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Re: Digest Number 379

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In a message dated 99-09-04 05:09:55 EDT, you write:

<< ere are 4 messages in this issue.

Topics in today's digest:

1. Re: Vaccine reaction story

From: Sebastiana <pienaar@...>

2. (chat) stop me if you've heard this and again, off color.Two

doctors and an HMO manager

From: " M. Larsen, LM " <midwife1@...>

3. roseola

From: " Troy Lucas " <lucasjt@...>

4. Fw: ACTION ALERT - Immediate Action Needed (Shelby

Amendment--research about vaccines could not be withheld from the public)

From: " Debi Eubanks " <debieubanks@...>





Message: 1

Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 08:48:58 +0800

From: Sebastiana <pienaar@...>

Subject: Re: Vaccine reaction story

Sounds like what is called Anaphylaxis Sue, a generalised (or local)

allergic reaction that can occur after any vaccine.


>A band a friend of mine knows, was/is touring. Last week they were

>playing in Columbia and were to travel to play in Brazil but were told

>they could not enter unless they were vaccinated for yellow fever. They

>complied and lined up for their shots. Came turn for the 3rd guy to get

>his, and immediately after, said he " wasn't feeling well. " The doctors

>told him " he was being a baby. " While in the waiting area for the rest

>of the band to be immunised, he started feeling worse till he went into

>seizure! At that point, the docs said, oops, we have a problem here and

>admitted him (they were at a hospital getting the shots). He was there

>for 5 days and his whole body swelled up so much and all parts were

>hardened to the touch! His tongues swelled up where it stuck out of his

>mouth! The swelling finally went down and they have resumed their tour

>and reportedley he still does not " feel right. " My friend called to

>tell me, knowing I'd be interested in the story and I figured I'd pass

>it along to the list!! Yikes! >>

This is the reaction my husband had from the yellow fever vaccination he was

given at West Point...nearly killed him...he swelled up too.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello to all. I've been a lurker, never a poster, for months now and felt the

time was right for me to come out of " hiding " .. I've been dealing with

fibromyalgia CFS for six months (doctors first thought I had lupus or

rhemetoid arthritis)...I have been " controlling " the symptoms to a very major

degree (I'm not bedridden, working part time---but still a little achy and

tired sometimes) using only natural therapies, supplements (many---about

$200 a month worth) and high protein diet with very limited " splurges " . I

saw a post about Moducare Sterinol (plant sterinols that are

immunomodulators) that prompted me to respond. My rhemetologist first

reccomended this to me and I feel that it has been essential to my recovery.

I seriously would not dare to be without it. Ran out for about two weeks a

few months ago and went into a pretty good flare. Subsided within a week of

going back on it. So I would very definately reccomend it highly. I also will

not be without my colostrum. Same thing--- ran out and felt terrible--- back

on and felt better. It has been so much fun, this trial and error, and I'm

not completely there yet, but very very far from where I was. I take a huge

variety of vitamins and herbs also that I feel has helped (some more than

others----again, the trail and error game).It is a full time job just staying

ahead of this thing, but definatley worth the effort and money. If anyone

wants my " list " of what I'm taking that has helped (and not helped) feel

free to e-mail any time.I don't sell anything or promote one brand over

another----just offering to share my experience that was fairly successful in

my case. Take care and good health to you all!!!!!!! Kelleen


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  • 6 months later...
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In a message dated 4/13/00 1:48:04 AM Pacific Daylight Time, egroups




Where did you learn that serenaid contained mold? The bottle says it


exorphinase (proprietary enzyme blend)




And " other ingredients " are gelatin, rice bran, and water.




I forgot who made me aware of this...but my DAN! (Dr. ) backed me..he

believes it was the mold that brought on a seizure in one of his patients.

It's in the processing...so you won't find it on the label...


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  • 1 month later...
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! Thanks for your response. I need a level-headed approach to my health

care, and have been too depressed to see how easy some of the answers are.

I'm going to check out your site now.

Thanks again.

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< Thank you everyone for your input and suggestions. I really do need to

adjust the diet. I'm sure I'll be much better getting rid of the sugar. Is

it the sugar that is the main culprit with yeast growth?



yes it sure is! that's why there is sugar in bread, because the yeast feed

off it. nutritional yeast supplements are often " grown on molasses. "

besides feeding yeast, sugar is a main culprit for many other health

problems. sugar is basically a drug that your body does not need. Get the

Sugar Out by Anne Louise Gittleman is a good book to read, in addition to

some candida-specific books.

as for the " shakes " people are talking about...i tend to get very shaky in

the morning, or if I have not eaten in a few hours..hypoglycemia it seems.


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi Pam

Have not been posting and hardly even reading lately, but your call for help

hit me as something maybe I could help a bit.

Dan sees a behaviorist (he's seven now). It is helping. We have a chart

for good behavior hanging on the fridge. You target a few behaviors you

want, like using your words when you are angry. They get a sticker/star for

good behavior. You break the day into three parts. Mine are before school,

after school, and evening. I hate charts. Yet this works. The prizes are

things I know he likes. He gets his choice of three (appropriate for the

time of day, and things he loves, and that I would probably be doing with

him anyway).

