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Wow! !This is definitely a keeper! Explains a lot. Thanks.Be well,Léna I agree that EFT and Quantum Techniques only address the emotional components of an illness rather then the physical components. However, I do think a lot of our physical illn

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Wow! !This is definitely a keeper! Explains a lot. Thanks.Be well,Léna I agree that EFT and Quantum Techniques only address the emotional components of an illness rather then the physical components. However, I do think a lot of our physical illness is rooted in emotional issues. Once you remove the issues that may underlie your illness, it makes healing progress faster. Dr Klinghardt on one of my DVDs talks about how he has worked on the emotional issues surrounding lyme patients with a similar EFT type modality that he uses and he said that people will begin to dump heavy metals at a much faster rate. In Chinese medicine each organ is effected by various emotions. Here is a rundown of the organs and emotional effects: Shock or Fright Shock scatters the Qi and affects both the Kidneys and the Heart and to a certain extent, the Small Intestine. The Qi of the Heart is weakened rapidly, leading to palpitations, breathlessness and insomnia, and requires Kidney-Essence to support it. This puts a strain on the Kidneys, and tonification of the Kidneys helps. Fear An appropriate sense of instinctive fear is necessary for survival. Fear makes the Qi descend and affects the Kidneys. Excessive or prolonged fear drains the Kidneys. It can also suppress Qi. Fear has a different impact on adults and children. In children, fear causes Qi to descend, resulting in nocturnal enuresis (bedwetting). In adults, fear tends to cause Kidney-Yin deficiency. To some extent, Fear also disturbs the Heart, leading to anxiety. The Kidneys have to be strengthened. Anger Anger affects the Liver and makes the Qi rise. Anger includes several related emotions: resentment, repressed anger, irritability, frustration, rage, indignation, animosity and bitterness. Sulking and depression are also forms of anger (depression is blocked anger), frustration lies between anger and depression. In depression due to repressed anger or resentment, the tongue is dark red or red and dry. Anger is sometimes necessary to exert one's authority. However, excessive and inappropriate anger causes Stagnation of Liver-Qi or Liver-Blood, the rising of Liver-Yang or Liver-Fire (which may cause Heart-Fire). These will cause symptoms in the head and neck such as headaches (the most common symptom), tinnitus, dizziness, red blotches in the front of the neck, red face, red tongue and a bitter taste. Anger can also affect the Stomach and Spleen, causing indigestion and other problems: this is the pattern of Liver invading the Spleen or the Stomach. If depression feels better after exercise, it is a Liver depression. Joy Joy slows down the Qi and affects the Heart. In general, joy is beneficial. Being at peace and filled with happiness calms and slows the Qi. Pleasure and excitement are other forms of joy. Pleasure is moderate joy, and it allows the Qi to settle and sink. Excitement scatters the Qi or slows it down. What are damaging are overexcitement and an abnormal degree of mental stimulation, both forms of excessive joy. It is not, however, an important or common cause of Heart disharmonies. Worry and Pensiveness Pensiveness means excessive thinking (overthinking), excessive mental work and studying. This is very common in our society, both in university students and people in intellectual professions, and the problem is compounded if people eat quickly at work or discuss work while eating. Obsessive thinking fraught with concern, brooding and mental worry are also problems. All these forms of pensiveness and worry knot the Qi and affect the Spleen, bringing an accumulation of Dampness. Worry also affects the Lung, leading to anxiety, breathlessness and stiffness of shoulders and neck. Worry may also be a form of fear or anxiety. Sadness Sadness dissolves the Qi and affects the Lungs, leading to Lung Qi deficiency, but it also affects the Heart, in time bringing on Heart Qi deficiency. When the Lungs are overcome by sadness and grief, they are weakened, and this leads to tiredness, breathlessness, depression or crying. In women, this deficiency of Lung-Qi can lead to Blood deficiency. Prolonged sadness can also lead to stagnation of Qi that in turn can transform into Heart-Fire. > > > > > > Hi susan....it looks like you know a lot about energetic healing in many forms and/or sources. Have you ever heard of quantum techniques....I haven't dug into this too deeply so I'm still in a very early learning phase but appears to use a form of NAET allergy clearing, eft and just plain energetic healing. I'm just curious if you have stumbled across this in your journey. Here is the link: http://www.quantumtechniques.com/catalog/manuals > > > Jodie L. > > > > > >

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