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study: Earliest intervention, genetic and environmental factors: Early Autism Risk Longitudinal Investigation, or EARLI

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The news article names three researchers. If you want to encourage them

to include vaccinations in study data, or if you have any other

suggestions or comments, let them know. Several useful cites

hereinbelow. ~

" Landa, Ph.D., CCC-SLP "

" Margaret D. Fallin, Ph.D. "

" Craig J. Newschaffer, Ph.D. "

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*/Earliest intervention/*

Young land families are opening up their lives to Hopkins

researchers seeking the causes of autism, even before birth

By Vozzella, The Baltimore Sun

March 25, 2011



....Researchers in a national study are interested in all of this because

Russo already has a child, one with autism. That gives her unborn child

much greater odds of also having an autism spectrum disorder. (The

likelihood is less than 1 percent for the general population, but 20

percent for babies with an autistic sibling, according to Landa,

director of the Kennedy Krieger Institute's Center for Autism and

Related Disorders and a co-investigator for the study in land.)

....The 10-year, $16.5 million study, funded by the National Institutes

of Health and a national advocacy and science organization called Autism

Speaks, enrolled its first 100-plus families over the course of the past

year, about 20 of them in land, said M. e Fallin, principal

investigator for the study in land, who is a genetic epidemiologist

at the s Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

....Ultimately, researchers hope to enroll 1,200 families through four

research locations around the country. In land, the research is

being conducted by Kennedy Krieger and Bloomberg. There are two

locations in California and one at Drexel University in Philadelphia,

home to the study's lead investigator, Craig J. Newschaffer...

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6. Activation of methionine synthase by insulin-like growth factor-1 and

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8. Theoretical aspects of autism: biomarkers--a review.


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