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Of course it's the vaccines. My son never had the MMR, he had 3 DTP

and 2 Haemophilus influnzii. At least two, I know for sure, were from

multidose vials and one was not shaken.


This is off the point that you were making, but you raise an important

consideration. I've heard the question over and over, why did some

children react when others didn't, when they received the same amount of

mercury? The answer is, they didn't receive the same amount of mercury.

If your child is the last one to get a vaccine from a multidose vial, and

it was not shaken up, that means they could be getting up to TEN times

the amount of mercury that another child got from a properly shaken up

vial. Since even one vaccine had 25 times the FDA allowed amount of

mercury, this child could then have received 250 times the FDA allowable

limit of mercury!!


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Dear Carolyn,

I believe, there are also genetic markers that would indicate a

particular child will not be able to detox as another child might. A genetic

marker meaning a genetic weakness in their immune system. My belief, such as

if autoimmune disorder or juvenile diabetes runs in a family, their relatives

would be at a high risk for not being able to detox mercury given in vaccines

and since we've now vacinating our children so much more now then the

generation before, we see more mercury poisoning afflictions, ADD, ADHA,

CAPD, PPD-NOS, autism and just general developmental delays.

Just my thought.


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  • 5 years later...
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In a message dated 5/23/07 6:25:10 AM Central Standard Time,

JHenry@... writes:


> I need your help! I'm a total layman when it comes to research or

> vaccinations and would like to become more educated on it. Please send

> me any and all resources that you have, or any specific points of

> contention that I should consider.


> Thank you so much,


> >>

, you are correct and your sister in error. Just lately, it is

becoming a big news item that vaccines are causing the illness and deaths of

thousands of US soldiers. What you should to is, instead of spending a ton of


reading tedious net material on vaccines, follow the topical News stories on

them. (Google NEWS is useful.) Rebut your sister's notions on vaccines by


" as fresh as today's news " that vaccines often do far more harm than good.



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I'm with you that your sister is relying on sources that are no

longer credible. This might be intensely scary for her and she may

never want to hear it. You might have to pursue what you think is

right without her blessing.

here's a New York Times article on the breakdown of trust with peer-

reviewed articles.


ex=1180065600 & en=e02a573ebce55c78 & ei=5070

Honestly, there is so much sloppy science around! Regina Wilshire

right now picks apart just one study at her blog. And the whole thing

with Big Food and Big Pharma funding most health research just gives

me the willies.

For me, all I can do as an individual is honestly trust my intuition

and follow the experts I respect.

I'm an old crotchety grandma but I would not vaccine a kid nowadays

and I would support you 100%. I would also build up the kids' immune

systems like crazy.


> I am a new mom and have been researching vaccines for the past

year. I

> feel very confident in my anti-vaccines stance but after a recent

> heated debate with my sister I am left wounded. She ripped apart


> Borne's citations from her vaccination article on the WAP website.

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--- Connie, " cbrown2008 " <cbrown2008@...> wrote:

> Here's a New York Times article on the breakdown of trust with peer-

> reviewed articles.

>http://www.nytimes.com/2006/05/02/health/02docs.html?ex=1180065600 & en=e02a573eb\

ce55c78 & ei=5070

Thanks Connie, great article about shoddy science even in

peer-reviewed journals. Colpo exposes a lot of these flawed

studies in " The Great Cholesterol Con " .

> For me, all I can do as an individual is honestly trust my intuition

> and follow the experts I respect.

Yes, that's the best way to go. People like Colpo and Chris

Masterjohn are high on my list - though nobody's perfect.

<don't want to build up Chris's ego too much> :)

> I'm an old crotchety grandma but I would not vaccine a kid nowadays

> and I would support you 100%. I would also build up the kids' immune

> systems like crazy.

Yes, getting good nutrition along with good probiotic foods should do

wonders. And my wife's 80 yo dad says those of us in our 50's are

" middle-aged " . I'll go for that.

As far as good info on vaccines, Dr Mercola as tons of articles, many

with links to other articles. Use the search box near the top of his

web page: http://www.mercola.com/index.htm

He posted a good video not too long ago on his Vital Votes blog:

" Shocking Documentary Will Convince You to Stay Away From Vaccines For

Good "



It's 90 minutes but you can pause it to take breaks and if you have to

quit before it's finished you can go back to about the same spot to

resume by setting the slider bar to the same position where you left off.

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Hi, I'm a newbie, this is my first post.

