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Insurance companies

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In a message dated 3/09/01 12:52:00 AM Eastern Standard Time, aisha@... writes:

"Over here in the Netherlands we get 75% refund of the costs for most of the alternative treatments"

In Australia, we get certain amount of money back for some types of alternative therapies also like chiro, osteopathy, and others. Depending on your private heath insurance. Even get gym costs and jogging shoes refunded sometimes. Still have to pay $94.50 for 60 tablets of topamax... weird huh?

Do they have National Health in Aussieland?

On my job (Federal) I get insurance that pays 100% (all monies but 10$ copay,) I

pay $52 a month for the plan. They pay the other $356. Any wonder that even if 73 years old I hate to retire from the job!

don't you have prescription plans you can buy to help with the meds ? , I get so

disgusted to see seniors at the drug store who can only buy 1/2 the prescrip because of the cost, and one day seeing a man who had to buy heart medicine $50 for ONE pill! Sounds like trading money to stay alive! Revolting!


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In a message dated 3/13/01 11:50:56 PM Eastern Standard Time, aisha@... writes:

choose the level of insurance, what it covers etc.

Often what isn't covered fully by Medicare (or at all) is covered by the private insurance to a certain amount.

I'd be lost without my private health insurance. Costs me a lot to have it each year though. But I get my monies worth! lol

Any insurance costs today, but consider, it costs over $905 a day to go into hospital for a days stay! whew to have no health coverage would be a disaster I put my headache back on my coverage, it costs him more than Medicare, but he sure did not balk at it and sends the check for his share faithfully, however when we get a divorce it will cost him over $438 monthly and he loses his life insurance also, does not affect me he is just no longer considered an employees family member and I have no choice in that matter. I am not vindictive to him, I just hate him for the past 55 years of beatings and other, I apologize for venting Anne

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Over here in Aussieland *giggles* We have medicare (government health

care) and then you have a choice of private health insurance

companies which you can pick. With the private insurance you choose

the level of insurance, what it covers etc.

Often what isnt covered fully by medicare (or at all) is covered by

the private insurance to a certain amount.

I'd be lost without my private health insurance. Costs me alot to

have it each year though. But I get my monies worth! lol

Love Aisha.

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I am so glad that I got private insurance many years ago, before I became totally disabled. I have Medicare now but my insurance covers so much more and it opens up a lot more choices. I also have the coverage for my children, which is important.


acarpe6119@... wrote:

Any insurance costs today, but consider, it costs over $905 a day to go into hospital for a days stay! whew to have no health coverage would be a disaster I put my headache back on my coverage, it costs him more than Medicare, but he sure did not balk at it and sends the check for his share faithfully, however when we get a divorce it will cost him over $438 monthly and he loses his life insurance also, does not affect me he is just no longer considered an employees family member and I have no choice in that matter. I apologize for venting Anne

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Great idea Sandy. Unfortunately, my understanding is that alot of insurance

companies have allopathic DOCTORS on their Boards.

In the case of homebirth - sure they would ultimately save alot of money, but

these Doctors are in a position to persuade the insurance companies not to

cover such things. These doctors are ANTI-homebirth because they lose money

if women start taking responsibility for their childbirth experience.

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> Does anyone know if the insurance companies are following this

issue? Are there ever any costs incurred by insurance companies for

vaccine damage?


This is a good observation. I cannot answer the second question, but

I would think that a breakdown of the source-monies for the Vaccine

Compensation Program could be obtained easily enough if you can find

the right person to ask.

Regarding the first question, though, it is quite obvious to me that

insurance companies are at least plugging something into their

computers about vaccination. I work for State Government. My

insurance policy last year covered 6 well-baby doctor visits within

the first two years of life at 100 percent, EXCEPT for immunizations

and well-baby nursery care at birth. This year, there is an optional

rider called " High Option Coverage " that, for a $20.00 premium

increase, provides the same coverage as above, plus well baby nursery

care at birth at 100 percent, and immunizations at 80 percent.

I recently fired off an email to our agency director about the

blatant paradox of us having to pay extra premiums, and get less

coverage, in order to be get what the State Department of Health

considers the most significant preventive health measure in HISTORY!!!

Once again, this is a State Employee HMO, customized and operated by

by Blue-Cross/Blue Shield.

