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Re: Autism severity and muscle strength

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Is this a back door way of saying that most of our children suffer from mito



> Autism severity and muscle strength: A correlation analysis


<http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL & _udi=B83X1-51TY1YY-1 & _user=\

10 & _coverDate=09%2F30%2F2011 & _rdoc=7 & _fmt=high & _orig=browse & _origin=browse & _zone\

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> /Pages 1011-1015/

> Janet K. Kern, A. Geier, B. , R. Troutman,

> Georgia , G. King, L. Young, Mark R. Geier

> " Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders "


> The current study examined the relationship between muscle strength, as

> measured by hand grip strength, and autism severity, as measured by the

> Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS). Thirty-seven (37) children with a

> diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) were evaluated using the

> CARS and then tested for hand muscle strength using a hand grip

> dynamometer. Statistical analysis was then conducted to examine the

> relationship between autism severity and hand muscle strength. The model

> generated in the present study showed that the CARS score is a

> significant predictor of Max Hand Muscle Score after adjustment for age,

> race, gender, year of birth, and a history of prior chelation therapy.

> Evidence suggests that hand grip strength in children with ASD is

> related to the severity of the disorder. Further research is needed to

> determine the extent and consistency of the muscle weakness and possible

> treatments.






















































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