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hi marie,didn't see the rest of this thread when i just posted.  i try and watch your progress.  it is hard when both husband and wife are sick.  i can't imagine having sick children also.  sounds like you are always doing the right thing

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hi marie,didn't see the rest of this thread when i just posted.  i try and watch your progress.  it is hard when both husband and wife are sick.  i can't imagine having sick children also.  sounds like you are always doing the right things to stay as well as possible.  i learn a lot from your posts.

i noticed you mentioned oxygen.  does this help with energy, what else?  i am almost non functioning in the a.m.--cortisol levels really low.  would it help to use oxygen in the a.m. to get moving.  i have one of those machines that makes oxygen.  it just sits here so maybe i can put it to use.  if it will help how long do i use it?

khaya, my folks will only do md also because of medicare.  can't get them to go to a nd, even though they can afford it. their diet is very 'sweet' and i think one of my mom's problems is candida.  last yr she lost 2 fingernails, just got funny and fell off. she has the yellow stuff under all her toe nails and has fungus outbreaks on her skin.  yet she will not admit the yeast, and of course neither do the drs..  sometimes she almost seems ok, then she is spacey, confused, frustrated, no memory and very tired.  stomach trouble also.  i know there is a dairy allergy, yet she won't give up ice cream or cottage cheese. can't make her. 

 i made her detox tea a while back but she forgot to use it she said.  my sister convinced her to try again, so just took some over to her with written direction.  if she lives with me there will be no sweets in the house because i can't refuse then if they are within reach.  saying no once at the store is easier than saying no daily at home.

both my sisters are on board with the good food and low/no sugar.  guess my 'preaching' finally paid off.  so i have support there to back up my 'bugging' her about diet.  i've heard where candida can affect us in the brain because of the alcohol it creates in our system.?  maybe that is why she is ok, then not, depending on what she has eaten.  don't know if she will change.  at 86 they usually do what they want.  funny how the roles reverse.



Thank you Marie,

I wish I could take better care of my mother! I would have liked to take her to Dr. Brownstein, but my sister didn't want to spend the money, since he does not participate with insurance, or even Medicare. So Mom sees a conventional MD and has been on statin drugs, which we know contribute to dementia, eats a conventional diet, and lives in a house where detox is unheard of. She has never had allergy testing, but I suspect she probably has some of the same food allergies I do--we do know she has the same pollen allergies. If she was living with me instead of my sister, things would be different, but I do not have the energy. And truth be told, if she was in her right mind she would probably agree with my sister. So I'm not totally satisfied, but we have peace in the family. :(

It sounds like you and your husband are doing a great deal to stay healthy, which we all know is not easy with LD.


PS: I think the beginning of this train of thought was yesterday.


> Hi Barbara ,Khaya, Jim,

> I missed the beginng of the post .

> I have been overwelmed also as my husband is older sometime. But fortunatly I managed to put him back on track with oxygene and detoxification. Any way my memory is not that good either and I have noticed that it does make slife much more easy forgetting most of things. Still the bills stay a problem if nto payed . I hope we will not go to this point as got back to normal meory for his age with oxygene every morning when he awaked and aenemas. aenema for detox and O2 to awake the brian after a night of not breathing well because of apneas.

> our insurance does not cover the sudies so he cannot get the mask . also he pdes onece or twice a week ozone rectal insufflation for th eprostate it helps pretty good too. I read also that

> having an acaline blood increases very much the oxygenation of the body . All theses ideas came to me becuase of I read that a complete hezeimer patient all gone came completly back to normal after something like 20 cession of hyperbarre chamber . soem with b12 injections th eb 12 bieng responsable to build up red cells that trasnport the O2 as well as protecting the nerves. Since that I implemented all this .and it worked well so far.  I know for the toxine how much it impairs the brain so the detox made sens already .

> It makes feel good to see people taking a good care of their parents at home .

> Thank you to do so .

> Kindly Marie 


> ________________________________


> To: Lyme_and_Rife

> Sent: Friday, March 2, 2012 4:14 PM

> Subject: Re: OT: Stress of Aging Parents (was Convulsions & mag oil)


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