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Dietary Restriction Early in Pregnancy Has Negative Impact on Fetal Brain Development

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*/Dietary Restriction Early in Prenancy Has Negative Impact on Fetal

Brain Development/*

Released: 1/14/2011 3:00 PM EST

Source: Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research (SFBR)



Newswise --- A research team that includes scientists from the Southwest

Foundation for Biomedical Research (SFBR) reported today that inadequate

nutrition during early pregnancy impairs fetal brain development.

The researchers found decreased formation of cell-to-cell connections,

cell division and amounts of growth factors in the fetuses of mothers

fed a reduced diet during the first half of pregnancy, in baboons

located at SFBR's Southwest National Primate Research Center.

The study, published this week in Proceedings of the National Academy of

Sciences and....

The team compared two groups of baboon mothers, one eating as much as

they wanted during the first half of pregnancy and the other receiving

30 percent less food, a level of nutrition similar to what many

prospective mothers in the U.S. experience....




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