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Identification of Characteristics Associated With Symptom Remission in Autism - Full Text View - ClinicalTrials.gov

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" Similarly, there are a large number of anecdotal reports of children

with autism who, following intensive biomedical intervention (e.g.,

gluten/casein free diets, vitamin supplements, chelation), are

indistinguishable from their typically developing peers. "


Identification of Characteristics Associated With Symptom Remission in


This study is currently recruiting participants.

Verified on November 2011 by National Institutes of Health Clinical

Center (CC)

First Received on July 10, 2009. Last Updated on December 24, 2011

History of Changes <http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/archive/NCT00938054>

Sponsor: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)


Information provided by: National Institutes of Health Clinical Center


ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT00938054


Autism is defined as a lifelong pervasive developmental disability, as

such, symptom recovery is considered rare. Reports by Lovaas and

McEachin, & Lovaas and more recently by Cohen, Amerine-Dickens, &

, Groen et al. and Sutera Pandey et al suggest that intensive

behavioral intervention programs during preschool years may result in

improvement to the point where some children no longer meet criteria for

autism by the time they reach school age. Similarly, there are a large

number of anecdotal reports of children with autism who, following

intensive biomedical intervention (e.g., gluten/casein free diets,

vitamin supplements, chelation), are indistinguishable from their

typically developing peers. The goal of the current research is to

characterize the behavioral and biological profiles of children with

autism who show significant symptom reduction such that they no longer

meet criteria for autism (Remitted Autism [REM-AUT]) and to contrast

them with a group of children who continue to meet criteria for autism

(AUT) and to typically developing (TD) group of children. Examining

whether neurobiological and neurobehavioral symptoms commonly reported

in autism are as frequent and severe in children who have responded to

treatment is an important first step in determining what factors may

contribute to symptom remission in autism. In addition, understanding

how children with remitted autism compare to typically developing

children will help us better understand whether symptom improvement is

through remediation (normalization of function) or compensation

(achieving the same behavioral/adaptive outcome but through an

alternative process)....

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