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Re: Hi, new to the group...1st post

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Do you have an appt with Dr. Goldberg?

 Sincerely Noel

From: dimcgowen22 <dimcgowen22@...>

Subject: Hi, new to the group...1st post

Date: Friday, September 12, 2008, 9:19 AM

Hi all. My name is . I am a 35yo sahm of 2. I joined this

group for my 31/2 year old son Devyn. I also have a 12 month old that

was born prematurely and has developmental delays as well. My husband

is a hospital corpsman in the Navy and is currently deployed. I found

this group through research I am doing to help Devyn. I am so lost.

I have had him tested through the school district. The ADOS (austim

diagnostic observation test) was inconclusive. They diagnosed him as

sig language delayed, but it was the end of the school year so there

were no services offered. I worked with him really hard through the

summer and now that services have started they see a lot of

improvement and say " he doesn't seem autistic " . Over the summer I got

him 2 sessions of neurofeedback and that helped tremendously with his

bowel movements. In the past, without his homeopathic spray, he would

not go for 4-5 days. Now, he goes every day, sometimes twice or more,

without the use of any aids. But he is showing increased aggression.

I tried to get him involved in gymnastics and karate this week but we

got kicked out of both. I called another gymnastics gym and spoke

with the manager and she agreed to allow him into the younger class

because of his delays. We will see how that goes next week. I have

him on 3600 mg of omega 3 everyday and I am beginning a few other

supplements that I have been researching such as GABA, NAC, L-Theanine

and Bach Flower remedies. An Early Start Coordinator was at my house

the other day to test my younger son and we discussed Devyn. She

watched Devyn interact with me and agreed that he is confusing. He

does give eye contact, he is sociable and friendly but she agreed

something is not right. It's like he's in his own world sometimes.

Sometimes he will answer me and interact sometimes he is in what we

call " Devynland " . He also intermittenly does this self-stimulatory

act of twirling his hands and he has a new fear of water. Some times

I get so frustrated because I don't know what of his actions are

disciplinary and what are his delay. He also has extreme sensory

issues. He can't stand things to touch him. If his juice spills he

says he needs a wipe. He can't stand to watch his brother eat because

the sight of it makes him gag. I have a lot of trouble with his

nutrition because he won't eat! There are 2-3 things I can get him to

eat and if its not those things he will starve himself. He never

expresses hunger. He is very OCD, lining things up and cleaning his

toys. He has a lot of changes this past year. The birth of his

brother was very traumatic. His father had just gotten home from 6

months in Iraq and 2 weeks later his brother was born, but under

extreme circumstances, I had to go live in the Mc House

to be near him while he was in the NICU for 2 1/2 months. So my son

lost me during that time and then when I got back, I brought home a

sick baby. Then 8 months later my husband left again. We went to OK

to visit my inlaws, that way he could be around more family and I

could get some help. Now we are in CA with my family. I think this

is all too much for him. I think he might be experiencing some sort

of PTSD. Wow, this is all just pouring out. Obviously, I am

frustrated and seeking help. I printed the list of tests Dr. Goldberg

recommends. Any idea how to get my ped to order them? Thank you for


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Hi ,

I'm sorry that you are going through all of this and hope you will get some

help. The school district tests are not designed for younger kids and most

times miss important problems and diagnoses a child may have. Also, on a more

sinister front, sometimes they don't like to come up with anything conclusive

and intentionally leave things inconclusive because they don't want to pay.

Early intervention is key!!! In my experience, you're son does not need to be

diagnosed with autism to get services. But you need to be on it and be his

advocate, or get one. My son was never officially diagnosed with autism through

the school district, but I had him re-evaluated through our regional center. He

tested on the autism spectrum, according to the regional center, but the school

district has never changed their diagnosis from developmental delay. It has

been very difficult to get services because my son did not have all his problems

at once...it started out as

a moderate speech delay and then sensory stuff starting happening, then down

the road the lining up of his toys, cars, etc. and the repetitive opening and

closing of doors and the turning on and off of lights. It was all very ocd.

I suggest calling for an IEP ASAP as they take time and make an appointment with

the regional center if you have one. Tell them you are very concerned and make

it sound as bad as can be...picture his worst day with you so they will get you

in. After 3, it is harder to get in with the regional center.

For his IEP, make sure he is getting at least 2 hours if not more of a NPA (non

public agency) speech, that means not someone at the school district but an

outside agency, and you need behavioral support and Ot-occupational therapy to

address his vast sensory issues. They will not get better on their own, your

son needs help and the sensory can be what is driving the behavioral issues.

What if he can't tell you that noise hurts his ears or touch feels like fire on

his skin, he will act out. When you call for the IEP you say you want your son

to be evaluated for sensory integration issues and you can describe them and he

needs help, he needs occupational therapy along with other behavioral support.

There is a window of time in which services and diet and other therapies will

work better with the developing brain. You need to get services while his brain

is still pliable and moldable. You tell them that and that you are very big on


intervention. Do not let them go without giving you son the necessary

services...if you let them, they will. You need to fight for your son. You

don't have to be a bitch, but you have to be your son's advocate, researcher,

mother, therapist. It is not okay to not offer services when a child is clearly

in need and I hear this all the time and it makes me sick. But they have to cut

costs somewhere so if you don't complain, then you don't get services.

Get in there now while you can get you son talking and figure out what is going

on in his little body. Maybe he's not autistic, that's subjective given the

time of day, who evaluated him, how he was feeling...my son aced every

evaluation because he is sweet, smart and had a good demeanor. I'm not an

expert just a mom who got services for my son that were previously denied. I

will help you in any way I can. Feel free to email me for my number. If you

need a little pep talk I can do that too. You have your plate full and I'm here

to help if you need me.

Lastly, there are developmental pediatricians that evaluate the whole child;

social, emotional and physical. And, there are consultants that you can meet

with that help figure out what services to get and how to get organized for your

IEP. Some will even go with you for a fee. It depends if you feel you can do

it alone or not. If not it's okay. My lawyer has a son with autism and she

fights for many many people; but she herself can't go to the IEP's alone because

she just loses it. She is a mom first and foremost and this is an emotional

journey. Be strong and pray and when you are weak the Lord is strong. He has

gotten me through many IEP's. I have never had a lawyer or anyone go with me.

Just me and the Lord.

Hope this makes sense. I was typing so fast in order to get back to you.

Good luck and let me know if you need any further assistance.





Hi, new to the group...1st post

Hi all. My name is . I am a 35yo sahm of 2. I joined this

group for my 31/2 year old son Devyn. I also have a 12 month old that

was born prematurely and has developmental delays as well. My husband

is a hospital corpsman in the Navy and is currently deployed. I found

this group through research I am doing to help Devyn. I am so lost.

I have had him tested through the school district. The ADOS (austim

diagnostic observation test) was inconclusive. They diagnosed him as

sig language delayed, but it was the end of the school year so there

were no services offered. I worked with him really hard through the

summer and now that services have started they see a lot of

improvement and say " he doesn't seem autistic " . Over the summer I got

him 2 sessions of neurofeedback and that helped tremendously with his

bowel movements. In the past, without his homeopathic spray, he would

not go for 4-5 days. Now, he goes every day, sometimes twice or more,

without the use of any aids. But he is showing increased aggression.

I tried to get him involved in gymnastics and karate this week but we

got kicked out of both. I called another gymnastics gym and spoke

with the manager and she agreed to allow him into the younger class

because of his delays. We will see how that goes next week. I have

him on 3600 mg of omega 3 everyday and I am beginning a few other

supplements that I have been researching such as GABA, NAC, L-Theanine

and Bach Flower remedies. An Early Start Coordinator was at my house

the other day to test my younger son and we discussed Devyn. She

watched Devyn interact with me and agreed that he is confusing. He

does give eye contact, he is sociable and friendly but she agreed

something is not right. It's like he's in his own world sometimes.

Sometimes he will answer me and interact sometimes he is in what we

call " Devynland " . He also intermittenly does this self-stimulatory

act of twirling his hands and he has a new fear of water. Some times

I get so frustrated because I don't know what of his actions are

disciplinary and what are his delay. He also has extreme sensory

issues. He can't stand things to touch him. If his juice spills he

says he needs a wipe. He can't stand to watch his brother eat because

the sight of it makes him gag. I have a lot of trouble with his

nutrition because he won't eat! There are 2-3 things I can get him to

eat and if its not those things he will starve himself. He never

expresses hunger. He is very OCD, lining things up and cleaning his

toys. He has a lot of changes this past year. The birth of his

brother was very traumatic. His father had just gotten home from 6

months in Iraq and 2 weeks later his brother was born, but under

extreme circumstances, I had to go live in the Mc House

to be near him while he was in the NICU for 2 1/2 months. So my son

lost me during that time and then when I got back, I brought home a

sick baby. Then 8 months later my husband left again. We went to OK

to visit my inlaws, that way he could be around more family and I

could get some help. Now we are in CA with my family. I think this

is all too much for him. I think he might be experiencing some sort

of PTSD. Wow, this is all just pouring out. Obviously, I am

frustrated and seeking help. I printed the list of tests Dr. Goldberg

recommends. Any idea how to get my ped to order them? Thank you for


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Hi ,

Welcome to this list. My twins were born @ 26 weeks, so I understand a bit

about prematurity (and living in a Mc house)). It sounds like

you have found some really good things for your son (working with him, a la

Floortime, for example, and also early intervention). I love Dr. G's

protocol because he is methodical about testing, then treating per the

tests. I, too, have tried things on my own, things that have worked for

other people, but it's really hard to know what for sure works and what is

making things worse (i.e. creating aggression). If nothing else, i.e. you

don't end up working with Dr. G, please find a practitioner that you do

trust, that has a 'proven track record' and get their help with any biomed

that you do for your child(ren).

