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Those are excellent points and thank you for making them! I'm in the process

right now of trying to locate a DAN doc for my 2.5 year old son, who is not

on the spectrum but who has other issues. I would have never thought of

calling the labs, what a great idea. Thanks so much.

Posted by: " infinitevariety2 " fireonice777@...   infinitevariety2

Wed Jan 23, 2008 2:41 pm (PST)

In reference to finding a DAN! practitioner, please realize that

there are many who are skilled in this area, yet are not registered

on the DAN! list. You might want to consider someone who is not

exclusive to autism, but who practices a wholistic approach to

health. One who has experience in developmental pediatrics would be

preferential. I think it important to speak by telephone first to

make sure the person is experienced and comfortable/capable of

engaging with your child. You might want to try going through the

diagnostic testing companies. Their customer service reps often know

the doctors at least by telephone, and by profile of which tests that

doctor often orders. Some may have a listing of practitioners on

their website. Doctors Data Inc, Genova, Sage Medical Laboratory,and

MetaMetrix, etc. are home to many of us who embrace the wholistic


Best wishes.

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good to know, thanks.


God loves you just the way you are,

And he loves you too much to let you stay that way.

RE: [ ] DAN




> go. who cares how far they are


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Thank you Janice. I have much to learn. Just started reading The Late

Talker. I'm pointed in so many directions it can get confusing. Jake

isn't autistic but I know that doesn't mean that a biomedical approach

can't help him. My neurologist is open to certain non-traditional

approaches but he's very conservative as Jake has only been seizure free

since March and he isn't anxious to disrupt that, nor am I.

What is NACD and DSMA?


God loves you just the way you are,

And he loves you too much to let you stay that way.

RE: [ ] DAN


There are good doctors and there are not so good doctors. Many families

'travel' to find a good doctor that they trust. That being said I

actually found an environemental doctor (who is amazing) that follows

the DAN protocol via one of the moms at the special education class my

son used to attend. Sometimes the people you see all of the time have

the best information!

The best DAN doctors are not necessarily the ones who charge the most!

If it feels like a rip-off, generally it is. I think that it is

important to check the boards/moms when you locate a doctor that you

think that your going to make an appointment with.

I originally went to one naturopath..... nice guy and he started us on a

great diet and did some preliminary testing but my 'gut' told me that he

didn't have enough experience working with kids...... I am so glad that

I went with my 'gut' feeling for I have since found my current doctor

who is 'bang-on' with my son.

You are putting your child's into the hands of your doctor and you

really have to have that 'trust'. A lot of the moms will visit their DAN

only once or twice a year and travel; the rest is done over the phone.

So..... research well. The more you research and the more you become

informed, the better you can do.

That said..... Mark is 13 and we did many years of therapy for his

dyspraxia but it was not great therapy. I then found NACD and did two

years of 'at home' therapy that was GREAT and made a substantial amount

of head-way. In the end though, after most of the therapy was done, I

could see that my child was actually 'ill' and lacked energy and

vitality. We started a diet in June and did testing in September (when I

located my current doctor), did supplements in October and did round one

of DMSA a couple of weeks ago.

My son responded fabulously with DMSA (he is toxic in lead), probably

because he had already come soooooo far in therapy and also because of

the prep. work we had already done for his stomach and via supplements.

13 is considered old to get much benefit from chelation work but we did

fabulously well..... my son lost all of his remaining issues of

dyspraxia (he didn't have many left but.... the gains he made were

impressive and I will outline them sometime). He did regress this week

but we do another round this weekend and I hope to get the complete NT

boy back next week again! Not every child will necessary need this work

or will every family decide to do this type of work for it is extremely

individual and personal to everyone but the testing is really beneficial

because then you get to see what you're dealing with.

So.... while you are looking for a good doctor, if you don't have them

already, read some of the biomedical 'bibles' such as " Children with

Starving Brains " by McCandless and " Healing the New Childhood

Epidemics: Autism, Asthma, Alergies and ADHD " by Dr. Bock and

begin to 'understand' the different items to work with.

Good luck and remember sometimes the best doctors are found at the most

unusual places. Don't hestitate to talk to the parents of other kids

with affected children, particularly the ASD moms since many of them are

well-connected to the biomedical world. They often know their stuff....


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Just want to chime in on a few points. REALLY, take my word, it

doesn't matter where the DAN is located. YOU NEED A GOOD ONE!!! You

take your precious child for an initial visit and then, YOU DO THE

REST. Follow up apts are over the phone. The ball is then in your

court for the most part.

