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So sorry to hear about your wrist.

I know that RA can affect the TFCC (triangular fibrocartilage complex)


and the distal radioulnar (DRUJ) joint, too:


You never injured it, did you? Does that hand have any deformities? Ulnar drift?

Usually, DJD (degenerative joint disease) refers to osteoarthritis,

but chronic inflammation due to a disease like RA can produce

secondary degenerative changes.

DMARDs/biologics are used to minimize or prevent damage, but they

don't always. Another possibility since you are on your fourth

biologic: if any of the others weren't effective or lost their

effectiveness, the damage could have occurred then.

Here is Duke's Wheeless' Textbook of Orthopaedics page on the rheumatoid wrist:


I would ask the surgeon and your rheumatologist about this.

Good luck. I hope you get some relief soon.

Not an MD

On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 3:40 PM, Jill Watkins <jill.watkins@...> wrote:

> Hey -


> Quick question for you.


> My right wrist and hand have been hurting worse and worse. Didnt feel like a

> regualr flare because its was only that part of me. My Doc said if it got to

> the point where I was upping my prednisone froom 10 mg per day to 20 to call

> him. He set up an MRI and we just got the results. He is refering me to a

> wrist surgeon and I am confused.


> The MRI findings are -


> 1-Degenerative tear of the central TFC

> 2-Distal radioulnar joint effusion

> 3-Multifocal joint DJD of the wrist, centered at the scaphotrapezium joint,

> distal intercarpal row and carpometacarpal joints 2 through 4.

> 4-Carpal synovitis, likely secondary to adjacent joint DJD.


> Is this all caused by my RA? And I thought since I am on Biologics- it was

> supposed to prevent my RA from getting worse and just keep it at the same

> level it is now.


> I am currently on Rituxan and have been on Embrel, Remicade, and Orencia

> beofre. I was dx'd with RA 4 years ago.


> I know you arent a doc- but I am totally confused. Can you help clear some

> of this up for me?


> Thanks-


> Jill in Nashville TN

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  • 4 months later...

Hi ,

Thank you for your post! I have a question for you. Did loud noises

(music, loud voices, toilets flushing, etc) affect you? If they did,

what did it feel like.

I appreciate your help.

God bless,


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> hi , this is very helpful THANK YOU for posting.


> would it be ok to forward your posts to another list (leaving your name

> out of course)?


> natasa x




> Well, I do want to first state that I've never been 'diagnosed' as

> having Autism, however to be fair I never really saw a doctor

> specializing with Autism to really be evaluated. My parents weren't

> really big on taking us to the doctor- however they knew I had

> 'problems.' Even if I did have some form of Autism I'd probably be

> classified as high functioning. To be entirely honest I still know

> very little about Autism.


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Thank you. Now I can understand my son a little better. His

diagnosis is High Functioning Autism. But as you know, being a

patient of Dr. Goldberg, his diagnosis is . He's had the Neuro

Spect done a few years ago. My son used to be very OCD, now it's

gone, or maybe see a little of it if he's getting sick. Meltdowns are

a thing of the past.

His new challenges are academically (although he is improving). He's

weepy, very sensitity and sometimes gets anxious (bites his cuticles),

and loud noises (asseblies at school, etc.), his okay with the school


Since you're doing the protocol and diet, I'm sure you'll be

tremendously helped.

Good luck, and thank you!


On Nov 17, 2008, at 11:14 PM, wrote:

> Well, I do want to first state that I've never been 'diagnosed' as

> having Autism, however to be fair I never really saw a doctor

> specializing with Autism to really be evaluated. My parents weren't

> really big on taking us to the doctor- however they knew I had

> 'problems.' Even if I did have some form of Autism I'd probably be

> classified as high functioning. To be entirely honest I still know

> very little about Autism.


> Let me first say that most of my life I have had (and been diagnosed)

> with OCD, as well as ADHD. I experienced a lot of anxiety growing up.


> However- to answer your question, I guess it would be yes and no. I

> want to try to be objective and logical about this- but when I was

> young and we would go see fireworks on the 4th of July my mother would

> have to plug my ears because I really didn't like (couldn't tolerate)

> the loud sound, it scared me. That might be fairly typical for

> children so I don't know. When we would go to the car races the cars

> seemed overwhelmingly loud to me and I had to plug my ears. I would

> even plug my own ears for hours on end if need be. While they were

> loud I'm not entirely sure how I would compare to children in general.

> My brothers, sisters and family members didn't have much trouble.