An example at evening time.

1) Eat dinner nicely. (This means no standing on the chair and staying

at the table and acting like a child (not a power ranger, dog, cat, karate

expert, monster, or all the other things he has in his dinner show


2) Wash up (or bath)

3) Brush teeth

4) Put on pajamas

5) Play nicely (means no hitting, fighting, throwing things)

He gets a star (I draw them on a laminated chart with erasable pens)

for each successful task.

All stars he gets a reward

Ours are

Story with Mom

Play computer with Mom or Dad

Cuddle with Dad or Mom on Couch

He chooses which he wants. (But he always ends up with two!)

The point is he sees the relation between his behavior and the consequences.

He is far better motivated by positive reinforcement than negatives (Time

outs). But he still does get a time out for serious bad behavior like

running away, hurting someone or some pet, or being destructive (writing on

wall with marker, breaking things on purpose). Time outs have to be done

with him in a locked room (closely monitored on the outside by me, just make

no sound so he does not know I'm there) They are awful. He screams, cries,

throws things at the door. But the behaviorist said he absolutely has to

have negative punishment.

Main thing is be consistent. They will watch each other and imitate. It

can get to be a little tedious at times, but far better than tantruming.

I know what you mean by not wanting to take them anywhere. When they're

naughty it can be so horrifying. I've been nearly catatonic on some rides

home from the mall. There are some places I just don't take him. But take

heart, because Danny has gotten better.

It makes him feel more secure to know I am definitely in charge, and can

help him maintain control of his behavior. As the pediatrician said to me

(he was right, although I was ticked off that he said it) " Someone has to

be in charge. " Make it you. "

Like everything else with our children, behavior control is slow to bloom,

but exceptionally beautiful to behold when it finally happens.

Good luck. Get some ear plugs. If you need more detail on the chart, just



Mom to fraternal twins Danny and n age seven

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In a message dated 6/22/00 10:42:18 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

scottjeanroberts@... writes:

<< If you need more detail on the chart, just

yell. >>


I feel like from a couple of the letters, that I must have somehow missed

some mail....did you write a letter talking specifically about charts?


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  • 2 months later...

> Just found 99.9% isopropyl alcohol in a catalog for sale. Can I use

> this in recipes for 100% alcohol??? It's a cleaning fluid!!! Yikes!

Marcelle, you don't want to use that as it is too difficult to cover the



Peace, Joy, Serenity

House of Scents tm. Body Oils, Fragrance Oils, Incense, Candles, Soap, Etc.




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  • 6 months later...
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Geez, what's going on? I get the digest version and the last one was so big

it had to come as an attachment! Granny sent 11 of the 15 messages on the



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  • 7 months later...

In a message dated 10/25/2001 5:45:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time,


> Subject: responses from ...


I'd be very curious if you can tell me the link or date of Devin's thought's

on Serenaid. I'd like to read them. Thanks.


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  • 2 months later...

Hi Everyone,

I've taken the plunge and am committed to making 2002 my first year on the

CRON diet. While new to practicing CR I've read all Walford's books and have

followed the CR literature as a Coach, Consultant and Therapist to

individuals and couples around " aging well " " retirement " and " eldercare " for

several decades. I take many supplements including " flax and salmon " oils

thinking this was especially healthful. I'm not sure what to do with Greg's

spreadsheet - suspect I'm asking a naive question about a complex process.

Suggestions on how to get up to speed?


Dr. W. Gibson

Coach - Consultant - Therapist - Mediator

Corporate, Personal, Family

" Providing Inner Tools for Outer Excellence "

3513 NE 45th, Suite 2W

Seattle, WA 98105


Fax (206)523-1645

Email: Gibson@...


-----Original Message-----


[mailto: ]

Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2001 8:42 AM

Subject: [ ] Digest Number 379

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  • 2 years later...
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I work mainly with polycystic ovary syndrome and disordered eating. I

recently hosted a conference on this topic and was surprised to discover how

many bariatric physicians were interested in attending. I found this

listserve and thought it might be helpful to learn more about this specialty

so I can incorporate the needs of colleagues like you into my resources.

I look forward to learning,

Monika M. Woolsey, MS, RD


New member


> I would like to introduce myself to the group. I am the Clinical


> Manager for Kennedy Health System in South Jersey. We have a relatively


> Bariatric Surgery Program. My staff and I have been asked to do the


> screening and education of patients. I am currently working to develop a

> screening form. Any advise you can give me wuld be welcome. This is my

> first experience with this surgery.

> Thank you,

> Diamond Gottlieb

> Kennedy Health System

> 856-661-5239




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> the message in error, please advise the sender by reply e-mail and to

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  • 4 months later...

cweeks@... wrote:

> Suzi, don't those deodorant stones have aluminum in them? I know I saw

> alum as

> an ingredient once.





