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terry,that sound dreadful.  hot makes me sick and cold makes me hurt.  it does not sound fun at all.  it will probably take a while to get the courage to try that.  where does the acv come in, which temp. water??  hope it is the warm cycle so i

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terry,that sound dreadful.  hot makes me sick and cold makes me hurt.  it does not sound fun at all.  it will probably take a while to get the courage to try that.  where does the acv come in, which temp. water??  hope it is the warm cycle so i can stand there longer.  or is this not the time to use that?

re: the acv, is it best to use it a.m. or p.m.--rinse it off or just towel dry (do i smell up the house or just my bed??)  wash with soap first or does it clean the oils off the skin by itself?  wash hair also-shampoo or no shampoo also?

thanks for info.barbara




We’ve used the ACV for at least 15 years on and off and I don’t remember exactly. I think it has something to do with astringent properties properties that can clean really deep into the pores without the damaging properties that some many of the commercially produced products posses. I have boxes full of books relating to natural healing. I’m going to have get them out and refresh my memory on some of these things. The link that Jim posted regarding the ACV also talks about taking a shower with alternating hot and cold water temperature. I practice that as well although I growl when I’m doing it. However That  technique also does wonders for my energy and the effects last all day. I have found that the effects are noticeably less dramatic if you don’t involve your face head and neck. When I’m ready to get out of the shower I start with the water as hot as I am comfortable with then for the first cycle I ease up the cold to as close to full cold as I can. Then I stay  with that temp as long as I can probably a minute or two. Then I got back to as hot as is comfortable and stay there for the same minute or two. I do this again  but now I shoot straight to cold no mercy. Two minutes +/- and repeat. I end with hot water in the winter and cold in the summer. The book I found this in recommends five cycles.  I go to three. Be warned the first couple of times you try it, I know my ears will be on fire because you will be cursing me for convincing you to try it. By the third time you will be more acclimated but still not loving it. The only thing that keeps me going back for more is the dramatic difference I see all throughout my day every time I do it. I really hate it though.

When I dig up these books I’ll pass the title and author’s info along.




From: Barbara Pierce

Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2012 8:59 PM

To: Lyme_and_Rife

Subject: Re: Sweating




haven't heard of the acv on the skin for this.  why do you think it works???  i want to try it.  i'm sure braggs is ok?






I haven’t heard anyone talk about Dry brushing and Apple Cider vinegar. We have found that it works wonders to keep your skin which is our largest eliminatory organ functioning properly. When we first started this process it was suggested that one would dry brush your entire body always brushing towards your heart (I don’t thing directions matters). Then take a bath warm bath and put 1-2 quarts of apple  cider vinegar and nothing else and soak. I have modified this a bit because I am too tall for most tubs and I don’t like laying around in a tub. So I dry brush then  get in the shower with a washcloth and bottle of apple cider vinegar pour it straight onto the washcloth and scrub. Don’t use soap in this shower because you just cleaned out and opened up your pores so soap would just clog the up again. The difference it made for me was incredible. It is energizing and in clears my head.






From: Barbara Pierce

Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2012 4:23 PM

To: Lyme_and_Rife

Subject: Re: Sweating



Kim, sounds like our symptoms are similar.  i have all of that and yes, my extremities are cold, clammy.  at night, when the heat wakes me up, i find my limbs are searching for a cool part of the bed to cool down, it helps.  the over all symptoms are less if i am very 'cold to the bone', then the heat sometimes helps, which is weird also.  so summers are hard.


the fact that m.j. helps, i have heard, is that the symptoms maybe connected to the nervous system, possibly vagus nerve??--thus the effect of eating increases the symptoms.  also, the reason it works for chemo patients, allowing them to eat. it calms that nerve.  it has saved me that way as i could not eat for quite a while.


that need to lay (sit) down is immediate, or i felt i would die.  i would also turn bright red on my face and neck.  i could feel it start, like a switch was flipped, and then the symptoms started.  very weird.  while i was searching on the internet, in the early 2000s, for this list of symptoms, i came across a site where there were many people with some similar symptoms.   most had been to the e.r. many times because of the heart problems during the 'attack' of symtoms.  all these symptoms have a connection to the vegus nerve as one of the posters mentioned but no one there knew what it was. you are the only one i have come across that has anything similar to mine.    wonder if all those people had lyme??


sweating is a way for the body to detox, so i would assume that the body is trying to do that.  these other symptoms may be an 'effect' of the detox.  also, i heard that lyme does not like heat, so--this is way out--could the lyme bugs be aggravated by the heat producing the sweating and are causing the symptoms?  just a thought.   but many talk of most of these symptoms, isolated, but few have them in a cluster like this.  unless they do and don't make the connection.     i really have no idea.


kim, i have found that more frequent showering and scrubbing lightly, often help a little, especially before bed.  cleaning the sweated toxins off the body??  sometimes i wash the upper part of me with a wet cloth during the day helps too.  laying down will offer some relief.  stay out of the sun during the heat of the day. drinking cold water, lots of water helps. i would 'guzzle' about 12 oz. with each attack.  even room temp. water will cool you down inside a bit.  then there are the hand fans i carry around.  my young g.kids see me fanning myself and come up and take it from me to fan me.  so sweet. i always dress in layers now.  always a tank top with a short or mid length sleeve shirt over it so i can take it off, put it on, take it off, etc. etc.


yes, i agree the sweating is embarrassing.  i used to do in-home loan signings as a notary.  it would last about an hour, giving me time for two sweatings.  i would try to fan myself with document papers without being obvious.  they would notice and offer water, to open a door or move their fan.  i'm sure they thought it just hormonal, but there was no hiding the steaming eye glasses.  oh well.  fortunately i'm retired now.  family is used to it now, and i don't go anywhere that i would care what others think.


i live in the hope that some day 'this too shall pass.'


