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Stealth Virus

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I read a bit of the site you mentioned for stealth viruses - interesting

theory. I have treated my son for unknown viral problems using herbal

anti-virals and a homeopathic viral treatment. After starting

wormwood/black walnut/clove combo he started sleeping better. We do know

that he tested high for measles virus though and have noticed that his

seizures get worse when he is sick indicating a possible viral cause of the

seizures. We have not tested for 'stealth viruses'.

However, there may be several causes of autism so viral problems may not be

present in all children or they could come after the immune system is

already compromised. Many people on this group have used anti-viral

treatments on their children with good results. But many people have

chelated their kids and had dramatic results so even if virals were part of

the problem, the metals were a big part of the problem too.

Here is a page on the site specified about autism that was interesting

for others who want to read a bit.




Has anyone here tested a child for " stealth virus " ? I ran across

curious reading at www.ccid.org

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I agree with you. It is an interesting theory, this " stealth virus " but I

believe it and/or other viral activity is probably is part of the puzzle. I

wonder how many toxic children ended up with a viral issue that goes

undiscovered until chelation. I have heard some say that some chelation methods

probably help rid viruses in cells (or the toxins the virus produces?) in

addition to heavy metal toxins or maybe once the metal toxins are removed the

system regulates to fight the virus, etc, etc... so many possibilities. The

reason I am so curious is because I have heard some parents say that they didn't

really see positive effects of many of the supplements and chelation until a

viral issue was removed, in that the viral issue continued to " mask " the

positives of the other treatment or possibly ends up in a vicious circle. I

wonder if there is a subset of kids who would unknowingly benefit from a viral

protocal along with the other stuff or very early on......I would love to hear

what others think. The reason I am curious about this doctor's theory is that

it might explain why some children respond to a viral protocal even though

testing doesn't reveal actual vaccine strain infections (titers that would

indicate an active case of measles or something like that). Also, as in my

son's case I have a " gut " feeling that it was the vaccines he received even

before the MMR that caused something (the DPT maybe).

RE: Stealth Virus


I read a bit of the site you mentioned for stealth viruses - interesting

theory. I have treated my son for unknown viral problems using herbal

anti-virals and a homeopathic viral treatment. After starting

wormwood/black walnut/clove combo he started sleeping better. We do know

that he tested high for measles virus though and have noticed that his

seizures get worse when he is sick indicating a possible viral cause of the

seizures. We have not tested for 'stealth viruses'.

However, there may be several causes of autism so viral problems may not be

present in all children or they could come after the immune system is

already compromised. Many people on this group have used anti-viral

treatments on their children with good results. But many people have

chelated their kids and had dramatic results so even if virals were part of

the problem, the metals were a big part of the problem too.

Here is a page on the site specified about autism that was interesting

for others who want to read a bit.




Has anyone here tested a child for " stealth virus " ? I ran across

curious reading at www.ccid.org

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Many years ago when my daughter got her first DPT she developed a

light, slightly raised rash and I think had a bit of a fever. (this

was18-16years ago), she was 5-6 maybe and the dr at that time called

it the 5th disease, but he didn't give her the next P (pertussis) in

the next scheduled DPT shot. Have absolutely no idea if this is

relevant. Then when she was in 5th grade she developed a lo grade

fever, headache, and " felt achy " . We had her home for 6 weeks. I

don't remember a rash tho. We had a cat scan done because I was

scared of a brain tumor. Never did get a diagnosis. She has sensory

issues and has a real quick temper, and doesn't like being in crowds

at all. Rose

> AJ


> I agree with you. It is an interesting theory, this " stealth

virus " but I believe it and/or other viral activity is probably is

part of the puzzle.

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>>I wonder how many toxic children ended up with a viral issue that

goes undiscovered until chelation. I have heard some say that some

chelation methods probably help rid viruses in cells (or the toxins

the virus produces?) in addition to heavy metal toxins or maybe once

the metal toxins are removed the system regulates to fight the virus,

etc, etc

I considered viral issues because my son did not have as much

improvement with chelation as I wanted/expected. Addressing viruses

was VERY helpful.

I did anti-virals after chelation was ended. So my son still needed

anti-virals, his body did not eliminate the viruses on its own, even

after the metals were removed.


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  • 10 months later...
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I have my son on anti-viral now and diflucan. I was still wanting to

have a stealth virus test done for each in the family out of

curiousity as I'm sure that we all have this. However, every time

that I've tried to get a response from the ccid-center for complex

infectious disease-there is not any response. Is this center still

in operation? Is this even a real center for research? I'm starting

to wonder. Who else does family testing for stealth virus? How does

dr. G feel about this? I'd like to treat the whole family.

