mainstream docs/neuros/GIs I have

> talked to pretty much consider diets for ASD to be " alternative "


> of course a normal GI workup shows real allergies that need to be

> treated. In fact, from what I gather, mainstream medicine considers

> crazy diets to be one of the hallmarks of the ASD alternative


> protocols. I am not saying that I agree at all, BUT, I am curious


> this aspect is reconciled in the protocol as not being

> " alternative " .


> Re: Re: neuroimmune research


> Jin


> I am glad your son is doing well under Dr Goldberg's care. Dr G is

> definitely against adding in alternative medicine into the


> routine for a child under his care.


> If you are adding in alternative medicines you should make him


> of this. But I will tell you he will tell you how strongly he feels


> there is no place for alternative meds in the form of megavitamins,

> megaaminos, chelation, hyperbaric oxygen therapy.


> In fact, you will note some of the flaming posts from the

> moderator indicates promoting alternative meds on this board is not

> tolerated.


> I understand you feel very strongly about supporting Dr Bruce


> and alternative medicines, and I respect you as a person trying to


> your child, that really is wonderful.


> I wish only the best to you and your child. Good Luck and God



> jinyang061629 <yanglou@...> wrote:

> I went to a Dan doctor for about two year before I finally went


> Dr. Goldberg, because there is no main stream MD will take on his

> approach, and many parents I spoke to did not think Dr. Goldberg's

> protocol is a viable alternative. Dr. Globerg's protocol like it or

> not, is also considered to be an alternative method to main stream

> medicine which basically does nothing to help.


> In you first post, because there were some terms in Dr. Bruce's

> profile you do not like, you were basically tell people Dr. Bruce

> must be some kind of Con doctor.


> I think you are doing a dis-service to group members who can not


> to see Dr. Goldberg, but may be able to get help from Dr. Bruce.


> I also think that you are unfair to Dr. Bruce. Dr. Bruce is based


> Texas, and was working at NY Clinic. His son was a Dr


> patient. There are parents in this group have been seeing him, or

> planning to see him. Especially those live at north east and south

> east corner of the country. I have not heard any complaint, but


> time to time, I have read that he helped some family greatly.


> My suggestion for you is call him up, like you did with Dr.


> do some more in depth research, before you form your opinions. You

> can find his number from NY clinic:

> http://www.nidsnnyclinic.org/id1.html


> Just give you some background. My son is doing quite well under Dr.

> Goldberg's care, he is a six grader, has more then one best


> on 98/99% nationally on math and reading, and had just took SAT for

> gifted children, and just got Brown belts for TKD.


> By the way, I went to a Dan Doctor for two years before we start


> Dr. Goldberg. Althrough I do not agree with Dan doctor's approach,

> but I am not going to stand here and telling people that Dan


> are con doctors. There are kids helped greatly by Dan doctors.


> Jin





> >>> > just fyi - there is a new group for discussion of

> >>

> >>

> >> neuroimmune

> >

> >

> >>> > issues called 'neuroendocrineimmune'. It is an informal


> >>

> >>

> for


> >>> > people interested in the discussion of all " aspects of

> >>> > NeuroEndocrineImmune issues and CNDS (Chronic

> >>> > NeuroendocrineimmuDysfunction Syndrome) -- whether specific


> >>

> >>



> >> or

> >

> >

> >>> > not... " (from the homepage.) My understanding is that the


> >>

> >>

> >> will

> >

> >

> >>> > be on current research.

> >>> >

> >>> > fwiw,

> >>




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