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Thanks for your postit was intresting,i was thinking of taking abx, i did for a while but stopped to do some tests, i needed to be off them so i just stayed of them. but i might go back on them.DamariseTo: [email]Lyme_and_Rife Fro[/email]m: [email]ma

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Thanks for your postit was intresting,i was thinking of taking abx, i did for a while but stopped to do some tests, i needed to be off them so i just stayed of them. but i might go back on them.DamariseTo: Lyme_and_Rife From: malindabross@...Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2012 09:36:50 +0000Subject: A Long Lyme Journey and Flagyl update

Hello all,

The thought just occured to me, that I never posted like I said I would after my son completed the Flagyl. So here goes....

First of all a little background. The first that we are aware of that our son got infected was 2001, with two tick bites followed by bulls-eye rashes. Easy enough, we treated with Ceftin (they felt he was too young for Doxy and he is allergic to Amox.) I do not remember how long we treated, but probably not long enough. I wish I had known back then what I know now. He was fine until the following year he got another bite followed by another bulls-eye. This time we felt like we had it down pat....give him a round of abx and he will be fine. I wish. This time it was Doxy, the abx of choice, since he was 12 years old. After his measly three-week treatment, he immediately came down with fever, and feeling absolutely miserable. So after being off for only a day, or two, or three, he was put back on Doxy. I do not know how long he was on Doxy. At the time it seemed like a long time. Now, unlike then, I really know what a long time is. I am guessing it was a total of 10 weeks.

However, this time was not going to be like the first. We do not know, but surmise that the first infection was only put in cyst form after the three-week treatment with Ceftin, and the reinfection needed more than whatever he was given. But after the longer Doxy treatment he was fine, or so we thought. That is until six months later, when he came down with all Lyme syptoms...hurting all over, extreme fatigue....

At this point, I had read enough to know that I did not want to do abx. We decide to treat naturally. We found a good ND in 2005, that has been able to really provide a good treatment. Since that time, we have mostly been treating lyme, detoxing, supporting detox organs with natural supplements. His relapses were getting less severe and more infrequent as time went on. It was a long haul, but we really felt we had the lyme thing whipped! YEAH!!!

THEN, in the spring of 2011, he pulled off I believe it was a total of five ticks, three of which were deer ticks. Needless to say, it was not long until he was hit with full-blown lyme again. This time we went to an LLMD, which worked wonderfully along-side our ND. He put him on Doxy, and later added Ceftin. All this time our ND and DC were muscle-testing the abx and both tested positive for them. At one point, the LLMD recommended two weeks of Flagyl. Again, both the ND and DC tested positive for the Flagyl. It was really encouraging to know that both ND and DC, who did not even know each other were both testing positive for all the abx. We needed that, since we have always and still do believe treating naturally is best. But this experience has taught us that abx in some cases are a real benefit. After a week on the Flagyl, we had to add more kidney support and a soak to detox the liver. This soak for the liver we have used before and I want to pass its info on, since it has helped my son many times in the past. It's effects are felt immediately. Here is a link to it: http://www.dnrsite.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Session_ID=4DBFDF0E000492620000274600000000 & Screen=PROD & Product_Code=LVR-105 & Category_Code=LVR & Product_Count=2

He also increased the probiotic and added a prebiotic during the Flagyl. He managed to get the two weeks of Flagyl in, but until the two weeks were up, he was done. All three practitioners, unknowingly, agreed two weeks was enough.

This past Wed. we visited both ND and DC. Finally, since June of 2011, both tested he was finished with all abx. To me that is amazing that these two practitioners, who from what I have heard, do not even care for each other, unknowingly are in agreement with each other. =) We had an appt with the LLMD on Thurs. and sure enough, he recommended stopping the abx. The next treatment he recommends is Nutrimedix Samento and Banderol. We knew before-hand that is the next step in his treatment, so we had asked the ND to test for those and sure enough he does! Although, in the past, while he was on the abx. he did not test positive for the Banderol he does now.

During this whole abx treatment, my son has been doing extremely well. But remember, the whole time he was on abx. we also were doing a lot of natural support.I know the real test is coming, and will try to remember to keep you guys informed.

The LLMD says that after two months of Samento and Banderol, the chances are very good that the lyme will be gone. Call me pessimistic or whatever, but I find that hard to believe. That would be great, but, I am happy if we can just keep him healthy and strong in spite of lyme. And knowing his past, it is only a matter of time until he gets reinfected. Sorry, I know I should be more optimistic, it is just that I have been around this thing for so long, that I truly wonder if anyone ever cures chronic lyme. During his journey, there was a peiod of two years he was symptom free. I would love to know, what is the longest anyone out there has been symptom-free?

Wow, I think that is my longest post... Sorry, I hope I did not bore you.

May God bless you all, Malinda

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