Where do you live now?


From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of


Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 9:20 AM

Subject: Hi, new to the group...1st post

Hi all. My name is . I am a 35yo sahm of 2. I joined this

group for my 31/2 year old son Devyn. I also have a 12 month old that

was born prematurely and has developmental delays as well. My husband

is a hospital corpsman in the Navy and is currently deployed. I found

this group through research I am doing to help Devyn. I am so lost.

I have had him tested through the school district. The ADOS (austim

diagnostic observation test) was inconclusive. They diagnosed him as

sig language delayed, but it was the end of the school year so there

were no services offered. I worked with him really hard through the

summer and now that services have started they see a lot of

improvement and say " he doesn't seem autistic " . Over the summer I got

him 2 sessions of neurofeedback and that helped tremendously with his

bowel movements. In the past, without his homeopathic spray, he would

not go for 4-5 days. Now, he goes every day, sometimes twice or more,

without the use of any aids. But he is showing increased aggression.

I tried to get him involved in gymnastics and karate this week but we

got kicked out of both. I called another gymnastics gym and spoke

with the manager and she agreed to allow him into the younger class

because of his delays. We will see how that goes next week. I have

him on 3600 mg of omega 3 everyday and I am beginning a few other

supplements that I have been researching such as GABA, NAC, L-Theanine

and Bach Flower remedies. An Early Start Coordinator was at my house

the other day to test my younger son and we discussed Devyn. She

watched Devyn interact with me and agreed that he is confusing. He

does give eye contact, he is sociable and friendly but she agreed

something is not right. It's like he's in his own world sometimes.

Sometimes he will answer me and interact sometimes he is in what we

call " Devynland " . He also intermittenly does this self-stimulatory

act of twirling his hands and he has a new fear of water. Some times

I get so frustrated because I don't know what of his actions are

disciplinary and what are his delay. He also has extreme sensory

issues. He can't stand things to touch him. If his juice spills he

says he needs a wipe. He can't stand to watch his brother eat because

the sight of it makes him gag. I have a lot of trouble with his

nutrition because he won't eat! There are 2-3 things I can get him to

eat and if its not those things he will starve himself. He never

expresses hunger. He is very OCD, lining things up and cleaning his

toys. He has a lot of changes this past year. The birth of his

brother was very traumatic. His father had just gotten home from 6

months in Iraq and 2 weeks later his brother was born, but under

extreme circumstances, I had to go live in the Mc House

to be near him while he was in the NICU for 2 1/2 months. So my son

lost me during that time and then when I got back, I brought home a

sick baby. Then 8 months later my husband left again. We went to OK

to visit my inlaws, that way he could be around more family and I

could get some help. Now we are in CA with my family. I think this

is all too much for him. I think he might be experiencing some sort

of PTSD. Wow, this is all just pouring out. Obviously, I am

frustrated and seeking help. I printed the list of tests Dr. Goldberg

recommends. Any idea how to get my ped to order them? Thank you for


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No, I just found him.  Where is he located?  Do you know if he is as expensive

as Dr. Ramin? (I believe he is 3500 for the consultation and MRI)

From: dimcgowen22 <dimcgowen22>

Subject: Hi, new to the group...1st post

groups (DOT) com

Date: Friday, September 12, 2008, 9:19 AM

Hi all. My name is . I am a 35yo sahm of 2. I joined this

group for my 31/2 year old son Devyn. I also have a 12 month old that

was born prematurely and has developmental delays as well. My husband

is a hospital corpsman in the Navy and is currently deployed. I found

this group through research I am doing to help Devyn. I am so lost.

I have had him tested through the school district. The ADOS (austim

diagnostic observation test) was inconclusive. They diagnosed him as

sig language delayed, but it was the end of the school year so there

were no services offered. I worked with him really hard through the

summer and now that services have started they see a lot of

improvement and say " he doesn't seem autistic " . Over the summer I got

him 2 sessions of neurofeedback and that helped tremendously with his

bowel movements. In the past, without his homeopathic spray, he would

not go for 4-5 days. Now, he goes every day, sometimes twice or more,

without the use of any aids. But he is showing increased aggression.

I tried to get him involved in gymnastics and karate this week but we

got kicked out of both. I called another gymnastics gym and spoke

with the manager and she agreed to allow him into the younger class

because of his delays. We will see how that goes next week. I have

him on 3600 mg of omega 3 everyday and I am beginning a few other

supplements that I have been researching such as GABA, NAC, L-Theanine

and Bach Flower remedies. An Early Start Coordinator was at my house

the other day to test my younger son and we discussed Devyn. She

watched Devyn interact with me and agreed that he is confusing. He

does give eye contact, he is sociable and friendly but she agreed

something is not right. It's like he's in his own world sometimes.

Sometimes he will answer me and interact sometimes he is in what we

call " Devynland " . He also intermittenly does this self-stimulatory

act of twirling his hands and he has a new fear of water. Some times

I get so frustrated because I don't know what of his actions are

disciplinary and what are his delay. He also has extreme sensory

issues. He can't stand things to touch him. If his juice spills he

says he needs a wipe. He can't stand to watch his brother eat because

the sight of it makes him gag. I have a lot of trouble with his

nutrition because he won't eat! There are 2-3 things I can get him to

eat and if its not those things he will starve himself. He never

expresses hunger. He is very OCD, lining things up and cleaning his

toys. He has a lot of changes this past year. The birth of his

brother was very traumatic. His father had just gotten home from 6

months in Iraq and 2 weeks later his brother was born, but under

extreme circumstances, I had to go live in the Mc House

to be near him while he was in the NICU for 2 1/2 months. So my son

lost me during that time and then when I got back, I brought home a

sick baby. Then 8 months later my husband left again. We went to OK

to visit my inlaws, that way he could be around more family and I

could get some help. Now we are in CA with my family. I think this

is all too much for him. I think he might be experiencing some sort

of PTSD. Wow, this is all just pouring out. Obviously, I am

frustrated and seeking help. I printed the list of tests Dr. Goldberg

recommends. Any idea how to get my ped to order them? Thank you for


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I am in San Diego.  Where are you?  Have you worked with Dr. G?  Is he


From: Kristy Nardini <knardini@...>

Subject: RE: Hi, new to the group...1st post

Date: Sunday, September 14, 2008, 8:11 PM

Hi ,

Welcome to this list. My twins were born @ 26 weeks, so I understand a bit

about prematurity (and living in a Mc house)). It sounds like

you have found some really good things for your son (working with him, a la

Floortime, for example, and also early intervention) . I love Dr. G's

protocol because he is methodical about testing, then treating per the

tests. I, too, have tried things on my own, things that have worked for

other people, but it's really hard to know what for sure works and what is

making things worse (i.e. creating aggression). If nothing else, i.e. you

don't end up working with Dr. G, please find a practitioner that you do

trust, that has a 'proven track record' and get their help with any biomed

that you do for your child(ren).

Where do you live now?


From: groups (DOT) com [mailto:groups (DOT) com] On Behalf Of


Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 9:20 AM

groups (DOT) com

Subject: Hi, new to the group...1st post

Hi all. My name is . I am a 35yo sahm of 2. I joined this

group for my 31/2 year old son Devyn. I also have a 12 month old that

was born prematurely and has developmental delays as well. My husband

is a hospital corpsman in the Navy and is currently deployed. I found

this group through research I am doing to help Devyn. I am so lost.

I have had him tested through the school district. The ADOS (austim

diagnostic observation test) was inconclusive. They diagnosed him as

sig language delayed, but it was the end of the school year so there

were no services offered. I worked with him really hard through the

summer and now that services have started they see a lot of

improvement and say " he doesn't seem autistic " . Over the summer I got

him 2 sessions of neurofeedback and that helped tremendously with his

bowel movements. In the past, without his homeopathic spray, he would

not go for 4-5 days. Now, he goes every day, sometimes twice or more,

without the use of any aids. But he is showing increased aggression.

I tried to get him involved in gymnastics and karate this week but we

got kicked out of both. I called another gymnastics gym and spoke

with the manager and she agreed to allow him into the younger class

because of his delays. We will see how that goes next week. I have

him on 3600 mg of omega 3 everyday and I am beginning a few other

supplements that I have been researching such as GABA, NAC, L-Theanine

and Bach Flower remedies. An Early Start Coordinator was at my house

the other day to test my younger son and we discussed Devyn. She

watched Devyn interact with me and agreed that he is confusing. He

does give eye contact, he is sociable and friendly but she agreed

something is not right. It's like he's in his own world sometimes.