Hi ,

Not all deodorant stones contain aluminum. There are also different

aluminum compounds that go into some deod. stones. The forms of aluminum

that you need to worry about are the chemically rearranged ones listed


* Aluminum Chloride

* Aluminum Chlorohydrate

* Aluminum Chlorohydrex Polyethylene Glycol Complex

* Aluminum Chlorohydrex Propylene Glycol Complex

* Aluminum Dichlorohydrate

* Aluminum Dichlorohydrex Polyethylene Glycol Complex

* Aluminum Dichlorohydrex Propylene Glycol Complex

* Aluminum Sesquichlorohydrate

* Aluminum Sesquichlorohydrex Polyethlene Glycol Complex

* Aluminum Sesquichlorohydrex Propylene Glycol Complex

* Aluminum Sulfate Buffered

* Aluminum Zirconium Octachlorohydrate

* Aluminum Zirconium Octachlorohydrex Glycine Complex

* Aluminum Zirconium Pentachlorohydrate

* Aluminum Zirconium Pentachlorohydrex Glycine Complex

* Aluminum Zirconium Tetrachlorohydrate

* Aluminum Zirconium Tetrachlorohydrex Glycine Complex

* Aluminum Zirconium Trichlorhydrate

* Aluminum Zirconium Trichlorohydrex Glycine Complex

* Aluminum Zirconium Trichlorohydrex Glycine Complex

* Aluminum Sulfate Buffered With Sodium Aluminum Lactate

Our deodorant stones are made of potassium alum. It is a pure product

made without the addition of chemicals, fragrances, oils or alcohol. The

chemical formula for potassium alum is K2SO4Al2(SO4)324H20. Potassium

alum is a colorless substance that forms octahedral or cubic crystals.

Bauxite is the ore from which alum is drawn. It is formed by the rapid

weathering of granitic rocks in warm, humid climates and can be purified

and converted directly into alum.

Potassium alum is soluble in seven times its weight of water at room

temperature and is very soluble in hot water. When crystalline potassium

alum is heated, some of the water of hydration becomes chemically

separated, and the partly dehydrated salt dissolves in this water, so

that the alum appears to melt at about 90 degrees C (approx. 392 degrees

F), potassium alum swells up, loses all water, and becomes a basic salt

called burn alum. Potassium alum has a density of 1.725.

Alum's are used for a variety of uses including as a powerful astringent.

If an aluminum compound, such as aluminum chlorohydrate or aluminum

zirconium, which is very soluble, is used as an antiperspirant, that

compound is readily absorbed. Once in the body, the aluminum portion of

the molecule ionizes, forming free or radical aluminum (Al+++). This

passes freely across cell membranes, and forms a physical plug, that

when dissolved is selectively absorbed by the liver, kidney, brain,

cartilage and bone marrow. It is this concentration of aluminum that has

been the source of concern in the medical community and has prompted the

research being done on ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE and BREAST CANCER victims.

Potassium alum molecules have a negative ionic charge, making it unable

to pass through the cell wall. THEY ARE NOT ABSORBED. This is why our

deodorants are safe to use and will not cause high levels of ALUMINUM in

your system. ALUM and ALUMINUM are two different substances, with

distinct chemical signatures. They possess different chemical properties

which create different chemical attributes.

We hope this information helps to dispel some of the misunderstandings

about ALUM and puts your mind at ease about the safety of all of

Deodorant Stones Of America deodorant products.


Peace, love and light,

Don Quai

" Spirit sleeps in the mineral, breathes in the vegetable, dreams in the animal

and wakes in man. "

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Alum is NOT aluminium, Alum is a natural plant product.



----- Original Message -----

From: cweeks@...


Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2004 5:54 AM

Subject: Re: Digest Number 379

Suzi, don't those deodorant stones have aluminum in them? I know I saw alum asan ingredient once.

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Wow Don,

Thanks for the info on deoderant stones!

I used regular deoderants for many years, until I started to develop

stickiness under my armpits that could not be washed off! My

Endocrinologist told me it was caused by aluminium so I switched to a

deoderant crystal, and have recently found some nice ones in plastic

containers that can be pushed up :-) I recently found a new way of

applying it when I was in the shower at a marina. Because I couldn't get to

the tap without getting dressed first, and didn't want to turn on the shower

to dampen the crystal, I applied the dry crystal to my underarms BEFORE

drying them - worked like a charm :-)

and the K9's

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  • 8 months later...
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Thanks Ed, this was interesting...but what does " IMO " mean?

Date: Sat, 18 Jun 2005 11:45:24 -0700

> From: " Ed Kasper " <edkasper@...>

> Subject: RE: KT Vs. ACV


> IMO, they are both in the same category. ACV has a higher

> percentage acetic acid and therefore is more leeching than

> KT. For that reason you take only a spoonful of ACV compared

> to a cupful of KT. Another difference is ACV is akin to

> taking medicine and KT is like drinking a fine wine. By

> drinking KT you'll more likely drinking less coffee and

> carbonated soft drinks and less alcohol drinks all positive

> benefits.

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IMO means " in my opinion. " Some folks add IMHO " in my humble opinion... "

Best, Tim

cweeks@... wrote:

Thanks Ed, this was interesting...but what does " IMO " mean?

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