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HiWhat is a NAET treatment. DamariseTo: [email]Lyme_and_Rife Fro[/email]m: [email]sueblanton@...Date[/email]: Mon, 23 Jan 2012 18:29:18 +0000Subject: Re: Can you not herx but get better by using the Rife? Hi Jan, Every time I have a

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HiWhat is a NAET treatment. DamariseTo: Lyme_and_Rife From: sueblanton@...Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2012 18:29:18 +0000Subject: Re: Can you not herx but get better by using the Rife? Hi Jan, Every time I have a sinus infection a NAET treatment on Mold and Candida clears it up almost immediately. > > > Hi Jodie,I have taken a little over 2 months off of coiling because I moved stuff around in my house.I also was on antibiotics and herxing on top of that would have been too much on my body.The antibiotics made me feel pretty sick and very little towards getting better.On top of lyme I have had a rather major sinus infection for months that caused me to be pretty non functional..When I do herx its mostly tired brain foggy herxes usually only when I start a new protocol will I get a painful herx.I am feeling much better having used banderol to help heal the sinus issues.and I am using several of the tinctures now including using a formula that myherbs.com has for detoxing .Im also using essiac for detox.Im rotating several of the tinctures mora enula, cumanda, quina, etc, and am finding Im feeling a lot better lately.I try to limit my herxing to only a couple days a week and take supplements to heal the nervous system and to give me energy in > supporting my adrenals.Mind you ,This has been a 9 year fight with lyme and co.There is no short term solution.Im going to get back to rifing in a couple of days ,now that I know what the herbs are doing and the affects of the antibiotics are out of my systemjan > > Re: Can you not herx but get better by using the Rife? > Posted by: "Jodie" mrwyattguy@... mrwyattguy > Date: Sun Jan 22, 2012 7:39 am ((PST)) > > Jan, Did you just want to take a break from the coil? How are the Nutramedrix products working? Do you herx a lot, have u noticed improvements? Thanks, Jodie L. > > "Im not trying to counsel any of you to do anything > > really special,except to dare to think, and to dare to go with the truth ,and to dare to love completely." -R. Buckminster Fuller >

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