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First timer

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thank you any bit of hope helps the site that got me started is this one


In Dr. Holme's study only 4% of children of the age of 5 were helped by

chelation which makes me think start now shold i start the diet first,

chelation first, does it matter 75% of kids 5 and under got better and that

makes me think chelate now ask questions later the long term effects can be to

devastating but Im not as experienced at this as you


> First, let me say there is hope and don't give up on your son or listen to

mainstream doctors that tell you this is just a Neurologic disorder and that

there isn't anything that can be done.  My son was diagnosed about a 1 1/2 ago

when he was 2 years 7mos.  He was in his own world, didn't have any eye contact

and never played with any of his toys except a musical toy and played it

repetitively.  I spent hours upon hours reading everything I could about Autism

as I was like you and your wife and new nothing of Autism and this was our 1st

child.  My son, - is now 4 and is still non-verbal but has come a

long way in his recovery.  If there is any way you can get him into an ABA

Program that is going to be very beneficial for him long term.  My son entered

a private school that was ABA Based and it is wonderful.  About 2 weeks after

his diagnosis on a Saturday I went cold turkey with the Gluten/Casein Free

Diet.  It was an extremely

> difficult thing to do as my son was beside himself on the 1st and 2nd day but

began eating his new food the 3rd day and by the end of the first week on the

diet he started looking at us and over time seemed to become a little more aware

of his environment and has awesome eye contact.  If you are going to do this

diet it is a long process and I would suggest finding a nutritionist who knows

about this diet and Autism.  We were on the diet for about 6  months before I

found " Thoughtful House " in Austin, TX and initially went to them for the

nutritionist and have stayed and working with a Dan Doctor.  I highly recommend

them.  It's been a year since we've been with Thoughtful House and have been on

supplementation and have recently started Chelation. 


> Remember every child is different and unique with what's going on with their

little bodies.  I would do a lot of reading.  There are good articles you can

find on the Autism Reasearch Institute website as well as Generation Rescue. 

Also, try to think of this as a marathon not a sprint.  I think back a year and

a half ago and can see such progress we have made and know we still have a long

ways to go but our children can get better.


> I hope this helps and wish you and your family all the best.


> Maureen





> ________________________________

> From: apathy221 <apathy772@...>


> Sent: Wed, June 9, 2010 2:12:22 PM

> Subject: [ ] First Timer



> My son Gerald is 2 years old he doesnt walk. He is non-verbal. He doesnt point

at things or recognize me or my wife as his parents. I have suspected some type

of PPD or Autism for just a few days. Im just discovering the diets chelation

and many other Biomedical Interventions that can be done. Untill I saw the

videos on Generation Rescues website I thought there was no hope. He is my wife

and I's only child and untill recently we were worried about having to put him

in a home. In the videos one of the dads said whos going to take care of him

when I die and I burst. Im not normally an emotional man but this is killing me.

What do I do. Where do I start. We are seeing a neurologist, opthamologist,

geneticist. We have gotten several MRI's and are scheduled for anohter one soon.

We told the Neurologist today that we want all the blood urine and immunology

tests done to check for heavy metal poisoning. We also asked to be refered to an

allergist and a

> nutrionalist to talk about the diets and chelation. When we mentioned a

D.A.N. doctor the neurologist's face changed he immediatly ordered a bunch of

tests and asked us if we had appts. to see this doctor and made sure bluntly to

tell us it would come out of our pockets. It seemed strange to me like he was

scared we could fix our son then these 10's of thousands of dollar tests he runs

wouldnt be guranteed anymore. I dont know but it seems to me that these doctors

dont actually care about the children thats like saying a mechanic cares about

the car hes repairing they just want the insurance companies money and the

longer they keep paying the longer they will withold any true diagnosis. Im

sorry if I seem to ramble or I dont use the best grammar & punctuation Im

trying. My son is two years and 4 months old hes had the same symptoms for over

a year. He fixates on toys, doesnt point, no eye contact, (he also has nystagmus

so we thought that was why he had

> no eye contact) he doesnt recognize us, our voices, our faces, doesnt talk,

walk, crawl, situp o! n his ow n, and untill recently we honestly felt hopeless.

It took me telling the Doctors today, Hey maybe my son has a pdd for them to

order an evaluation. I also said hey maybe this pdd is being caused by a heavy

metal toxicicty or an allergy then they ordered the test's needed to find out.

Why is it me a layman who has never even seen a child before in my life with

autism or PDD has to diagnose his own child. These doctors and specialists see

these children on a daily basis they know the signs what to look for and none of

them untill I brought it up suggested it. I love my son. Im scared for my son. I

want to know my son will be ok after I die. Can anyone give me some hope?






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The problem is my son isnt diagnosed he only has me so far but the symptoms fit.

even the symptoms of mercury toxcicty fit as stated on this site

http://www.healing-arts.org/children/holmes.htm he has knee jerks esotropia

Rashes, eczema sweaty feet and palms and a elevated heart rate he doesnt have

dialted pupils or pathological reflexes but I just learned what estropia was

today and had an rn check and she said yes its there besides all that though

the neurologist has said he has congenital nystagmus & partial brain damage on

his occipital lobe which i can verify the nystagmus but the occipital lobe

damage is some spot on an mri that could or could not be true what i wonder is

how on earth could my son have been introduced to mercury he was never given a

thermisol injection hes never had dental work i just dont know where it could

have come from but I ordered my sons neurologist today to test urine blood and

hair for toxcicity my understanding is its rare but what if a child was born

with no way to get rid of the mercury we all have it in our bodies but it isnt

toxic unless in larger amounts what if my child just cant excrete it thats just

a maybe like i said im new and still trying to figure all this out

> >

> > My son Gerald is 2 years old he doesnt walk. He is non-verbal. He

> > doesnt point at things or recognize me or my wife as his parents. I

> > have suspected some type of PPD or Autism for just a few days. Im just

> > discovering the diets chelation and many other Biomedical

> > Interventions that can be done. Untill I saw the videos on Generation

> > Rescues website I thought there was no hope. He is my wife and I's

> > only child and untill recently we were worried about having to put him

> > in a home. In the videos one of the dads said whos going to take care

> > of him when I die and I burst. Im not normally an emotional man but

> > this is killing me. What do I do. Where do I start. We are seeing a

> > neurologist, opthamologist, geneticist. We have gotten several MRI's

> > and are scheduled for anohter one soon. We told the Neurologist today

> > that we want all the blood urine and immunology tests done to check

> > for heavy metal poisoning. We also asked to be refered to an allergist

> > and a nutrionalist to talk about the diets and chelation. When we

> > mentioned a D.A.N. doctor the neurologist's face changed he immediatly

> > ordered a bunch of tests and asked us if we had appts. to see this

> > doctor and made sure bluntly to tell us it would come out of our

> > pockets. It seemed strange to me like he was scared we could fix our

> > son then these 10's of thousands of dollar tests he runs wouldnt be

> > guranteed anymore. I dont know but it seems to me that these doctors

> > dont actually care about the children thats like saying a mechanic

> > cares about the car hes repairing they just want the insurance

> > companies money and the longer they keep paying the longer they will

> > withold any true diagnosis. Im sorry if I seem to ramble or I dont use

> > the best grammar & punctuation Im trying. My son is two years and 4

> > months old hes had the same symptoms for over a year. He fixates on

> > toys, doesnt point, no eye contact, (he also has nystagmus so we

> > thought that was why he had no eye contact) he doesnt recognize us,

> > our voices, our faces, doesnt talk, walk, crawl, situp on his own, and

> > untill recently we honestly felt hopeless. It took me telling the

> > Doctors today, Hey maybe my son has a pdd for them to order an

> > evaluation. I also said hey maybe this pdd is being caused by a heavy

> > metal toxicicty or an allergy then they ordered the test's needed to

> > find out. Why is it me a layman who has never even seen a child before

> > in my life with autism or PDD has to diagnose his own child. These

> > doctors and specialists see these children on a daily basis they know

> > the signs what to look for and none of them untill I brought it up

> > suggested it. I love my son. Im scared for my son. I want to know my

> > son will be ok after I die. Can anyone give me some hope?

