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Re: Digest Number 2691

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Sophie, thanks for the welcome. You asked what other tests I've had besides

those checking for Hep A, B, and C. The other tests included CBC, Hepatic

Function panel, EBV, Cytomegalovirus, C-Reactive Protein - Cardiac. I have

not had a liver biopsy, nor seen a Hepatologist. So far, I have only seen

my Primary Care doc, plus this week I saw an Infectious Disease Specialist

who did more blood tests. He thinks I probably do have AIH, but we will

talk about it more in two weeks when the labs are all back. I'm feeling

much better so he is reluctant to recommend a liver biopsy.

Questions: How can I find an AIH specialist in the Dallas, TX area?

What is the " general and unspecified hepatitis " that you


What about food and drink intake? So far, neither doc has

mentioned anything about this.

Message: 5

Date: Sun, 05 Jan 2003 12:50:03 -0000

From: " sophieallsun <dsabine@...> " <dsabine@...>

Subject: Re: Flu Shot trigger for AIH?

Hi Barbara, welcome.

Did you have any other tests apart from those checking for Hep A, B

and C? To establish that you have autoimmune hepatitis you must be

checked for autoantibodies (another simple blood test) and you should

have a biopsy of the liver (a short and simple procedure, generally).

As far as my knowledge goes, there is a genetic predisposition for

AIH and it appears that the outbreak of it may be triggered by

something. There are various suggestions as to what could trigger it.

I have since heard (here in the group, mostly) of childbirth,

uncommon infections, exposure to toxins... My hepatologist just

shrugged his shoulders when I asked him and said your guess is as

good as mine. My family doc has narrowed down the time span of a

possible trigger episode to six months in 2000. Apparently, a blood

test taken in January 2000 when I had a heavy cold showed normal

liver values and when I did a routine check in June they were very

high. In between these two tests I had suffered from an erysipela, a

bacterial infection I picked up while walking barefoot in a five star

hotel bathroom (admittedly, I had a small superficial cut on one

foot), and had to take a high dose of penicillin. But both my docs

are reluctant to pin the blame on this. The hep doc listened up when

he heard that I had worked with an aid agency in Africa for

three years and that during that time I had several occasions of

intestinal worms.

Remember that apart from Hep A-D and autoimmune there is also a

general and unspecific hepatitis and this can pass. It takes some

time and you should follow doctors orders and especially the advice

on food and drink intake.

Take care,


> Hi! I'm Barbara. I'm new to this group and to hepatitis. I have

> been reading the postings for the last three days, and have learned

> lots from you. Three weeks ago, I became ill with hepatitis about


> hours after getting a flu shot. Twice I've gotten negative lab

> reports for HepA, B, and C. My primary care provider thinks there

> may be a connection between the flu shot and autoimmune hepatitis.

> Have any of you heard of such a connection?


> Thanks, Barbara



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sorry, I cannot help you out with doctors in Texas as I am from

across the Atlantic. But I will happily share what else I know.

When my liver values were up first, long before anyone mentioned or

even thought about AIH, I was also tested for the various types of

viral hepatitis and when all these tests were negative, the doc first

assumed I had 'unspecific' hepatitis. Apparently, there are many more

reasons for the liver values to increase apart from hep A, B, C, D

etc. viruses. The liver is responsible for so much in our body and

can take a blow from many corners. For example, in 1990, we lived for

a couple of months in India and our daughter got sick with vomiting

etc. shortly before we were due to return home. Back home, the

clearing docs (we were with an aid agency) diagnosed 'unspecific

hepatitis' and she was fine within a short time without medication,

just rest and a light diet. She was 5 years old at the time and so

did not have to abstain from alcohol.

In terms of food and drink, I was told, before and after AIH was

diagnosed, to stay away from alcohol. In one of the web site about

AIH I found this sentence, which I feel is rather fitting: " Alcohol

adds insult to injury in a liver disease. " Indeed, it insults our

hard working and injured liver, which deserves a far better

treatment. However, some of us here have been told by our docs that a

glass now and then does not harm. If you don't find it difficult to

stay away from alcohol, be glad you can do that much for your liver.