Sometimes he will answer me and interact sometimes he is in what we

call " Devynland " . He also intermittenly does this self-stimulatory

act of twirling his hands and he has a new fear of water. Some times

I get so frustrated because I don't know what of his actions are

disciplinary and what are his delay. He also has extreme sensory

issues. He can't stand things to touch him. If his juice spills he

says he needs a wipe. He can't stand to watch his brother eat because

the sight of it makes him gag. I have a lot of trouble with his

nutrition because he won't eat! There are 2-3 things I can get him to

eat and if its not those things he will starve himself. He never

expresses hunger. He is very OCD, lining things up and cleaning his

toys. He has a lot of changes this past year. The birth of his

brother was very traumatic. His father had just gotten home from 6

months in Iraq and 2 weeks later his brother was born, but under

extreme circumstances, I had to go live in the Mc House

to be near him while he was in the NICU for 2 1/2 months. So my son

lost me during that time and then when I got back, I brought home a

sick baby. Then 8 months later my husband left again. We went to OK

to visit my inlaws, that way he could be around more family and I

could get some help. Now we are in CA with my family. I think this

is all too much for him. I think he might be experiencing some sort

of PTSD. Wow, this is all just pouring out. Obviously, I am

frustrated and seeking help. I printed the list of tests Dr. Goldberg

recommends. Any idea how to get my ped to order them? Thank you for


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Dear Dawn,

Thank you for your response.  This is all so confusing, overwhelming and

stressful.  I appreciate your concern.  Devyn has an IEP, but I disagree with

the treatment recommended.  They only authorized him 30 mins once a week of

speech therapy.  I am currently trying to fight that.  I have an appt next week

with his new ped.  She is an OD who has a partner who is focusing on ADHD,

Autism, spectrum disorders, etc.  I hope that these new doctors will offer new

hope.  It sounds like our sons are similar.  Devyn loves doctors and when he

meets new people he is calm and friendly.  The first thing they say is he seems

" normal " .  I have to keep reiterating his sensory and self stim concerns I

have.  Sometimes I feel like I am overreacting and exaggerating, but then when I

get him home and at breakfast he freaks out because he has a splash of milk on

him, I remember we need help.  Thanks for the term sensory integration, I will

look that up next. 

Any other advice you have is more than welcome.  I am a sponge, trying to

absorb it all in.  Have you been to seen Dr. G?


From: Dawn Dolan <dawndolan@...>

Subject: Re: Hi, new to the group...1st post

Date: Sunday, September 14, 2008, 7:22 PM

Hi ,

I'm sorry that you are going through all of this and hope you will get some

help. The school district tests are not designed for younger kids and most

times miss important problems and diagnoses a child may have. Also, on a more

sinister front, sometimes they don't like to come up with anything conclusive

and intentionally leave things inconclusive because they don't want to pay.

Early intervention is key!!! In my experience, you're son does not need to be

diagnosed with autism to get services. But you need to be on it and be his

advocate, or get one. My son was never officially diagnosed with autism through

the school district, but I had him re-evaluated through our regional center. He

tested on the autism spectrum, according to the regional center, but the school

district has never changed their diagnosis from developmental delay. It has

been very difficult to get services because my son did not have all his problems

at once...it started out as

a moderate speech delay and then sensory stuff starting happening, then down

the road the lining up of his toys, cars, etc. and the repetitive opening and

closing of doors and the turning on and off of lights. It was all very ocd.

I suggest calling for an IEP ASAP as they take time and make an appointment with

the regional center if you have one. Tell them you are very concerned and make

it sound as bad as can be...picture his worst day with you so they will get you

in. After 3, it is harder to get in with the regional center.

For his IEP, make sure he is getting at least 2 hours if not more of a NPA (non

public agency) speech, that means not someone at the school district but an

outside agency, and you need behavioral support and Ot-occupational therapy to

address his vast sensory issues. They will not get better on their own, your

son needs help and the sensory can be what is driving the behavioral issues.

What if he can't tell you that noise hurts his ears or touch feels like fire on

his skin, he will act out. When you call for the IEP you say you want your son

to be evaluated for sensory integration issues and you can describe them and he

needs help, he needs occupational therapy along with other behavioral support.

There is a window of time in which services and diet and other therapies will

work better with the developing brain. You need to get services while his brain

is still pliable and moldable. You tell them that and that you are very big on


intervention. Do not let them go without giving you son the necessary

services...if you let them, they will. You need to fight for your son. You

don't have to be a bitch, but you have to be your son's advocate, researcher,

mother, therapist. It is not okay to not offer services when a child is clearly

in need and I hear this all the time and it makes me sick. But they have to cut

costs somewhere so if you don't complain, then you don't get services.

Get in there now while you can get you son talking and figure out what is going

on in his little body. Maybe he's not autistic, that's subjective given the

time of day, who evaluated him, how he was feeling...my son aced every

evaluation because he is sweet, smart and had a good demeanor. I'm not an

expert just a mom who got services for my son that were previously denied. I

will help you in any way I can. Feel free to email me for my number. If you

need a little pep talk I can do that too. You have your plate full and I'm here

to help if you need me.

Lastly, there are developmental pediatricians that evaluate the whole child;

social, emotional and physical. And, there are consultants that you can meet

with that help figure out what services to get and how to get organized for your

IEP. Some will even go with you for a fee. It depends if you feel you can do

it alone or not. If not it's okay. My lawyer has a son with autism and she

fights for many many people; but she herself can't go to the IEP's alone because

she just loses it. She is a mom first and foremost and this is an emotional

journey. Be strong and pray and when you are weak the Lord is strong. He has

gotten me through many IEP's. I have never had a lawyer or anyone go with me.

Just me and the Lord.

Hope this makes sense. I was typing so fast in order to get back to you.

Good luck and let me know if you need any further assistance.




dawndolan (DOT) com

Hi, new to the group...1st post

Hi all. My name is . I am a 35yo sahm of 2. I joined this

group for my 31/2 year old son Devyn. I also have a 12 month old that

was born prematurely and has developmental delays as well. My husband

is a hospital corpsman in the Navy and is currently deployed. I found

this group through research I am doing to help Devyn. I am so lost.

I have had him tested through the school district. The ADOS (austim

diagnostic observation test) was inconclusive. They diagnosed him as

sig language delayed, but it was the end of the school year so there

were no services offered. I worked with him really hard through the

summer and now that services have started they see a lot of

improvement and say " he doesn't seem autistic " . Over the summer I got

him 2 sessions of neurofeedback and that helped tremendously with his

bowel movements. In the past, without his homeopathic spray, he would

not go for 4-5 days. Now, he goes every day, sometimes twice or more,

without the use of any aids. But he is showing increased aggression.

I tried to get him involved in gymnastics and karate this week but we

got kicked out of both. I called another gymnastics gym and spoke

with the manager and she agreed to allow him into the younger class

because of his delays. We will see how that goes next week. I have

him on 3600 mg of omega 3 everyday and I am beginning a few other

supplements that I have been researching such as GABA, NAC, L-Theanine

and Bach Flower remedies. An Early Start Coordinator was at my house

the other day to test my younger son and we discussed Devyn. She

watched Devyn interact with me and agreed that he is confusing. He

does give eye contact, he is sociable and friendly but she agreed

something is not right. It's like he's in his own world sometimes.

Sometimes he will answer me and interact sometimes he is in what we

call " Devynland " . He also intermittenly does this self-stimulatory

act of twirling his hands and he has a new fear of water. Some times

I get so frustrated because I don't know what of his actions are

disciplinary and what are his delay. He also has extreme sensory

issues. He can't stand things to touch him. If his juice spills he

says he needs a wipe. He can't stand to watch his brother eat because

the sight of it makes him gag. I have a lot of trouble with his

nutrition because he won't eat! There are 2-3 things I can get him to

eat and if its not those things he will starve himself. He never

expresses hunger. He is very OCD, lining things up and cleaning his

toys. He has a lot of changes this past year. The birth of his

brother was very traumatic. His father had just gotten home from 6

months in Iraq and 2 weeks later his brother was born, but under

extreme circumstances, I had to go live in the Mc House

to be near him while he was in the NICU for 2 1/2 months. So my son

lost me during that time and then when I got back, I brought home a

sick baby. Then 8 months later my husband left again. We went to OK

to visit my inlaws, that way he could be around more family and I

could get some help. Now we are in CA with my family. I think this

is all too much for him. I think he might be experiencing some sort

of PTSD. Wow, this is all just pouring out. Obviously, I am

frustrated and seeking help. I printed the list of tests Dr. Goldberg

recommends. Any idea how to get my ped to order them? Thank you for


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We have worked with Dr. G for two years. He is not nearly as expensive as

most 'experts', but I feel he has been extraordinarily beneficial for my

son. He does not take insurance, but his staff provide me with a superbill

which I submit and I get reimbursed after our deductibles. The first visit

was under $600, if I remember, and subsequent visits are $185, plus

prescriptions, but we have insurance that covers most of the prescriptions.