> >

> >


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The chart shows that 89% of children ages 1-5 showed improvement w/

chelation, I don't see the 4% you mention. The article also says, " We

have 6 patients, all 1 to 2 years of age who are finished with treatment

by measurements of urinary and fecal mercury excretion. These 6 patients

are " normal " by parent reports and repeat psychological testing. We have

no children over the age of 2 who are finished with treatment. The

rapidity of excretion seems to decrease markedly with each additional

year of age " . That seems to indicate that starting earlier is better.

If your join Recovery From Autism, they'll send you some guidelines

about diet and supplements that your child will need should you choose

to chelate.

apathy221 wrote:


> thank you any bit of hope helps the site that got me started is this one


> http://www.healing-arts.org/children/holmes.htm


> In Dr. Holme's study only 4% of children of the age of 5 were helped

> by chelation which makes me think start now shold i start the diet

> first, chelation first, does it matter 75% of kids 5 and under got

> better and that makes me think chelate now ask questions later the

> long term effects can be to devastating but Im not as experienced at

> this as you



> >

> > First, let me say there is hope and don't give up on your son or

> listen to mainstream doctors that tell you this is just a Neurologic

> disorder and that there isn't anything that can be done. My son was

> diagnosed about a 1 1/2 ago when he was 2 years 7mos. He was in his

> own world, didn't have any eye contact and never played with any of

> his toys except a musical toy and played it repetitively. I spent

> hours upon hours reading everything I could about Autism as I was like

> you and your wife and new nothing of Autism and this was our 1st

> child. My son, - is now 4 and is still non-verbal but has

> come a long way in his recovery. If there is any way you can get him

> into an ABA Program that is going to be very beneficial for him long

> term. My son entered a private school that was ABA Based and it is

> wonderful. About 2 weeks after his diagnosis on a Saturday I went

> cold turkey with the Gluten/Casein Free Diet. It was an extremely

> > difficult thing to do as my son was beside himself on the 1st and

> 2nd day but began eating his new food the 3rd day and by the end of

> the first week on the diet he started looking at us and over time

> seemed to become a little more aware of his environment and has

> awesome eye contact. If you are going to do this diet it is a long

> process and I would suggest finding a nutritionist who knows about

> this diet and Autism. We were on the diet for about 6 months before

> I found " Thoughtful House " in Austin, TX and initially went to them

> for the nutritionist and have stayed and working with a Dan Doctor. I

> highly recommend them. It's been a year since we've been with

> Thoughtful House and have been on supplementation and have recently

> started Chelation.Â

> >

> > Remember every child is different and unique with what's going on

> with their little bodies. I would do a lot of reading. There are

> good articles you can find on the Autism Reasearch Institute website

> as well as Generation Rescue. Also, try to think of this as a

> marathon not a sprint. I think back a year and a half ago and can see

> such progress we have made and know we still have a long ways to go

> but our children can get better.

> >

> > I hope this helps and wish you and your family all the best.

> >

> > Maureen

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ________________________________

> > From: apathy221 <apathy772@...>

> >

> <mailto: %40>

> > Sent: Wed, June 9, 2010 2:12:22 PM

> > Subject: [ ] First Timer

> >

> > Â

> > My son Gerald is 2 years old he doesnt walk. He is non-verbal. He

> doesnt point at things or recognize me or my wife as his parents. I

> have suspected some type of PPD or Autism for just a few days. Im just

> discovering the diets chelation and many other Biomedical

> Interventions that can be done. Untill I saw the videos on Generation

> Rescues website I thought there was no hope. He is my wife and I's

> only child and untill recently we were worried about having to put him

> in a home. In the videos one of the dads said whos going to take care

> of him when I die and I burst. Im not normally an emotional man but

> this is killing me. What do I do. Where do I start. We are seeing a

> neurologist, opthamologist, geneticist. We have gotten several MRI's

> and are scheduled for anohter one soon. We told the Neurologist today

> that we want all the blood urine and immunology tests done to check

> for heavy metal poisoning. We also asked to be refered to an allergist

> and a

> > nutrionalist to talk about the diets and chelation. When we

> mentioned a D.A.N. doctor the neurologist's face changed he immediatly

> ordered a bunch of tests and asked us if we had appts. to see this

> doctor and made sure bluntly to tell us it would come out of our

> pockets. It seemed strange to me like he was scared we could fix our

> son then these 10's of thousands of dollar tests he runs wouldnt be

> guranteed anymore. I dont know but it seems to me that these doctors

> dont actually care about the children thats like saying a mechanic

> cares about the car hes repairing they just want the insurance

> companies money and the longer they keep paying the longer they will

> withold any true diagnosis. Im sorry if I seem to ramble or I dont use

> the best grammar & punctuation Im trying. My son is two years and 4

> months old hes had the same symptoms for over a year. He fixates on

> toys, doesnt point, no eye contact, (he also has nystagmus so we

> thought that was why he had

> > no eye contact) he doesnt recognize us, our voices, our faces,

> doesnt talk, walk, crawl, situp o! n his ow n, and untill recently we

> honestly felt hopeless. It took me telling the Doctors today, Hey

> maybe my son has a pdd for them to order an evaluation. I also said

> hey maybe this pdd is being caused by a heavy metal toxicicty or an

> allergy then they ordered the test's needed to find out. Why is it me

> a layman who has never even seen a child before in my life with autism

> or PDD has to diagnose his own child. These doctors and specialists

> see these children on a daily basis they know the signs what to look

> for and none of them untill I brought it up suggested it. I love my

> son. Im scared for my son. I want to know my son will be ok after I

> die. Can anyone give me some hope?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Does his mother have " silver " fillings? That's a possible source of

mercury toxicity according to some researchers. It get passed on to the


apathy221 wrote:


