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Re: Glyconutrients, autoimmune diseases and nobel prizes in medicine

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Have you seen this article?


It sounds as thought the Nobel prize winner does not want his name

associated with the use of commercial glyconutrients and the claims the

company is making.

I can¹t tell you if they would help or not, but I can tell you that even if

they affect the body (which is entirely possible), much would need to be

understood about *how* they affect the body before they could be used

safely/effectively. For instance, exactly which way would they push the

immune system? Would they make it more active or less active? Some of our

kids need their immune systems to go one way and some need it to go the

other, and only parts of their immune systems need to be modulated. It gets

very complicated.

Remember that everything you put into your child is a ³drug²... even food.

I remember Dr. Goldberg saying once that if food were understood better, he

feels that a lot more could be done to treat people¹s health problems by

adjusting their diets (not an exact quote). The problem is that it¹s not

understood well enough right now. Really, it may take being able to

understand the epigenetic underpinnings of individuals before the potential

of using food as a drug is reached.

If you want to learn more about epigenetics, I HIGHLY recommend the PBS

episode of NOVA entitled ³Ghost in your Genes² which is now out on DVD (you

can get it through Amazon.com). Truly an amazing introduction to

epigenetics. You might be able to request that your library get it (our

library has several episodes of NOVA).

I hope that answers at least part of your question.

Caroline G.

From: <jrodrig6605@...>

Reply-< >

Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2008 18:15:56 +0000

< >

Subject: Glyconutrients, autoimmune diseases and nobel prizes in



I have been reading about how glyconutrients can regulate the immune

system. I have also read about how nobel prizes were awarded for their

discovery. I know that there are companies that use network marketing

to sell this type of products. Forgetting about the money and the

marketing stuff and concentrating more in the science behind the

glyconutrients and the nobel prizes awarded for their discovery. I am

thinking that this could definitely help our children with neuroimmune

disfunctions regulate their immune systems.

4 of the last 9 nobel prizes in medicine have been awarded in this

field, so it cannot be a scam at least in my opinion.

I was wondering what you think about this subject... do you think

glyconutrients can be a nice complement to Dr. Goldberg's protocol?

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We talked about glyconutrients on this board a few years ago, so

there are some things in the archives on this. At the time it was

the " in " thing where I am. Several families in our area used them

for their children. Most either saw no improvement or in several

cases, the child regressed. I don't know anyone who is still using


This is a multi-level marketing company. They also claim

glyconutrients cure everything from autism to cancer, which makes me

very skeptical of their claim.



> Hi,

> I have been reading about how glyconutrients can regulate the immune

> system. I have also read about how nobel prizes were awarded for


> discovery. I know that there are companies that use network


> to sell this type of products. Forgetting about the money and the

> marketing stuff and concentrating more in the science behind the

> glyconutrients and the nobel prizes awarded for their discovery. I


> thinking that this could definitely help our children with


> disfunctions regulate their immune systems.


> 4 of the last 9 nobel prizes in medicine have been awarded in this

> field, so it cannot be a scam at least in my opinion.


> I was wondering what you think about this subject... do you think

> glyconutrients can be a nice complement to Dr. Goldberg's protocol?





> The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1999 for the discovery of


> glyconutrients









> alidation.html




> validation.html>

> The 1999 Nobel Prize for Medicine was awarded to Dr. Gunter Blobel


> his work in this new field of Science-Medicine called Glycobiology.



> What are Glyconutrients?

> http://www.glyconutrientsreference.com/whatareglyconutrients.html

> <http://www.glyconutrientsreference.com/whatareglyconutrients.html>

> The most important discovery for your immune system in the last 100

> years is something called glyconutrients. Science and medicine have


> tried to understand the code by which the cells in the body


> with one another in order for its complex functions to occur. For

> example, how does your digestive system know which food components


> absorb into the blood stream and which to ignore? Or which cells to

> attack and destroy and which to protect and nurture? That code has


> been broken. This role is undertaken by glyconutrients.


> proclaim it to be the most important discovery in the history of

> medicine ..the key to a long, healthy life.



> Autism and Glyconutrients




> ditions/autism.html




> nditions/autism.html>


> For children and adults who have autism glyconutrients supply the


> and brain with the necessary ingredients for proper cell to cell

> communication and the ability to correct chemical imbalances.


> Since autism is an autoimmune condition treatment needs to centre on

> therapies and supplements that are effective in treating autoimmune

> diseases. Glyconutrients can modulate an overactive immune system ie

> they can help to correct autoimmune diseases and conditions. Autism


> one of several autoimmune diseases that show the same profile - a


> of dietary sugars - the inability to absorb them - or abnormalities


> their structures. For people with autism, glyconutrient


> has been found to be beneficial. It seems likely that


> with glyconutrients will also provide an effective preventative


> for autoimmune diseases. For all people, not just those with autism,

> glyconutrients support the body's ability to heal, repair,


> regulate and protect itself.


> There is enormous potential for restoring brain function in autistic

> children and adults through the use of glyconutrients.



> Glyconutrients and Science

> http://www.glyconutrients-center.org/glyconutrients-science.php

> <http://www.glyconutrients-center.org/glyconutrients-science.php>







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Thank you all for your posts. I fully understand what all of you think

about this one company that use the multi level marketing to sell the

product and the way this company has used the name of the person that

discovered the glyconutrients. I understand that, I agree with all of

you and I don't like it either. That is why I just want to concentrate

only in the benefit that the glyconutrients could provide our children.

