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I wrote in to OPRAH about 1 1/2 years ago to see if we could do a show on

CHARGE to make people aware of this syndrome, but the response I got was that

it wasn`t well enough known and it would take to long to explain what CHARGE

was and would most likely confuse the audience, so therefore it wasn`t a show

that would be good for OPRAH. But it might be a good thing to try again now.

Debbie, Mom to Susie, 3 years old.

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Hi , I think what might workmis if we get all the families on this list

to sign an e-mail to Oprah and then send it in we might get a better

response, or one could be written up and we could sign it at the 2001

conference and all who can`t attend can an e-mail attached to it, just

telling their childs story, I think that if we all told our story and sent it

in there wouldn`t be a caring person able to ignore our children.

Debbie, mom to Susie, 3 years old.

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I do agree,that if we all get something togeather of

our children's story then we will be heard better as a

group then just one voice...I've been working on my

daughter's story for the last two years,and now in the

first steps of getting it published..as I felt getting

a book out of a child with something that's not well

known has been important to me for years now...

So if others are willing to get a story about their

child togeather..it doesn't have to be a book like

mine,even a discription of their childs life,and what

we go through as mothers and parents with our kids,and

what all our kids have gone through...then by the time

of the Indiana conference we should have enough

stories to put togeather...and those that can't make

the conference if you would like to write something on

email,we could put them with what we collect.....

If this is what you all would like to see happen

please respond....let help get this syndrome


--- Debcachia@... wrote:

> Hi , I think what might workmis if we get all

> the families on this list

> to sign an e-mail to Oprah and then send it in we

> might get a better

> response, or one could be written up and we could

> sign it at the 2001

> conference and all who can`t attend can an e-mail

> attached to it, just

> telling their childs story, I think that if we all

> told our story and sent it

> in there wouldn`t be a caring person able to ignore

> our children.

> Debbie, mom to Susie, 3 years old.


> -------------------------- eGroups Sponsor


> " 5th CHARGE Syndrome International Conference,

> Indianapolis, Indiana, July

> 20-22, 2001. Information will be available first in

> CHARGE Accounts, the

> CHARGE Syndrome Foundation's newsletter. "


> For information about the CHARGE Syndrome

> Foundation or to become a member (and get the

> newsletter)

> please contact marion@... or visit

> the CHARGE Syndrome Foundation web page

> at http://www.chargesyndrome.org



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Last night I sat down and read some of

my emails. I feel so totally overwhelmed at times when I read all

that is occurring! Please remember, I am only associated with CHARGE

because my Great-neice was born on October 13, 2000 and she was diagnosed

with CHARGE. I live across the country from her and I only

know Rose is "holding her own", at this time. [i am very ignorant

of the syndrome!]

However, I believe information is an incredible tool. My first

thought of publication was Oprah, I was disappointed at the emails that

followed from people that had already attempted to have Oprah do a "show"

on CHARGE. There is another person, though. Has any one ever

contacted Rosie O'Donnel? She is very much "into" children.

I think it's so important that people learn about CHARGE! Many

of you have been living your lives with CHARGE for. However, some

of us, are just now learning and it's such a mystery that continues to

grow as more emails are read!

I agree, I think we should all email Oprah as well as Rosie and perhaps,

with enough support, one or both will do a "show" on these special people.

Ralston wrote:

I do agree,that if we all get something togeather


our children's story then we will be heard better as a

group then just one voice...I've been working on my

daughter's story for the last two years,and now in the

first steps of getting it published..as I felt getting

a book out of a child with something that's not well

known has been important to me for years now...

So if others are willing to get a story about their

child togeather..it doesn't have to be a book like

mine,even a discription of their childs life,and what

we go through as mothers and parents with our kids,and

what all our kids have gone through...then by the time

of the Indiana conference we should have enough

stories to put togeather...and those that can't make

the conference if you would like to write something on

email,we could put them with what we collect.....

If this is what you all would like to see happen

please respond....let help get this syndrome


--- Debcachia@... wrote:

> Hi , I think what might workmis if we get all

> the families on this list

> to sign an e-mail to Oprah and then send it in we

> might get a better

> response, or one could be written up and we could

> sign it at the 2001

> conference and all who can`t attend can an e-mail

> attached to it, just

> telling their childs story, I think that if we all

> told our story and sent it

> in there wouldn`t be a caring person able to ignore

> our children.

> Debbie, mom to Susie, 3 years old.


> -------------------------- eGroups Sponsor


> "5th CHARGE Syndrome International Conference,

> Indianapolis, Indiana, July

> 20-22, 2001. Information will be available first in

> CHARGE Accounts, the

> CHARGE Syndrome Foundation's newsletter."


> For information about the CHARGE Syndrome

> Foundation or to become a member (and get the

> newsletter)

> please contact marion@... or visit

> the CHARGE Syndrome Foundation web page

> at http://www.chargesyndrome.org



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Good morning all...

Just catching up on lots of emails or I would have

responded to this thread earlier. The board has an idea

about a possibility for the Oprah show so don't despair

and let's don't jump the gun. At our last full board

meeting in Indy the idea was tossed about that the way

to reach Oprah is through her new Angel Network

nominations. We think that the way to get some exposure

might be by nominating n. We wouldn't exist as a

Foundation except for her many hours of dedication and

especially those in the very beginning years when there

was no organization or awareness at all. The history of

how the Foundation was " founded " is really interesting

and she and her husband, Lee, gave tirelessly of their

time and resources. The work has actually begun on this

project with Dr. Jim Thelin working on the historical

piece of the application. He was there from the very

beginning and played a critical role in how we began.

A great addition to that submission would be personal

stories, about your child with CHARGE and especially if

you have some special story about n and how she

and the Foundation have touched your lives. If this

plan were to be successful it would accomplish some

great things including awareness for CHARGE Syndrome

and the Foundation, funds for the Foundation and much

deserved recognition for n! So, why don't you

write your comments down and send them to me (email

privately or snail mail). Please keep them to less than

one page so the application can be uniform and less

overwhelming to the reviewers. If there is no real

place to include them, we'll just scrapbook them and

send them separately!

All of our efforts to increase awareness are

important...big ones like this and when you tell just

one more person about CHARGE Syndrome. Thanks for all

that each of you does for all our children!

Brownie Shott


3502 Windmoor Drive

Katy, TX 77449

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