I was talking to an acquaintance recently about this subject, and

found out that their insurance pays 100 percent for all

immunizations. I do not know who the provider is, however.

You are correct, however, about the influence an industry as large as

the insurance industry could have on the issue; especially in terms

of research funding. Think about having those kind of resources

being dedicated to finding out what the ACTUAL risks of vaccinations


Thanks again, Sandy, for the idea, and I believe we should direct

attention to the nation's larger carriers.


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On Fri, 6 Apr 2001 06:23:38 -0800, you wrote:

>Does anyone know if the insurance companies are following this issue? Are

there ever any costs incurred by insurance companies for vaccine damage? It

seems to me that at the point that the evidence is strong enough, they will be

more help than hindrance. Then perhaps they would allow parents to choose their

doctors with less strict parameters. Sandy from Alaska

Insurance companies absolutely love the status quo. Sensational headlines

boost premiums! Do the math. An increase of $50 per year in premiums,

times 100 million families=$5 billion increase per year. How does that

increase in revenues compare with their annual costs in settlements?


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Thanks for your input, Tim. After I wrote I thought, what about getting ahold

of the actuaries at these companies, and not only putting that idea in their

head, but have them look into things like breastfeeding, home births, etc. (all

end up costing the insurance companies less money, I would think), and

suggesting they consider offering reductions in rates to people who do these

various things. Perhaps with enough research, they might see that the never

vaccinated cost them less as well? Once they realized that, we might have a

really powerful ally on our side. Sandy from Alaska








Re: Insurance companies

> Does anyone know if the insurance companies are following this

issue? Are there ever any costs incurred by insurance companies for

vaccine damage?


This is a good observation. I cannot answer the second question, but

I would think that a breakdown of the source-monies for the Vaccine

Compensation Program could be obtained easily enough if you can find

the right person to ask.

Regarding the first question, though, it is quite obvious to me that

insurance companies are at least plugging something into their

computers about vaccination. I work for State Government. My

insurance policy last year covered 6 well-baby doctor visits within

the first two years of life at 100 percent, EXCEPT for immunizations

and well-baby nursery care at birth. This year, there is an optional

rider called " High Option Coverage " that, for a $20.00 premium

increase, provides the same coverage as above, plus well baby nursery

care at birth at 100 percent, and immunizations at 80 percent.

I recently fired off an email to our agency director about the

blatant paradox of us having to pay extra premiums, and get less

coverage, in order to be get what the State Department of Health

considers the most significant preventive health measure in HISTORY!!!

Once again, this is a State Employee HMO, customized and operated by

by Blue-Cross/Blue Shield.

I was talking to an acquaintance recently about this subject, and

found out that their insurance pays 100 percent for all

immunizations. I do not know who the provider is, however.

You are correct, however, about the influence an industry as large as

the insurance industry could have on the issue; especially in terms

of research funding. Think about having those kind of resources

being dedicated to finding out what the ACTUAL risks of vaccinations


Thanks again, Sandy, for the idea, and I believe we should direct

attention to the nation's larger carriers.


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From: " Sandy Mintz "

" Does anyone know if the insurance companies are following this issue? Are


ever any costs incurred by insurance companies for vaccine damage? "

Sandy, this is not exactly what you're asking about, but I think it might be

related. We're in the process of swithcing health insurances, and I was

pleased to note that the Blue Cross and Blue Shield PPO insurance we'll have

does *not* cover " well-baby visits " or vaccinations! Wonder what lies behind


Lilian, Chicago, IL



Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com


Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & UK

530-478-1242 Voicemail


" All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men ( &

women) do nothing " ...Edmund Burke



Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours


International Tours, Homestudy Courses, ANTHRAX & OTHER Vaccine Dangers

Education, Homeopathic Education

CEU's for nurses, Books & Multi-Pure Water Filters

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Of course, there's always the health clinic for free or reduced prices of vax if

one's insurance doesn't cover it...

I am not a medical doctor,

nor do I portray one on t.v.!

