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Hi Kim,A man made a wager that he could lift a full-grown bull, and then started by lifting a new-born calf, every day. Just do one new thing at a time and slowly accumulate all the healthful routines you can. It IS a drag. I often think of all the o

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Hi Kim,A man made a wager that he could lift a full-grown bull, and then started by lifting a new-born calf, every day. Just do one new thing at a time and slowly accumulate all the healthful routines you can. It IS a drag. I often think of all the other things I could be doing if I weren't treating this & %@# disease, but getting better and functioning better is a great reward and I'm glad that there are effective things that can be done event though they take up a lot of time and energy.Be well,Léna Wow! This is great. I didn't realize how much I don't know. I didn't know I was this far off track. As I have questions, I will probably email you off line. Thank you for everything!! How do you/people get everything done in a day? I feel like I am going to have to get up before 5am to start a routine like this. I am not sure how I will make it through a work day on less sleep! My daughter keeps me busy in the evening so I don't know how to fit it in then either. Obviously we are all in the same boat so I know it can be done. I guess I will have to figure it out. Thanks again. I really appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions. Kim > > Okay lets discuss detoxFirst We need to do detox every day.Some methods may require once or twice a day ,or depending on your body,more or less. > There are so many different forms of detox > Brain issues, this is when you get all fuzzy headed and feel foggy so we call it brain fog.Usually it will take something to release the neurotoxins from the brain( most often ammonia).Some use Nutramedix burbur or pinella,There is also a detox product from Natures trust that is useful.Some use red root which detoxes lymph.It helps detox the whole body also. > Then a half hour or 45 minutes later so later we take a binder type detox agentThis varies per person .It can be charcoal(messy).clay, pectin, glucomannan, chitosan , etc anything that will absorb the toxins once it reaches the intestinal tract..This is a really important part of the detox process > Some people use Source Naturals K mag KG which detoxes and neutralizes ammonia. I use a combination of each > A mention of clays , there are many out there Diatomaceous Earth is one( which also helps ride the body of intestinal bad bugs worms etc). there is red clays and green french clay there is azomite ( which is also filled with trace minerals).It basically comes down to , which ever works for you > .Usually just mix a teaspoon in water and chug it down, it can be mixed into juice or food or anything else for kids.It is gritty ,so you might need to "hide" it) > When taking binders, we must take them away from other supplements because they are naturally absorbent and their purpose is to absorb anything bad in the intestines so it doesnt get reabsorbed into the bloodstream.Some will take clay first thing in the morning or last at night as well.Experiment with what works best for you.Every body has to be treated individually, What works for one person may not work for you > Most important mineral is magnesium.You can get magnesium through bathing in epsom salts(easy for children) or using transdermal magnesium oil spray ( important to follow the directions ,not starting with full strength but building up to it gradually).You can also take oral magnesium but magnesium is not well absorbed through the digestive tract.I find oral magnesium particularly useful for when I get constipated, or just to keep myself regular. > Magnesium is important to just about every function in the human body and lyme unfortunately likes magnesium so it takes some of what we take away from us.That means that we need more than a healthy person.Magnesium also helps with pain. > If your child needs it I suggest a product called Natural Calm.Its a powder that when added to water it gets fizzy and is often a fruit flavor.Made specifically so kids will like it.You can probably add other powdered supplements to it to hide them.Another good way to get kids to take supplements is smoothies using yogurt or kefir.Probiotica are extremely important to our bodies too. > Next their are coffee enemas.These are done low volume with specific instructions.The theory is that it hits a duct in the lower intestinal tract and detoxes the liver. > Other detox for the liver includes glutathione, milk thistle and other cleansing herbs. > I personally wouldnt subject a two year old to an enema but everything else can be done by adjusting the dosage to be more appropriate for a young child , maybe a 1/4 dose to start to see how it helps then adjust the dose to her needs..I do not use coffee enemas ,They wind my up and make me buzz, but others use them with no problem > All these things are quite safe.No detox method should affect the heart negatively.If you have any heart symptoms they are likely related to lyme or its co-infections and there are specific things you can do to help those issues > I hope this explanation helps.Feel free to email me off list if you have questionsJan > > Subject: Doug Coil? Rife? How to Detox? Supplements? Abx? TMI!!! > >

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