Overall, I feel he has been less costly than many other avenues, but he is

the most effective for my son.

We are in Solana Beach. Where are you?


From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of


Sent: Monday, September 15, 2008 7:11 PM

Subject: RE: Hi, new to the group...1st post

I am in San Diego. Where are you? Have you worked with Dr. G? Is he


From: Kristy Nardini <knardini@...

<mailto:knardini%40roadrunner.com> >

Subject: RE: Hi, new to the group...1st post


Date: Sunday, September 14, 2008, 8:11 PM

Hi ,

Welcome to this list. My twins were born @ 26 weeks, so I understand a bit

about prematurity (and living in a Mc house)). It sounds like

you have found some really good things for your son (working with him, a la

Floortime, for example, and also early intervention) . I love Dr. G's

protocol because he is methodical about testing, then treating per the

tests. I, too, have tried things on my own, things that have worked for

other people, but it's really hard to know what for sure works and what is

making things worse (i.e. creating aggression). If nothing else, i.e. you

don't end up working with Dr. G, please find a practitioner that you do

trust, that has a 'proven track record' and get their help with any biomed

that you do for your child(ren).

Where do you live now?


From: groups (DOT) com [mailto:groups (DOT) com] On Behalf Of


Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 9:20 AM

groups (DOT) com

Subject: Hi, new to the group...1st post

Hi all. My name is . I am a 35yo sahm of 2. I joined this

group for my 31/2 year old son Devyn. I also have a 12 month old that

was born prematurely and has developmental delays as well. My husband

is a hospital corpsman in the Navy and is currently deployed. I found

this group through research I am doing to help Devyn. I am so lost.

I have had him tested through the school district. The ADOS (austim

diagnostic observation test) was inconclusive. They diagnosed him as

sig language delayed, but it was the end of the school year so there

were no services offered. I worked with him really hard through the

summer and now that services have started they see a lot of

improvement and say " he doesn't seem autistic " . Over the summer I got

him 2 sessions of neurofeedback and that helped tremendously with his

bowel movements. In the past, without his homeopathic spray, he would

not go for 4-5 days. Now, he goes every day, sometimes twice or more,

without the use of any aids. But he is showing increased aggression.

I tried to get him involved in gymnastics and karate this week but we

got kicked out of both. I called another gymnastics gym and spoke

with the manager and she agreed to allow him into the younger class

because of his delays. We will see how that goes next week. I have

him on 3600 mg of omega 3 everyday and I am beginning a few other

supplements that I have been researching such as GABA, NAC, L-Theanine

and Bach Flower remedies. An Early Start Coordinator was at my house

the other day to test my younger son and we discussed Devyn. She

watched Devyn interact with me and agreed that he is confusing. He

does give eye contact, he is sociable and friendly but she agreed

something is not right. It's like he's in his own world sometimes.

Sometimes he will answer me and interact sometimes he is in what we

call " Devynland " . He also intermittenly does this self-stimulatory

act of twirling his hands and he has a new fear of water. Some times

I get so frustrated because I don't know what of his actions are

disciplinary and what are his delay. He also has extreme sensory

issues. He can't stand things to touch him. If his juice spills he

says he needs a wipe. He can't stand to watch his brother eat because

the sight of it makes him gag. I have a lot of trouble with his

nutrition because he won't eat! There are 2-3 things I can get him to

eat and if its not those things he will starve himself. He never

expresses hunger. He is very OCD, lining things up and cleaning his

toys. He has a lot of changes this past year. The birth of his

brother was very traumatic. His father had just gotten home from 6

months in Iraq and 2 weeks later his brother was born, but under

extreme circumstances, I had to go live in the Mc House

to be near him while he was in the NICU for 2 1/2 months. So my son

lost me during that time and then when I got back, I brought home a

sick baby. Then 8 months later my husband left again. We went to OK

to visit my inlaws, that way he could be around more family and I

could get some help. Now we are in CA with my family. I think this

is all too much for him. I think he might be experiencing some sort

of PTSD. Wow, this is all just pouring out. Obviously, I am

frustrated and seeking help. I printed the list of tests Dr. Goldberg

recommends. Any idea how to get my ped to order them? Thank you for


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, seriously, your son is need of an OT. Call an IEP to discuss

his sensory needs.

I'm also going to send you an rather large e-mail privately.


~Visit my webstore for anything you need related to autism -

groceries, supps, therapy supplies, books, and more!


~Check out my blog: http://www.gryffins-tail.blogspot.com/

On Sep 15, 2008, at 7:18 PM, McGowen wrote:

> Dear Dawn,

> Thank you for your response. This is all so confusing,

> overwhelming and stressful. I appreciate your concern. Devyn has

> an IEP, but I disagree with the treatment recommended. They only

> authorized him 30 mins once a week of speech therapy. I am

> currently trying to fight that. I have an appt next week with his

> new ped. She is an OD who has a partner who is focusing on ADHD,

> Autism, spectrum disorders, etc. I hope that these new doctors

> will offer new hope. It sounds like our sons are similar. Devyn

> loves doctors and when he meets new people he is calm and

> friendly. The first thing they say is he seems " normal " . I have

> to keep reiterating his sensory and self stim concerns I have.

> Sometimes I feel like I am overreacting and exaggerating, but then

> when I get him home and at breakfast he freaks out because he has a

> splash of milk on him, I remember we need help. Thanks for the

> term sensory integration, I will look that up next.

> Any other advice you have is more than welcome. I am a sponge,

> trying to absorb it all in. Have you been to seen Dr. G?

> Thanks,




> From: Dawn Dolan <dawndolan@...>

> Subject: Re: Hi, new to the group...1st post


> Date: Sunday, September 14, 2008, 7:22 PM












> Hi ,




> I'm sorry that you are going through all of this and hope you will

> get some help. The school district tests are not designed for

> younger kids and most times miss important problems and diagnoses a

> child may have. Also, on a more sinister front, sometimes they

> don't like to come up with anything conclusive and intentionally

> leave things inconclusive because they don't want to pay. Early

> intervention is key!!! In my experience, you're son does not need

> to be diagnosed with autism to get services. But you need to be on

> it and be his advocate, or get one. My son was never officially

> diagnosed with autism through the school district, but I had him re-

> evaluated through our regional center. He tested on the autism

> spectrum, according to the regional center, but the school district

> has never changed their diagnosis from developmental delay. It has

> been very difficult to get services because my son did not have all

> his problems at once...it started out as


> a moderate speech delay and then sensory stuff starting happening,

> then down the road the lining up of his toys, cars, etc. and the

> repetitive opening and closing of doors and the turning on and off

> of lights. It was all very ocd.




> I suggest calling for an IEP ASAP as they take time and make an

> appointment with the regional center if you have one. Tell them

> you are very concerned and make it sound as bad as can be...picture

> his worst day with you so they will get you in. After 3, it is

> harder to get in with the regional center.




> For his IEP, make sure he is getting at least 2 hours if not more

> of a NPA (non public agency) speech, that means not someone at the

> school district but an outside agency, and you need behavioral

> support and Ot-occupational therapy to address his vast sensory

> issues. They will not get better on their own, your son needs help

> and the sensory can be what is driving the behavioral issues. What

> if he can't tell you that noise hurts his ears or touch feels like

> fire on his skin, he will act out. When you call for the IEP you

> say you want your son to be evaluated for sensory integration

> issues and you can describe them and he needs help, he needs

> occupational therapy along with other behavioral support. There is

> a window of time in which services and diet and other therapies

> will work better with the developing brain. You need to get

> services while his brain is still pliable and moldable. You tell

> them that and that you are very big on early


> intervention. Do not let them go without giving you son the

> necessary services...if you let them, they will. You need to fight

> for your son. You don't have to be a bitch, but you have to be

> your son's advocate, researcher, mother, therapist. It is not okay

> to not offer services when a child is clearly in need and I hear

> this all the time and it makes me sick. But they have to cut costs

> somewhere so if you don't complain, then you don't get services.




> Get in there now while you can get you son talking and figure out

> what is going on in his little body. Maybe he's not autistic,

> that's subjective given the time of day, who evaluated him, how he

> was feeling...my son aced every evaluation because he is sweet,

> smart and had a good demeanor. I'm not an expert just a mom who

> got services for my son that were previously denied. I will help

> you in any way I can. Feel free to email me for my number. If you

> need a little pep talk I can do that too. You have your plate full

> and I'm here to help if you need me.




> Lastly, there are developmental pediatricians that evaluate the

> whole child; social, emotional and physical. And, there are

> consultants that you can meet with that help figure out what

> services to get and how to get organized for your IEP. Some will

> even go with you for a fee. It depends if you feel you can do it

> alone or not. If not it's okay. My lawyer has a son with autism

> and she fights for many many people; but she herself can't go to

> the IEP's alone because she just loses it. She is a mom first and

> foremost and this is an emotional journey. Be strong and pray and

> when you are weak the Lord is strong. He has gotten me through

> many IEP's. I have never had a lawyer or anyone go with me. Just

> me and the Lord.




> Hope this makes sense. I was typing so fast in order to get back

> to you.