> The problem is my son isnt diagnosed he only has me so far but the

> symptoms fit. even the symptoms of mercury toxcicty fit as stated on

> this site http://www.healing-arts.org/children/holmes.htm he has knee

> jerks esotropia Rashes, eczema sweaty feet and palms and a elevated

> heart rate he doesnt have dialted pupils or pathological reflexes but

> I just learned what estropia was today and had an rn check and she

> said yes its there besides all that though the neurologist has said he

> has congenital nystagmus & partial brain damage on his occipital lobe

> which i can verify the nystagmus but the occipital lobe damage is some

> spot on an mri that could or could not be true what i wonder is how on

> earth could my son have been introduced to mercury he was never given

> a thermisol injection hes never had dental work i just dont know where

> it could have come from but I ordered my sons neurologist today to

> test urine blood and hair for toxcicity my understanding is its rare

> but what if a child was born with no way to get rid of the mercury we

> all have it in our bodies but it isnt toxic unless in larger amounts

> what if my child just cant excrete it thats just a maybe like i said

> im new and still trying to figure all this out



> > >

> > > My son Gerald is 2 years old he doesnt walk. He is non-verbal. He

> > > doesnt point at things or recognize me or my wife as his parents. I

> > > have suspected some type of PPD or Autism for just a few days. Im

> just

> > > discovering the diets chelation and many other Biomedical

> > > Interventions that can be done. Untill I saw the videos on Generation

> > > Rescues website I thought there was no hope. He is my wife and I's

> > > only child and untill recently we were worried about having to put

> him

> > > in a home. In the videos one of the dads said whos going to take care

> > > of him when I die and I burst. Im not normally an emotional man but

> > > this is killing me. What do I do. Where do I start. We are seeing a

> > > neurologist, opthamologist, geneticist. We have gotten several MRI's

> > > and are scheduled for anohter one soon. We told the Neurologist today

> > > that we want all the blood urine and immunology tests done to check

> > > for heavy metal poisoning. We also asked to be refered to an

> allergist

> > > and a nutrionalist to talk about the diets and chelation. When we

> > > mentioned a D.A.N. doctor the neurologist's face changed he

> immediatly

> > > ordered a bunch of tests and asked us if we had appts. to see this

> > > doctor and made sure bluntly to tell us it would come out of our

> > > pockets. It seemed strange to me like he was scared we could fix our

> > > son then these 10's of thousands of dollar tests he runs wouldnt be

> > > guranteed anymore. I dont know but it seems to me that these doctors

> > > dont actually care about the children thats like saying a mechanic

> > > cares about the car hes repairing they just want the insurance

> > > companies money and the longer they keep paying the longer they will

> > > withold any true diagnosis. Im sorry if I seem to ramble or I dont

> use

> > > the best grammar & punctuation Im trying. My son is two years and 4

> > > months old hes had the same symptoms for over a year. He fixates on

> > > toys, doesnt point, no eye contact, (he also has nystagmus so we

> > > thought that was why he had no eye contact) he doesnt recognize us,

> > > our voices, our faces, doesnt talk, walk, crawl, situp on his own,

> and

> > > untill recently we honestly felt hopeless. It took me telling the

> > > Doctors today, Hey maybe my son has a pdd for them to order an

> > > evaluation. I also said hey maybe this pdd is being caused by a heavy

> > > metal toxicicty or an allergy then they ordered the test's needed to

> > > find out. Why is it me a layman who has never even seen a child

> before

> > > in my life with autism or PDD has to diagnose his own child. These

> > > doctors and specialists see these children on a daily basis they know

> > > the signs what to look for and none of them untill I brought it up

> > > suggested it. I love my son. Im scared for my son. I want to know my

> > > son will be ok after I die. Can anyone give me some hope?

> > >

> > >

> >



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I personally started with the diet b/c I thought it was something I could do on

my own initially and didn't think it would be harmful to try on my own.  Then

I found an ABA Program.  In your readings you will find that many of our

children have GI issues and those need to be addressed before starting

chelation.  I personally did not think we had any GI issues b/c they weren't

severe but in time I found that my son does it's just not real bad.  Just after

his 3rd birthday my son's behavior became very aggressive and extremely

irritable at things that never bothered him before.  I can remember sitting in

his room crying and saying is this what Autism is and how am I going to deal

with this for a lifetime.  Fortunately, there was a reason for his behavior and

it was because he was yeasty and constipated.  I wouldn't have known this if I

hadn't seen a Dan doctor who ran some initial urine and fecal test and found

through testing that he was

yeasty.  Once we treated his yeast his behavior went back to what it was. 

Many people have opinions about Dan doctors but you have to find out what is

right for you and your situation.  You will find that you will watch and know

your child and their behavior more than a typical parent because you are always

watching for changes and what might be going on because many of our children

can't tell us and it can be very frustrating but once you understand your child

it does become a little easier.


From: apathy221 <apathy772@...>

Sent: Wed, June 9, 2010 2:47:02 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: First Timer


thank you any bit of hope helps the site that got me started is this one


In Dr. Holme's study only 4% of children of the age of 5 were helped by

chelation which makes me think start now shold i start the diet first, chelation

first, does it matter 75% of kids 5 and under got better and that makes me think

chelate now ask questions later the long term effects can be to devastating but

Im not as experienced at this as you


> First, let me say there is hope and don't give up on your son or listen to

mainstream doctors that tell you this is just a Neurologic disorder and that

there isn't anything that can be done.  My son was diagnosed about a 1 1/2

ago when he was 2 years 7mos.  He was in his own world, didn't have any eye

contact and never played with any of his toys except a musical toy and played it

repetitively.  I spent hours upon hours reading everything I could about

Autism as I was like you and your wife and new nothing of Autism and this was

our 1st child.  My son, - is now 4 and is still non-verbal but

has come a long way in his recovery.  If there is any way you can get him

into an ABA Program that is going to be very beneficial for him long term. 

My son entered a private school that was ABA Based and it is wonderful. 

About 2 weeks after his diagnosis on a Saturday I went cold turkey with the

Gluten/Casein Free Diet.  It was

an extremely

> difficult thing to do as my son was beside himself on the 1st and 2nd day but

began eating his new food the 3rd day and by the end of the first week on the

diet he started looking at us and over time seemed to become a little more aware

of his environment and has awesome eye contact.  If you are going to do this

diet it is a long process and I would suggest finding a nutritionist who knows

about this diet and Autism.  We were on the diet for about 6  months

before I found " Thoughtful House " in Austin, TX and initially went to them for

the nutritionist and have stayed and working with a Dan Doctor.  I highly

recommend them.  It's been a year since we've been with Thoughtful House and

have been on supplementation and have recently started Chelation. 


> Remember every child is different and unique with what's going on with their

little bodies.  I would do a lot of reading.  There are good articles you

can find on the Autism Reasearch Institute website as well as Generation

Rescue.  Also, try to think of this as a marathon not a sprint.  I think

back a year and a half ago and can see such progress we have made and know we

still have a long ways to go but our children can get better.


> I hope this helps and wish you and your family all the best.


> Maureen





> ________________________________

> From: apathy221 <apathy772@...>


> Sent: Wed, June 9, 2010 2:12:22 PM

> Subject: [ ] First Timer



> My son Gerald is 2 years old he doesnt walk. He is non-verbal. He doesnt point

at things or recognize me or my wife as his parents. I have suspected some type

of PPD or Autism for just a few days. Im just discovering the diets chelation

and many other Biomedical Interventions that can be done. Untill I saw the

videos on Generation Rescues website I thought there was no hope. He is my wife

and I's only child and untill recently we were worried about having to put him

in a home. In the videos one of the dads said whos going to take care of him

when I die and I burst. Im not normally an emotional man but this is killing me.

What do I do. Where do I start. We are seeing a neurologist, opthamologist,

geneticist. We have gotten several MRI's and are scheduled for anohter one soon.

We told the Neurologist today that we want all the blood urine and immunology

tests done to check for heavy metal poisoning. We also asked to be refered to an

allergist and a

> nutrionalist to talk about the diets and chelation. When we mentioned a D.A.N.

doctor the neurologist's face changed he immediatly ordered a bunch of tests and

asked us if we had appts. to see this doctor and made sure bluntly to tell us it

would come out of our pockets. It seemed strange to me like he was scared we

could fix our son then these 10's of thousands of dollar tests he runs wouldnt

be guranteed anymore. I dont know but it seems to me that these doctors dont

actually care about the children thats like saying a mechanic cares about the

car hes repairing they just want the insurance companies money and the longer

they keep paying the longer they will withold any true diagnosis. Im sorry if I

seem to ramble or I dont use the best grammar & punctuation Im trying. My son is

two years and 4 months old hes had the same symptoms for over a year. He fixates

on toys, doesnt point, no eye contact, (he also has nystagmus so we thought that

was why he had

> no eye contact) he doesnt recognize us, our voices, our faces, doesnt talk,

walk, crawl, situp o! n his ow n, and untill recently we honestly felt hopeless.