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  • 3 years later...
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yeah, which stealth virus?

Some of them we don't even know...thus the stealth part...hee, hee

but no seriously, the problem is that there are viral contaminants in vaccines

that we are unaware of. The people who make them aren't but you and I and the

general public aren't. When vaccines are made they use animal cells mainly, and

those contain the viruses of that particular animal. Now they try to inactivate

them with nasty chemicals and metals but not all of them are inactivated and

they become part of the mix of the vaccine. So when you get tetanus, you get who

knows what else with it.

Then there are the hidden viruses they deliberately put in some vaccines. Read

the overview on Stealth Viruses.


There is a ton of information on this site about these stealth viruses. Mainly,

antiviral protocols are how you treat them. It's just that our immune systems

were not designed to handle animal viruses, only human ones.

Vaccines like the first polio ones in the 50's had SV40 which is simian virus

from monkey. Problem was that it cause cancer in humans.

Other vaccines can have cat leukemia virus...hiv, on onward the nastiness goes.

Some nasties we would be looking for in humans are:

parvovirus B19, HIV, hepatitis B virus (HBV) and human herpesvirus-6 (HHV-6), SV

40, Lyme,

Basically, they are viruses that can hide from the immune system, so they can

live in our bodies and do what they please unless we kill them with antivirals.

This is also " enlightening " :



> Can anyone elaborate about the Stealth Virus and it's connection to autism?

> DG/Pa

> **************Check all of your email inboxes from anywhere on the web. Try

> the new Email Toolbar now!

> (http://toolbar.aol.com/mail/download.html?ncid=txtlnkusdown00000027)




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Are you referring to the " stealth virus " that the advocates of ACE Pathways talk

about? My best advice if that is the case - run fast away from the ACE Pathways

folks. I believe that they are a scam.

But as for viruses, as a few others have mentioned before me, many of our kids

have significant viral issues which can contibute to their symptoms autism. My

son has responded amazingly well to antiviral treatments in the past and we look

forward to doing more antivirals in the future.



> Can anyone elaborate about the Stealth Virus and it's connection to autism?

> DG/Pa

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Why do you think its a scam ­ our kid has a deletion on the ACE snp so am

interested in your observation/statement


On 30/3/09 5:53 PM, " Sheri " <ksmiller@...> wrote:




> Are you referring to the " stealth virus " that the advocates of ACE Pathways

> talk about? My best advice if that is the case - run fast away from the ACE

> Pathways folks. I believe that they are a scam.


> But as for viruses, as a few others have mentioned before me, many of our kids

> have significant viral issues which can contibute to their symptoms autism.

> My son has responded amazingly well to antiviral treatments in the past and we

> look forward to doing more antivirals in the future.


> Sheri



>> >

>> > Can anyone elaborate about the Stealth Virus and it's connection to

>> autism?

>> > DG/Pa






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I'm referring to the ACE pathway investigational study in which they are

claiming to activate an alternate cellular energy pathway, or ACE pathway as the

study people refer to it. This so-called study is under investigation by Health


I'm not referring to the ACE gene, or anything related to Dr. Yasko.

Sorry for any confusion!


> >> >

> >> > Can anyone elaborate about the Stealth Virus and it's connection to

> >> autism?

> >> > DG/Pa

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >






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I am just checking in from FDC group..

I have been working with these stealth viruses in my healing of fibro ,

chronic fatigue.

I have been taking the simian viral homeopathic for many years. It is a

tough virus to eliminate..I would have recieved the polio salk virus in

the 50s where it was contaminated until 1963 with this simian virus.

The virus is known to lodge in the neck and into the brain causing

cancer.. For me the homeopathic cured me of frozen shoulder years ago

never to return , and eases the pain with an ongoing pain in the nap of my


I also find taking a homeopathic of the salk vaccine and the tetanus

vaccine very helpful..The polio homeopathic helps me with my problems

walking in a incoordinated fashion. The tetanus helps relieve jaw


For children of this day and age you could ask around to find a

homeopathic who could make you up a homeopathic of the vaccine they

are exposed to.


> >

> > Can anyone elaborate about the Stealth Virus and it's connection to autism?

> > DG/Pa

> > **************Check all of your email inboxes from anywhere on the web. Try

> > the new Email Toolbar now!