> Good luck and let me know if you need any further assistance.




> xo




> dawn






> dawndolan (DOT) com




> Hi, new to the group...1st post




> Hi all. My name is . I am a 35yo sahm of 2. I joined this


> group for my 31/2 year old son Devyn. I also have a 12 month old that


> was born prematurely and has developmental delays as well. My husband


> is a hospital corpsman in the Navy and is currently deployed. I found


> this group through research I am doing to help Devyn. I am so lost.


> I have had him tested through the school district. The ADOS (austim


> diagnostic observation test) was inconclusive. They diagnosed him as


> sig language delayed, but it was the end of the school year so there


> were no services offered. I worked with him really hard through the


> summer and now that services have started they see a lot of


> improvement and say " he doesn't seem autistic " . Over the summer I got


> him 2 sessions of neurofeedback and that helped tremendously with his


> bowel movements. In the past, without his homeopathic spray, he would


> not go for 4-5 days. Now, he goes every day, sometimes twice or more,


> without the use of any aids. But he is showing increased aggression.


> I tried to get him involved in gymnastics and karate this week but we


> got kicked out of both. I called another gymnastics gym and spoke


> with the manager and she agreed to allow him into the younger class


> because of his delays. We will see how that goes next week. I have


> him on 3600 mg of omega 3 everyday and I am beginning a few other


> supplements that I have been researching such as GABA, NAC, L-Theanine


> and Bach Flower remedies. An Early Start Coordinator was at my house


> the other day to test my younger son and we discussed Devyn. She


> watched Devyn interact with me and agreed that he is confusing. He


> does give eye contact, he is sociable and friendly but she agreed


> something is not right. It's like he's in his own world sometimes.


> Sometimes he will answer me and interact sometimes he is in what we


> call " Devynland " . He also intermittenly does this self-stimulatory


> act of twirling his hands and he has a new fear of water. Some times


> I get so frustrated because I don't know what of his actions are


> disciplinary and what are his delay. He also has extreme sensory


> issues. He can't stand things to touch him. If his juice spills he


> says he needs a wipe. He can't stand to watch his brother eat because


> the sight of it makes him gag. I have a lot of trouble with his


> nutrition because he won't eat! There are 2-3 things I can get him to


> eat and if its not those things he will starve himself. He never


> expresses hunger. He is very OCD, lining things up and cleaning his


> toys. He has a lot of changes this past year. The birth of his


> brother was very traumatic. His father had just gotten home from 6


> months in Iraq and 2 weeks later his brother was born, but under


> extreme circumstances, I had to go live in the Mc House


> to be near him while he was in the NICU for 2 1/2 months. So my son


> lost me during that time and then when I got back, I brought home a


> sick baby. Then 8 months later my husband left again. We went to OK


> to visit my inlaws, that way he could be around more family and I


> could get some help. Now we are in CA with my family. I think this


> is all too much for him. I think he might be experiencing some sort


> of PTSD. Wow, this is all just pouring out. Obviously, I am


> frustrated and seeking help. I printed the list of tests Dr. Goldberg


> recommends. Any idea how to get my ped to order them? Thank you for


> listening.





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I forgot to say, when you call for the IEP, I believe you are calling for an

amendment IEP which takes a shorter time period. You definitely want to amend

his speech services as it is not appropriate for your son's needs and maybe you

can just tell the school district that more issues have cropped up that need

addressed and lay those out as well. I will email you again privately but for

now some good words to always use are " appropriate " or " not appropriate " or

" inappropriate. " Although we want what is best for our kids, the school

district does not have to pay for " best " just an appropriate education for your

child. You can tell the school district that your son will not be able to

properly access the school curriculum without the appropriate services to help

with his special needs and current deficits. If the school district cannot meet

his special needs or does not have a program that can do so, they have to create

one or pay for one. Read that

little booklet they give you at the IEP. I didn't read it until my 2nd IEP and

I was shocked to read about my son's rights and the school's responsibility.

You lay out his needs (of course, this may not happen over the course of one

conversation, it may be several, and being informed, pleasant and relentless is

a winning combination) and it's the school's responsibility to meet them. It's

your tax money too that goes into paying for such services.

Hope this helps.



Hi, new to the group...1st post




> Hi all. My name is . I am a 35yo sahm of 2. I joined this


> group for my 31/2 year old son Devyn. I also have a 12 month old that


> was born prematurely and has developmental delays as well. My husband


> is a hospital corpsman in the Navy and is currently deployed. I found


> this group through research I am doing to help Devyn. I am so lost.


> I have had him tested through the school district. The ADOS (austim


> diagnostic observation test) was inconclusive. They diagnosed him as


> sig language delayed, but it was the end of the school year so there


> were no services offered. I worked with him really hard through the


> summer and now that services have started they see a lot of


> improvement and say " he doesn't seem autistic " . Over the summer I got


> him 2 sessions of neurofeedback and that helped tremendously with his


> bowel movements. In the past, without his homeopathic spray, he would


> not go for 4-5 days. Now, he goes every day, sometimes twice or more,


> without the use of any aids. But he is showing increased aggression.


> I tried to get him involved in gymnastics and karate this week but we


> got kicked out of both. I called another gymnastics gym and spoke


> with the manager and she agreed to allow him into the younger class


> because of his delays. We will see how that goes next week. I have


> him on 3600 mg of omega 3 everyday and I am beginning a few other


> supplements that I have been researching such as GABA, NAC, L-Theanine


> and Bach Flower remedies. An Early Start Coordinator was at my house


> the other day to test my younger son and we discussed Devyn. She


> watched Devyn interact with me and agreed that he is confusing. He


> does give eye contact, he is sociable and friendly but she agreed


> something is not right. It's like he's in his own world sometimes.


> Sometimes he will answer me and interact sometimes he is in what we


> call " Devynland " . He also intermittenly does this self-stimulatory


> act of twirling his hands and he has a new fear of water. Some times


> I get so frustrated because I don't know what of his actions are


> disciplinary and what are his delay. He also has extreme sensory


> issues. He can't stand things to touch him. If his juice spills he


> says he needs a wipe. He can't stand to watch his brother eat because


> the sight of it makes him gag. I have a lot of trouble with his


> nutrition because he won't eat! There are 2-3 things I can get him to


> eat and if its not those things he will starve himself. He never


> expresses hunger. He is very OCD, lining things up and cleaning his


> toys. He has a lot of changes this past year. The birth of his


> brother was very traumatic. His father had just gotten home from 6


> months in Iraq and 2 weeks later his brother was born, but under


> extreme circumstances, I had to go live in the Mc House


> to be near him while he was in the NICU for 2 1/2 months. So my son


> lost me during that time and then when I got back, I brought home a


> sick baby. Then 8 months later my husband left again. We went to OK


> to visit my inlaws, that way he could be around more family and I


> could get some help. Now we are in CA with my family. I think this


> is all too much for him. I think he might be experiencing some sort


> of PTSD. Wow, this is all just pouring out. Obviously, I am


> frustrated and seeking help. I printed the list of tests Dr. Goldberg


> recommends. Any idea how to get my ped to order them? Thank you for


> listening.





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Thank you, Cheryl.  I look forward to getting your email.  You are the second

person to tell me I need OT.  I am waiting for an intake rep to call me.  I am

trying to be nice and patient, but I guess I am going to have to push. 

> From: Dawn Dolan <dawndolan (DOT) com>

> Subject: Re: Hi, new to the group...1st post

> groups (DOT) com

> Date: Sunday, September 14, 2008, 7:22 PM












> Hi ,




> I'm sorry that you are going through all of this and hope you will

> get some help. The school district tests are not designed for

> younger kids and most times miss important problems and diagnoses a

> child may have. Also, on a more sinister front, sometimes they

> don't like to come up with anything conclusive and intentionally

> leave things inconclusive because they don't want to pay. Early

> intervention is key!!! In my experience, you're son does not need

> to be diagnosed with autism to get services. But you need to be on

> it and be his advocate, or get one. My son was never officially

> diagnosed with autism through the school district, but I had him re-

> evaluated through our regional center. He tested on the autism

> spectrum, according to the regional center, but the school district

> has never changed their diagnosis from developmental delay. It has

> been very difficult to get services because my son did not have all

> his problems at once...it started out as


> a moderate speech delay and then sensory stuff starting happening,

> then down the road the lining up of his toys, cars, etc. and the

> repetitive opening and closing of doors and the turning on and off

> of lights. It was all very ocd.




> I suggest calling for an IEP ASAP as they take time and make an

> appointment with the regional center if you have one. Tell them

> you are very concerned and make it sound as bad as can be...picture

> his worst day with you so they will get you in. After 3, it is

> harder to get in with the regional center.