> That did always puzzled me. I was kind of labeled a 'wuss' because I

> was very sensitive to a lot of things. Like I mentioned earlier, it

> just seemed like all of my senses were in 'hyper-mode.' The sunlight

> really seemed to bother my eyes, I couldn't stand sounds as loud as

> other people in my family. I was very emotionally sensitive- I would

> get my feelings hurt easily and cry a lot for many years. It just

> generally felt like I was 'on edge' most all of the time. Very

> anxious, extremely apprehensive, my 'system'- my 'internals', my

> 'central nervous system' most always felt incredibly stressed. Even

> at a young age I would get really angry if my mother or father would

> ask me to do something because 'internally' I felt like I was juggling

> so many things at once. That was always sort of a 'joke' in my family

> (there were six children) because on the outside I wasn't really doing

> anything, or hardly anything, and they would give me a simple task and

> I'd come unglued because I felt so overwhelmed with so many things I

> had going on inside my own head... lol.

> I would emphatically reply " I'm BUSY doing a TON of things, " and they

> would reply, " busy with what??? " Looking back I suppose on the

> outside I didn't have a whole lot going on- but internally was a

> different story.

> It always felt like they were interrupting me! A little bit as though

> you might be counting 1,000 marbles, 945, 946, 947- then someone

> blurts something out and makes you lose track of where you were at,

> etc. I hope that makes sense. It is frustrating and you feel like

> you basically have to start back over or figure where you were at

> again.


> I cannot experience what it is like to be in someone else's head- so

> this might be quite common but I'll put it out there for you.

> All my life I notice that no matter what I'm looking at I am

> constantly 'outlining' the object- be it a counter, floor tiles,

> letters, pictures, carpet squares, wall corners, etc... I am

> consistently 'measuring' things with my mind's eye, and I picture

> lines cutting shapes of the objects around me in half; while imagining

> putting one half over with the left hand side, then transfering it to

> the right hand side, etc. I visually will see 'lines' that mark out

> objects or shapes and I am 'essentially' cutting up shapes with my

> mind's eye and transfering them to even them out or rearranging them.


> Of course- I have never been in another person's head so that might be

> common I don't know. It has in the past become quit annoying however

> because it will become a 'little bit' of an obsession. I will sort of

> temporarily lose track of my surroundings and mentally cut up, divide,

> add, pull apart, turn, spin, and adjoin shapes of objects around me in

> my mind's eye. If I'm talking on the phone I will undoubtably find

> myself walking in circles and watching where I step and walk inside

> the same tiles, walk on the same piece of carpeting, then 'balance' it

> out by stepping on the other side of the tile to 'make it even.' I'm

> so used to it now days I don't even realize I'm doing it.


> My mind is constantly going- constantly turning some odd, useless fact

> or concept over and over and over in my mind. I attempt to put a stop

> to it when I notice myself doing it by just taking deep breaths. That

> becomes enormously frustrating for me because my mind will run off and

> I will lose track of what I'm doing in the 'present.' The topics

> TRULY are pointless and beyond bizarre- having little to no bearing on

> real life. I do notice that gets worse when something in my

> environment is affecting me... allergens, chemicals, etc.


> One thing I have to be mindful of is trying to keep myself from

> obsessing over things. I can obsess like no one's business. I can

> get stuck on something for hours upon hours, even days. I think it

> would drive most people crazy if they spent as much time focused on

> one topic as I often do. I rarely get bored because I feel like I

> have SO much going on inside my head I have a hard time imagining

> being 'bored.' Times when I actually feel like most everything around

> me is 'calm' and not much is going on is kind of nice, but also very

> odd feeling. It feels a little bit like, " is this what other people

> feel?? Now I understand why people can get so bored! " If I'm reading

> or researching something on the internet I can literally spend 20 or

> more hours straight doing it. Maybe stopping to eat just a little

> bit... my mind becomes so fixated I don't even notice the time around

> myself.


> And as you might have noticed I often find myself writing pages of

> emails to people and sometimes having a difficult time 'closing down'

> from typing.


> I hope some of this is helpful...


> -



> >

> >

> > Hi ,

> >

> > Thank you for your post! I have a question for you. Did loud noises

> > (music, loud voices, toilets flushing, etc) affect you? If they did,

> > what did it feel like.

> >

> > I appreciate your help.

> >

> > God bless,

> > Argie

> >




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Hi, Joyce.

That is a very good question.

The safest thing to do would be to contact your physicians about this,

because they know your specific situation - your diagnoses and other

medications you take - and can recommend the timing and dosage of both

the aspirin and the fish oil.

Not an MD

On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 5:11 PM, J A MANDLE <jamandle@...> wrote:

> I was at the doctor's tuesday and on the tv they had a health channel where

> they said that O-mega three fish oil has blood thinning properties. Now I

> take only one a day in the morning but I also take a baby aspirin. Should I

> take the baby aspirin at night or am I safe taking both in the morning? I

> figured it was a valid question since I'm sure there are others on the list

> who take fish oil and baby aspirin.


> Joyce

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