It took me telling the Doctors today, Hey maybe my son has a pdd for them to

order an evaluation. I also said hey maybe this pdd is being caused by a heavy

metal toxicicty or an allergy then they ordered the test's needed to find out.

Why is it me a layman who has never even seen a child before in my life with

autism or PDD has to diagnose his own child. These doctors and specialists see

these children on a daily basis they know the signs what to look for and none of

them untill I brought it up suggested it. I love my son. Im scared for my son. I

want to know my son will be ok after I die. Can anyone give me some hope?






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Age Number Marked Moderate Slight None

6-12 25 4 28 52 16

its on the chart i looked again just in case

> > >

> > > First, let me say there is hope and don't give up on your son or

> > listen to mainstream doctors that tell you this is just a Neurologic

> > disorder and that there isn't anything that can be done. My son was

> > diagnosed about a 1 1/2 ago when he was 2 years 7mos. He was in his

> > own world, didn't have any eye contact and never played with any of

> > his toys except a musical toy and played it repetitively. I spent

> > hours upon hours reading everything I could about Autism as I was like

> > you and your wife and new nothing of Autism and this was our 1st

> > child. My son, - is now 4 and is still non-verbal but has

> > come a long way in his recovery. If there is any way you can get him

> > into an ABA Program that is going to be very beneficial for him long

> > term. My son entered a private school that was ABA Based and it is

> > wonderful. About 2 weeks after his diagnosis on a Saturday I went

> > cold turkey with the Gluten/Casein Free Diet. It was an extremely

> > > difficult thing to do as my son was beside himself on the 1st and

> > 2nd day but began eating his new food the 3rd day and by the end of

> > the first week on the diet he started looking at us and over time

> > seemed to become a little more aware of his environment and has

> > awesome eye contact. If you are going to do this diet it is a long

> > process and I would suggest finding a nutritionist who knows about

> > this diet and Autism. We were on the diet for about 6 months before

> > I found " Thoughtful House " in Austin, TX and initially went to them

> > for the nutritionist and have stayed and working with a Dan Doctor. I

> > highly recommend them. It's been a year since we've been with

> > Thoughtful House and have been on supplementation and have recently

> > started Chelation.Â

> > >

> > > Remember every child is different and unique with what's going on

> > with their little bodies. I would do a lot of reading. There are

> > good articles you can find on the Autism Reasearch Institute website

> > as well as Generation Rescue. Also, try to think of this as a

> > marathon not a sprint. I think back a year and a half ago and can see

> > such progress we have made and know we still have a long ways to go

> > but our children can get better.

> > >

> > > I hope this helps and wish you and your family all the best.

> > >

> > > Maureen

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ________________________________

> > > From: apathy221 <apathy772@>

> > >

> > <mailto: %40>

> > > Sent: Wed, June 9, 2010 2:12:22 PM

> > > Subject: [ ] First Timer

> > >

> > > Â

> > > My son Gerald is 2 years old he doesnt walk. He is non-verbal. He

> > doesnt point at things or recognize me or my wife as his parents. I

> > have suspected some type of PPD or Autism for just a few days. Im just

> > discovering the diets chelation and many other Biomedical

> > Interventions that can be done. Untill I saw the videos on Generation

> > Rescues website I thought there was no hope. He is my wife and I's

> > only child and untill recently we were worried about having to put him

> > in a home. In the videos one of the dads said whos going to take care

> > of him when I die and I burst. Im not normally an emotional man but

> > this is killing me. What do I do. Where do I start. We are seeing a

> > neurologist, opthamologist, geneticist. We have gotten several MRI's

> > and are scheduled for anohter one soon. We told the Neurologist today

> > that we want all the blood urine and immunology tests done to check

> > for heavy metal poisoning. We also asked to be refered to an allergist

> > and a

> > > nutrionalist to talk about the diets and chelation. When we

> > mentioned a D.A.N. doctor the neurologist's face changed he immediatly

> > ordered a bunch of tests and asked us if we had appts. to see this

> > doctor and made sure bluntly to tell us it would come out of our

> > pockets. It seemed strange to me like he was scared we could fix our

> > son then these 10's of thousands of dollar tests he runs wouldnt be

> > guranteed anymore. I dont know but it seems to me that these doctors

> > dont actually care about the children thats like saying a mechanic

> > cares about the car hes repairing they just want the insurance

> > companies money and the longer they keep paying the longer they will

> > withold any true diagnosis. Im sorry if I seem to ramble or I dont use

> > the best grammar & punctuation Im trying. My son is two years and 4

> > months old hes had the same symptoms for over a year. He fixates on

> > toys, doesnt point, no eye contact, (he also has nystagmus so we

> > thought that was why he had

> > > no eye contact) he doesnt recognize us, our voices, our faces,

> > doesnt talk, walk, crawl, situp o! n his ow n, and untill recently we

> > honestly felt hopeless. It took me telling the Doctors today, Hey

> > maybe my son has a pdd for them to order an evaluation. I also said

> > hey maybe this pdd is being caused by a heavy metal toxicicty or an

> > allergy then they ordered the test's needed to find out. Why is it me

> > a layman who has never even seen a child before in my life with autism

> > or PDD has to diagnose his own child. These doctors and specialists

> > see these children on a daily basis they know the signs what to look

> > for and none of them untill I brought it up suggested it. I love my

> > son. Im scared for my son. I want to know my son will be ok after I

> > die. Can anyone give me some hope?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Guest guest

Yes she has silver fillings so do I and me and her were never rich growing up so

thats all our parents could afford

> > > >

> > > > My son Gerald is 2 years old he doesnt walk. He is non-verbal. He

> > > > doesnt point at things or recognize me or my wife as his parents. I

> > > > have suspected some type of PPD or Autism for just a few days. Im

> > just

> > > > discovering the diets chelation and many other Biomedical

> > > > Interventions that can be done. Untill I saw the videos on Generation

> > > > Rescues website I thought there was no hope. He is my wife and I's

> > > > only child and untill recently we were worried about having to put

> > him

> > > > in a home. In the videos one of the dads said whos going to take care

> > > > of him when I die and I burst. Im not normally an emotional man but

> > > > this is killing me. What do I do. Where do I start. We are seeing a

> > > > neurologist, opthamologist, geneticist. We have gotten several MRI's

> > > > and are scheduled for anohter one soon. We told the Neurologist today

> > > > that we want all the blood urine and immunology tests done to check

> > > > for heavy metal poisoning. We also asked to be refered to an

> > allergist

> > > > and a nutrionalist to talk about the diets and chelation. When we

> > > > mentioned a D.A.N. doctor the neurologist's face changed he

> > immediatly

> > > > ordered a bunch of tests and asked us if we had appts. to see this

> > > > doctor and made sure bluntly to tell us it would come out of our

> > > > pockets. It seemed strange to me like he was scared we could fix our

> > > > son then these 10's of thousands of dollar tests he runs wouldnt be

> > > > guranteed anymore. I dont know but it seems to me that these doctors

> > > > dont actually care about the children thats like saying a mechanic

> > > > cares about the car hes repairing they just want the insurance

> > > > companies money and the longer they keep paying the longer they will

> > > > withold any true diagnosis. Im sorry if I seem to ramble or I dont

> > use

> > > > the best grammar & punctuation Im trying. My son is two years and 4

> > > > months old hes had the same symptoms for over a year. He fixates on

> > > > toys, doesnt point, no eye contact, (he also has nystagmus so we

> > > > thought that was why he had no eye contact) he doesnt recognize us,

> > > > our voices, our faces, doesnt talk, walk, crawl, situp on his own,

> > and

> > > > untill recently we honestly felt hopeless. It took me telling the

> > > > Doctors today, Hey maybe my son has a pdd for them to order an

> > > > evaluation. I also said hey maybe this pdd is being caused by a heavy

> > > > metal toxicicty or an allergy then they ordered the test's needed to

> > > > find out. Why is it me a layman who has never even seen a child

> > before

> > > > in my life with autism or PDD has to diagnose his own child. These

> > > > doctors and specialists see these children on a daily basis they know

> > > > the signs what to look for and none of them untill I brought it up

> > > > suggested it. I love my son. Im scared for my son. I want to know my

> > > > son will be ok after I die. Can anyone give me some hope?