> For his IEP, make sure he is getting at least 2 hours if not more

> of a NPA (non public agency) speech, that means not someone at the

> school district but an outside agency, and you need behavioral

> support and Ot-occupational therapy to address his vast sensory

> issues. They will not get better on their own, your son needs help

> and the sensory can be what is driving the behavioral issues. What

> if he can't tell you that noise hurts his ears or touch feels like

> fire on his skin, he will act out. When you call for the IEP you

> say you want your son to be evaluated for sensory integration

> issues and you can describe them and he needs help, he needs

> occupational therapy along with other behavioral support. There is

> a window of time in which services and diet and other therapies

> will work better with the developing brain. You need to get

> services while his brain is still pliable and moldable. You tell

> them that and that you are very big on early


> intervention. Do not let them go without giving you son the

> necessary services...if you let them, they will. You need to fight

> for your son. You don't have to be a bitch, but you have to be

> your son's advocate, researcher, mother, therapist. It is not okay

> to not offer services when a child is clearly in need and I hear

> this all the time and it makes me sick. But they have to cut costs

> somewhere so if you don't complain, then you don't get services.




> Get in there now while you can get you son talking and figure out

> what is going on in his little body. Maybe he's not autistic,

> that's subjective given the time of day, who evaluated him, how he

> was feeling...my son aced every evaluation because he is sweet,

> smart and had a good demeanor. I'm not an expert just a mom who

> got services for my son that were previously denied. I will help

> you in any way I can. Feel free to email me for my number. If you

> need a little pep talk I can do that too. You have your plate full

> and I'm here to help if you need me.




> Lastly, there are developmental pediatricians that evaluate the

> whole child; social, emotional and physical. And, there are

> consultants that you can meet with that help figure out what

> services to get and how to get organized for your IEP. Some will

> even go with you for a fee. It depends if you feel you can do it

> alone or not. If not it's okay. My lawyer has a son with autism

> and she fights for many many people; but she herself can't go to

> the IEP's alone because she just loses it. She is a mom first and

> foremost and this is an emotional journey. Be strong and pray and

> when you are weak the Lord is strong. He has gotten me through

> many IEP's. I have never had a lawyer or anyone go with me. Just

> me and the Lord.




> Hope this makes sense. I was typing so fast in order to get back

> to you.




> Good luck and let me know if you need any further assistance.




> xo




> dawn






> dawndolan (DOT) com




> Hi, new to the group...1st post




> Hi all. My name is . I am a 35yo sahm of 2. I joined this


> group for my 31/2 year old son Devyn. I also have a 12 month old that


> was born prematurely and has developmental delays as well. My husband


> is a hospital corpsman in the Navy and is currently deployed. I found


> this group through research I am doing to help Devyn. I am so lost.


> I have had him tested through the school district. The ADOS (austim


> diagnostic observation test) was inconclusive. They diagnosed him as


> sig language delayed, but it was the end of the school year so there


> were no services offered. I worked with him really hard through the


> summer and now that services have started they see a lot of


> improvement and say " he doesn't seem autistic " . Over the summer I got


> him 2 sessions of neurofeedback and that helped tremendously with his


> bowel movements. In the past, without his homeopathic spray, he would


> not go for 4-5 days. Now, he goes every day, sometimes twice or more,


> without the use of any aids. But he is showing increased aggression.


> I tried to get him involved in gymnastics and karate this week but we


> got kicked out of both. I called another gymnastics gym and spoke


> with the manager and she agreed to allow him into the younger class


> because of his delays. We will see how that goes next week. I have


> him on 3600 mg of omega 3 everyday and I am beginning a few other


> supplements that I have been researching such as GABA, NAC, L-Theanine


> and Bach Flower remedies. An Early Start Coordinator was at my house


> the other day to test my younger son and we discussed Devyn. She


> watched Devyn interact with me and agreed that he is confusing. He


> does give eye contact, he is sociable and friendly but she agreed


> something is not right. It's like he's in his own world sometimes.


> Sometimes he will answer me and interact sometimes he is in what we


> call " Devynland " . He also intermittenly does this self-stimulatory


> act of twirling his hands and he has a new fear of water. Some times


> I get so frustrated because I don't know what of his actions are


> disciplinary and what are his delay. He also has extreme sensory


> issues. He can't stand things to touch him. If his juice spills he


> says he needs a wipe. He can't stand to watch his brother eat because


> the sight of it makes him gag. I have a lot of trouble with his


> nutrition because he won't eat! There are 2-3 things I can get him to


> eat and if its not those things he will starve himself. He never


> expresses hunger. He is very OCD, lining things up and cleaning his


> toys. He has a lot of changes this past year. The birth of his


> brother was very traumatic. His father had just gotten home from 6


> months in Iraq and 2 weeks later his brother was born, but under


> extreme circumstances, I had to go live in the Mc House


> to be near him while he was in the NICU for 2 1/2 months. So my son


> lost me during that time and then when I got back, I brought home a


> sick baby. Then 8 months later my husband left again. We went to OK


> to visit my inlaws, that way he could be around more family and I


> could get some help. Now we are in CA with my family. I think this


> is all too much for him. I think he might be experiencing some sort


> of PTSD. Wow, this is all just pouring out. Obviously, I am


> frustrated and seeking help. I printed the list of tests Dr. Goldberg


> recommends. Any idea how to get my ped to order them? Thank you for


> listening.





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Thank you for your email, Kristy.  I am so glad that you are getting help from

Dr. G.  I really respect and admire the work he is doing.  I am just

uncomfortable starting my road with meds.  I read that if you want to use

supplements and MB12 Dr. G is not the dr. for you.  I want to see how far we can

go with these avenues before I begin using prescriptions.  His teachers and

doctors tell me they think he is " not that bad " and that with some small

changes, I hope we can see some results.  I am learning so much from everyones


From: Kristy Nardini <knardini@roadrunner .com

<mailto:knardini% 40roadrunner. com> >

Subject: RE: Hi, new to the group...1st post

groups (DOT) com <mailto:% 40groups. com>

Date: Sunday, September 14, 2008, 8:11 PM

Hi ,

Welcome to this list. My twins were born @ 26 weeks, so I understand a bit

about prematurity (and living in a Mc house)). It sounds like

you have found some really good things for your son (working with him, a la

Floortime, for example, and also early intervention) . I love Dr. G's

protocol because he is methodical about testing, then treating per the

tests. I, too, have tried things on my own, things that have worked for

other people, but it's really hard to know what for sure works and what is

making things worse (i.e. creating aggression). If nothing else, i.e. you

don't end up working with Dr. G, please find a practitioner that you do

trust, that has a 'proven track record' and get their help with any biomed

that you do for your child(ren).

Where do you live now?


From: groups (DOT) com [mailto:] On Behalf Of


Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 9:20 AM

groups (DOT) com

Subject: Hi, new to the group...1st post

Hi all. My name is . I am a 35yo sahm of 2. I joined this

group for my 31/2 year old son Devyn. I also have a 12 month old that

was born prematurely and has developmental delays as well. My husband

is a hospital corpsman in the Navy and is currently deployed. I found

this group through research I am doing to help Devyn. I am so lost.

I have had him tested through the school district. The ADOS (austim

diagnostic observation test) was inconclusive. They diagnosed him as

sig language delayed, but it was the end of the school year so there

were no services offered. I worked with him really hard through the

summer and now that services have started they see a lot of

improvement and say " he doesn't seem autistic " . Over the summer I got

him 2 sessions of neurofeedback and that helped tremendously with his

bowel movements. In the past, without his homeopathic spray, he would

not go for 4-5 days. Now, he goes every day, sometimes twice or more,

without the use of any aids. But he is showing increased aggression.

I tried to get him involved in gymnastics and karate this week but we

got kicked out of both. I called another gymnastics gym and spoke

with the manager and she agreed to allow him into the younger class

because of his delays. We will see how that goes next week. I have

him on 3600 mg of omega 3 everyday and I am beginning a few other

supplements that I have been researching such as GABA, NAC, L-Theanine

and Bach Flower remedies. An Early Start Coordinator was at my house

the other day to test my younger son and we discussed Devyn. She

watched Devyn interact with me and agreed that he is confusing. He

does give eye contact, he is sociable and friendly but she agreed

something is not right. It's like he's in his own world sometimes.

Sometimes he will answer me and interact sometimes he is in what we

call " Devynland " . He also intermittenly does this self-stimulatory

act of twirling his hands and he has a new fear of water. Some times

I get so frustrated because I don't know what of his actions are

disciplinary and what are his delay. He also has extreme sensory

issues. He can't stand things to touch him. If his juice spills he

says he needs a wipe. He can't stand to watch his brother eat because

the sight of it makes him gag. I have a lot of trouble with his

nutrition because he won't eat! There are 2-3 things I can get him to

eat and if its not those things he will starve himself. He never

expresses hunger. He is very OCD, lining things up and cleaning his

toys. He has a lot of changes this past year. The birth of his

brother was very traumatic. His father had just gotten home from 6

months in Iraq and 2 weeks later his brother was born, but under

extreme circumstances, I had to go live in the Mc House

to be near him while he was in the NICU for 2 1/2 months. So my son

lost me during that time and then when I got back, I brought home a

sick baby. Then 8 months later my husband left again. We went to OK

to visit my inlaws, that way he could be around more family and I

could get some help. Now we are in CA with my family. I think this

is all too much for him. I think he might be experiencing some sort

of PTSD. Wow, this is all just pouring out. Obviously, I am

frustrated and seeking help. I printed the list of tests Dr. Goldberg

recommends. Any idea how to get my ped to order them? Thank you for


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You should have received it already. If you don't get it, let me

know and I'll resend.