I'm one who wasted time and money - now I see Dr. Rossignal and he's

in FLA - I didn't even need to do the initial apt. in FLA because I

had already started with a different (closer to my home) Dr. I had

loads of relavent labs. I followed my instincts... and today, my son

has made huge leaps, again. I read, and research a lot. I joined a

few , and they keep you moving through the process.

Join: chelatingkids2, gfcf, autism treatment, in that order

How to find a good DAN! One very good way is to see who is speaking

at the annual conferences. Some have great websites you can check

out, and then you'll start to see the same names on the .

East coast - Neubrander, South - Brandstreet/Rossignal, Krigsman, Mid

South - Thaughful House - Wakefield, Jepson, Midwest - Usman,

Westcoast - Green, O'Hara, there are so many good ones - and....

their are some stinkers too.

Also, if you are new to this process. I highly recommend going to

the autism.com website - click the defeat autism now - button. you

can actually download individual lectures from recent conferences.

Now, i've been in this game for awhile and I just watched a topic of

specific interest from the Anaheim convention - Oct 07. Huge!

I went to the Atlanta NAA conference. It was SO helpful -

particularly bringing my husband on board - he really got involved

after attending a conference.

Finally - Apraxia is just a label - and a DAN! is exaclty the right

Dr. for our kids. Actually, My kid was evaluated and dx Apraxia by

THE NATIONS biggest and best. I also told her that I had started

biomeds. SHE told me that she would not concentrate on biomends, do

concentrate on therapy. Well, besides being stunned that she would

even say that, I didn't listen, and in three months - no way did he

qualify for this NEW malidy called apraxia - speech delayed yes, but

actual real " apraxia " No. It's the new catch all dx. very much akin

to the current Autism epidemic - it's all the same monster = heavy

metal toxicity.



> Those are excellent points and thank you for making them! I'm in

the process

> right now of trying to locate a DAN doc for my 2.5 year old son,

who is not

> on the spectrum but who has other issues. I would have never

thought of

> calling the labs, what a great idea. Thanks so much.



> Posted by: " infinitevariety2 " fireonice777@...   infinitevariety2

> Wed Jan 23, 2008 2:41 pm (PST)

> In reference to finding a DAN! practitioner, please realize that

> there are many who are skilled in this area, yet are not registered

> on the DAN! list. You might want to consider someone who is not

> exclusive to autism, but who practices a wholistic approach to

> health. One who has experience in developmental pediatrics would be

> preferential. I think it important to speak by telephone first to

> make sure the person is experienced and comfortable/capable of

> engaging with your child. You might want to try going through the

> diagnostic testing companies. Their customer service reps often know

> the doctors at least by telephone, and by profile of which tests


> doctor often orders. Some may have a listing of practitioners on

> their website. Doctors Data Inc, Genova, Sage Medical Laboratory,and

> MetaMetrix, etc. are home to many of us who embrace the wholistic

> approach.


> Best wishes.


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I think this is good input, and also feel concerned about assertion of DAN!

being just the right doctor. In fact I will reveal that I am a DAN! doctor,

and I pray a good one. No one should have a bad or even mediocre doctor of any

kind. I agree also that an apraxia specialist may know very little if

anything about biomed interventions. Thus my suggestion to find a wholistically

based doc who runs appropriate labs and communicates well with you and your

child. I am in awe of most of the DAN! doctors I know, but realize that each


has their particular protocols for treatment. Being DAN! does not regulate

their approach...

Of further concern, the concept of a doctor who doesnt meet with you and

your child face-to-face on a periodic basis (to me) is dangerous. My years in

practice have proven, (in Dr. Baker's words) that your child is your lab. Test

results are helpful but not all conclusive. (never the same river twice, and

all that...)

I have nothing but respect for the parents out there, especially here,

seeking answers from professionals who are working at this. We are striving to

forge a path and leave a trail for others behind us. It is difficult and

frustrating for us as well as the families who so desparately need answers. If


work together intensely, results are forthcoming in most cases.

Enough said. I wish you all well in your search for the right doctor for

your child near home.

All the best.


