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USDA: >30 unapproved pesticides on the herb cilantro

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/**/USDA testing finds 30-plus unapproved pesticides on the herb cilantro/*

But levels may not pose health risk, experts say

[especially if we ignore other intra-body pollutants]

[organic cilantro is available]

By Eng, Tribune reporter

May 31, 2011



Just in time for cookout season, some unsettling news arrives for

guacamole and salsa lovers: Federal testing turned up a wide array of

unapproved pesticides on the herb cilantro --- to an extent that

surprises and concerns government scientists.

At least 34 unapproved pesticides showed up on cilantro samples analyzed

by the U.S. Department of Agriculture as part of the agency's routine

testing of a rotating selection of produce. Cilantro was the first fresh

herb to be tested in the 20-year-old program.

" We are not really sure why the cilantro came up with these residues, "

said Pappas, a chemist who oversees the Virginia-based USDA

pesticide testing. Researchers suspect growers may have confused

guidelines for cilantro and flat-leaf parsley, for which more pesticides

are approved.

In all, 94 percent of the 184 cilantro samples tested in 2009 came up

positive for at least one pesticide, according to an annual Pesticide

Data Program report posted online last week.....

here <http://www.ams.usda.gov/AMSv1.0/getfile?dDocName=STELPRDC5091055>


Except for cilantro, all residues detected were lower than the FDA

Action Levels (ALs). Cilantro DDE p,p' residues are not covered by ALs

and are therefore, reported as presumptive violations. Details of

residue results for DDT, DDD, and DDE may be found in Appendices B, C,

D, E, and G.


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