> > (http://toolbar.aol.com/mail/download.html?ncid=txtlnkusdown00000027)

> >

> >

> >

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I wanted to add that I also have found the homeopathic of the actual

polio virus to be helpful.. It affected me differently than the vaccine of

the salk vaccine. The polio vaccine in all of its history ,even until the

90s was leading to several cases of polio every year. In a high

percentage of people one comes down with the virus which shows up as a

one day fever and does not go into the acute muscle problems.. So often

people have no idea they actually contracted the virus.

It ,plus arsenic were responsible for the severe pain I had in my shin

muscles. With homeopathy the symptom was relieved ,,


> >

> > Can anyone elaborate about the Stealth Virus and it's connection to autism?

> > DG/Pa

> > **************Check all of your email inboxes from anywhere on the web. Try

> > the new Email Toolbar now!

> > (http://toolbar.aol.com/mail/download.html?ncid=txtlnkusdown00000027)

> >

> >

> >

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Okay thanks for clarifying that

On 31/3/09 5:19 AM, " Sheri " <ksmiller@...> wrote:




> I'm referring to the ACE pathway investigational study in which they are

> claiming to activate an alternate cellular energy pathway, or ACE pathway as

> the study people refer to it. This so-called study is under investigation by

> Health Canada.


> I'm not referring to the ACE gene, or anything related to Dr. Yasko.


> Sorry for any confusion!

> Sheri



>>>>> > >> >

>>>>> > >> > Can anyone elaborate about the Stealth Virus and it's connection to

>>>> > >> autism?

>>>>> > >> > DG/Pa

>>> > >

>>> > >

>>> > >

>>> > >

>>> > >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

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Where do you get this homeopathic?

My biological mother was disabled with polio. I have suffered from chronic pain

in one of the muscles where she was disabled.


===> I wanted to add that I also have found the homeopathic of the actual

polio virus to be helpful.. It affected me differently than the vaccine of

the salk vaccine.

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I bought the polio and the polio-salk and the tetanus through the

homeopathic company called Dolisos...

THe simian homeopathic { it says 22-44 Simie 40 on the bottle} I bought

through Hannasherbshop... Hannah Kroeger vibropathics.. which also carries

several of the viruses like hepatitis, cat leukemia, coxsackie, epstein

barr, norwalk, a combo called DPT{ diptheria, polio ,tetanus } etc .




> Nanci,


> Where do you get this homeopathic?


> My biological mother was disabled with polio. I have suffered from chronic

pain in one of the muscles where she was disabled.


> --penumbra


> ===> I wanted to add that I also have found the homeopathic of the

actual polio virus to be helpful.. It affected me differently than the

vaccine of the salk vaccine.


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This is something that is very interesting.....how did you find out that it was

polio...is there a polio titers test? I have had many immunizations and some

were pretty awful....and I still remember the small pox vaccine....having a pox

that stood up on my arm about 2 " tall and was about the size of a nickle and

lasted for weeks..huge ugly and so sore and itchy.... Of course it could also

be that I react more strongly to it because I am an Indian....but still very

scarey when you think about it...my younger kiddos are struggling so hard with

viruses...just amazing..



> I wanted to add that I also have found the homeopathic of the actual

polio virus to be helpful.. It affected me differently than the vaccine of

the salk vaccine. The polio vaccine in all of its history ,even until the

90s was leading to several cases of polio every year. In a high

percentage of people one comes down with the virus which shows up as a

one day fever and does not go into the acute muscle problems.. So often

people have no idea they actually contracted the virus.


> It ,plus arsenic were responsible for the severe pain I had in my shin

muscles. With homeopathy the symptom was relieved ,,


> nanci



> > >

> > > Can anyone elaborate about the Stealth Virus and it's connection to


> > > DG/Pa

> > > **************Check all of your email inboxes from anywhere on the web.


> > > the new Email Toolbar now!

> > > (http://toolbar.aol.com/mail/download.html?ncid=txtlnkusdown00000027)

> > >

> > >

> > >

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I started getting interested in it when a naturopath put me on the

homeopathic for smallpox ,, I had a huge healing when I went up to the

highest dose.. I went from having extremely bad hypoglycemia { my blood

sugar never went up ,, it was down a half hour after eating and I was

always hungry } and high anxiety to a lowering of the acuteness

overnight .. Some of those symptoms are still around but never back to

the unbearable acuteness.