(But my husband,Mike,is!!!)


mother to (13),Donovan(8),

Buck(4),Luke(3), and (1)

2 csecs,3 VBACs(1 partial waterbirth,

1 complete waterbirth)

Please visit us at our website


for information on nutritional supplements,

including the original oral chelator, skin care,

weight loss(The Florida Diet),Herbs for Health,

and home products

You are correct, however, about the influence an industry as large as

the insurance industry could have on the issue; especially in terms

of research funding. Think about having those kind of resources

being dedicated to finding out what the ACTUAL risks of vaccinations


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  • 2 weeks later...
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You know, you are right on the money here. It is insurance companies that

have decided that docs must vax or face a malpractice suit. And it is the

people on the jury who decide also that a doc is eligible for malpractice if

he goes against the mainstream standard-of-care-protocol. It is because

people don't want to be responsible for their healthcare. They want to

leave it in the hands of the whitecoats and if she/he doesn't harrass them

and almost drag them to the office for follow up, then the doc can be sued!

My husband was almost sued for a case such as this but luckily they decided

he was not responsible and dropped him from the suit but kept others. My

husband says he's tired of everyone bashing docs and that there is no

medical conspiracy. I told him he was not the typical doc and I try not to

let the bashing get personal but I have done my share of bashing in my years

and still do! Of course, they only know what they are taught and he's

atypical as he researched alternative methods[too bad it wasn't homeopathy!

:)]. I just find it hard to believe that with everything out there, they

still don't look into controversial topics! I guess if it's not in a

journal they won't know and personally I know how little time my hubby has

for research...and he doesn't even play golf! Blah blah blah etc. not

meaning to sound as if I am expecting sympathy as I know many of you have

been treated dispicably by your healthcare providers. Just remember, it's

not ALL their fault and there are some good ones out there who are willing

to research the other side of the coin! And some deserve to have their

licenses revoked!

I am not a medical doctor,

nor do I portray one on t.v.!

(But my husband,Mike,is!!!)


mother to (13),Donovan(8),

Buck(4),Luke(3), and (1)

2 csecs,3 VBACs(1 partial waterbirth,

1 complete waterbirth)

Please visit us at our website


for information on nutritional supplements,

including the original oral chelator, skin care,

weight loss(The Florida Diet),Herbs for Health,

and home products

.. After I wrote I thought, what about getting ahold of the actuaries at

these companies, and not only putting that idea in their head, but have them

look into things like breastfeeding, home births, etc. (all end up costing

the insurance companies less money, I would think), and suggesting they

consider offering reductions in rates to people who do these various things.

Perhaps with enough research, they might see that the never vaccinated cost

them less as well? Once they realized that, we might have a really powerful

ally on our side. Sandy from Alaska

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Dear Toni,

Contact the maker of the drug and see if they have a program for those that

cannot afford it, they may supply it free for those who need it and cannot

afford it. Here is the URL to check it out. Page down and click on the

manufacturer: http://www.phrma.org/patients/

Good luck on getting it taken care of.

Hugs from a Light-HouseKeeper finally in Pennsylvania

(Anyone can clean the house, only you can catch up on your rest,)

Michele E. Townsend, FMS/90,ME/CFS/94,LD/??(Dx01),SSDI/95

mailto:michtown@... and homepages:


With a dream to become an Inn-House-Keeper! Join at:

TownsendVillage or by sending

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----- Original Message -----

From: " Toni Gray " Sent: Monday, June 18, 2001 1:54 AM

> Man, I am upset. My insurance company won't approve my Diflucan. I am

not sure why, i think it has something to do with the fact I have a HMO

policy. My doctors office is trying to get it approved but they are having

problems. I am about to freak out. I can not afford to buy the medication

myself it is very expensive, but I need something to kill the yeast. Anyone

have any suggestions?

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Yogurt, it worked for me when I was taking all them anitbiotics. My Dr was the

one to suggest it.

Jeannie in Hertford, NC

[ ] Insurance companies

Man, I am upset. My insurance company won't approve my Diflucan. I am not

sure why, i think it has something to do with the fact I have a HMO policy. My

doctors office is trying to get it approved but they are having problems. I am

about to freak out. I can not afford to buy the medication myself it is very

expensive, but I need something to kill the yeast. Anyone have any suggestions?



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I think it is the female yeast. Also, have been having diarrhea and white

tongue. I think it is everywhere.

Re: [ ] Insurance companies

is this 'female' yeast? there are over the counter meds that are cheap.

hope they help hon, Pepi

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Thanks for the info. I looked on the website and it said for those who don't

have health insurance. But I guess it wouldn't hurt to call and find out. Has

anyone used a discount pharmacy over the internet?