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >


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Guest guest

mistake on my part she had silver fillings when she was 5 yrs old she hasnt had

a silver filling since she has had permanent teeth and that mercury would have

had to be excreted by now

> > > >

> > > > First, let me say there is hope and don't give up on your son or

> > > listen to mainstream doctors that tell you this is just a Neurologic

> > > disorder and that there isn't anything that can be done. My son was

> > > diagnosed about a 1 1/2 ago when he was 2 years 7mos. He was in his

> > > own world, didn't have any eye contact and never played with any of

> > > his toys except a musical toy and played it repetitively. I spent

> > > hours upon hours reading everything I could about Autism as I was like

> > > you and your wife and new nothing of Autism and this was our 1st

> > > child. My son, - is now 4 and is still non-verbal but has

> > > come a long way in his recovery. If there is any way you can get him

> > > into an ABA Program that is going to be very beneficial for him long

> > > term. My son entered a private school that was ABA Based and it is

> > > wonderful. About 2 weeks after his diagnosis on a Saturday I went

> > > cold turkey with the Gluten/Casein Free Diet. It was an extremely

> > > > difficult thing to do as my son was beside himself on the 1st and

> > > 2nd day but began eating his new food the 3rd day and by the end of

> > > the first week on the diet he started looking at us and over time

> > > seemed to become a little more aware of his environment and has

> > > awesome eye contact. If you are going to do this diet it is a long

> > > process and I would suggest finding a nutritionist who knows about

> > > this diet and Autism. We were on the diet for about 6 months before

> > > I found " Thoughtful House " in Austin, TX and initially went to them

> > > for the nutritionist and have stayed and working with a Dan Doctor. I

> > > highly recommend them. It's been a year since we've been with

> > > Thoughtful House and have been on supplementation and have recently

> > > started Chelation.Â

> > > >

> > > > Remember every child is different and unique with what's going on

> > > with their little bodies. I would do a lot of reading. There are

> > > good articles you can find on the Autism Reasearch Institute website

> > > as well as Generation Rescue. Also, try to think of this as a

> > > marathon not a sprint. I think back a year and a half ago and can see

> > > such progress we have made and know we still have a long ways to go

> > > but our children can get better.

> > > >

> > > > I hope this helps and wish you and your family all the best.

> > > >

> > > > Maureen

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ________________________________

> > > > From: apathy221 <apathy772@>

> > > >

> > > <mailto: %40>

> > > > Sent: Wed, June 9, 2010 2:12:22 PM

> > > > Subject: [ ] First Timer

> > > >

> > > > Â

> > > > My son Gerald is 2 years old he doesnt walk. He is non-verbal. He

> > > doesnt point at things or recognize me or my wife as his parents. I

> > > have suspected some type of PPD or Autism for just a few days. Im just

> > > discovering the diets chelation and many other Biomedical

> > > Interventions that can be done. Untill I saw the videos on Generation

> > > Rescues website I thought there was no hope. He is my wife and I's

> > > only child and untill recently we were worried about having to put him

> > > in a home. In the videos one of the dads said whos going to take care

> > > of him when I die and I burst. Im not normally an emotional man but

> > > this is killing me. What do I do. Where do I start. We are seeing a

> > > neurologist, opthamologist, geneticist. We have gotten several MRI's

> > > and are scheduled for anohter one soon. We told the Neurologist today

> > > that we want all the blood urine and immunology tests done to check

> > > for heavy metal poisoning. We also asked to be refered to an allergist

> > > and a

> > > > nutrionalist to talk about the diets and chelation. When we

> > > mentioned a D.A.N. doctor the neurologist's face changed he immediatly

> > > ordered a bunch of tests and asked us if we had appts. to see this

> > > doctor and made sure bluntly to tell us it would come out of our

> > > pockets. It seemed strange to me like he was scared we could fix our

> > > son then these 10's of thousands of dollar tests he runs wouldnt be

> > > guranteed anymore. I dont know but it seems to me that these doctors

> > > dont actually care about the children thats like saying a mechanic

> > > cares about the car hes repairing they just want the insurance

> > > companies money and the longer they keep paying the longer they will

> > > withold any true diagnosis. Im sorry if I seem to ramble or I dont use

> > > the best grammar & punctuation Im trying. My son is two years and 4

> > > months old hes had the same symptoms for over a year. He fixates on

> > > toys, doesnt point, no eye contact, (he also has nystagmus so we

> > > thought that was why he had

> > > > no eye contact) he doesnt recognize us, our voices, our faces,

> > > doesnt talk, walk, crawl, situp o! n his ow n, and untill recently we

> > > honestly felt hopeless. It took me telling the Doctors today, Hey

> > > maybe my son has a pdd for them to order an evaluation. I also said

> > > hey maybe this pdd is being caused by a heavy metal toxicicty or an

> > > allergy then they ordered the test's needed to find out. Why is it me

> > > a layman who has never even seen a child before in my life with autism

> > > or PDD has to diagnose his own child. These doctors and specialists

> > > see these children on a daily basis they know the signs what to look

> > > for and none of them untill I brought it up suggested it. I love my

> > > son. Im scared for my son. I want to know my son will be ok after I

> > > die. Can anyone give me some hope?

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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89% of children showed some improvement age 1-5 only 35% showed marked

improvement thats just one study another study I read said dmsa caused

cognitive damage in mice and this


php scared the hell out of me still kinda new reading reading reading just

want to make sure I do whats best for my little one

> > > >

> > > > First, let me say there is hope and don't give up on your son or

> > > listen to mainstream doctors that tell you this is just a Neurologic

> > > disorder and that there isn't anything that can be done. My son was

> > > diagnosed about a 1 1/2 ago when he was 2 years 7mos. He was in his

> > > own world, didn't have any eye contact and never played with any of

> > > his toys except a musical toy and played it repetitively. I spent

> > > hours upon hours reading everything I could about Autism as I was like

> > > you and your wife and new nothing of Autism and this was our 1st

> > > child. My son, - is now 4 and is still non-verbal but has

> > > come a long way in his recovery. If there is any way you can get him

> > > into an ABA Program that is going to be very beneficial for him long

> > > term. My son entered a private school that was ABA Based and it is

> > > wonderful. About 2 weeks after his diagnosis on a Saturday I went

> > > cold turkey with the Gluten/Casein Free Diet. It was an extremely

> > > > difficult thing to do as my son was beside himself on the 1st and

> > > 2nd day but began eating his new food the 3rd day and by the end of

> > > the first week on the diet he started looking at us and over time

> > > seemed to become a little more aware of his environment and has

> > > awesome eye contact. If you are going to do this diet it is a long

> > > process and I would suggest finding a nutritionist who knows about

> > > this diet and Autism. We were on the diet for about 6 months before

> > > I found " Thoughtful House " in Austin, TX and initially went to them

> > > for the nutritionist and have stayed and working with a Dan Doctor. I

> > > highly recommend them. It's been a year since we've been with

> > > Thoughtful House and have been on supplementation and have recently

> > > started Chelation.Â

> > > >

> > > > Remember every child is different and unique with what's going on

> > > with their little bodies. I would do a lot of reading. There are

> > > good articles you can find on the Autism Reasearch Institute website

> > > as well as Generation Rescue. Also, try to think of this as a

> > > marathon not a sprint. I think back a year and a half ago and can see

> > > such progress we have made and know we still have a long ways to go

> > > but our children can get better.