After that not being able to afford to see anyone profesionally I decided

to buy the hoemopathics of the vaccines I have had in my life. I have had

to continue with some of them , .

As I chelate and do other things that I can tolerate to take care of

viral problems I hope to rid myself of the vaccine affects.

I did get a test done for high epstein barr virus titers and staying

on the epstein barr homeopathic for a few months back in the 90s helped

my body fight that off. So homeopathy I beleive is not strong enough in

our world of toxins and metals etc to help obtain a total cure , but

it is a great conjunct to helping me cope and live a normal life.

They are cheap for me as I know of a way of making my own from the

original bottle ... and only use about one bottle per year.. I did not

start chelating until a year ago , but I still find I need some of

these homemopathics that have been keeping me functioning.. Also it took me

awhile to get to the point of knowing which supplements to take ... all

recommended in Andys books. I had gone off of the homeopathics for the

whole of this past year as I was chelating and just returned to taking

them this month. I still need them alot to help with my motor and pain


.. I believe alot in taking needed supplements , and doing chelation ,,

The homeopathics are also a necessary part of my healing. For some I have

heard they do not have such good results.. Everyone is different.

thanks for the info about the other viral protocal.. I am going to go back

to taking the olive leaf extract as recommended here .. It was hard on

my gut as I recall when I took it several years ago .. sorry cannot

remember as I had given up on herbs a couple of years ago as I did not

handle them well. I have been taking some lysine and arginine for a chronic

staph infection but will experiment with the dose..



> Hi


> This is something that is very interesting.....how did you find out that it

was polio...is there a polio titers test? I have had many immunizations and

some were pretty awful....and I still remember the small pox vaccine....having a

pox that stood up on my arm about 2 " tall and was about the size of a nickle and

lasted for weeks..huge ugly and so sore and itchy.... Of course it could also

be that I react more strongly to it because I am an Indian....but still very

scarey when you think about it...my younger kiddos are struggling so hard with

viruses...just amazing..

> Ronni

> >

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Here is an update of an interesting crisis which thanks alot to this group

I had the where-with- had an interesting crisis.

I have been on the herbals for my adrenals after having found taking

adrenal extract seemed to bother me. I went on the adrenal extract this

week as I like to give things a second and third try .. I have been

noticing I was having a harder time with certain foods{ gluten etc} and

that my energy was more down.. I cannot say it was from chelating which I

have been doing on a regular basis ,

So I started the adrenal pills three days ago. The first 36 hours I

felt great improvement. I felt less dragged out/ exhausted and realised

how poorly I have been. But by last night I noticed I was feeling more

fatigued ,, this time it directly parralleled eating .. An hour after

eating I felt wiped out--- rather emotional and in the way that has

been my pattern in my health problems. I feel like my right side,, gets

quite weak and I will have troubles walking without fear and I will

have difficulty holding onto things and writing with my right hand.

I had been on this group and had come across the information on

treating viral problems. I had just restarted taking the homeopathics for

several of the viruses that I know affect me.. polio, tetanus , simian

that are present in the vaccines I received as a child. I found last

night when I was very tired after eating when I had these homeopathics

my energy improved immediately.

This morning I did further investigations and experiments ,, I added

in homeopathic epstein barr which I know I have, and

noticed again an improvement. I read the download of the info about how

viruses are linked into immunity and digestive problems . Taking antivirals

is suggested . SO I took some olive leaf extract and again had some


Now what is interesting is that I am sure those viral symptoms got

worse after adding in the adrenal extract.. And this is why on my first

attempt at adrenal extract I thought I was sensitive to it... I know

understand that alot of my sensitivity comes from how these stealth

viruses affect my gut..

I have continued all day taking the adrenal supplement as well as taking

the homeopathics and the olive leaf extract and one hour eating my most

recent meal my gut is totally fine.. and I just realised even with the

fruit{ without any protein as I forgot } I feel abnormally fine. Usually

I would have to had some protein with carbs in order not to have some

negative affect..

Thanks again to this wonderful group..


> >

> > Hi

> >

> > This is something that is very interesting.....how did you find out that it

was polio...is there a polio titers test? I have had many immunizations and

some were pretty awful....and I still remember the small pox vaccine....having a

pox that stood up on my arm about 2 " tall and was about the size of a nickle and

lasted for weeks..huge ugly and so sore and itchy.... Of course it could also

be that I react more strongly to it because I am an Indian....but still very

scarey when you think about it...my younger kiddos are struggling so hard with

viruses...just amazing..

> > Ronni

> > >


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