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Wow, ...I am at a loss for words. That story does put my situation in perspective! Thank you for sharing!When I first heard about the rife machine (a month or so ago) I thought "I can have another baby!!". But then I found out it is still slow and

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Wow, ...I am at a loss for words. That story does put my situation in perspective! Thank you for sharing!When I first heard about the rife machine (a month or so ago) I thought "I can have another baby!!". But then I found out it is still slow and steady. I want to be quick and easy! just like everyone else! I am in my late..late thirties so I feel by the time the Lyme is killed (if it really ever is) I will be too old for children. While I want to say I am not going to let Lyme take having more babies away from me, I feel that what I would also be saying is I don't care about the quality of life I would be giving my child if they are born with it. It is a coin toss.

Your words are very encouraging. Right now I feel like I am a pile of negative energy. I am hoping that once I can incorporate more of the information I am learning into my life that the negative energy will fade and be filled with love. I feel I am weighed down with the negativity right now.I feel silly talking like this because I don't have the pain that so many people suffer with. It hurts to touch me, but as long as no one touches me I am fairly pain free due to the Lyme anyway! ha! I do have mild random pain here and there. My problems are all in my head for the most part. Now my daughter does have pain and it breaks my heart.I will be honest, I am scared of MMS right now. Everything I am learning on this group is a new concept and I

am trying very hard to be open to all of it, but it all seems so strange to me right now. I need to do more research on it before I try it. I think the part that scares me is that MMS2 uses shock...for the pool. I just need to research more about it.I want very badly to get a doug coil. Terry has be wonderful at answering my many many questions. I am trying not to rush it because I find when I rush decisions they are usually the wrong one. I also need to figure out how I want to pay for it. When I found out my daughter has lyme and I started to research it, I prayed to God to lead me in the direction I needed to go and he lead me to this group. I honestly, honestly feel that way. I feel like I have been living in a cave my entire life and someone just moved me to the city. Everything is so new

and I just need to learn!Kim To: Lyme_and_Rife Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 6:51 PM Subject: Re: pregnancy and Lyme


I believe if you get a DC machine and use the MMS you will do great!

Have you gone onto Lymestrategies...there is quite a bit of information regarding pregnancy and lyme and the salt/c combo.

Also, I did just feel compelled to share this story.

While I was waiting for my son in the orthodontist, a woman wheeled in her severely handicapped, 18 year old son. He had no muscle control of his arms or legs and could not verbalize. This woman lifted this over 6 foot son out of the wheelchair to adjust him. As she was doing this he fell backwards in her arms. Kim, the way she looked at him and cradled him ever so gently was so incredible. I do not think Christ could look at us any more lovingly than how this mother looked at her son. Not any anger, frustration...but pure love. You could feel her love for him just by witnessing what was happening.

I was so overcome with emotion, I had to take a walk outside and stop myself from sobbing.

When I composed myself, I went back inside to find they had taken "" back to have his braces taken off. The receptionist told me that this young man was born completely normal, but was recently hit by a passing truck on Halloween night, while out with his friends. The accident left him paralyzed and non-verbal for the rest of his life.

So, my message that I would like to share with you is that, even though we all can have *healthy* children, we are not guaranteed anything, as you read in my story. We are all born with something on our slate, it is never clean. Even though my children have Lyme, it could be much worse, much much worse. They are fine, well mannered children that are a blessing each and every day to my husband and I.

I think with the help of this group and educating yourself, you will be surprised at how much of your life you can get back!!

> > > >

> > > > What are the risks to the unborn child if the mother has Lyme?

> > > > Pat

> > > >

> > >

> >


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