Re: [ ] Insurance companies

Dear Toni,

Contact the maker of the drug and see if they have a program for those that

cannot afford it, they may supply it free for those who need it and cannot

afford it. Here is the URL to check it out. Page down and click on the

manufacturer: http://www.phrma.org/patients/

Good luck on getting it taken care of.

Hugs from a Light-HouseKeeper finally in Pennsylvania

(Anyone can clean the house, only you can catch up on your rest,)

Michele E. Townsend, FMS/90,ME/CFS/94,LD/??(Dx01),SSDI/95

mailto:michtown@... and homepages:


With a dream to become an Inn-House-Keeper! Join at:

TownsendVillage or by sending

a blank email to TownsendVillage-subscribe

----- Original Message -----

From: " Toni Gray " Sent: Monday, June 18, 2001 1:54 AM

> Man, I am upset. My insurance company won't approve my Diflucan. I am

not sure why, i think it has something to do with the fact I have a HMO

policy. My doctors office is trying to get it approved but they are having

problems. I am about to freak out. I can not afford to buy the medication

myself it is very expensive, but I need something to kill the yeast. Anyone

have any suggestions?

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In a message dated 6/18/2001 12:04:37 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

tgray@... writes:

> Man, I am upset. My insurance company won't approve my Diflucan. I am not

> sure why, i think it has something to do with the fact I have a HMO policy.

> My doctors office is trying to get it approved but they are having

> problems. I am about to freak out. I can not afford to buy the medication

> myself it is very expensive, but I need something to kill the yeast.

> Anyone have any suggestions?


> Thanks,

> Toni


hi Toni,

Which ins do you have? I'm also taking Diflucan and it IS expensive! I

would find out what their reasons are and then tell them you're contacting a


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I have Aetna US Healthcare, HMO plan, I also needed to get Diflucan

approved before I could fill the rx. My doctor contacted them and I have

had no problem since with refills. Maybe your doctor's office is contacting

the wrong people. Check with them again and if necessary call your HMO

yourself to see what you can do to push this along. In the meantime, double

up your usual dose of Acidophilus.

Good Luck,


----- Original Message -----

From: " Toni Gray " <tgray@...>

> Man, I am upset. My insurance company won't approve my Diflucan. I am

not sure why, i think it has something to do with the fact I have a HMO

policy. My doctors office is trying to get it approved but they are having

problems. I am about to freak out. I can not afford to buy the medication

myself it is very expensive, but I need something to kill the yeast. Anyone

have any suggestions?


> Thanks,

> Toni

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Is this yeast in your stomach. I use yogart, nystatin oral also my Dr. said

to cut back on the sugar. That's the hard part for me , I love my junk.


Re: [ ] Insurance companies

> Dear Toni,

> Contact the maker of the drug and see if they have a program for those


> cannot afford it, they may supply it free for those who need it and cannot

> afford it. Here is the URL to check it out. Page down and click on the

> manufacturer: http://www.phrma.org/patients/

> Good luck on getting it taken care of.

> Hugs from a Light-HouseKeeper finally in Pennsylvania

> (Anyone can clean the house, only you can catch up on your rest,)

> Michele E. Townsend, FMS/90,ME/CFS/94,LD/??(Dx01),SSDI/95

> mailto:michtown@... and homepages:

> http://msnhomepages.talkcity.com/SupportSt/michtown/default.htm

> With a dream to become an Inn-House-Keeper! Join at:

> TownsendVillage or by sending

> a blank email to TownsendVillage-subscribe


> ----- Original Message -----

> From: " Toni Gray " Sent: Monday, June 18, 2001 1:54 AM

> > Man, I am upset. My insurance company won't approve my Diflucan. I am

> not sure why, i think it has something to do with the fact I have a HMO

> policy. My doctors office is trying to get it approved but they are having

> problems. I am about to freak out. I can not afford to buy the


> myself it is very expensive, but I need something to kill the yeast.


> have any suggestions?




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  • 4 years later...

Yes some of us are having trouble to get our insurance companies to approve and we are over 200+ pounds overweight...sometimes it seems to me they would rather your insurance for all the misery the obesity causes down the road rather that preventing obesity,Catmama

nina eguia <nina_eguia@...> wrote:


You will have to find out from your insurance company if they cover weight loss surgery. If you donot have a BMI of 40 insurance companies will most likely not consider you a candidate even if they have coverage for the surgery. Call and find out.