Has anyone mentioned the dvd's of Dr Sheri Tenpenny? They're pretty



On 5/24/07, De Bell-Frantz <deshabell@...> wrote:


> The discussion forum at www.mothering.com has a section devoted to

> discussion of vaccines, and many threads devoted to arguments in a

> convenient location. www.909shot.com (it might be dot org i'm not

> certain)

> Desh





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  • 1 year later...

I know this wasn't addressed to me, but another member on the list asked me

(off-list) about what vaccine schedule we were using a few weeks ago... so since

the topic is back up I thought I'd go ahead a post it.

This is what we've done for our second son, born in Nov 2005. I followed the

basic diet while pregnant/breastfeeding, and he is just now allowed to eat

a few things with dairy/whole grains/etc. He's developing fabulously and is

ahead of his peers in language and other skills.

And I'm due with baby number three in a few weeks, and we plan on doing this

same schedule- and of course following the diet for the first 2-3 years,

once again.


No HepB

We " got away " with this easily because my oldest (patient of Dr. G since 2002,

born in 1998... he had the all the regular vaccines administered to him on the

traditional time schedule until he was 3) had a documented reaction to HepB so

the hospital didn't push the shot after hearing that.

*I did let our local pediatrician know in advance we would be skipping it, and

would be doing all vaccines at a different pace.*

Starting at 2 months, and on the " even " months:

polio and DTaP (then boosters for them at 4 and 6 months, plus another booster

of DTaP at 18 months)

On the " odd " months:

HiB and pneumococcal (at 3, 5 and 7 months with and added HiB booster at 18


*Our office doesn't charge to bring in the babies on the " odd " months for

vaccines... we just have to come during certain " shot hours " and we don't see

the doctor, just the nurse who does the shots.*

At 2 years old: MMR

Plus, we skipped the Chicken Pox vaccine... I'm not even sure when they give

those since it wasn't around for my oldest. I do *think* Dr. G will give the

chicken pox around 10-14 years old if the child hasn't caught it on their own

because getting chicken pox as a teen/adult is riskier/more complications. But

you might want to double check on that... I keep forgetting to.

Remember to wait a couple weeks before giving any vaccine after a child has a

fever or runny nose or anything remotely off with his/her immune system. A

common mistake for doctors is to think/say " oh, he/she is just teething " and

give the vaccines so you don't have to make another trip to the office. Better

safe than sorry!

- in Mobile, AL


" You must write for children in the same way as you do for adults, only better. "

-Maxim Gorky (Aleksey Maksimovich Peshkov)

Reality lies beyond the horizon... Wonderwegian


> > <mailto:%40>

> > Date: Thursday, August 21, 2008, 1:53 PM

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Has anyone innoculated for meningitis with prevnar? It's not in the

> > standard regime but our nurse and doctor suggest it for our younger

> > 18 month NT kid.

> > All the best

> > Muki

> > " The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. The opposite

> > of faith is not heresy, it's indifference. " Elie Wiesel Oct 1986

> >

> >

> >

> > Get your preferred Email name!

> > Now you can @ymail.com and @rocketmail. com.

> > http://mail. promotions. / newdomains/ aa/

> >

> >

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I was wondering about this vaccine schedule.  It seems scarier (to me) to give a

child vaccines essentially every month...2,3,4,5,6 and 7 months?  Especially in

those early months when the immune system is just developing.  Is this the Dr. G

schedule?  I thought the vaccines needed to be spaced out even more.  Maybe it's

about not giving them the volume of shots at one time and not necessarily the

time in between the shots??  

I kind of did my own schedule with my first son who is on the spectrum, but in

hindsight did not hold back enough early on I feel..  It was my first child and

I knew about autism but I thought if he had a reaction it would be a very

obvious reaction and when that wasn't the case, I proceeded to vaccinate.  I

especially regret the hep b... I even asked " isn't this a sexually transmitted

disease?  Why does a baby need it? "   At some point I figured since it came with

the HIB might as well.  If I could turn back time right?  Praise God my son is

high functioning and doing well and probably would not be diagnosed with ASD

today.  But with that, it's still a hard road and been quite a journey.  


I have not vaccinated my second son at all and I'm not sure I will.  I'm too






> > groups (DOT) com <mailto:% 40groups. com>

> > Date: Thursday, August 21, 2008, 1:53 PM

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Has anyone innoculated for meningitis with prevnar? It's not in the

> > standard regime but our nurse and doctor suggest it for our younger

> > 18 month NT kid.

> > All the best

> > Muki

> > " The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. The opposite

> > of faith is not heresy, it's indifference. " Elie Wiesel Oct 1986

> >

> >

> >

> > Get your preferred Email name!