> > > >

> > > > I hope this helps and wish you and your family all the best.

> > > >

> > > > Maureen

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ________________________________

> > > > From: apathy221 <apathy772@>

> > > >

> > > <mailto: %40>

> > > > Sent: Wed, June 9, 2010 2:12:22 PM

> > > > Subject: [ ] First Timer

> > > >

> > > > Â

> > > > My son Gerald is 2 years old he doesnt walk. He is non-verbal. He

> > > doesnt point at things or recognize me or my wife as his parents. I

> > > have suspected some type of PPD or Autism for just a few days. Im just

> > > discovering the diets chelation and many other Biomedical

> > > Interventions that can be done. Untill I saw the videos on Generation

> > > Rescues website I thought there was no hope. He is my wife and I's

> > > only child and untill recently we were worried about having to put him

> > > in a home. In the videos one of the dads said whos going to take care

> > > of him when I die and I burst. Im not normally an emotional man but

> > > this is killing me. What do I do. Where do I start. We are seeing a

> > > neurologist, opthamologist, geneticist. We have gotten several MRI's

> > > and are scheduled for anohter one soon. We told the Neurologist today

> > > that we want all the blood urine and immunology tests done to check

> > > for heavy metal poisoning. We also asked to be refered to an allergist

> > > and a

> > > > nutrionalist to talk about the diets and chelation. When we

> > > mentioned a D.A.N. doctor the neurologist's face changed he immediatly

> > > ordered a bunch of tests and asked us if we had appts. to see this

> > > doctor and made sure bluntly to tell us it would come out of our

> > > pockets. It seemed strange to me like he was scared we could fix our

> > > son then these 10's of thousands of dollar tests he runs wouldnt be

> > > guranteed anymore. I dont know but it seems to me that these doctors

> > > dont actually care about the children thats like saying a mechanic

> > > cares about the car hes repairing they just want the insurance

> > > companies money and the longer they keep paying the longer they will

> > > withold any true diagnosis. Im sorry if I seem to ramble or I dont use

> > > the best grammar & punctuation Im trying. My son is two years and 4

> > > months old hes had the same symptoms for over a year. He fixates on

> > > toys, doesnt point, no eye contact, (he also has nystagmus so we

> > > thought that was why he had

> > > > no eye contact) he doesnt recognize us, our voices, our faces,

> > > doesnt talk, walk, crawl, situp o! n his ow n, and untill recently we

> > > honestly felt hopeless. It took me telling the Doctors today, Hey

> > > maybe my son has a pdd for them to order an evaluation. I also said

> > > hey maybe this pdd is being caused by a heavy metal toxicicty or an

> > > allergy then they ordered the test's needed to find out. Why is it me

> > > a layman who has never even seen a child before in my life with autism

> > > or PDD has to diagnose his own child. These doctors and specialists

> > > see these children on a daily basis they know the signs what to look

> > > for and none of them untill I brought it up suggested it. I love my

> > > son. Im scared for my son. I want to know my son will be ok after I

> > > die. Can anyone give me some hope?

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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New question I just read a recent post I thought all vaccines made after 2002

were now thermisol free which would lead me to think they were also mercury free

or am I wrong we have had all of our sons vaccines done before we knew

anything about this

> > > > >

> > > > > First, let me say there is hope and don't give up on your son or

> > > > listen to mainstream doctors that tell you this is just a Neurologic

> > > > disorder and that there isn't anything that can be done. My son was

> > > > diagnosed about a 1 1/2 ago when he was 2 years 7mos. He was in his

> > > > own world, didn't have any eye contact and never played with any of

> > > > his toys except a musical toy and played it repetitively. I spent

> > > > hours upon hours reading everything I could about Autism as I was like

> > > > you and your wife and new nothing of Autism and this was our 1st

> > > > child. My son, - is now 4 and is still non-verbal but has

> > > > come a long way in his recovery. If there is any way you can get him

> > > > into an ABA Program that is going to be very beneficial for him long

> > > > term. My son entered a private school that was ABA Based and it is

> > > > wonderful. About 2 weeks after his diagnosis on a Saturday I went

> > > > cold turkey with the Gluten/Casein Free Diet. It was an extremely

> > > > > difficult thing to do as my son was beside himself on the 1st and

> > > > 2nd day but began eating his new food the 3rd day and by the end of

> > > > the first week on the diet he started looking at us and over time

> > > > seemed to become a little more aware of his environment and has

> > > > awesome eye contact. If you are going to do this diet it is a long

> > > > process and I would suggest finding a nutritionist who knows about

> > > > this diet and Autism. We were on the diet for about 6 months before

> > > > I found " Thoughtful House " in Austin, TX and initially went to them

> > > > for the nutritionist and have stayed and working with a Dan Doctor. I

> > > > highly recommend them. It's been a year since we've been with

> > > > Thoughtful House and have been on supplementation and have recently

> > > > started Chelation.Â

> > > > >

> > > > > Remember every child is different and unique with what's going on

> > > > with their little bodies. I would do a lot of reading. There are

> > > > good articles you can find on the Autism Reasearch Institute website

> > > > as well as Generation Rescue. Also, try to think of this as a

> > > > marathon not a sprint. I think back a year and a half ago and can see

> > > > such progress we have made and know we still have a long ways to go

> > > > but our children can get better.

> > > > >

> > > > > I hope this helps and wish you and your family all the best.

> > > > >

> > > > > Maureen

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > ________________________________