I have been reading everything about in the past month and I am a

strong believer. My son is a living proof of it. My son developed

" autism " exactly at the same time that he developed " Vitiligo " . We were

able to control the Vitiligo taking my son to an immunologist and his

" autism " has improve dramatically. We just started seeing Dr. Goldberg

a few weeks ago because we wanted to take our son's treatment to the

next level and we strongly think Dr. Goldberg can helps us with that.

The reason I am so interested in the glyconutrients is because they are

immune system modulators and that is one of the areas in which is

still waiting for clinical trials before they can start to be used in

children. Please look at the facts page for which I have included

the link below. It says, " new agents called immune modulators,

currently in the developmental pipeline, can potentially restore immune

systems to normalcy and reduce dependence on other combinations of

medicines " .

I am just thinking that if the glyconutrients are such a huge discovery

(worth of 4 of the last 9 nobel prizes in medicine) and they also are

immune system modulators are something that our children might get

benefited from using. In my opinion, we should take a closer look at

them. They might not work by themselves, but they could be very

benefitial if used in conjunction with Dr. Goldberg's protocol as

specified in the facts page.

You don't need to get the glyconutrients from this multi level marketing

company. There are plenty of places in the internet you can buy them.

I want to make really clear, I can careless about that multi level

company. I do care about helping our children get better.





14.Is it true that some Vitiligo

<http://www.curevitiligo.com/vitiligo.htm> may be related to a

suppressed immune system?

Yes. While MOST cases of vitiligo seem to involve overactive immune

response, in which the immune system is essentially attacking its own

pigment cells, a minority of cases may be related to a suppressed immune

response. Many experts feel that a suppressed immune system CAN co-exist

with an autoimmune condition. For this reason, many doctors choose to

evaluate immune function, especially in advance of using certain

treatments, such as those which work to suppress the immune response.

http://www.nids.net/nidsfacts.htm <http://www.nids.net/nidsfacts.htm>

Most promising treatment: If used properly, new agents called immune

modulators, currently in the developmental pipeline, can potentially

restore immune systems to normalcy and reduce dependence on other

combinations of medicines.

Clinical trials: Immune modulators are NOT currently slated for medical

research in children, especially in relation to conditions, which

are still being thought of as developmental delays or disorders. The

Neuro-Immune Dysfunction Syndromes Research Institute is ready to begin

trials as soon as funding is obtained.

Glyconutrients are immune system modulators

http://glycoshare.com/foodal.php <http://glycoshare.com/foodal.php>

Glyconutrients are the specific immune system modulators which restore

immune system " balance " . If the immune system is

overactive…glyconutrients restore it to normalcy. If the immune

system is underactive, the glyconutrients restore it also to normal



> ,


> I agree. For the most part glyconutrients were a " flavor-of-the-month "

> treatment for autism and certainly the companies latched onto treating

our kids

> in the wake of the autism epidemic. We did try several of the products


> most showed no results. The other thing that bothered me was that they


> saying it wasn't working because I wasn't giving enough of their

" signature "

> product (needed MEGA-doses), but it is super expensive and after six

months, I

> still saw nothing. And I HATE the multi-tiered marketing stuff.


> I'm not promoting anything (just relaying our experience), but there

was one

> product that did help my son noticeably, and it is the only one I

still use

> after 3 years. It is a product called PLUS. The results I saw were

that he

> seemed to be much more " connected " and alert. He tends toward being


> when he is off. Not sure it would be appropriate for all our kids, but

I have

> tried to eliminate it twice, and both times noticed regression, so we


> it. I just see more initiation of interactions, better eye-contact and


> increased interest in social interactions. I'm for anything that



> And no. I don't sell the stuff :-).


> Sharon




> **************It's Tax Time! Get tips, forms and advice on AOL Money &

> Finance. (http://money.aol.com/tax?NCID=aolcmp00300000002850)




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Thank you Cheryl,

Very interesting study, I would love to see more studies like this.

If you have found more, please share them with us.

I have also forwarded this link to a close friend of mine that was

the one who told me about them. She has a daughter that is a brain

tumor survivor. Her daughter was confined to her bed during the

chemotherapy. Once she started giving her daughter the

glyconutrients her daughter got better and never missed a day of

school from that point and on.

I asked her if she had any supporting documentation about

glyconutrients and she said no. She told me that it didn't matter

what people said about it that she knew that glyconutrients is what

helped her daughter. Her daughter has been cancer free for the past

two years. My friend gives her daughter glyconutrients every day.

I am sure she will be happy to see this study and to confirm that

the glyconutrients might have definitely help her daughter because

they enhanced her daugther's natural killer cells activity and

helped her boost her immune system.

Very interesting...

Thanks again Cheryl


> Dr. G just got funding last year and is working on starting


> on an immune modulator. He's pretty hush hush as to which drug it


> (he says it's one that is already available). Kutapressin was


> thing back in the day before it was taken off the market. But if

> you're really interested, I'd just ask Dr. G about it at your


> appointment. Here's a study that might be of interest to you. I

> highly doubt Dr. G would have anything good to say about it,


> If you ask, let us know what he says. I'd be interested in


> his response.


> http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9829439?


ordinalpos=4 & itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.P


> ed_RVDocSum


> Cheryl


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