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Replacing Zyrtec with Allegra and adding Infla Thera

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Any positive/negative experiences with Allegra for our kids? Or moving from

Zyrtec to Allegra?

My son is 11 years old with Autism/Allergies/Asthma/?? and has been on Zyrtec

for several years -- it just doesn't seem to be effective any more. We have him

on Veramyst nasal spray as well. And he uses a Xopenex rescue inhaler. We are

in the Sacramento area and experiencing Fall allergies (on top of the usual

food, etc.).

I am hoping I can move him immediately to Allegra to see if he can get some


I searched through the older posts and saw references to Infla Thera which I

plan on ordering. I also saw a post from 2008 on T. Asthmatica -- can anyone

share experiences on this?

Like most people, we are on a very tight budget, so I appreciate any input

before I begin purchasing.


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for Allergies/Asthma i would check cortisol.low cortisol causes also low

stomach acid.

they are all related.

info you can get in these 2 books

Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress

Syndrome<http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1890572152/ref=as_li_tf_tl?ie=UTF8 & tag\

=hormondisbal-20 & linkCode=as2 & camp=217145 & creative=399373 & creativeASIN=189057215\


Why Stomach Acid is Good for You: Natural Relief from Heartburn,

Indigestion, Reflux and

GERD<http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0871319314/ref=as_li_tf_tl?ie=UTF8 & tag=hor\

mondisbal-20 & linkCode=as2 & camp=1789 & creative=9325 & creativeASIN=0871319314>

> **



> Any positive/negative experiences with Allegra for our kids? Or moving from

> Zyrtec to Allegra?


> My son is 11 years old with Autism/Allergies/Asthma/?? and has been on

> Zyrtec for several years -- it just doesn't seem to be effective any more.

> We have him on Veramyst nasal spray as well. And he uses a Xopenex rescue

> inhaler. We are in the Sacramento area and experiencing Fall allergies (on

> top of the usual food, etc.).


> I am hoping I can move him immediately to Allegra to see if he can get some

> relief.


> I searched through the older posts and saw references to Infla Thera which

> I plan on ordering. I also saw a post from 2008 on T. Asthmatica -- can

> anyone share experiences on this?


> Like most people, we are on a very tight budget, so I appreciate any input

> before I begin purchasing.


> Colleen




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