~Visit my webstore for anything you need related to autism -

groceries, supps, therapy supplies, books, and more!


~Check out my blog: http://www.gryffins-tail.blogspot.com/

On Sep 18, 2008, at 12:38 PM, McGowen wrote:

> Thank you, Cheryl. I look forward to getting your email. You are

> the second person to tell me I need OT. I am waiting for an intake

> rep to call me. I am trying to be nice and patient, but I guess I

> am going to have to push.




>> From: Dawn Dolan <dawndolan (DOT) com>


>> Subject: Re: Hi, new to the group...1st post


>> groups (DOT) com


>> Date: Sunday, September 14, 2008, 7:22 PM
























>> Hi ,








>> I'm sorry that you are going through all of this and hope you will


>> get some help. The school district tests are not designed for


>> younger kids and most times miss important problems and diagnoses a


>> child may have. Also, on a more sinister front, sometimes they


>> don't like to come up with anything conclusive and intentionally


>> leave things inconclusive because they don't want to pay. Early


>> intervention is key!!! In my experience, you're son does not need


>> to be diagnosed with autism to get services. But you need to be on


>> it and be his advocate, or get one. My son was never officially


>> diagnosed with autism through the school district, but I had him re-


>> evaluated through our regional center. He tested on the autism


>> spectrum, according to the regional center, but the school district


>> has never changed their diagnosis from developmental delay. It has


>> been very difficult to get services because my son did not have all


>> his problems at once...it started out as




>> a moderate speech delay and then sensory stuff starting happening,


>> then down the road the lining up of his toys, cars, etc. and the


>> repetitive opening and closing of doors and the turning on and off


>> of lights. It was all very ocd.








>> I suggest calling for an IEP ASAP as they take time and make an


>> appointment with the regional center if you have one. Tell them


>> you are very concerned and make it sound as bad as can be...picture


>> his worst day with you so they will get you in. After 3, it is


>> harder to get in with the regional center.








>> For his IEP, make sure he is getting at least 2 hours if not more


>> of a NPA (non public agency) speech, that means not someone at the


>> school district but an outside agency, and you need behavioral


>> support and Ot-occupational therapy to address his vast sensory


>> issues. They will not get better on their own, your son needs help


>> and the sensory can be what is driving the behavioral issues. What


>> if he can't tell you that noise hurts his ears or touch feels like


>> fire on his skin, he will act out. When you call for the IEP you


>> say you want your son to be evaluated for sensory integration


>> issues and you can describe them and he needs help, he needs


>> occupational therapy along with other behavioral support. There is


>> a window of time in which services and diet and other therapies


>> will work better with the developing brain. You need to get


>> services while his brain is still pliable and moldable. You tell


>> them that and that you are very big on early




>> intervention. Do not let them go without giving you son the


>> necessary services...if you let them, they will. You need to fight


>> for your son. You don't have to be a bitch, but you have to be


>> your son's advocate, researcher, mother, therapist. It is not okay


>> to not offer services when a child is clearly in need and I hear


>> this all the time and it makes me sick. But they have to cut costs


>> somewhere so if you don't complain, then you don't get services.








>> Get in there now while you can get you son talking and figure out


>> what is going on in his little body. Maybe he's not autistic,


>> that's subjective given the time of day, who evaluated him, how he


>> was feeling...my son aced every evaluation because he is sweet,


>> smart and had a good demeanor. I'm not an expert just a mom who


>> got services for my son that were previously denied. I will help


>> you in any way I can. Feel free to email me for my number. If you


>> need a little pep talk I can do that too. You have your plate full


>> and I'm here to help if you need me.








>> Lastly, there are developmental pediatricians that evaluate the


>> whole child; social, emotional and physical. And, there are


>> consultants that you can meet with that help figure out what


>> services to get and how to get organized for your IEP. Some will


>> even go with you for a fee. It depends if you feel you can do it


>> alone or not. If not it's okay. My lawyer has a son with autism


>> and she fights for many many people; but she herself can't go to


>> the IEP's alone because she just loses it. She is a mom first and


>> foremost and this is an emotional journey. Be strong and pray and


>> when you are weak the Lord is strong. He has gotten me through


>> many IEP's. I have never had a lawyer or anyone go with me. Just


>> me and the Lord.








>> Hope this makes sense. I was typing so fast in order to get back


>> to you.








>> Good luck and let me know if you need any further assistance.








>> xo








>> dawn












>> dawndolan (DOT) com








>> Hi, new to the group...1st post








>> Hi all. My name is . I am a 35yo sahm of 2. I joined this




>> group for my 31/2 year old son Devyn. I also have a 12 month old

>> that




>> was born prematurely and has developmental delays as well. My husband




>> is a hospital corpsman in the Navy and is currently deployed. I

>> found




>> this group through research I am doing to help Devyn. I am so lost.




>> I have had him tested through the school district. The ADOS (austim




>> diagnostic observation test) was inconclusive. They diagnosed him as




>> sig language delayed, but it was the end of the school year so there




>> were no services offered. I worked with him really hard through the




>> summer and now that services have started they see a lot of




>> improvement and say " he doesn't seem autistic " . Over the summer I

>> got




>> him 2 sessions of neurofeedback and that helped tremendously with his




>> bowel movements. In the past, without his homeopathic spray, he

>> would




>> not go for 4-5 days. Now, he goes every day, sometimes twice or

>> more,




>> without the use of any aids. But he is showing increased aggression.




>> I tried to get him involved in gymnastics and karate this week but we




>> got kicked out of both. I called another gymnastics gym and spoke




>> with the manager and she agreed to allow him into the younger class




>> because of his delays. We will see how that goes next week. I have




>> him on 3600 mg of omega 3 everyday and I am beginning a few other




>> supplements that I have been researching such as GABA, NAC, L-

>> Theanine




>> and Bach Flower remedies. An Early Start Coordinator was at my house




>> the other day to test my younger son and we discussed Devyn. She




>> watched Devyn interact with me and agreed that he is confusing. He




>> does give eye contact, he is sociable and friendly but she agreed




>> something is not right. It's like he's in his own world sometimes.




>> Sometimes he will answer me and interact sometimes he is in what we




>> call " Devynland " . He also intermittenly does this self-stimulatory




>> act of twirling his hands and he has a new fear of water. Some times




>> I get so frustrated because I don't know what of his actions are




>> disciplinary and what are his delay. He also has extreme sensory




>> issues. He can't stand things to touch him. If his juice spills he




>> says he needs a wipe. He can't stand to watch his brother eat

>> because




>> the sight of it makes him gag. I have a lot of trouble with his




>> nutrition because he won't eat! There are 2-3 things I can get

>> him to




>> eat and if its not those things he will starve himself. He never




>> expresses hunger. He is very OCD, lining things up and cleaning his




>> toys. He has a lot of changes this past year. The birth of his




>> brother was very traumatic. His father had just gotten home from 6




>> months in Iraq and 2 weeks later his brother was born, but under




>> extreme circumstances, I had to go live in the Mc House




>> to be near him while he was in the NICU for 2 1/2 months. So my son




>> lost me during that time and then when I got back, I brought home a




>> sick baby. Then 8 months later my husband left again. We went to OK




>> to visit my inlaws, that way he could be around more family and I




>> could get some help. Now we are in CA with my family. I think this




>> is all too much for him. I think he might be experiencing some sort




>> of PTSD. Wow, this is all just pouring out. Obviously, I am




>> frustrated and seeking help. I printed the list of tests Dr.

>> Goldberg




>> recommends. Any idea how to get my ped to order them? Thank you for




>> listening.









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One other note regarding OT: request in writing an OT assessment. You CANNOT be

denied an assessment; the SD can, however, deny you services even if the

assessment says he needs OT. That's where the fun begins! Just take one step at

a time and good luck!


p.s. If you need/want help with the verbiage related to the request for

assessment, please let me know. I have some samples.

> >

> >> From: Dawn Dolan <dawndolan (DOT) com>

> >

> >> Subject: Re: Hi, new to the group...1st

> post

> >

> >> groups (DOT) com

> >

> >> Date: Sunday, September 14, 2008, 7:22 PM

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >> Hi ,

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >> I'm sorry that you are going through all of

> this and hope you will

> >

> >> get some help. The school district tests are not

> designed for

> >

> >> younger kids and most times miss important

> problems and diagnoses a

> >

> >> child may have. Also, on a more sinister front,

> sometimes they

> >

> >> don't like to come up with anything conclusive

> and intentionally

> >

> >> leave things inconclusive because they don't

> want to pay. Early

> >

> >> intervention is key!!! In my experience,

> you're son does not need

> >

> >> to be diagnosed with autism to get services. But

> you need to be on

> >

> >> it and be his advocate, or get one. My son was

> never officially

> >

> >> diagnosed with autism through the school district,

> but I had him re-

> >

> >> evaluated through our regional center. He tested

> on the autism

> >

> >> spectrum, according to the regional center, but

> the school district

> >

> >> has never changed their diagnosis from

> developmental delay. It has

> >

> >> been very difficult to get services because my son

> did not have all

> >

> >> his problems at once...it started out as

> >

> >>

> >

> >> a moderate speech delay and then sensory stuff

> starting happening,

> >

> >> then down the road the lining up of his toys,

> cars, etc. and the

> >

> >> repetitive opening and closing of doors and the

> turning on and off

> >

> >> of lights. It was all very ocd.