> > Now you can @ymail.com and @rocketmail. com.

> > http://mail. promotions. / newdomains/ aa/

> >

> >

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Yes, the vaccine schedule is a basic one Dr. G spoke about during chats several

years ago.

I just pulled the following posts from the " Ask Dr. Goldberg " section on his

nueroimmunedr.com website by doing a keyword search.

Note: they are older posts, but even in 2002-2005 when Dr. G was able to spend

more time in the chat room and on his website- and I joined in the live chats

most weeks- he was still promoting these same ideas.

Thursday, August 16, 2001 09:20 PM

Dear Dan,

Please review multiple postings on website. In general (depending upon the

child, general health, allergy prevention, etc.) I would give the DPT / Polio /

Hib (generally OK together) at 2, 4, 6 months old, DPT / Polio booster at

18months old (note: still believe in Tylenol or Advil or Motrin for 24 hrs

starting with a dose before heading to the physicians office), I do not give

Hepatitis B in the nursery but generally give it during baby visits (not at same

time as other vaccines). MMR (I do not generally separate it) can be given 12 -

15 months old (depending on measles risk in your are, time of year, etc.) ??

delay a little later (IF no exposure risk to measles). I am not currently in

favor of the chickenpox vaccine before adolescence and do not recommend the 5

year MMR to any children in the practice (believe 10 - 11 yr. old booster far

more logical medically).

As I have discussed, the biggest key to lowering the risks for your son, is good

allergy control, dietary eliminations, " maintain " a healthy - not stressed child

(under which circumstances the vaccines are fine too give) Again please see

presentations and discussions on this site for further discussion.

Take care,


Date: Tuesday, May 16, 2000 10:32 PM



Your added comment is so appropriate. " hurry up and vaccinate. . . . " is NOT

the way to do things (but I might add is encouraged because of many parents

failure to follow through or come back when expected for a child's vaccines).

Per initial response, we need to exercise appropriate caution and care when

giving a child a vaccine, and perhaps urgently need to re-evaluate our

" priority " for that schedule, We need to focus on maximizing needed protection,

helping parents understand the logic and importance of certain vaccines, while

perhaps having " options " on some choices and timing. In this emerging world of

" autoimmunity " (open to many reasons and hypotheses) we need to minimize

" iatrogenic " challenges and stress to any child's immune system, while helping

protect them from many deadly and dangerous illnesses.

Take care,


Date: Sunday, May 20, 2001 05:17 PM

Unless a child had a direct medical contraindication to vaccines (there ARE

some), to me a " " child (like most others) should be vaccinated. As noted on

this website many times, the order and priority of that vaccination program is

certainly open to modification, and some modifications may well be justified

with your son. In reality, the ongoing infections, bronchitis, strep, thrush,

etc. are all playing a far greater ongoing role in " stress " on his system, and

would highly advise looking at comments re " prevention, " allergy control, etc.

With good " preventative " medicine, while working with many high risk families, I

have vaccinated all of them (and recommended so for many families around the

country) against at least, DPT, polio, HIB, MMR without ANY problems J Again,

there is logic to think of " modifying " the vaccine schedule with children,

particularly those that might be at higher risk for immune problems

( " genetically predisposed " ), certainly no logic in having to give 6 or 7

vaccines at one time (i.e. it is fine as parent to demand things be spaced out

better), but it will continue to be a very large mistake NOT to vaccinate a

child, including children. There continue to be increased predictions of a

Measles, and likely Pertussis (Whooping cough) epidemics. The damage (or death)

caused by the real diseases is untreatable, unchangeable. (even IF

triggered by a vaccine) is treatable and changeable.

Hope this helps



" You must write for children in the same way as you do for adults, only better. "

-Maxim Gorky (Aleksey Maksimovich Peshkov)

Reality lies beyond the horizon... Wonderwegian


> > groups (DOT) com <mailto:% 40groups. com>

> > Date: Thursday, August 21, 2008, 1:53 PM

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Has anyone innoculated for meningitis with prevnar? It's not in the

> > standard regime but our nurse and doctor suggest it for our younger

> > 18 month NT kid.

> > All the best

> > Muki

> > " The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. The opposite

> > of faith is not heresy, it's indifference. " Elie Wiesel Oct 1986

> >

> >

> >

> > Get your preferred Email name!

> > Now you can @ymail.com and @rocketmail. com.

> > http://mail. promotions. / newdomains/ aa/

> >

> >

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