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Stomach bug when pregnant anyone else experience this. Also possible theroy

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I had a bad stomach bug when I was pregnant also right before my son

was born did anyone else ever expericence this? my son also had

reverse reactions to vaccine but im wondering if there is a specific

stomach bug that takes the immunity down to where this willl happen

to are children.You know I may sound crazy but with all the terrosit

info going around and all the oversees viruses they have could

someone have possibly developed a different subgroup of what were

getting in the vaccinations that would cause a reaction and wreck

are economy. Oversees has the biggest access to these viruses

because there not as vaccinated I just hope that we dont cause more

children harm by being so closed minded to all the possibilites, For

one if a bug was created that could do this maybe activate when are

children are vaccinated come into contact with are vaccinations that

would cause hell with government + economic loss all the rising

strain on the already strained SSI system + see if the government

thinks they might have caused it they will overlook it like they are

doing and the terrost may know that then they are able to continue

if its not a terrosit attack it is the perfect one a way to harm are

children without government wanting to look at it because they think

its realted and will cost them .I know the statistics are not

uptodate in arkansas everyone I talk to about autism knows someone.

The autism rates are going up nothings moving with the vaccinations

this is not just coincidence. If you think about it could we cure

measles,mumps,rubella,Hib,tetanus with vitamins hell no thats

because are children have a different slow weakened stain of it

thats meant to look like it thats trained to be activated by it. In

further conclusion on the terroist thought even if we were to win

and the government said ok its the vaccines then the terrosit could

come in with the real stuff and wipe out half are children. Because

americas children would no longer be vaccinated. Just a thought but


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