Food wise, I was told to keep my diet low fat with plenty of fresh

fruit and veg. But there does not seem to be a specific diet regimen.

Some people here have been told to keep away from raw seafood as

shellfish, crab etc. can be contaminated with bacteria and/or toxins.

Also, check with your doc about any medication you are taking or have

been taken on a regular basis in the past.

I hope your labs will keep you in the clear and that you find a good

hep doc who will be able to help you get better!

Take good care,


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  • 3 years later...
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Tristan, my nine year old grandson is reading between K-1 reading. I think

it is part dislexica. Any help would be wonderful.


-- Re: Re: Dance Dance Revolution

Timary, I called GameStop last night and went on line. Used ones are hard

to find and when I asked if they would be getting more in one clerk told me

no, as they were discontinuing the product due to a lot of problems with the

floor pads. Apparently, your son has not had this problem?


Re: Dance Dance Revolution

>> > >

>> > > We got the DDR and it is great! Don't worry about it

> being

>> > > too easy - there are 4 or 5 levels you can work up to. It is

>> > > perfect for younger children or those with motor planning

> deficits

>> > > (like my son.) My son also doesn't like to be outside,

> doesn't like

>> > > sports or other physical activities, and has always had low

> muscle

>> > > tone. But he will work incredibly hard at DDR! He even

> works

>> > > up a sweat - he has red cheeks and wet hair when he finishes!

>> >








> Responsibility for the content of this message lies strictly with

> the original author(s), and is not necessarily endorsed by or the

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  • 1 month later...
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Hello there!

Remember me? =)

I need some advice. I want to do a liver cleanse and I would like to hear

recommendations as to which one I should do and if any of you have done them and

how bad the process is. It is kind of scary sounding but I need to do this. The

one that is most popular seems to be the Hulda one. Thanks and let me



Coryn in Tacoma, WA

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Ah! Here it is! I must've been blind or something to have missed it

the first time.

Liver cleanse. Yes. I did the Hulda one. Intense but

effective. I'm thinking about doing it again. I did end up with kidney

pain afterwards, so this time I've been doing a gentle kidney cleanse

first. There's an intense Hulda kidney cleanse too that I've

heard good things about, but at the moment I don't have the $$ to buy

all those herbs and stuff. (I already have everything I need for the

liver one from last time.) Someone sent a link for the gentle kidney

cleanse but I didn't bookmark it so I can't share it. Maybe that post-

er will see this and re-post it? Please? Anyway it was taking your

body weight and dividing it in half and drinking that number of ounces

of water each day spiked with 1/4 tsp sea salt per quart. Do this for

at least a week before the liver cleanse, which isn't hard since you

also have to treat for parasites the week before anyhow.

The two other things I will do differently are:

1) Drink lots of water throughout even the the instructions say not to

eat or drink anything after a certain time of night. I got really

dehydrated last time. (Of course I was nursing a baby at the time,

too, so not drinking for 12 hours was a stupid, stupid thing to do.)

2) Add a squeeze of lemon to the epsom salt concoction. Drinking the

epsom salts were by far the worst part of the whole thing. Other

cleanses don't use them, but I just don't see how you can expect to

pass the big stones without it. Someone mentioned the lemon juice on a

really good thread somewhere in the forums on Dr' D's website. A

thread which I can't seem to find this morning. I'm having selective

computer blindness, I think.

Don from Alabama is an excellent person to ask about liver cleanses.

He doesn't spend much time with us anymore but he's really active on

the forums. " MoDon " is his screen name there.

Good luck with it!



> Hello there!


> Remember me? =)


> I need some advice. I want to do a liver cleanse and I would like to

hear recommendations as to which one I should do and if any of you have

done them and how bad the process is. It is kind of scary sounding but

I need to do this. The one that is most popular seems to be the Hulda

one. Thanks and let me know!!


> Regards,

> Coryn in Tacoma, WA



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In a message dated 4/17/2006 9:11:59 AM Eastern Standard Time,

SnipSnip@... writes:

The one that is most popular seems to be the Hulda one.

That's the one I used. Don't stray far from the bathroom.

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