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Thanks for all the input everyone.  Some for, some not sure.  i have read his book and was impressed with what i saw.  have tried some of his original probiotics, not sure if they did any  good as so much was going on with all the different bugs

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Thanks for all the input everyone.  Some for, some not sure.  i have read his book and was impressed with what i saw.  have tried some of his original probiotics, not sure if they did any  good as so much was going on with all the different bugs doing their thing.


My sister saw this info and emailed it to me so before i spent any more $ thought i would ask here.


interesting, swansons sells the same bacteria.  i would assume cheaper, but will check.  maybe some more research to see if this bacteria does what it says it does.


i think i need to really add some more probiotics.  had some good ones from ND from they are very expensive and i need to take on an ongoing basis so need to watch the $. 


thanks again everyone, and if you find out more please post.




Hi Lena,I did check out Bacillus coagulans, I just posted about it... It is actually in the probioticI was pounding the table about a few months ago from Swanson, with 66 billiongood bacteria in each capsule... It is listed in Swanson's list as " Lactospore® Lactobacillus sporogenes " which is the identical bacteria..

http://www.swansonvitamins.com/SWL008/ItemDetailI would be nice if you post the link to the Kefir bacteria!!Hope you kids are having fun... :-)


> > Hi,> > does anyone know anything about this product? is it any good?> > October 19 - ISSUE 142> > From Jordan's Desk: A Tough Probiotic> When you have a diverse probiotic population or " cultural diversity "

> in your gut and throughout your body, chances are good that you will > have the most comprehensive protection that probiotics can offer. For > example, most of us are aware that probiotics are key to proper

> digestion and nutrient absorption. They also play a major role in > supporting a healthy immune system as well as possible roles in > healthy metabolism, blood sugar levels, weight and mood. > Interestingly, each probiotic strain can glean a range of differing

> biochemical effects, which is why it's smart to have that cultural > diversity when you consume probiotics.> > That's why I want to introduce you to another probiotic that you may > not have heard of before. It's the beneficial bacteria called Bacillus

> coagulans, and it's one tough and prolific probiotic. Bacillus > coagulans produces lactic acid and, as a result, is often > misclassified as lactic acid bacteria like Lactobacillus or > bifidobacteria. Unlike either one of those beneficial bacteria,

> however, Bacillus coagulans forms reproductive structures called spores > —and that sets it apart from lactic acid bacteria. What's more is this > powerful probiotic's spores are actually activated in the harsh acidic

> environment of the stomach and start to rapidly populate in the > intestine, where it can support healthy gut microbes and immune > response.> > That may not sound like much of an achievement, but it is. Many

> probiotics find it difficult to survive the journey through the > stomach, let alone to thrive in it. In short, to be effective, > probiotics have to make it through the gastric and bile acids to reach

> and colonize the intestinal tract for any beneficial effect. Most > don't make it through the gastric and bile acids, but Bacillus > coagulans is protected by a spore coating that withstands the

> dangerous stomach territory to land safely and populate the intestines.> > That's not all there is to know about this probiotic, though. It also > supports gastrointestinal, respiratory, immune and cellular health. It

> fights off " bad " bacteria and can support healthy levels of > inflammation, including the areas of C-reactive protein (CRP) and in > joint health. C-reactive protein, incidentally, is a protein found in

> the blood that increases in response to inflammation. It's a marker > for a variety of unhealthy states, including cardiovascular and > cellular unhealth, unhealthy bacterial, viral or fungal infiltrations,

> unhealthy levels of inflammation, autoimmune imbalances and > compromised bodily tissues.> > You may wonder just how Bacillus coagulans can affect inflammation > levels. Once Bacillus coagulans makes it to the intestines, it

> releases inflammation-balancing molecules and/or acts against > organisms in the gut that are responsible for unhealthy inflammation/ > immune responses. In fact, once activated, Bacillus coagulans produces

> bacteriocins (bad bacteria killers) and lowers the pH by producing > lactic acid. These work in tandem to crowd out the " bad guys " that > might be creating inflammatory havoc. Additionally, Bacillus coagulans

> produces short-chain fatty acids like butyric acid, which supports > cellular health in the small and large intestines as well as > supporting the mucosal immune system.> > If you ask me, that's one tough probiotic—and one that you should know

> about.> > > Copyright © 2012> > This information is intended for educational and informational > purposes only. It should not be used in place of an individual > consultation or examination or replace the advice of your health care

> professional and should not be relied upon to determine diagnosis or > course of treatment.> Copyright 2011 Garden of Life | Login> > thanks,> > barbara>

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