Biggest Grammy Award surprises of all time on AOL




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On Tuesday, my twins had their first meeting with a DAN! doctor in here in

Ontario, Canada. Although it was not the first visit I had with a DAN! I

had to research and learn about biomed first before I felt comfortable with

approaching a DAN! doctor. The first one I went to had a wealth of knowlege

but wanted to jump on things too aggressively for me. This second one took a

while to find and it truly was my gut instinct that made me decide to go see

him with my boys. Our meeting was two and a half hours long. One thing that

I really liked about him was that he was only interested in helping us if we

were willing to start with diet changes. He is not a, Here Is a Pill That

Will Fix Everything kind of doctor. He understands that the diet is

fundamental in healing. Which goes along with what we think. We had made

diet changes nine months ago and saw dramatic improvements. Another point he

made was that he was going to start slow and add supplements as we went

along only after seeing the results of the boys behaviour with the

supplement. He was not big into pushing us for tests as he said sometimes

they can lead you down the wrong path. I liked his slow and steady method.

He basically was just advising us with fundamental interventions, (diet,

multivitamin, omega oil, mb12, cell food, and milk thistle) We already were

doing three of those things. Our DAN! is also a MD. We will meet again in a

month. One thing that truly stuck out with this doctor is that he validated

my motherly instinct to do what was right for MY children. He understood

that no two children, even my identical twins, were the same.

[ ] Re: DAN

>I think this is good input, and also feel concerned about assertion of DAN!

> being just the right doctor. In fact I will reveal that I am a DAN!

> doctor,

> and I pray a good one. No one should have a bad or even mediocre doctor

> of any

> kind. I agree also that an apraxia specialist may know very little if

> anything about biomed interventions. Thus my suggestion to find a

> wholistically

> based doc who runs appropriate labs and communicates well with you and

> your

> child. I am in awe of most of the DAN! doctors I know, but realize that

> each one

> has their particular protocols for treatment. Being DAN! does not

> regulate

> their approach...


> Of further concern, the concept of a doctor who doesnt meet with you and

> your child face-to-face on a periodic basis (to me) is dangerous. My

> years in

> practice have proven, (in Dr. Baker's words) that your child is your lab.

> Test

> results are helpful but not all conclusive. (never the same river twice,

> and

> all that...)


> I have nothing but respect for the parents out there, especially here,

> seeking answers from professionals who are working at this. We are

> striving to

> forge a path and leave a trail for others behind us. It is difficult and

> frustrating for us as well as the families who so desparately need

> answers. If we

> work together intensely, results are forthcoming in most cases.


> Enough said. I wish you all well in your search for the right doctor for

> your child near home.


> All the best.

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So happy for you. I feel the same way. I want to do the diet, make

sure I am missing no vitamin supports, and the thing with tests is we

are likely always excreting something. To the extent I'll do it is

for monitoring.


> On Tuesday, my twins had their first meeting with a DAN! doctor in

here in

> Ontario, Canada. Although it was not the first visit I had with a


> had to research and learn about biomed first before I felt

comfortable with

> approaching a DAN! doctor. The first one I went to had a wealth of


> but wanted to jump on things too aggressively for me. This second

one took a

> while to find and it truly was my gut instinct that made me decide

to go see

> him with my boys. Our meeting was two and a half hours long. One

thing that

> I really liked about him was that he was only interested in helping

us if we

> were willing to start with diet changes. He is not a, Here Is a

Pill That

> Will Fix Everything kind of doctor. He understands that the diet is

> fundamental in healing. Which goes along with what we think. We

had made

> diet changes nine months ago and saw dramatic improvements. Another

point he

> made was that he was going to start slow and add supplements as we


> along only after seeing the results of the boys behaviour with the

> supplement. He was not big into pushing us for tests as he said


> they can lead you down the wrong path. I liked his slow and steady


> He basically was just advising us with fundamental interventions,


> multivitamin, omega oil, mb12, cell food, and milk thistle) We

already were

> doing three of those things. Our DAN! is also a MD. We will meet

again in a

> month. One thing that truly stuck out with this doctor is that he


> my motherly instinct to do what was right for MY children. He


> that no two children, even my identical twins, were the same.



> [ ] Re: DAN



> >I think this is good input, and also feel concerned about

assertion of DAN!

> > being just the right doctor. In fact I will reveal that I am a


> > doctor,

> > and I pray a good one.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

We have been doing a lot of the same supplements etc with our daughter

that are on the DAN protocol but with the Pfeiffer Treatment Center. Is

Dr. Goldberg going to want us to take her off of these things. Although

we have not seen significant changes there have been some improvements

and I don't want to just drop it. We were doing DAN for awhile when she

was 2 and then stopped it when we started going the medical route at her

endocrinologists strong recommendation. We regretted it as she started

to regress more developmentally although her medical condition,

congenital hyperinsulinism, was stablized.

Does anyone do them both simultaneously?

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