To determine if you are a candidate for surgery we need to know your BMI, if you do not know it just send me your height and weight and I can tell you if you would qualify. If your BMI is in the category for surgery to be considered the doctor will have to learn more about to approve you for surgery.


george goodson <sarge62a@...> wrote:

I am 40+ plus pounds over weight. I am interested in having the Lap-band operation done on me to help me lose that weight. However,I'm not a rich man. I do have Aetna Health Insurance. Will Atena help with the cost of this operation? How much will it cost me? How far will I have to travel to get this operation? How long must I be off work? What kind of diet will I be on?

Nina Eguia Patient Coordinator, Dr Aceves888 344 3916 , 619-962-8142nina_eguia@...


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Catmama I understand about the insurance companies it has been the most horrific thing I had to go thru. I had Cigna of Fl I submitted a claim to them they denied because I didnt show proof of dieting my pcp sent to them he had put me on a diet. They said no we want detailed dieting with conseling and monthly weigh-ins so I started that for 26weeks almost 6mths lost very little weight probably about 10lbs total then out of the blue my company changed insurance companies to Aetna. Aetna will not cover WLS surgey any longer. Thats how I came about to do it self pay Im at my witts end with the insurance companies there actually making me depressed. carla pundsack <bighotcatmama@...> wrote:

Yes some of us are having trouble to get our insurance companies to approve and we are over 200+ pounds overweight...sometimes it seems to me they would rather your insurance for all the misery the obesity causes down the road rather that preventing obesity,Catmama

nina eguia <nina_eguia@...> wrote:


You will have to find out from your insurance company if they cover weight loss surgery. If you donot have a BMI of 40 insurance companies will most likely not consider you a candidate even if they have coverage for the surgery. Call and find out.

To determine if you are a candidate for surgery we need to know your BMI, if you do not know it just send me your height and weight and I can tell you if you would qualify. If your BMI is in the category for surgery to be considered the doctor will have to learn more about to approve you for surgery.


george goodson <sarge62a@...> wrote:

I am 40+ plus pounds over weight. I am interested in having the Lap-band operation done on me to help me lose that weight. However,I'm not a rich man. I do have Aetna Health Insurance. Will Atena help with the cost of this operation? How much will it cost me? How far will I have to travel to get this operation? How long must I be off work? What kind of diet will I be on?

Nina Eguia Patient Coordinator, Dr Aceves888 344 3916 , 619-962-8142nina_eguia@...


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Well do old WW books count. As for counseling--I have been going to a counsler regular for at least 5 years--in the last year weekly. I'll try to keep a positive attitude. Catmama


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  • 10 months later...
Guest guest

I think if any of them thought there would be a return on their

investment, they would pursue it.


> Have any insurance companies (like Blue Cross/ Blue Sheild) been

> approached about funding for LDN trials? I would think they would be

> very interested in a low cost alternative to the CRAB drugs.


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  • 1 year later...

They say implants don't cause problems, but then when there are problems, they don't want to cover them... I wonder if anyone has sued over this yet...

I have racked my brain trying to figure out some way to bring all of this to a head, but am at a loss. The only thing I can think of that might be looked at with some merit, would be a study of the number of people on disability due to problems, not just w/breast implants, but other forms of silicone related materials... I think they even have a diagnosis code for this with SS.

And now, with the ID chips for animals causing problems, I wonder if this might make researchers more likely to look at the issue again...


**************Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape. http://body.aol.com/fitness/winter-exercise?NCID=aolcmp00300000002489

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They say implants don't cause problems, but then when there are problems, they don't want to cover them... I wonder if anyone has sued over this yet...

I have racked my brain trying to figure out some way to bring all of this to a head, but am at a loss. The only thing I can think of that might be looked at with some merit, would be a study of the number of people on disability due to problems, not just w/breast implants, but other forms of silicone related materials... I think they even have a diagnosis code for this with SS.

And now, with the ID chips for animals causing problems, I wonder if this might make researchers more likely to look at the issue again...


**************Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape. http://body.aol.com/fitness/winter-exercise?NCID=aolcmp00300000002489

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