> > > > > From: apathy221 <apathy772@>

> > > > >

> > > > <mailto: %40>

> > > > > Sent: Wed, June 9, 2010 2:12:22 PM

> > > > > Subject: [ ] First Timer

> > > > >

> > > > > Â

> > > > > My son Gerald is 2 years old he doesnt walk. He is non-verbal. He

> > > > doesnt point at things or recognize me or my wife as his parents. I

> > > > have suspected some type of PPD or Autism for just a few days. Im just

> > > > discovering the diets chelation and many other Biomedical

> > > > Interventions that can be done. Untill I saw the videos on Generation

> > > > Rescues website I thought there was no hope. He is my wife and I's

> > > > only child and untill recently we were worried about having to put him

> > > > in a home. In the videos one of the dads said whos going to take care

> > > > of him when I die and I burst. Im not normally an emotional man but

> > > > this is killing me. What do I do. Where do I start. We are seeing a

> > > > neurologist, opthamologist, geneticist. We have gotten several MRI's

> > > > and are scheduled for anohter one soon. We told the Neurologist today

> > > > that we want all the blood urine and immunology tests done to check

> > > > for heavy metal poisoning. We also asked to be refered to an allergist

> > > > and a

> > > > > nutrionalist to talk about the diets and chelation. When we

> > > > mentioned a D.A.N. doctor the neurologist's face changed he immediatly

> > > > ordered a bunch of tests and asked us if we had appts. to see this

> > > > doctor and made sure bluntly to tell us it would come out of our

> > > > pockets. It seemed strange to me like he was scared we could fix our

> > > > son then these 10's of thousands of dollar tests he runs wouldnt be

> > > > guranteed anymore. I dont know but it seems to me that these doctors

> > > > dont actually care about the children thats like saying a mechanic

> > > > cares about the car hes repairing they just want the insurance

> > > > companies money and the longer they keep paying the longer they will

> > > > withold any true diagnosis. Im sorry if I seem to ramble or I dont use

> > > > the best grammar & punctuation Im trying. My son is two years and 4

> > > > months old hes had the same symptoms for over a year. He fixates on

> > > > toys, doesnt point, no eye contact, (he also has nystagmus so we

> > > > thought that was why he had

> > > > > no eye contact) he doesnt recognize us, our voices, our faces,

> > > > doesnt talk, walk, crawl, situp o! n his ow n, and untill recently we

> > > > honestly felt hopeless. It took me telling the Doctors today, Hey

> > > > maybe my son has a pdd for them to order an evaluation. I also said

> > > > hey maybe this pdd is being caused by a heavy metal toxicicty or an

> > > > allergy then they ordered the test's needed to find out. Why is it me

> > > > a layman who has never even seen a child before in my life with autism

> > > > or PDD has to diagnose his own child. These doctors and specialists

> > > > see these children on a daily basis they know the signs what to look

> > > > for and none of them untill I brought it up suggested it. I love my

> > > > son. Im scared for my son. I want to know my son will be ok after I

> > > > die. Can anyone give me some hope?

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

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Please reconsider seeing a DAN dr. I was fortunate enough to find these groups

before I could get in to see one. It seems their chelation methods are very

harmful to our children. Look into Hall Cutler chelation protocol. It

respects the half life of the chelator. You give small frequent doses to move

the metals out. Join the Recovery from Autism group here on . Tons of

information on it. Start with a hair test to see if he is indeed toxic and go

from there.


> My son Gerald is 2 years old he doesnt walk. He is non-verbal. He doesnt point

at things or recognize me or my wife as his parents. I have suspected some type

of PPD or Autism for just a few days. Im just discovering the diets chelation

and many other Biomedical Interventions that can be done. Untill I saw the

videos on Generation Rescues website I thought there was no hope. He is my wife

and I's only child and untill recently we were worried about having to put him

in a home. In the videos one of the dads said whos going to take care of him

when I die and I burst. Im not normally an emotional man but this is killing me.

What do I do. Where do I start. We are seeing a neurologist, opthamologist,

geneticist. We have gotten several MRI's and are scheduled for anohter one soon.

We told the Neurologist today that we want all the blood urine and immunology

tests done to check for heavy metal poisoning. We also asked to be refered to an

allergist and a nutrionalist to talk about the diets and chelation. When we

mentioned a D.A.N. doctor the neurologist's face changed he immediatly ordered a

bunch of tests and asked us if we had appts. to see this doctor and made sure

bluntly to tell us it would come out of our pockets. It seemed strange to me

like he was scared we could fix our son then these 10's of thousands of dollar

tests he runs wouldnt be guranteed anymore. I dont know but it seems to me that

these doctors dont actually care about the children thats like saying a mechanic

cares about the car hes repairing they just want the insurance companies money

and the longer they keep paying the longer they will withold any true diagnosis.

Im sorry if I seem to ramble or I dont use the best grammar & punctuation Im

trying. My son is two years and 4 months old hes had the same symptoms for over

a year. He fixates on toys, doesnt point, no eye contact, (he also has nystagmus

so we thought that was why he had no eye contact) he doesnt recognize us, our

voices, our faces, doesnt talk, walk, crawl, situp on his own, and untill

recently we honestly felt hopeless. It took me telling the Doctors today, Hey

maybe my son has a pdd for them to order an evaluation. I also said hey maybe

this pdd is being caused by a heavy metal toxicicty or an allergy then they

ordered the test's needed to find out. Why is it me a layman who has never even

seen a child before in my life with autism or PDD has to diagnose his own child.

These doctors and specialists see these children on a daily basis they know the

signs what to look for and none of them untill I brought it up suggested it. I

love my son. Im scared for my son. I want to know my son will be ok after I die.

Can anyone give me some hope?


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There is hope. One thing you need to know for sure is that there is a lot of


I do agree with the doctor about being wary of DAN! doctors and their testing,

their fees and their protocols. Although they differ from mainstream docs in

the sense that they say they can/want to cure your child, many of their

practices can be risky and damaging. It is wonderful to have someone offering

you a light at the end of the tunnel, but I caution you to do your research

before agreeing to anything.

I suggest you read about Andy Culter and buy/obtain a book of his called Amalgam

Illnesses. It will talk about a safe way to chelate heavy metals and

information on interpreting a hair test from Doctor's Data called Hair Elements.

Most of us follow his recommendations regarding chelation.

I would worry about mitochondrial disorders (mitochondria in cells unable to

turn sugar and oxygen in to energy) if your child isn't walking. Did he ever

crawl? There are also inborn errors of metabolism that should be ruled out.

These are all tests that can be done by these doctors you are seeing right now.

Are you telling me you have only been referred to specialist NOW? How

frustrating. I honestly don't think they want your child to stay ill to collect

more money from your insurance company, I just think they are woefully

incompetent to deal with issues involving environmental exposure that challenge

their schooling and long held beliefs.

I guess I have a lot of questions about your child's behavior/diet/history. At

this point, I want to welcome you and tell you to feel free to ask a lot of




> My son Gerald is 2 years old he doesnt walk. He is non-verbal. He doesnt point

at things or recognize me or my wife as his parents. I have suspected some type

of PPD or Autism for just a few days. Im just discovering the diets chelation

and many other Biomedical Interventions that can be done. Untill I saw the

videos on Generation Rescues website I thought there was no hope. He is my wife

and I's only child and untill recently we were worried about having to put him

in a home. In the videos one of the dads said whos going to take care of him

when I die and I burst. Im not normally an emotional man but this is killing me.

What do I do. Where do I start. We are seeing a neurologist, opthamologist,

geneticist. We have gotten several MRI's and are scheduled for anohter one soon.

We told the Neurologist today that we want all the blood urine and immunology

tests done to check for heavy metal poisoning. We also asked to be refered to an

allergist and a nutrionalist to talk about the diets and chelation. When we

mentioned a D.A.N. doctor the neurologist's face changed he immediatly ordered a

bunch of tests and asked us if we had appts. to see this doctor and made sure

bluntly to tell us it would come out of our pockets. It seemed strange to me

like he was scared we could fix our son then these 10's of thousands of dollar

tests he runs wouldnt be guranteed anymore. I dont know but it seems to me that

these doctors dont actually care about the children thats like saying a mechanic

cares about the car hes repairing they just want the insurance companies money

and the longer they keep paying the longer they will withold any true diagnosis.

Im sorry if I seem to ramble or I dont use the best grammar & punctuation Im

trying. My son is two years and 4 months old hes had the same symptoms for over

a year. He fixates on toys, doesnt point, no eye contact, (he also has nystagmus

so we thought that was why he had no eye contact) he doesnt recognize us, our

voices, our faces, doesnt talk, walk, crawl, situp on his own, and untill

recently we honestly felt hopeless. It took me telling the Doctors today, Hey

maybe my son has a pdd for them to order an evaluation. I also said hey maybe

this pdd is being caused by a heavy metal toxicicty or an allergy then they

ordered the test's needed to find out. Why is it me a layman who has never even

seen a child before in my life with autism or PDD has to diagnose his own child.

