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Hi khaya,seems are roads have been similar.  i think i have struggled with candida most of my life.  always had stomach problems.  went on tetracyline when in teens for acne, then probably down hill from there.  no one really knew what the stuff

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Hi khaya,seems are roads have been similar.  i think i have struggled with candida most of my life.  always had stomach problems.  went on tetracyline when in teens for acne, then probably down hill from there.  no one really knew what the stuff did then though.  lots of abx, b.c. pills, steroids, and other poisons the drs thought were necessary, but over the yrs actually made it all worse.  hind sight!!!

but here we are and are now well informed and doing something about it.  i try to share this info with others, some listen and change, most don't.  but my 2 sisters are changing their diets and it is trickling down to their kids.  i keep talking to my kids, and all three (with families) are working towards it.  my daughter in law, who was raised on junk food, is even moving to more whole foods.  she even asked how to make chicken soup from cooking down the carcass.  i felt honored she asked.

i know about taking your time in moving.  we started this house in 1998.  took 2 yrs to clear  the land (where i got my second tick) and then started building.  i am just now getting my interior trim.  got carpet last yr.  my staircase is not finished yet as it is an open one with the stained false treads.  i stained one set and realized the mgf, reserved the wood, putting the maple on the underside and junk wood on the stained side.  didn't show up until after it was stained.  so they ordered more but by that time, weather was changing so couldn't do it outside and i ran out of energy.  so finally got them stained last summer but didn't have time to varnish them.  i only seem to be able to do one thing a summer!!  so as soon as the weather permits i will stain them and set them in place.  have to paint the dowel things and stain the banister.  then we will pay someone to set the banister--too complicated.  i am just getting this place done and will move and not get to enjoy it.  but as with many here, when the lyme hits and takes all your extra money and energy, everything stops.  we were lucky that we built slow enough to go cash.  slow in that respect has paid off then.

i wish i had the discipline my husband has.  even with his fatigue and pain he seems to push to do 'the right thing' when needed.  i just sit here and hope i will have the energy later. i think the lyme has made me dilusional!!   frustrating because i used to be a workaholic. but now i keep procrastinating with the coiling.  finally am working on a new plan. 

 when i get up i drink my essiac tea, but i don't sit in the recliner-if i do that is where i stay.  i go right to the dc and have my first session while i drink it.  i have two coils so once the amp cools i can plug in the other and finish the 2 min. overall bart treatment.  at least one is done for the day.  i try to hit babs during the day but often miss it.  then evening comes i'm back to being tired and procrastinating so often just get a 1 min overall session in, compared to the 2 min. in the morning.  but i'm improving and i guess that is important.  

my mom has also been a workaholic.  yard was always like a park, house clean, etc.  she still wants the independence and doesn't want to give in to the limitations.  but she is starting to talk about her memory problem, recognizing it, which helps.  and she is starting to ask for help in the finances. she has fibro but won't really admit it. my step dad still is driving at 90, but he really shouldn't be.  this is scaring us.  not just for them but other drivers.  he has a bad heart valve and has had a couple small strokes which interferes a little in the peripheral vision, affecting his driving.  again, where do you stop their independence when they won't let go.  hard thing.

thanks for sharing,barbara


Hi Barb & Marie,

I don't have an oxygen machine. But if I do some breathing exercises, or even just do some exercise which causes me to breathe more deeply, I do feel better. (Yet here I am, addicted to my email.) I enjoy reading all these posts, too. But I have to think about things for a while before I try them.

It does seem very strange when the roles are reversed. My mother has become more and more child-like, and she appreciates that we do things for her and make decisions for her. Yet she still wants to have some independence and control, so she'll disagree with us just just to be ornery--like a 2-year-old, no is her favorite word. And there's no point in trying to force our will on her... So we just agree with everything she says! At this point it's important to encourage her to keep communicating, even though it doesn't always make sense.

But like your mother, I'm sure she has candida. In fact, I was probably infected with candida during birth. And never really knew much about it until after we moved here, when I was so exhausted ... I had received 2 steroid injections in my shoulder and had not yet found Dr. B, but had been shopping at health-food stores. I bought a candida book and went on a low-carb diet. On and off over the years, and various anti-candida Rx plus the GB 4000, and I still have candida ... Of course, I'm still doing abx now and then, too. I know my sister also has candida and food allergies. But when she decided to have gastric bypass surgery I knew I could not talk her out of it. At least now she is careful about sugar! It's very frustrating when you know people could improve their lives if only ... but you've already said all there is to say and they're not interested.

Controlling what food is in the house should help considerably! Khaya


> hi marie,


> didn't see the rest of this thread when i just posted. i try and watch

> your progress. it is hard when both husband and wife are sick. i can't

> imagine having sick children also. sounds like you are always doing the

> right things to stay as well as possible. i learn a lot from your posts.


> i noticed you mentioned oxygen. does this help with energy, what else? i

> am almost non functioning in the a.m.--cortisol levels really low. would

> it help to use oxygen in the a.m. to get moving. i have one of those

> machines that makes oxygen. it just sits here so maybe i can put it to

> use. if it will help how long do i use it?


> khaya, my folks will only do md also because of medicare. can't get them

> to go to a nd, even though they can afford it. their diet is very 'sweet'

> and i think one of my mom's problems is candida. last yr she lost 2

> fingernails, just got funny and fell off. she has the yellow stuff under

> all her toe nails and has fungus outbreaks on her skin. yet she will not

> admit the yeast, and of course neither do the drs.. sometimes she almost

> seems ok, then she is spacey, confused, frustrated, no memory and very

> tired. stomach trouble also. i know there is a dairy allergy, yet she

> won't give up ice cream or cottage cheese. can't make her.


> i made her detox tea a while back but she forgot to use it she said. my

> sister convinced her to try again, so just took some over to her with

> written direction. if she lives with me there will be no sweets in the

> house because i can't refuse then if they are within reach. saying no once

> at the store is easier than saying no daily at home.


> both my sisters are on board with the good food and low/no sugar. guess my

> 'preaching' finally paid off. so i have support there to back up my

> 'bugging' her about diet. i've heard where candida can affect us in the

> brain because of the alcohol it creates in our system.? maybe that is why

> she is ok, then not, depending on what she has eaten. don't know if she

> will change. at 86 they usually do what they want. funny how the roles

> reverse.


> barbara

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