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Re: Apology for spam and Off-Topic Personal News

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Hi, :  Thank you!   It's nice to hear from many old friends, too!   I

appreciate all of you who posted me with concern about my having been " hacked. "

  Life has been very busy; Jack and I (and a team of 14 African researchers)

have completed the HIV+AIDS research on LDN in Mali Africa and two papers are to

be published soon in the prestigious International Journal of AIDS Society

showing LDN's efficacy for immunity.  What a gift in my life to be drawn to

Africa for three long visits over the last few years and having the opportunity

to learn other cultures so different from America!  On all our trips we also

spent time in Israel on our way to Africa.  Jack and I have been working in

Israel to get council processes (non-hierarchichal listening circles in schools

and groups helping Jews and Arabs communicate at deeper levels) going to show

ancient enemies that we all want the same things at our basic human levels

beyond race, gender, and

religion.  His book " The Way of Council " is translated into Hebrew and widely

used all over Israel. 

In terms of autism, both Israel and Africa are very far behind our use of the

bio-medical approach, but in Mali, a very poor country, it was noted that only

well-to-do families who could afford vaccination had autistic children.  When I

first met their minister of health on our 1st visit there in 2007, he was under

the impression that autism was a hearing disorder.  Still, because of the

persistent huge stigma against AIDS there, our use of LDN for HIV+AIDS children

(which was what provoked my starting the research there in the 1st place) will

have to be started with acceptance of LDN for autism with then the legality of

using it for other indications (off-label use), such as HIV+AIDS.

I am almost finished with my new book on misogyny, " God's Fear of Woman, " (how

organized religions have denigrated the feminine starting 3000 years ago with

eradication of the Goddess-led indigenous peoples in Canaan).  Jack is almost

finished with his parallel book mainly for men to help them understand and love

women in a way that helps recognize, recover and truly honor the basic " Goddess

nature " in woman that man so desires and fears at the same time.  We believe

this fear men have of the creative and sexual-spiritual nature of woman is the

basis of patriarchy, the domination-competition ethos that is trashing earth's

basic resources, as it is well-known that Mother Earth is regarded by the

general masculine as he regards the feminine (with thanks for many more

exceptions all the time!)

Most excitedly for the autism group, I am taking my beloved Chelsey now just 17

and still unable to lead an independent life to the Dominican Republic in March

for an autologous adipose stem cell infusion; I truly believe it is the medicine

of the future.  I am so glad her parents refused earlier to let me get her an

embryonic stem cell  infusion (because of the fetal destruction aspect).  This

new process is so simple; under local anesthetic a small amount of adipose

tissue is withdrawn (usually from the " love handles " area of stomach), spun down

to concentrate the stem cells, which are then activated with lasers to awaken

them from their dormant storage state, then injected IV right back into the

patient several hours later.  No tumor formation has been noted, no rejection

(since it is your very own cells), no side effects or recovery issues. 

Benefits show up soon for some but usually within the two months following

infusion for most.  Adipose

tissue has far more stem cells than bone marrow, placenta, fetal tissue, or any

other tissue they have researched so far - 40 - 60 million stem cells per

infusion!  Who would have thought?? (Note:  The cost per infusion is $4800

plus 4 days free with full breakfast for 2 at a resort hotel next to the

clinic).  It has to be done outside of the US as the laser  " activation "

process of your very own cells is considered by the CDC-FDA as making your own

cells being classified as a " drug " - this is being fought by all the researchers

who have been doing this for over 3 years and I hope all of you join this

activism to fight such ridiculous and clearly pharm-beneficial and unfair FDA


Anyway, I will certainly keep the group apprised of our Dominican Republic

adventure in terms of Chelsey's response!  Again, thank you all for being with

me on this incredible journey!  Dr. JM

Subject: Re: Apology

To: csb-autism-rx

Date: Saturday, February 12, 2011, 3:11 AM


No matter how it happened, it's great to " hear your voice. "

You are missed and we all hope you are doing well!



> Dear and groups: Thanks, , for letting lists know I was indeed

hijacked, or whatever you call it. I have now changed my password and used an

anti-viral (malware) program and hope the problem is solved. Dr. JM


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Thank you so much for this generous update on the many ways you are forging

ahead. It makes my head spin to try to imagine how you manage to accomplish so

much on so many fronts. For whatever " force " that is, clearly, within you, I

know I can speak for everyone here and say, we are tremendously grateful.

Wonderful news about your work in Africa, the new papers and book (looking

forward to reading that!), and your trip with Chelsea.

I will keep my fingers x'd that you will someday have the time and will to write

an autobiography. I think it would be an amazing adventure for any reader.


, among many


  Life has been very busy....

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