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >> I suggest calling for an IEP ASAP as they take

> time and make an

> >

> >> appointment with the regional center if you have

> one. Tell them

> >

> >> you are very concerned and make it sound as bad as

> can be...picture

> >

> >> his worst day with you so they will get you in.

> After 3, it is

> >

> >> harder to get in with the regional center.

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >> For his IEP, make sure he is getting at least 2

> hours if not more

> >

> >> of a NPA (non public agency) speech, that means

> not someone at the

> >

> >> school district but an outside agency, and you

> need behavioral

> >

> >> support and Ot-occupational therapy to address his

> vast sensory

> >

> >> issues. They will not get better on their own,

> your son needs help

> >

> >> and the sensory can be what is driving the

> behavioral issues. What

> >

> >> if he can't tell you that noise hurts his ears

> or touch feels like

> >

> >> fire on his skin, he will act out. When you call

> for the IEP you

> >

> >> say you want your son to be evaluated for sensory

> integration

> >

> >> issues and you can describe them and he needs

> help, he needs

> >

> >> occupational therapy along with other behavioral

> support. There is

> >

> >> a window of time in which services and diet and

> other therapies

> >

> >> will work better with the developing brain. You

> need to get

> >

> >> services while his brain is still pliable and

> moldable. You tell

> >

> >> them that and that you are very big on early

> >

> >>

> >

> >> intervention. Do not let them go without giving

> you son the

> >

> >> necessary services...if you let them, they will.

> You need to fight

> >

> >> for your son. You don't have to be a bitch,

> but you have to be

> >

> >> your son's advocate, researcher, mother,

> therapist. It is not okay

> >

> >> to not offer services when a child is clearly in

> need and I hear

> >

> >> this all the time and it makes me sick. But they

> have to cut costs

> >

> >> somewhere so if you don't complain, then you

> don't get services.

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >> Get in there now while you can get you son talking

> and figure out

> >

> >> what is going on in his little body. Maybe

> he's not autistic,

> >

> >> that's subjective given the time of day, who

> evaluated him, how he

> >

> >> was feeling...my son aced every evaluation because

> he is sweet,

> >

> >> smart and had a good demeanor. I'm not an

> expert just a mom who

> >

> >> got services for my son that were previously

> denied. I will help

> >

> >> you in any way I can. Feel free to email me for

> my number. If you

> >

> >> need a little pep talk I can do that too. You

> have your plate full

> >

> >> and I'm here to help if you need me.

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >> Lastly, there are developmental pediatricians that

> evaluate the

> >

> >> whole child; social, emotional and physical. And,

> there are

> >

> >> consultants that you can meet with that help

> figure out what

> >

> >> services to get and how to get organized for your

> IEP. Some will

> >

> >> even go with you for a fee. It depends if you

> feel you can do it

> >

> >> alone or not. If not it's okay. My lawyer

> has a son with autism

> >

> >> and she fights for many many people; but she

> herself can't go to

> >

> >> the IEP's alone because she just loses it.

> She is a mom first and

> >

> >> foremost and this is an emotional journey. Be

> strong and pray and

> >

> >> when you are weak the Lord is strong. He has

> gotten me through

> >

> >> many IEP's. I have never had a lawyer or

> anyone go with me. Just

> >

> >> me and the Lord.

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >> Hope this makes sense. I was typing so fast in

> order to get back

> >

> >> to you.

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >> Good luck and let me know if you need any further

> assistance.

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >> xo

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >> dawn

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >


> TO...

> >

> >>

> >

> >> dawndolan (DOT) com

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >> Hi, new to the group...1st post

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >> Hi all. My name is . I am a 35yo sahm of 2.

> I joined this

> >

> >>

> >

> >> group for my 31/2 year old son Devyn. I also have

> a 12 month old

> >> that

> >

> >>

> >

> >> was born prematurely and has developmental delays

> as well. My husband

> >

> >>

> >

> >> is a hospital corpsman in the Navy and is

> currently deployed. I

> >> found

> >

> >>

> >

> >> this group through research I am doing to help

> Devyn. I am so lost.

> >

> >>

> >

> >> I have had him tested through the school district.

> The ADOS (austim

> >

> >>

> >

> >> diagnostic observation test) was inconclusive.

> They diagnosed him as

> >

> >>

> >

> >> sig language delayed, but it was the end of the

> school year so there

> >

> >>

> >

> >> were no services offered. I worked with him

> really hard through the

> >

> >>

> >

> >> summer and now that services have started they see

> a lot of

> >

> >>

> >

> >> improvement and say " he doesn't seem

> autistic " . Over the summer I

> >> got

> >

> >>

> >

> >> him 2 sessions of neurofeedback and that helped

> tremendously with his

> >

> >>

> >

> >> bowel movements. In the past, without his

> homeopathic spray, he

> >> would

> >

> >>

> >

> >> not go for 4-5 days. Now, he goes every day,

> sometimes twice or

> >> more,

> >

> >>

> >

> >> without the use of any aids. But he is showing

> increased aggression.

> >

> >>

> >

> >> I tried to get him involved in gymnastics and

> karate this week but we

> >

> >>

> >

> >> got kicked out of both. I called another

> gymnastics gym and spoke

> >

> >>

> >

> >> with the manager and she agreed to allow him into

> the younger class

> >

> >>

> >

> >> because of his delays. We will see how that goes

> next week. I have

> >

> >>

> >

> >> him on 3600 mg of omega 3 everyday and I am

> beginning a few other

> >

> >>

> >

> >> supplements that I have been researching such as


> >> Theanine

> >

> >>

> >

> >> and Bach Flower remedies. An Early Start

> Coordinator was at my house

> >

> >>

> >

> >> the other day to test my younger son and we

> discussed Devyn. She

> >

> >>

> >

> >> watched Devyn interact with me and agreed that he

> is confusing. He

> >

> >>

> >

> >> does give eye contact, he is sociable and friendly

> but she agreed

> >

> >>

> >

> >> something is not right. It's like he's in

> his own world sometimes.

> >

> >>

> >

> >> Sometimes he will answer me and interact sometimes

> he is in what we

> >

> >>

> >

> >> call " Devynland " . He also intermittenly

> does this self-stimulatory

> >

> >>

> >

> >> act of twirling his hands and he has a new fear of

> water. Some times

> >

> >>

> >

> >> I get so frustrated because I don't know what

> of his actions are

> >

> >>

> >

> >> disciplinary and what are his delay. He also has

> extreme sensory

> >

> >>

> >

> >> issues. He can't stand things to touch him.

> If his juice spills he

> >

> >>

> >

> >> says he needs a wipe. He can't stand to watch

> his brother eat

> >> because

> >

> >>

> >

> >> the sight of it makes him gag. I have a lot of

> trouble with his

> >

> >>

> >

> >> nutrition because he won't eat! There are 2-3

> things I can get

> >> him to

> >

> >>

> >

> >> eat and if its not those things he will starve

> himself. He never

> >

> >>

> >

> >> expresses hunger. He is very OCD, lining things

> up and cleaning his

> >

> >>

> >

> >> toys. He has a lot of changes this past year.

> The birth of his

> >

> >>

> >

> >> brother was very traumatic. His father had just

> gotten home from 6

> >

> >>

> >

> >> months in Iraq and 2 weeks later his brother was

> born, but under

> >

> >>

> >

> >> extreme circumstances, I had to go live in the

> Mc House

> >

> >>

> >

> >> to be near him while he was in the NICU for 2 1/2

> months. So my son

> >

> >>

> >

> >> lost me during that time and then when I got back,

> I brought home a

> >

> >>

> >

> >> sick baby. Then 8 months later my husband left

> again. We went to OK

> >

> >>

> >

> >> to visit my inlaws, that way he could be around

> more family and I

> >

> >>

> >

> >> could get some help. Now we are in CA with my

> family. I think this

> >

> >>

> >

> >> is all too much for him. I think he might be

> experiencing some sort

> >

> >>

> >

> >> of PTSD. Wow, this is all just pouring out.

> Obviously, I am

> >

> >>

> >

> >> frustrated and seeking help. I printed the list

> of tests Dr.

> >> Goldberg

> >

> >>

> >

> >> recommends. Any idea how to get my ped to order

> them? Thank you for

> >

> >>

> >

> >> listening.

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]

> >

> >>

> >

> >>

> >

> >> ------------ --------- --------- ------

> >

> >>

> >

> >> Responsibility for the content of this message

> lies strictly with

> >

> >> the original author(s), and is not necessarily

> endorsed by or the

> >

> >> opinion of the Research Institute, the

> Parent Coalition,

> >

> >> or the list moderator(s) .

> >

> >>

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