Damarise, yes,organic is the only way to go, therefore best to grow your own, IF you are legal.  again, i do not promote this for anyone.  it has just helped me and glad i live in a 'legalized' state, giving me another option.


take care,




Hi, it sounds like your body is detoxing itself..which i suppose is a good thing especially as you mentioned the sweating is gettling less as you heal yourself. As for marijuana, i am sure it has some good uses as long as it is organic meaning not sprayed with chemicals. It does seem to balance or put the body into homostatis and relax the nervous system, so maybe it could be tried and used for this purpose.Damarise

To: Lyme_and_Rife From: kkpw09@...Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2012 15:12:59 -0800

Subject: Re: Sweating 


I haven't noticed a time pattern for my sweating, but I do know it gets worse when I eat or when my stomach hurts.  I get anxiety with it as well and breathing is short.  My cheeks get flushed and sometimes I feel like I just have to sit down.  I can feel it come on as the warm feeling sweeps over me.  It is really just my torso and head...under my breasts is really bad.  My nose, hand, or feet can be ice cold...but the rest of me is sweating, soaking wet.  It is so embarrassing!

I thought my body maybe trying to detox too, but I am not sure.  I don't think medicinal marijuana is legal here, but I have heard that it is useful!



To: Lyme_and_Rife

Sent: Thursday, February 9, 2012 10:52 PMSubject: Re: Sweating



this is a ps to my post.  i have heard that it may involve the nervous system.  i have found only one thing that helps.  it is controversial, but in wa state it is legal and i have had 2 drs. suggest it.  i am a med marijuana patient.  it stops all these symptoms and i can function some when i use it. i ingest it in pill form.   it saved my life because prior to '07 i had a great deal of trouble eating i was so sick and lost a lot of weight--too much.  it worked for me like those on chemo.  i do not suggest this for anyone, but for me, it being legal, it worked. 



ah, the sweats.  i am very familiar with this.  since the early 2000s i began to develop sweats.  then i started to notice a pattern.  since then, every 30 min., 24/7 i have these 'attacks' i call them.  they begin with anxiety, then felt my body start to heat up, then nausea, air hunger, heart racing, sweating until my glasses steam (really) and i was dripping wet, then in between i would get chills. and then i was exhausted.  

  it was like clock work, every 30 min.  my body temp. was only normal between the sweats and chills, and chills and sweats.  amounting to only about 10 min. per half hour because the attack would take 10 min. from start to finish and then the chills lasted about 10 min.  i was always putting on layers of clothes and taking them off.  the car temp/ac was always being adjusted.  

i went to over 20+ drs, had my gall bladder out, specialists, from many areas and no one had a clue.  in the beginning they just kept upping my htr, thinking it was hormonal, but that didn't help.  a dr. friend of the family didn't know what it was but knew it was not hormonal. 


finally in '07 i figured out by searching the internet that i had lyme.  so to the llmd i went.  here is what i have:  lyme, bart, babs, from clinical dx. lab tests show: myco and chlamydia pn, ebv, candida.  i herx on the coil for all of these, plus xmrv, and myco ferm.    my llmd thought babs was my main problem because of the cyclical pattern.  but i have found out that bart, and lyme cause sweating also.


so, with all that said, i still don't know what exactly is causing it.  i have found no one who exhibits the cyclical pattern i have.  i have heard that lyme doesn't like heat, and heat will really intensify the attacks. if i can remain cold, the attacks are less, if hot, they are worse.  i often wonder, if the sweating is the bodies ways of getting rid of a large amt. of toxins, but the heat is making me sick and causing the other symptoms????.


as i have been attempting to kill bugs since '07, the attacks sometimes are less intense, but always every 30 min.  so maybe with the load getting lower, it is helping.  my herxes are measured by the intensity of the attacks also, plus fatigue and pain.  so....hope this might just shed a bit of light for any of you.  if you have experienced any cyclical pattern i'd love to hear about it.





I will definitely post if I find something that works.  It is horrible!



To: " Lyme_and_Rife " <Lyme_and_Rife >

Sent: Friday, January 27, 2012 1:41 AMSubject: Re: Sweating



I too haven been sweating day or night. I would wake up at night wet like I just got out of the shower and I get embarressed in the store when I`m in line. The sweat just starts dripping. Because of that I have been tested in the past to see if I was in pre menopause.(I`m 41) I have not found anything that helps me and it sucks. I was guessing that because the bacteria does not like heat. Maybe as soon as your body feels hot it reacts. I may be wrong but it seems to make sense. If you find something that works; could you let me know?



To: Lyme_and_Rife Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2012 1:20 PMSubject: Sweating



I sweat uncontrollably every single day and I have for about a year. Is this a sign of something? It is so embarrassing I would love to know if there is a solution.Kim






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