These doctors and specialists see these children on a daily basis they know the

signs what to look for and none of them untill I brought it up suggested it. I

love my son. Im scared for my son. I want to know my son will be ok after I die.

Can anyone give me some hope?


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It has nothing to do with rich: my father was a doctor and all I got were

silver fillings! :)

It just wasn't thought of as anything but 'safe'... nobody listened.


> > > > >

> > > > > My son Gerald is 2 years old he doesnt walk. He is non-verbal. He

> > > > > doesnt point at things or recognize me or my wife as his parents. I

> > > > > have suspected some type of PPD or Autism for just a few days. Im

> > > just

> > > > > discovering the diets chelation and many other Biomedical

> > > > > Interventions that can be done. Untill I saw the videos on Generation

> > > > > Rescues website I thought there was no hope. He is my wife and I's

> > > > > only child and untill recently we were worried about having to put

> > > him

> > > > > in a home. In the videos one of the dads said whos going to take care

> > > > > of him when I die and I burst. Im not normally an emotional man but

> > > > > this is killing me. What do I do. Where do I start. We are seeing a

> > > > > neurologist, opthamologist, geneticist. We have gotten several MRI's

> > > > > and are scheduled for anohter one soon. We told the Neurologist today

> > > > > that we want all the blood urine and immunology tests done to check

> > > > > for heavy metal poisoning. We also asked to be refered to an

> > > allergist

> > > > > and a nutrionalist to talk about the diets and chelation. When we

> > > > > mentioned a D.A.N. doctor the neurologist's face changed he

> > > immediatly

> > > > > ordered a bunch of tests and asked us if we had appts. to see this

> > > > > doctor and made sure bluntly to tell us it would come out of our

> > > > > pockets. It seemed strange to me like he was scared we could fix our

> > > > > son then these 10's of thousands of dollar tests he runs wouldnt be

> > > > > guranteed anymore. I dont know but it seems to me that these doctors

> > > > > dont actually care about the children thats like saying a mechanic

> > > > > cares about the car hes repairing they just want the insurance

> > > > > companies money and the longer they keep paying the longer they will

> > > > > withold any true diagnosis. Im sorry if I seem to ramble or I dont

> > > use

> > > > > the best grammar & punctuation Im trying. My son is two years and 4

> > > > > months old hes had the same symptoms for over a year. He fixates on

> > > > > toys, doesnt point, no eye contact, (he also has nystagmus so we

> > > > > thought that was why he had no eye contact) he doesnt recognize us,

> > > > > our voices, our faces, doesnt talk, walk, crawl, situp on his own,

> > > and

> > > > > untill recently we honestly felt hopeless. It took me telling the

> > > > > Doctors today, Hey maybe my son has a pdd for them to order an

> > > > > evaluation. I also said hey maybe this pdd is being caused by a heavy

> > > > > metal toxicicty or an allergy then they ordered the test's needed to

> > > > > find out. Why is it me a layman who has never even seen a child

> > > before

> > > > > in my life with autism or PDD has to diagnose his own child. These

> > > > > doctors and specialists see these children on a daily basis they know

> > > > > the signs what to look for and none of them untill I brought it up

> > > > > suggested it. I love my son. Im scared for my son. I want to know my

> > > > > son will be ok after I die. Can anyone give me some hope?

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> >


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What state do you live in and what services is your boy getting?

> >

> > My son Gerald is 2 years old he doesnt walk. He is non-verbal. He doesnt

point at things or recognize me or my wife as his parents. I have suspected some

type of PPD or Autism for just a few days. Im just discovering the diets

chelation and many other Biomedical Interventions that can be done. Untill I saw

the videos on Generation Rescues website I thought there was no hope. He is my

wife and I's only child and untill recently we were worried about having to put

him in a home. In the videos one of the dads said whos going to take care of him

when I die and I burst. Im not normally an emotional man but this is killing me.

What do I do. Where do I start. We are seeing a neurologist, opthamologist,

geneticist. We have gotten several MRI's and are scheduled for anohter one soon.

We told the Neurologist today that we want all the blood urine and immunology

tests done to check for heavy metal poisoning. We also asked to be refered to an

allergist and a nutrionalist to talk about the diets and chelation. When we

mentioned a D.A.N. doctor the neurologist's face changed he immediatly ordered a

bunch of tests and asked us if we had appts. to see this doctor and made sure

bluntly to tell us it would come out of our pockets. It seemed strange to me

like he was scared we could fix our son then these 10's of thousands of dollar

tests he runs wouldnt be guranteed anymore. I dont know but it seems to me that

these doctors dont actually care about the children thats like saying a mechanic

cares about the car hes repairing they just want the insurance companies money

and the longer they keep paying the longer they will withold any true diagnosis.

Im sorry if I seem to ramble or I dont use the best grammar & punctuation Im

trying. My son is two years and 4 months old hes had the same symptoms for over

a year. He fixates on toys, doesnt point, no eye contact, (he also has nystagmus

so we thought that was why he had no eye contact) he doesnt recognize us, our

voices, our faces, doesnt talk, walk, crawl, situp on his own, and untill

recently we honestly felt hopeless. It took me telling the Doctors today, Hey

maybe my son has a pdd for them to order an evaluation. I also said hey maybe

this pdd is being caused by a heavy metal toxicicty or an allergy then they

ordered the test's needed to find out. Why is it me a layman who has never even

seen a child before in my life with autism or PDD has to diagnose his own child.

These doctors and specialists see these children on a daily basis they know the

signs what to look for and none of them untill I brought it up suggested it. I

love my son. Im scared for my son. I want to know my son will be ok after I die.

Can anyone give me some hope?

> >


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Has your child been vaccinated? Di your wife have vaccines (including flu shot)

while pregnant? www.danasview.net/metals provides info on sources of exposure.


Re: First Timer

Posted by: " apathy221 " apathy772@... apathy221

Wed Jun 9, 2010 1:43 pm (PDT)

mistake on my part she had silver fillings when she was 5 yrs old she hasnt had

a silver filling since she has had permanent teeth and that mercury would have

had to be excreted by now

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That's the official myth. They reduced the mercury (in some of the vaccines).

When they did that they increased the aluminum, which is also toxic. Flu shot

still has lots of mercury and they're really pushing it. H1N1 also had/has



Re: First Timer

Posted by: " apathy221 " apathy772@... apathy221

Wed Jun 9, 2010 1:53 pm (PDT)

New question I just read a recent post I thought all vaccines made after 2002

were now thermisol free which would lead me to think they were also mercury free

or am I wrong we have had all of our sons vaccines done before we knew anything

about this

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>>I love my son. Im scared for my son. I want to know my son will be ok after I

die. Can anyone give me some hope?

When my son was 3, two separate pediatric neurologists gave him the diagnosis of

" classic Kanner's autism " , severe, low functioning. They told me he would never

talk or even acknowledge my existance, and to put him in an institution, enjoy

my other children, and get on with my life.

I started biomedical instead [and stopped taking him to doctors].

Today he is 14 and basically recovered. He is no longer autistic, he talks, he

reads, he is social with his siblings and other children and adults, he needs no

special diets, and only one supplement [he needed probably 50 or more separate

supplements in the past, but only needs one now]. I suspect in about 3-4

months, he will be finished with the last supplement.

Because he was so severely damaged by vaccinations, he is still working to catch

up, so he is not yet age-appropriate. However, my husband and I had the goal

that he would need no diets or supplements, so that when we are dead and gone,

he would have no chance of regression. We are 99% to our goal.

Keep going, you can recover your child, without a doctor.

I need to update this page, but here is my son's story



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