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re: Earthing aka grounding - principle, resources, two anecdotes

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Clarification: It was recently suggested that Earthing is akin to having

your child spend more time in nature, but that may depend upon whether

or not the child spends most of his or her outdoor time barefoot or shod

in modern shoes. A different commentor mentioned a recent television

show and wrote, " The " healer " was working in Siberia and was burying

people in a hole in the ground for several hours. " Indeed, the Siberian

tale is quite close to the principles elucidated in the book entitled


Here's my summary of the underlying principle: Due to lifestyle changes

related to footwear and to housing and to materials used in both, we

have achieved a disconnect from Mother Earth and her electrical

potential. In modern medical literature, we read much about reactive

oxygen species (eg, here

<http://users.rcn.com/jkimball.ma.ultranet/BiologyPages/R/ROS.html> &

here <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reactive_oxygen_species>) in various

pathologies. Apparently, going barefoot, lying on the ground, or using a

properly grounded Earthing pad enables a proper electron flow between

Earth and the grounded human, thereby enabling a reestablishing of a

healthful electromagnetic profile in the regularly grounded human.

The process of Earthing is far different from a mere walk in the woods.

During the last 50 years or so, as electronic gadgets have become more

prevalent, we have come to wear shoes that insulate us from grounding

and to live and work in buildings that insulate us from grounding. As

summarized in the book, inflammation related pathologies in specific

individuals often show improvement in response to grounding.

Furthermore, the anecdotal evidence is increasingly supported by

published studies, some findable in Pubmed, others published in journals

Pubmed doesn't Index. A normalizing of cortisol secretion was also found.

The book presents an overview of the anecdotal and of the scientific

evidence. Importantly, the book does not claim Earthing to be a magic

cure-all for autism, does present some data, as well as several

informative anecdotes about how Earthing helped but didn't cure specific

autistic children (p135-140). Among the more impressive data are

individual responses such as reductions of chronic inflammation,

reductions of pain, lowerings of medication doses, etc. The

thermogenesis imaging photographs are striking.

Herein below is additional information. A PowerPoint is available, along

with a link to one of Dietrich Klinghardt's studies; also, recent

anecdotes from two parents of autistic children, followed by links to

science and commentary on an Earthing Institute website.



" We know that Earthing allows a transfer of electrons (the Earth's

natural, subtle energy) into the body. We know that inflammation is

caused by free radicals and that free radicals are neutralized with

electrons from any source. Electrons are the source of the neutralizing

power of antioxidants. "


PPT about Earthing:



Autism May Be Linked To Electromagnetic Radiation



Posted on July 10, 2011 by JM

*Autism may be Linked to Electromagnetic Radiation Levels In Mother's

Bedroom During Pregnancy*

/Pilot Study Finds Over 20x Higher Microwave Power Density Levels in

Mothers' Sleeping Locations During Pregnancy/

*/Two anecdotes from autism parents, shared with permission/*:

1) I read the book [Earthing



a few months ago and got a set of grounding bed pads for the whole

family right away. So far we all seem to be sleeping better and feeling

more rested. We also have one mat to go under our feet while working at

the computer. You can really feel the difference when you stand on it

and Sofi loves to find it and stand barefoot. Dr. Green was really

excited that we are trying this. We hadn't done a cortisol test for a

few years, but Sofi's used to be way out of whack, so we are going to

re-do a test this month. That was one of the double blinded tests they

wrote about in the book, and most people who slept grounded had normal

cortisol. I'll keep you posted on any other exciting changes.


2) Dr. Klinghardt has numerous articles on this, and often predicts

mothers who sleep next to EMF have higher chances of having autistic

children. Kind of hard in the winter to put your kids on bare soil,

but in the summer, I take their shoes off and let them at it in the

yard. While giving supplements, they seem to " work better " when in the

summer they are being Tom Sawyers. Here is my question...isn't it

strange to think that our social paradigm has changed so much, that you

never ever see kids these days " playing in the yard " , " building a fort " ,

or walking in the " woods " by themselves anymore for fear of stranger

abductions? Has the computer generation, TV generation become so

sensitive to EMF's that they now have dysfunctioning cellular structures

or function? Doesn't this make you unable to repel toxins? It

certainly explains our time at the beach, where potentially negative

ions and grounding are at peak maximum, and my kids seem to be more

" on " . So it is also with " camping " ...why do they verbalize more? This

is why you must also turn off your cicruitry at night, and or have

someone come over and do an EMF check, or even sleep in a EMF tent. We

personally turn off power at night to key areas of the home especially

where we sleep, and have flashlights for emergencies. It's possible

that grounding also affects blood flow, as in CCSVI problems in autism,

MS, etc. As they say, our bodies are electric, water and such?

*/More research, as presented by an Earthing Institute website/*:

1. Emotional Stress, Heart Rate Variability, Grounding, and Improved

Autonomic Tone: Clinical Applications | View


2. The neuromodulative role of earthing | View


3. Earthing the Human Body Influences Physiologic Processes | View


Chronic Disease: Are We Missing Something? (Editorial) | View


4. Pilot Study on the Effect of Grounding on Delayed-Onset Muscle

Soreness | View


5. Changes in Pulse Rate, Respiratory Rate, Blood Oxygenation,

Perfusion Index, Skin Conductance, and Their Variability Induced

During and After Grounding Human Subjects for 40 Minutes | View


6. The Effect Of Earthing On Human Physiology, Part 2 | View



7. The Effect Of Earthing On Human Physiology, Part 1 | View



8. The Effectiveness of a Conductive Patch and a Conductive Bed Pad in

Reducing Induced Human Body Voltage Via the Application of Earth

Ground | View


9. The Biologic Effects of Grounding the Human Body During Sleep as

Measured by Cortisol Levels and Subjective Reporting of Sleep, Pain,

and Stress | View


10. Medical Thermography Case Studies | View


11. Grounding The Human Body to Neutralize Bioelectrical Stress From

Static Electricity and EMFs | View



1. * Oschman, Ph.D.,* Can Electrons Act as Antioxidants? A Review

and Commentary | View


2. * Oschman, Ph.D.,* Perspective: Assume a spherical cow: The

role of free or mobile electrons in bodywork, energetic and movement

therapies | View


3. *Understanding Earthing (Grounding)* | View


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